[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 01/01: Fetch nb->en po file from https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/itil-revitalization/language/en_GB/.

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 26 21:34:50 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pere pushed a commit to branch master
in repository debian-edu-itil-doc-nb.

commit 87a4560e1522fb20eb5e5abf87d3947a9f117ce0
Author: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com>
Date:   Sun Jul 26 23:34:43 2015 +0200

    Fetch nb->en po file from https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/itil-revitalization/language/en_GB/.
 documentation/itil/itil.en.po | 403 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 208 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

diff --git a/documentation/itil/itil.en.po b/documentation/itil/itil.en.po
index 67d1b62..dcb412b 100644
--- a/documentation/itil/itil.en.po
+++ b/documentation/itil/itil.en.po
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ITIL-revitalization\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-11 07:38+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-03 21:24+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-21 18:35+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Estephan Zouain <estephanz at yahoo.fr>\n"
 "Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/"
@@ -2931,10 +2931,10 @@ msgid ""
 "de skal prøve ut ny programvare. Når man er sikker på at alt virker kan man "
 "oppgradere hos alle."
 msgstr ""
-"First, run trials on test equipment. When this works without any problems, "
-"it can be tested at a school. The school must be fully informed about, and "
-"fully in on trying out new software. When one is sure that everything works, "
-"you can upgrade for all."
+"First, run trials on the test equipment. When this works without any "
+"problems, it can be tested at a school. The school must be fully informed "
+"about this, and fully aware about trying out new software. When one is sure "
+"that everything works, you can upgrade for all the others."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -2988,11 +2988,11 @@ msgid ""
 "driftsproblemer eller ønske om ny programvare. Før en ny utgivelse så er det "
 "gjort en vurdering om endringen er ønskelig."
 msgstr ""
-"Release management goes directly into the core of the ICT service. It goes "
-"on implementing appropriate security updates, change in services or  "
-"upgrading of computer software. Requests for new releases may be due to "
-"operational problems or desire new software. Before a new release it is "
-"assessed if the change is necessary."
+"Release management fits directly into the core of the ICT services. It is "
+"about implementing appropriate security updates, changes in the services or "
+"upgrades of computer software. Requests for new releases may be due to "
+"operational problems or wishes for new software. An assessment on whether "
+"the change is necessary is done prior to committing the new release."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3002,11 +3002,12 @@ msgid ""
 "legge om deler av driftsaktiviteten. Så det er enkelt å se at "
 "endringshåndtering påvirker alle deler av driftsstøtten."
 msgstr ""
-"If the change is straightforward one will make necessary changes in "
-"configurations and clarify application packages for unrolling. This have "
-"been tested, and one will have in place backup solutions. When changes are "
-"made, will perhaps have change  parts of the operational activity. It's easy "
-"to see change management affects all parts of the operating support."
+"If the change is straightforward one would make necessary changes in the "
+"configurations and make the application packages ready for deployment. This "
+"would be tested, and one would have in place backup solutions. When the "
+"changes are made, one should perhaps alter parts of the operational "
+"routines. It would be easy to see how change management affects all parts of "
+"the operational support."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Verktøy for driftsstøtte"
@@ -3029,11 +3030,11 @@ msgid ""
 "Behovet for, og hvor kompliserte verktøyene er, er avhengig av virksomhetens "
 "behov for datasystemer, og størrelsen på organisasjonen."
 msgstr ""
-"Taking a glossy brochure, and listen to sales talk, we are totally dependent "
-"on such tools. But good people, good process descriptions, good procedures "
-"and job descriptions are a basis for good service management. The need for, "
-"and how complicated the tools are, depend on the organsation's need for "
-"computer systems, and the size of the organisation."
+"Taking a glossy brochure, and listening to sales talks, one is totally "
+"dependent on such tools. But good people, good process descriptions, good "
+"procedures and job descriptions are a basis for good service management. The "
+"need for, and how complicated the tools are, depend on the organsation's "
+"need for computer systems, and the size of the organisation."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3045,7 +3046,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "In a small organisation, will a single freely accessible database be enough "
 "for logging and management of events (request tracker). But in larger "
-"organisations will almost certainly need a sophisticated distributed and "
+"organisations will one almost certainly need a sophisticated distributed and "
 "integrated tools for service management. It means linking all processes to a "
 "system for event handling."
