[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/Upgrades" by WolfgangSchweer

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Tue Nov 25 16:41:22 UTC 2014

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/Upgrades" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

update info for LDAP rebuilding.

  === LDAP service needs to be reconfigured ===
- The LDAP setup has changed slightly from Wheezy to Jessie. Nevertheless, LDAP has to be rebuild from scratch. There's a script {{{ldap-debian-edu-install}}} (in /usr/bin) that could be used to achieve this. Read the comment at the beginning of that script carefully before doing anything.      
+ The LDAP setup has only scarcely changed from Wheezy to Jessie so chances are that LDAP hasn't to be rebuild from scratch. There's a script {{{ldap-debian-edu-install}}} (in /usr/bin) that could be used to achieve rebuilding LDAP if needed. Read the comment at the beginning of that script carefully before doing anything.      
  === Recreating an LTSP chroot ===

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