[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ annotated tag 0.824 at 39977 created (now 95e66fd)

Alexander Alemayhu alexander at bitraf.no
Sat Jul 5 20:12:40 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ccscanf-guest pushed a change to annotated tag 0.824 at 39977
in repository debian-edu.

        at  95e66fd   (tag)
   tagging  20cdae594ee8b58e04b4e3b1815cd539a0f61fb8 (commit)
  replaces  0.822.0.edu.etch.3 at 38432
 tagged by  Petter Reinholdtsen
        on  Thu Jan 24 09:11:28 2008 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release version 0.824 to unstable.

Andreas Tille (1):
      Switched to cdd-dev

Holger Levsen (1):
      reverted the change from 39910 to not break etch compatibility: Removed all dependencys/recommends/suggest on xmms* (Closes: #456725)

Patrick Winnertz (1):
      Fix bug #456725

Petter Reinholdtsen (28):
      - Move all excluded packages in the Etch build into an avoid block
      Allow liblzo2-2.  It is needed by apt and others in lenny.
      Avoid extra cron on the CD.
      Avoid old expect.  We only need one.
      Avoid old tk8.3 too.  tk8.4 should be enough.
      Avoid graphical vim variants and allow emacs22.
      Allow vim-tiny.  It is the default one, I believe.
      Avoid vim, gobjc and aptitude-doc-en to save space.
      Avoid more packages to save space.
      Allow libesd-alsa0, we move to ALSA in lenny.
      * desktop-kde:
      Avoid all the aptitude documentation packages.
      Drop avoid on original-awk.  It should no longer be needed, with the changes done in debian-cd.
      Document older change.
      Avoid non-free package zd1211-firmware until we figure out the restrictions in the licence.
      Remove change commited by mistake.
      Document more changes.
      Drop bcron-run from avoid list.  No longer needed with the changes to the handling og OR-ed packages in debian-cd.
      Should not need to avoid bootp any more.  It is not a dependency of any of our packages.
      - Recommend 'flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound | flashplugin-nonfree-pulse |
      Add new uploader to the correct file.
      * language:
      Upload to unstable will close bug.
      Reinsert changelog for uploaded version 0.822.
      Release version 0.824 to unstable.

Steffen Joeris (1):
      Fix version string


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/pkg-team/debian-edu.git

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