[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie" by WolfgangSchweer
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Tue Apr 28 15:09:11 UTC 2015
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The "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
correct SHA1SUMs just in case someone comes along.
* http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~b1-CD.iso
* rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~b1-CD.iso .
- The SHA1SUM of this image is: 54a524d16246cddd8d2cfd6ea52f2dd78c47ee0a
+ The SHA1SUM of this image is: fb1f1504a490c077a48653898f9d6a461cb3c636
Alternatively an extended DVD / usbstick image (4.9 GiB) is also available, with more software included (saving additional download time):
* http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~b1-USB.iso
* rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-8.0+edu0~b1-USB.iso .
- The SHA1SUM of this image is: fb1f1504a490c077a48653898f9d6a461cb3c636
+ The SHA1SUM of this image is: 54a524d16246cddd8d2cfd6ea52f2dd78c47ee0a
Sources are available from the Debian archive, see
http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/8.0.0/source/ for some download options.
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