[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie" by HolgerLevsen

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Sat Apr 25 21:04:52 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

scratch advertisment - this is a technical announcement, no need to pretent this is a tv ad

  explaining the first steps, such as setting up a network or adding
  users. Please note that the password for the user your prompted for
  during installation must have a length of at least 5 characters!
- Would you like to give your school's computers a longer life? Are you
- tired of sneaker administration, running from computer to computer
- reinstalling the operating system? Would you like to administrate all
- the computers in your school using only a couple of hours every week?
- Check out Debian Edu Jessie!
  Skolelinux is used by at least two hundred schools all over the world,
  mostly in Germany and Norway.

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