@@ -3058,11 +3059,11 @@ msgid ""
 "er noen grunner til hvorfor man kan bruke programvare til driftsstøtte og "
 msgstr ""
-"Although tools can be important, as they are not important in itself. For "
+"Although tools can be important, they are not important in themselves. It's "
 "the tasks and processes to be done, and the information needed which are "
 "important. They will provide the necessary information to specify which "
-"tools are best suited to support operations. Here are some reasons why one "
-"may use software for operational and service management:"
+"tools are best suited to support the operations. Here are some reasons why "
+"one may use software for operational and service management:"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid "økte krav fra brukerne"
@@ -3162,11 +3163,12 @@ msgid ""
 "samme jobben like godt, men kan ha ganske forskjellig utforming. Men det er "
 "noen tommelfingerregler som kan være nyttige å ta med seg."
 msgstr ""
-"Although it is used large amounts on creating evaluation criteria for "
-"software, the result is only experience-based guidelines. There is no final "
-"answer to what's good or less good software. As much else it revolves partly "
-"about taste. Different  solutions do the same job just as well, but may have "
-"quite different design. However, here may some rules of thumb be useful."
+"Although it's been used large amounts of money on creating evaluation "
+"criteria for software, the result is only experience-based guidelines. There "
+"is no final answer to what's good or less good software. As much else, it "
+"revolves partly about taste. Different  solutions do the same job just as "
+"well, but may have quite different forms. However, here may some rules of "
+"thumb be useful."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3176,10 +3178,10 @@ msgid ""
 "kriteriet er om man løser riktig problem, og om det i det hele tatt er "
 "nødvendig å gjøre noe som helst."
 msgstr ""
-"The main evaluation criterion is whether one needs to do a job at all. Many "
-"IT tools are absolutely perfect and works without error, but it solves tasks "
-"not needed to be fixed. So the main criterion is whether it resolves the "
-"correct problem, and if it at all is necessary to do anything."
+"The main evaluation criterion is whether one needs to execute a job at all. "
+"Many IT tools are absolutely perfect and work without error, but might solve "
+"tasks that are not needed to be fixed. So the main criterion is whether it "
+"resolves the right problem, and if at all it is necessary to do anything."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid "Så det første man spør om er om verktøyet er ønsket."
@@ -3194,10 +3196,10 @@ msgid ""
 "på 20 likeartede tjenermaskiner for å gjøre en sikkerhetsoppgradering. Da er "
 "automatisering tingen."
 msgstr ""
-"If it turns out one will have done a task, the solution my be so simple as "
-"to run some commands manually. The simplest way is best. But when one gets "
-"many machines to operate, automation becomes crucial. It's too much work to "
-"log into 20 similar server machines to do a security upgrade. Then "
+"If it turns out that one should complete a task, the solution might be as "
+"simple as to run some commands manually. The simplest way is best. But when "
+"one gets many machines to operate, automation becomes crucial. It's too much "
+"work to log into 20 similar server machines to do a security upgrade. Then "
 "automation is the thing."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
@@ -3219,12 +3221,12 @@ msgid ""
 "lynmeldinger når dette forstyrrer skolearbeide."
 msgstr ""
 "There are often a wide range of programs and procedures to solve a specific "
-"task. But some problems solved completely different when maintaining 500 "
-"computers and 11 servers, than when fixing your home PC. An example might be "
-"tools that allow the teacher to see the desktop of each student on his or "
-"hers client machine. The teacher can stop and start programs for all pupils, "
-"and prevent individual pupils to use for example  IMs when this interferes "
-"with school work."
