[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Jessie" by WolfgangSchweer

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Sun Oct 26 10:32:01 UTC 2014

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Jessie" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

move Kerberos/LDAP issue to 'fixed in unstable'.

   * The first user created in LDAP can log in, but the second and third can not.  Changing "Password Storage" for these in GOSA from default ssha to sha and re-assigning a password helped.  See [[https://lists.debian.org/5442C035.4090109@weisser-ol.de|mailing list]].
   * Recently made LDAP entries get lost if the system is rebooted or powered off (DebianBug:764225). As a workaround stop slapd before shutting the system down. [This issue seems to be unreprocubible now. Feedback?]
   * Usability issue: The default browser Iceweasel fail to show files with MIME types text/* (like for example diffs or source code) in the browser, and instead pop up a dialog only offering to save the file or pass it on to an external program (DebianBug:600266).  This make it hard for users to look at fairly normal text documents.  Chromium show text/* files in the browser.
-  * Kerberos/LDAP startup with systemd is unreliable (DebianBug:758992). This seems to affect diskless workstations as well (homedir not mounted).
   * The cups management site 'www:631' doesn't work any longer. Remote printer management should be documented.
   * The munin clients do not allow the munin server to talk to them (Denying connection from: ::ffff: in /var/log/munin/munin-node.log.  This is caused by the systemd service being different from the init.d script (DebianBug:764594).
   * It is not possible to log into the slbackup-php web service using the root password. The web page isn't localized.
@@ -35, +34 @@

  == Fixed in git ==
  == Fixed in unstable (related packages accepted in unstable) ==
+  * Kerberos/LDAP startup with systemd is unreliable (DebianBug:758992). This seems to affect diskless workstations as well (homedir not mounted).
   * Duplicate entries in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules for the network card on a Thinkpad X200 caused eth0 to be missing when installing a workstation, making it impossible to log in after installation.  etckeeper show that the duplicate entry originates from d-i before pre-pkgsel.d.  It was present before debian-edu-config was installed by d-i.  (DebianBug:765577)  Workaround implemented in debian-edu-config (pre-pkgsel script).
   * Grub ask users to enter /dev/ path to hard drive on a single hard drive machine (DebianBug:712907) (DebianBug:763580), fixed in grub-installer version 1.98, reintroduced on purpose in version 1.99.  Workaround implemented in debian-edu-config (pre-pkgsel script).
   * Usability issue: the KDE file manager fail to play Ogg Theora videos recorded by gtk-recordmydesktop because file report mime type "application/ogg" instead of "video/ogg" (DebianBug:762561).  Video players and processors like vlc (DebianBug:762564), gnome-mplayer (DebianBug:762565), mpv (DebianBug:763173), advene (DebianBug:763174) and handbreak (DebianBug:763175) should be updated to list video/ogg as a supported MIME type.  The dragonplayer and kaffeine package already support video/ogg.

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