[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/TestInstallVirtualMachine" by KnutYrvin

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Sun Feb 1 15:52:09 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/HowTo/TestInstallVirtualMachine" page has been changed by KnutYrvin:

added what to install 

  === Set up the main server ===
  In VirtualBox GUI, create a new virtual machine for the main server. Recommended values are 1 GB memory, 30 GB hard drive. Select New, give the machine a name ("server1" for example), Select "Linux" for type, and "Debian (64 bit)" for version. Click next, select or input 1024 MB for memory size, click next, select "create a virtual hard drive now", click next, select VDI for Hard drive file type, click next, select "dynamically allocated", click next, give it a name (the default suggestion is usually ok), and set the size to 30 GB, click create.
+ In the "installer boot menu" when starting up the installation, select 64 bit (graphical) install. Follow the install guide for main server + thin client server.   
  After the virtual machine is created, you need to connect it to the correct NAT network. Select the virtual machine you just created. click Settings, click Network, on Adapter 1, change "NAT" to "NAT Network" and select the one named "skolelinux" if it isn't selected already. click ok.
  From the command line you can do it with

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