+"task. But some problems are solved completely differently when maintaining "
+"500 computers and 11 servers, than when fixing your home PC. An example "
+"might be tools that allow the teacher to see the desktop of each student on "
+"his or her client machine. The teacher can stop and start programs for all "
+"pupils, and prevent individual pupils from using for example  IMs when this "
+"interferes with school work."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3248,11 +3250,11 @@ msgid ""
 "er kun kjent med å lage nye ting, og det å lage gode og relevante verktøy "
 "for drift krever mange års erfaring."
 msgstr ""
-"As you can see, it is not easy to set up good criteria for selection of "
-"operating tool for large installations. Most of all, this is because "
-"software developers often lack experience in the operation of IT systems. "
-"They are known only to create new things, but to create good and relevant "
-"tools for operation requires many years of experience."
+"As you can see, it is not easy to set up good criteria for the selection of "
+"operating tool for large installations. Mainly this is because software "
+"developers often lack experience in the operations of IT systems. They are "
+"known only to create new things, but to create good and relevant tools for "
+"operations, requires many years of experience."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3263,10 +3265,10 @@ msgid ""
 "endringer i brukerprogram."
 msgstr ""
 "Some general operational tools have not been replaced the last 20 years. But "
-"the products used may have been replaced. Also some programs may in a few "
-"years time be irrelevant to use. Therefore, one must rely on training in new "
-"editions of the applications used for operation, and in upgrades and changes "
-"in user programs."
+"the products used may have been replaced. Also some software may, in a few "
+"years time, be irrelevant to use. Therefore, one must be ready to get some "
+"training in new editions of the applications used for operations, and in "
+"upgrades and changes in end user software."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
 msgid "Produkttrening"
@@ -3282,13 +3284,14 @@ msgid ""
 "bruk av enkle systemer for passordbytte, feilmeldinger ol. vil gi bedre "
 "kvalitet på henvendelsene til IT-tjenesten."
 msgstr ""
-"Thorough user training makes a lot of support can be done informally in "
-"direct conversation between users. Often training costs as little as 1% of "
-"the total operating costs. It is well worth spending a little more on "
-"training. The effect is very positive. The same applies proper training for "
-"ICT contacts in schools, and operators. Training of ICT contacts to use "
-"simple systems for password change, error messages, etc.. will provide "
-"better quality of calls to the IT service."
+"Thorough user training makes that a lot of support issues can be resolved "
+"informally in direct communication between the end users themselves. Often, "
+"training costs as little as 1% of the total operating costs. It is well "
+"worth spending a little more on training. The effect is very positive. The "
+"same applies to proper training of the ICT contacts at schools, and the "
+"operators. Training of ICT contacts to use simple systems for password "
+"change, error messages, etc.. will provide better quality of calls to the IT "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid "Opplæring og produkttrening er regulert i Arbeidsmiljøloven (§ 4-2):"
@@ -3317,12 +3320,13 @@ msgid ""
 "forenkle noen av driftsrutinene. Forenklinger kan redusere kravet til "
 msgstr ""
-"So in short it can be advantageous to increase efforts in training, which "
-"will improve ICT service and provide a significant cost reduction. This is "
-"because users and IT contacts becomes more confident and better to help each "
-"other. It should also be noted that the transition to new software can also "
-"provide an opportunity to simplify some of the operating practices. "
-"Simplification can reduce the requirement for product training."
+"So in short terms it can be advantageous to increase efforts in training, "
+"which will improve ICT service quality and provide a significant cost "
+"reduction. This is because users and IT contacts become more confident and "
+"better in helping each other. It should also be noted that the transition to "
+"new software can also provide an opportunity to simplify some of the "
+"operating practices. Simplification can reduce the requirement for product "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Planlegging ved igangsetting av servicestøtte"
@@ -3337,13 +3341,13 @@ msgid ""
 "arbeidsmåten i organisasjonen, og gå gjennom eksisterende prosesser og "
 "sammenligne disse med virksomhetens behov og «best practice»."
 msgstr ""
-"A growing number of organisations see the necessity of service control. It "
-"is often the practice to base decisions on historical and political "
+"A growing number of organisations sees the necessity of service control. It "
+"is often a usual practice to base decisions on historical and political "
 "considerations, rather than the current organisation's needs. Therefore it "
-"is important to ensure that management commits to participation and "
-"understanding of the working methods in the organisation, and go through the "
-"existing processes and compare these with the organization's needs and "
-"\"best practice\"."
