[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/upstream/ branch master updated (fce4476 -> e295862)

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Wed Aug 5 17:12:12 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sunweaver pushed a change to branch master
in repository gosa-plugin-mailaddress.

      from  fce4476   release 0.99.1
       new  281cc8b   Drop all images obtained from gosa-plugin-mail, none is needed for this minimal plugin.
       new  810faaa   Add COPYING file (GPL-2+).
       new  e295862   release 0.99.2

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 COPYING                                    | 280 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 html/images/alternatemail.png              | Bin 893 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/envelope.png                   | Bin 843 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/mailq_active.png               | Bin 574 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/mailq_header.png               | Bin 936 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/mailq_hold.png                 | Bin 750 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/mailq_unhold.png               | Bin 829 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/mailqueue.png                  | Bin 1559 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/plugin.png                     | Bin 955 -> 0 bytes
 html/images/shared_folder.png              | Bin 868 -> 0 bytes
 personal/mailaddress/class_mailAccount.inc |   2 +-
 plugin.dsc                                 |   2 +-
 12 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 COPYING
 delete mode 100644 html/images/alternatemail.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/envelope.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/mailq_active.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/mailq_header.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/mailq_hold.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/mailq_unhold.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/mailqueue.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/plugin.png
 delete mode 100644 html/images/shared_folder.png

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/upstream/gosa-plugin-mailaddress.git

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