[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 02/02: MATE support: Provide Debian Edu specific mate-applications.menu that hides menu items with Category=Education inside the Education menu itself, but rather displays those menu items in the Debian Edu specific educational application submenus.

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Wed Jul 9 22:36:57 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sunweaver pushed a commit to branch master
in repository debian-edu.

commit 431bcd862f682664b05c41d1e16c62c1d9e34bcf
Author: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de>
Date:   Thu Jul 10 00:36:39 2014 +0200

    MATE support: Provide Debian Edu specific mate-applications.menu that hides menu items with Category=Education inside the Education menu itself, but rather displays those menu items in the Debian Edu specific educational application submenus.
 debian/changelog             |   8 +++
 menus/mate-applications.menu | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 160 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index fafab40..7a718dc 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -5,10 +5,18 @@ debian-edu (1.717~0.git.2014-07-08) unstable; urgency=low
     changelog entry, so we add an extra paragraph like this one until it's
+  [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
   * Remove Steffen Joeris as uploader, as he is no longer active in
     Debian Edu.
   * Correct Vcs-Browser link.
+  [ Mike Gabriel ]
+  * MATE support:
+    - Provide Debian Edu specific mate-applications.menu that hides
+      menu items with Category=Education inside the Education menu
+      itself, but rather displays those menu items in the Debian Edu
+      specific educational application submenus.
  -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at debian.org>  Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:01:00 +0200
 debian-edu (1.716) unstable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/menus/mate-applications.menu b/menus/mate-applications.menu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba9b381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/menus/mate-applications.menu
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
+ "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/menu-spec/1.0/menu.dtd">
+  <Name>Applications</Name>
+  <Directory>mate-menu-applications.directory</Directory>
+  <!-- Scan legacy dirs first, as later items take priority -->
+  <KDELegacyDirs/>
+  <LegacyDir>/etc/X11/applnk</LegacyDir>
+  <LegacyDir>/usr/share/mate/apps</LegacyDir>
+  <!-- Read standard .directory and .desktop file locations -->
+  <DefaultAppDirs/>
+  <DefaultDirectoryDirs/>
+  <!-- Read in overrides and child menus from applications-merged/ -->
+  <DefaultMergeDirs/>
+  <MergeDir>applications-merged</MergeDir>
+  <!-- Accessories submenu -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Accessories</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-utility.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Utility</Category>
+	<!-- Accessibility spec must have either the Utility or Settings
+	     category, and we display an accessibility submenu already for
+	     the ones that do not have Settings, so don't display accessibility
+	     applications here -->
+        <Not><Category>Accessibility</Category></Not>
+        <Not><Category>System</Category></Not>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Accessories -->
+  <!-- Accessibility submenu -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Universal Access</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-utility-accessibility.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Accessibility</Category>
+        <Not><Category>Settings</Category></Not>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Accessibility -->
+  <!-- Development Tools -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Development</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-development.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Development</Category>
+      </And>
+      <Filename>emacs.desktop</Filename>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Development Tools -->
+  <!-- Education -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Education</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-education.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Education -->
+  <!-- Games -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Games</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-game.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Game</Category>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Games -->
+  <!-- Graphics -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Graphics</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-graphics.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Graphics</Category>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Graphics -->
+  <!-- Internet -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Internet</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-network.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Network</Category>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu>   <!-- End Internet -->
+  <!-- Multimedia -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Multimedia</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-audio-video.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>AudioVideo</Category>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu>   <!-- End Multimedia -->
+  <!-- Office -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Office</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-office.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>Office</Category>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Office -->
+  <!-- System Tools-->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>System</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-system-tools.directory</Directory>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Category>System</Category>
+        <Not><Category>Settings</Category></Not>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu>   <!-- End System Tools -->
+  <!-- Other -->
+  <Menu>
+    <Name>Other</Name>
+    <Directory>mate-other.directory</Directory>
+    <OnlyUnallocated/>
+    <Include>
+      <And>
+        <Not><Category>Core</Category></Not>
+        <Not><Category>Settings</Category></Not>
+        <Not><Category>Screensaver</Category></Not>
+      </And>
+    </Include>
+  </Menu> <!-- End Other -->
+</Menu> <!-- End Applications -->

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