+"is important to ensure that the management commits to participating in and "
+"understanding the working methods in the organisation, and go through the "
+"existing processes and compare those with the organization's needs and "
+"\"best practices\"."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
 msgid "Innføring av servicestøtte"
@@ -3429,11 +3433,11 @@ msgid ""
 "med bruk av IT-verktøy i de forskjellige fagene som er behovet i skolen. "
 "Dette kapitlet beskriver i rekkefølge:"
 msgstr ""
-"The main purpose of service delivery is to ensure proactive operation and "
-"ICT service delivers appropriate support for users. The purpose of service "
-"delivery is to focus on your organisation's needs. It is active learning, "
-"with use of ICT tools in the different subjects, the school needs. This "
-"chapter describes in order:"
+"The main purpose of service delivery is to ensure proactive operations and "
+"that the ICT services deliver appropriate support for users. The purpose of "
+"service delivery is to focus on your organisation's needs. It is active "
+"learning, with use of ICT tools in the different subjects, the school needs. "
+"This chapter describes in order:"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Tjenestenivåhåndtering"
@@ -3481,19 +3485,19 @@ msgid ""
 "ansvarlige og brukerne slik at det leveres en IT-tjeneste til avtalt "
 msgstr ""
-"The objective is to have control over service level and improve the quality "
-"of the operational services. By repeating rounds the quality level us "
-"determined, monitored and reported. The purpose is to improve the contact "
-"between ICT administrators and users, to get an ICT service to the agreed "
-"quality delivered."
+"The objective is to have control over the service level and improve the "
+"quality of the operational services. By repeating rounds the quality level "
+"is determined, monitored and reported. The purpose is to improve the contact "
+"between ICT administrators and users, to get an ICT service, to the agreed "
+"quality, delivered."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
 "Det er viktig å ha et bevist forhold til forskjellig typer SLA-er. Man kan "
 "velge mellom mange typer avtaler. Det vanlige er tre typer:"
 msgstr ""
-"It is important to have a proven relation to different types of SLAs. One "
-"can choose from many types of agreements. Typically three types :."
+"It is important to have a determined opinion about different types of SLAs. "
+"One can choose from many types of agreements. Typically three types :"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid "Avtale pr tjeneste for alle kunder"
@@ -3516,12 +3520,12 @@ msgid ""
 "over hva som er viktig å passe på når man lager en avtale om "
 msgstr ""
-"All SLAs is to be administered, reported on and maintained. It quickly "
-"becomes confusing and much work that does not provide particular benefit. "
-"The purpose is to get an agreement that helps to improve quality of service. "
-"Therefore it is useful to think carefully about this, when the agreement is "
-"made. Here is an overview of what is important to make sure when you create "
-"an agreement for the  service level management."
+"All SLAs are to be administerated, reported and maintained. It can quickly "
+"become confusing and produce much work that does not provide a particular "
+"benefit. The purpose is to get an agreement that helps to improve the "
+"quality of service. Therefore it is useful to think carefully about that, "
+"when the agreement is made. Here is an overview of what is important to make "
+"sure about when you create an agreement for the  service level management."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
 msgid "Overordnet sjekkliste"
@@ -3532,21 +3536,23 @@ msgid ""
 "Enighet mellom bruker og driftssenter om hva som faktisk måles. Dette må ses "
 "fra brukernes perspektiv og ikke IT-tjenestens perspektiv."
 msgstr ""
-"Agreement between the user and operations of what's actually measured. This "
-"must be seen from the users' perspective and not ICT service perspective."
