[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Trivial Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/Git/SVN2GitMigrationStatus" by AlexanderAlemayhu
Debian Wiki
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Mon Jun 9 20:53:02 UTC 2014
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The "DebianEdu/HowTo/Git/SVN2GitMigrationStatus" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:
==== Mark SVN package/project as migrated ====
From the now deprecated SVN project folder you should remove all files and place a README.migrated2git into that folder that points to the new Vcs-Browser location.{{{
- The package <pacakge> has been migrated to Git on Alioth:
+ The package <package> has been migrated to Git on Alioth:
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