[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie" by WolfgangSchweer

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Tue Jan 6 09:59:18 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Jessie" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

add some more 'other changes'

  === Other changes ===
-  * Due to new Squid settings, powering off or rebooting the main server takes more time.
+ ==== Squid ====
+  * Shutdown and reboot of the main server takes longer due to a new default setting {{{shutdown_lifetime 30 seconds}}}. As an example the delay could be set to 10 seconds by appending the line {{{shutdown_lifetime 10 seconds}}} to {{{/etc/squid3/squid.conf}}}.
+ ==== SSH ====
+  * The root user is no longer allowed to login via SSH with password. The default {{{PermitRootLogin yes}}} has been replaced with {{{PermitRootLogin without-password}}}, so ssh-keys will work.
+ ==== Backup (slbackup-php) ====
+  * To be able to use the slbackup-php site (which uses root logins via ssh), {{{PermitRootLogin yes}}} has to be set temporarily in {{{/etc/ssh/sshd_config}}}.
+ ==== gnash (flash player) ====
+  * The free flash player {{{gnash}}} is not available for Jessie. [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/HowTo/Desktop#Flash|Installing the non-free flash player]] from Adobe is still possible however.
  === Regressions / known problems ===

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