[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/HowTo/AdvancedAdministration" by HolgerLevsen

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Thu Mar 20 01:11:23 UTC 2014

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/HowTo/AdvancedAdministration" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

fix some spelling and formatting

  If remote users acknowledge the popup or use pmount from the console, they can even mount the removable devices and access the files.
  This is being tracked as [[http://bugs.skolelinux.org/1376|Debian Edu bug #1376]].
- == Use a Dedicated Storage Server ==
+ == Use a dedicated storage server ==
- Take these steps to set up a dedicated storage server for user home directories and data.
+ Take these steps to set up a dedicated storage server for user home directories and possibly other data.
-   * Add a new system of type server using GOsa² as outlined in [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/GettingStarted#Machine_Management_with_GOsa.2BALI- | Getting started]].
+   * Add a new system of type server using GOsa² as outlined in the [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/GettingStarted#Machine_Management_with_GOsa.2BALI- | Getting started]] chapter of this manual.
      This example uses 'nas-server.intern' as the server name.
@@ -156, +156 @@

    * Add the relevant entries in tjener.intern:/etc/fstab, because tjener.intern does not use automount to avoid mounting loops:
-     Create the mount directories using mkdir, edit /etc/fstab and run "mount -a" to mount the new resources.
+     Create the mount directories using {{{mkdir}}}, edit '/etc/fstab' as adequate and run {{{mount -a}}} to mount the new resources.
- Now users should be able to access the files on 'nas-server.intern' directly by just visiting the /tjener/nas-server/storage/ directory using any application on any workstation, LTSP client or LTSP server.
+ Now users should be able to access the files on 'nas-server.intern' directly by just visiting the '/tjener/nas-server/storage/' directory using any application on any workstation, LTSP client or LTSP server.

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