[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Introduction" by pulchras
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The "DebianEdu/Introduction" page has been changed by pulchras:
= Why to use it? =
+ = Why? =
+ '''Why consider Skolelinux?'''
+ == Skolelinux has several advantages: ==
+ * First and foremost, Skolelinux is ''free software''. This is ethically important for schools. School should not be an arena where piracy is accepted or encouraged, but a place that promotes the making and sharing of knowledge. Skolelinux respects this need.
+ * Skolelinux gives great economical savings. Teleplan, an independent agency, has [[attachment:teleplan_03112003.pdf;|estimated]] (report available in Norwegian only) savings up to 60% by using Skolelinux with thin clients, compared to a traditional Windows solution. These savings are mainly due to ''eased maintenance'', and ''not'' because Skolelinux has zero cost
+ * Skolelinux is part of Debian, and as such, is supported by a large and vibrant community. This means lots of momentum, development, and a guarantee that Skolelinux will be around in years to come.
+ * By enabling reuse of old equipment, Skolelinux helps save the environment. Instead of trashing old hardware, it can be used as thin clients.
+ * Skolelinux is very stable and reliable. The students will experience predictability and a system that ''works''. Additionally, Skolelinux is less vulnerable to worms and viruses.
+ * Skolelinux is made by schools for schools. Thus, Skolelinux is tailored to school needs.
+ * Skolelinux makes the users independent of supplier, and can decide themselves when to upgrade both hardware and software.
+ * Skolelinux has user-friendly licences that give you ''rights'' – not ''responsibilities''!
= Who is behind its development? =
+ = Who? =
+ '''Who is behind Skolelinux?'''
+ The institution "[[http://www.linuxiskolen.no/slxdebianlabs/|SLX Debian Labs]]" is financially responsible for the Skolelinux project. SLX Debian Labs sponsor FRISK to fund the development of Skolelinux through an joint agreement.
+ The "[[http://www.friprogramvareiskolen.no/|FRISK]]" (Free software in schools [Norwegian nonprofit organization]) member organization is an interest community, which takes care of the actual development in tandem with the larger Debian-Edu community across the world. FRISK have about 120 developers, with an active core of about 30 developers, a board and are always welcoming new people.
+ See "[[DebianEdu/About/Organization| Organization]]" for more information.
= A bit of history =
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