+"The agreement between the user and the operations of what's actually being "
+"measured. This must be seen from the users' perspective and not the ICT "
+"services perspective."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid ""
 "Målbarhet og utvetydighet på de måleverdiene som inngår i tjenestenivåavtalen"
-msgstr "Measurement and unambiguousity for the metrics included in the SLA"
+msgstr ""
+"Measurement for and unambiguousity about the metrics included in the SLA"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid ""
 "Fastsettelse av realistiske mål for tjenestenivå (det er ingen vits i å love "
 "mer enn det man kan holde)"
 msgstr ""
-"Decide realistic targets for service level (there is no point in promising "
-"more than one can keep)"
+"Decide realistic targets for the service level (there is no point in "
+"promising more than one can keep)"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3574,11 +3580,12 @@ msgid ""
 "avhengigheter gjør man for at det skal være klart hvem som retter opp i "
 "problemer, og for å unngå stadige forhandlinger før feil kan rettes."
 msgstr ""
-"Furthermore, it is important to define the services  dependent on "
-"subcontractors and therefore can't provide guarantees of service, or relies "
+"Furthermore, it is important to define the services where one is dependent "
+"on subcontractors and therefore can't provide service guarantees, or relies "
 "on a similar agreement with the subcontractor. The definition of "
-"dependencies is made because it should be clear who rectify problems, and to "
-"avoid ongoing negotiations before the error can be corrected."
+"dependencies is made because it should be clear who should rectify the "
+"problems, and to avoid never ending negotiations until the error could be "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3590,10 +3597,10 @@ msgid ""
 "enkelt brukergruppe."
 msgstr ""
 "Level of service may be different for different user groups, or during "
-"different periods of the school year. For example, there may be difference "
+"different periods of the school year. For example, there may be differences "
 "between teachers and students, or a higher service quality when carrying out "
 "exams. Dialogue with all relevant users is important to ensure measuring of "
-"what's most relevant for each user group."
+"what's most important for each user group."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
 msgid "Implementering"
@@ -3607,12 +3614,10 @@ msgid ""
 "forskjellige tjenester, og det vil gjenspeiles i forskjellige måltall i "
 msgstr ""
-"A service catalogue with all services included in the SLA It must prepared. "
-"A service will often be a application / program in this directory. It will "
-"often be different requirements for different services, and reflected in "
-"different objectives in the agreement. It will often be different "
-"requirements for different services, and it will be reflected in different "
-"targets in the agreement."
+"A service catalogue with all services included in the SLA must be prepared. "
+"A service will often be an application (program) in this directory. It will "
+"often be different requirements for different services, and it will be "
+"reflected in different objectives in the agreement."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3623,12 +3628,13 @@ msgid ""
 "Driftssenteret må også passe på at alle brukere faktisk får beskjed om "
 "hvilket tjenestenivå som forventes gjennom avtalen."
 msgstr ""
-"To establish and continually adjust the users' expectations can't be "
-"overstated. Often users have exaggerated expectations to the system and the "
-"services included. ICT service responsibility is to adjust expectations down "
-"to realistic levels before the service-level agreement (SLA) is signed. The "
-"operating management must also ensure that all users actually are notified "
-"and know about the expected service level through the agreement."
+"Establishing and continually adjusting the users' expectations can't be "
+"overestimated. Often users have exaggerated expectations to the system and "
+"the services included. ICT services' responsibility is to adjust "
+"expectations down to realistic levels before the service-level agreement "
+"(SLA) is signed. Operations management must also ensure that all users "
+"actually are notified and know about the expected service level through the "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3650,10 +3656,10 @@ msgid ""
 "brukerne.  Format og detaljeringsnivå for rapportering skal være håndtert i "
 msgstr ""
-"Monitoring of actually achieved service levels, and reporting back to the "
-"customer, are essential to preserve a good relationship between the Service "
-"Desk and the users. Format and level of detail for reporting, should be "
-"dealt with in the SLA."
+"Monitoring of the actually achieved service levels, and reporting back to "
+"the customer, are essential to preserve a good relationship between the "
+"Service Desk and the users. Format and levels of detail for reporting, "
+"should be dealt with in the SLA."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -3663,7 +3669,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "It must be held periodic, for example  quarterly or semiannually, meetings "
 "with the client. These meetings should result in concrete plans for the next "
-"period and, possibly, agreed implementation of new services."
