[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Delivery" by AlexanderAlemayhu
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Tue Apr 21 22:45:19 UTC 2015
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Delivery" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:
Budget must include both personnel and equipment costs. Some organisations count only on costs to buy equipment, omitting as much as 60 - 70 % personnel costs for the operation of an ICT-solution. One must also get all of the equipment.
- There are examples of municipalities forgetting to count the cost of power connectors and computer networks in schools. Then you have forgotten about 2000 NOK(around 170£) per client machine. Should we put in place 70 new computers we talk soon about 140,000 NOK to computer networks and power.
+ There are examples of municipalities forgetting to count the cost of power connectors and computer networks in schools. Then you have forgotten about 2000 NOK (10 NOK = 0.85 GBP/1.18 EUR) per client machine. Should we put in place 70 new computers we talk soon about 140,000 NOK to computer networks and power.
Alternative solutions are also important to include in the budget. This applies both for the operation and the equipment. Today there are several vendors who specialize in the operation of computer equipment in schools with varying prices and quality. Number of simultaneous users and type machines and software to be maintained, also means a lot.
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