[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ annotated tag 1.705 created (now 4249164)
Alexander Alemayhu
alexander at bitraf.no
Sat Jul 5 20:13:23 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ccscanf-guest pushed a change to annotated tag 1.705
in repository debian-edu.
at 4249164 (tag)
tagging 1da0705acdfe14dc906b7be2724a7fd3cdf4bf58 (commit)
replaces 0.855 at 76882
tagged by Holger Levsen
on Wed May 1 16:09:59 2013 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
released as 1.705 to sid and wheezy-test
Andreas Tille (3):
Remove some useless suggestions of packages that are removed from Debian - need to adapt tasks generation code to
Fixed VCS fields (see #681713)
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
Holger Levsen (26):
add debian-edu to (temp.) wheezy branch
* Bump version number to 1.700 to make obvious this is targeted for wheezy.
Drop debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups from main-server task.
Drop koffice from KDE related tasks. (Closes: #673467)
tasks/desktop-other: replace dependency on gij-4.1 and java-gcj-compat
tasks/common: replace dependency on foomatic-filters-ppds by one on
forgot a closes entry
tasks/mathematics: replace dependency on octave3.2 by octave.
Raise urgency to medium so that education-main-server doesn't get RC buggy
release to sid, after running 'make dist' and copying the results back
released as 1.701 to sid
release to wheezy-test
UNRELEASED - no changes yet.
fix changelog distro field
release as 1.704~svn79477 - generated files generated by the usual 'make dist ; cd .. ; tar xzvf ; cd ; debuild ; cp' dance
continue development...
release as 1.704~svn79539 to wheezy-test
continue development...
release as 1.704~svn79605 to wheezy-test
continue development
upload to sid and wheezy-test as 1.704, containing these changes:
continue development
fix syntax error
release as 1.705 to sid and wheezy-test
released as 1.705 to sid and wheezy-test
Petter Reinholdtsen (17):
* Do not release until blends-dev with a fix is uploaded.
Fixed blends-dev uploaded.
Make sure control file changes are done to the right file.
Add some periods at the end of sentences, and remove trailing space from a bunch of lines.
releasing version 1.702
Depend on scratch in the education-misc task, to put it on our
Promote freemind from Ignore to Recommends in desktop-other, as it was suggested as a application to install by default by Nigel Barker.
List icedtea-6-plugin as the prefered package over icedtea6-plugin, to match the proper package name in Wheezy.
Move all mind mapping tools to the misc task. Promote freemind
Document the alternative to ttf-mscorefonts-installer.
Recommend ttf-larabie-deco font in desktop-other, based on
Recommend bluefish, drpython, gvrng and python-easygui in the
Ignore escputil in the common task to put it on our watch list.
Prefer browser-plugin-gnash over mozilla-plugin-gnash in the
Add chromium alongside iceweasel in the desktop-other task, for
Change Japanese support based on input from Nigel Barker. Remove
Wolfgang Schweer (9):
Add debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups to main-server depends.
Add dovecot-gssapi to main-server depends, cause Kerberos support is now
* Move from openoffice.org to libreoffice in task files.
Add dnsutils and iputils-ping to thin-client depends, as dig and ping
Add etckeeper to common depends. (Package doesn't seem to be installed
Revert adding of etckeeper to common depends.
* Replace gdm with gdm3, cause gdm isn't available anymore:
tasks/desktop-lxde: Drop gdm3 from depends as this pulls in too
* Remove localization-config from Depends in tasks/other; last usage
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 1da0705 released as 1.705 to sid and wheezy-test
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/pkg-team/debian-edu.git
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