[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" by AlexanderAlemayhu

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Sat Apr 4 07:49:52 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:

  In parachuting they call near-accidents "incidents". It is perhaps not quite the same in computer operations when something is not working. The purpose of dealing with incidents is to restore services as quickly as possible so that everything works normally. If something goes wrong, it must have the least possible impact on users. What is a "normal service" is agreed through an operating agreement describing the service level.
- Statistics of incidents is important. Especially if several people job with the operation. When several jobs together, you loose track of all cases. Statistics will point out problem areas that must be addressed more thoroughly than a quick fix from service office. For example there may be many requests to exchange passwords to students who have forgotten this. Then it may be wise to let the teacher switch passwords for pupils in the class.
+ Statistics of incidents is important, especially if several people work within the organisation. When several people work together, it is easy to lose track of the work. Statistics will point out problem areas that must be addressed more thoroughly than a quick fix from the service desk. For example, there may be many requests to replace forgotten passwords, so it may be wise to let the teacher change passwords for pupils in their class.
  An operational disturbance is defined as:
-  * an event which is not part of the normal operation and causes, or can caus,e an interruption or reduction in the quality of the service.
+  * an event which is not part of normal operations and causes, or can cause, an interruption or reduction in the quality of the service.
  Examples of operational disturbances may be:
   * Programs
-   * the office program (OpenOffice.org) do not start
+   * the office program (OpenOffice.org) does not start
    * the web browser (Firefox) crashes
    * the hard drive is full
   * Hardware

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