[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ annotated tag 0.814.0.edu.etch.1+svn32691 at 32693 created (now 6ba3d57)

Alexander Alemayhu alexander at bitraf.no
Sat Jul 5 20:12:22 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ccscanf-guest pushed a change to annotated tag 0.814.0.edu.etch.1+svn32691 at 32693
in repository debian-edu.

        at  6ba3d57   (tag)
   tagging  74628a82dbd42552db4a5d8583bf25f01c90d96d (commit)
  replaces  0.813.0.edu.etch.1+svn32514 at 32515
 tagged by  Petter Reinholdtsen
        on  Sat Apr 21 17:24:29 2007 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Generated based on etch and debian-edu apt sources.

Petter Reinholdtsen (26):
      Add more packages found in the desktop-kde etch task.
      - Allow fam on the CD, to see if the problem with it is solved now.
      - Drop lynx, use only links as a text browser.
      List a few packages we want to avoid (currently listed in debian-cd.patch).
      Use the new names for the ssh packages, and remove duplicate entries.
      Recommend a few less used dependencies, and move some packages from ignore to suggest/recommends after looking at the package description.
      Update task lists to have more fine grained idea of what to install and what not to install.
      Allow kpackage on the CDs to get the kde metapackage included.
      Include kdeedu before kde, to make the output in cdspacelist more useful.
      - Ignore some clamav packages to get a virus scanner on the DVD.
      * Reduce language specific packages (translations, spell checkers, etc) from Depends to
      Check in the task file, to make it easier to track the list of packages being installed.
      Reduce some less used packages from depends to recommends.
      Reduce sql-ledger to suggets, we do not want to install it by default.
      Try to get msttcorefonts on the DVD.
      Suggest the Malayalam desktop packages found in the malayalam-desktop tasksel task.
      - Suggest slbackup-php, to get it on the DVD.
      Depend on ssh to make it easier to upgrade.
      Mention the hint file update required when changing text browser.
      Prepare for releasing into unstable.
      Prepare for releasing into unstable.
      Avoid removing file kept in svn.
      Prepare for next test release into etch.
      Generated based on etch and debian-edu apt sources.

Xavier Oswald (1):
      * Add olpc-redhat-stream-sdk-build-1-20070403_1732-livecd package list


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/pkg-team/debian-edu.git

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