+"period and, possibly, agreements for the implementation of new services."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid "<anchor id=\"Delivery--content-service-level-agreement\"/>"
@@ -3712,8 +3718,8 @@ msgid ""
 "avtales forskjellige nivåer for forskjellige tjenester (f.eks. avhengig av "
 "viktighet for brukerne)."
 msgstr ""
-"Access to the services. Is best measured as the time, period, one or more "
-"services have been unavailable, for example a calendar month. Different "
+"Access to the services. Is best measured as the period of time when one or "
+"more services have been unavailable, for example a calendar month. Different "
 "levels for different services may be agreed, for example depending on the "
 "degree of importance for users."
@@ -7877,7 +7883,7 @@ msgstr "The number of clients/portables"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Brukere:"
-msgstr "Users"
+msgstr "Users:"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Stipulert ressursbehov 2008"
@@ -8019,7 +8025,8 @@ msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">2005</emphasis>"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Personalkostnader til drift*</emphasis>"
-msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Personnel costs for operations*</emphasis>"
+msgstr ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Human resources' costs for operations*</emphasis>"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">kr 980 910,-</emphasis>"
@@ -8096,7 +8103,7 @@ msgid ""
 "både IKT-kontakten på skolen, og driftsoperatør i kommunen."
 msgstr ""
 "Usually, at a school with 300 students and teachers only one or two persons "
-"need training in operating computer systems. This refer to both an ICT "
+"need training in operating computer systems. This refers to both an ICT "
 "contact at school, and an operator in the municipality."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><para>
@@ -8163,7 +8170,7 @@ msgstr "Operating costs:"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Årlig kostnad</emphasis>"
-msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Yearly costs</emphasis>"
+msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Yearly cost</emphasis>"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Alternativ 0. Drift av 506 klientmaskiner"
@@ -8175,7 +8182,7 @@ msgstr "NOK 1,000,000.-"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Alternativ 1. Øker med 800 til 1300 pc-er"
-msgstr "Option 1. Increases with 800 to 1300 PCs"
+msgstr "Option 1. Increases with about 800 to 1300 PCs"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "kr 5 400 000,-"
@@ -8183,7 +8190,7 @@ msgstr "NOK 5,400,000.-"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Alternativ 2. Bærbar til alle lærere*"
-msgstr "Option 2. Portable to to all teachers*"
+msgstr "Option 2. Portables to to all teachers*"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "kr 6 000 000,-"
@@ -8231,7 +8238,7 @@ msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Amount</emphasis>"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Av dette er drift av 1300 klientmaskiner:"
-msgstr "Of this is operation of 1300 client computers:"
+msgstr "Of this is the administration of 1300 client computers:"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "kr 2 000 000,-"
@@ -8311,8 +8318,8 @@ msgid ""
 "brannmur. Hensikten er å dele Skolelinux-nettet fra det andre nettet som er "
 "satt opp."
 msgstr ""
-"User Case: To get started with Debian Edu's we need to make a simple "
-"firewall. The purpose is to divide Debian Edu's network from the second "
+"Use Case: To get started with Debian Edu's we need to make a simple "
+"firewall. The purpose is to separate Debian Edu's network from the second "
 "network that is set up."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
@@ -8418,7 +8425,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Når man lager Coyote Linux på en Linux-maskin må man besvare flere spørsmål. "
 "Her følger en oversikt over svar som kan gis:"
 msgstr ""
-"When creating Coyote Linux on a Linux machine, one need to answer several "
+"When creating Coyote Linux on a Linux machine, one needs to answer several "
 "questions.  Here is a summary of the answers that can be supplied:"
 #. type: CDATA
@@ -8542,7 +8549,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid "Svar yes(y) eller no(n) i samsvar med hva som er nett-oppsettet."
 msgstr ""
-"Answer yes(y) or no(n) in accordance with what is the network configuration."
+"Answer yes(y) or no(n) in accordance with what the network configuration is."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid "Får man IP via DHCP fyller man inn følgende informasjon:"
@@ -8638,7 +8645,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "This is the tricky part. Knowing which module to use for network cards is "
 "sometimes difficult. See <link linkend=\"ExtraConfiguration--clmodules"
 "\">Section 3.12</link> to get an overview of the available modules. Remember "
-"to not use .o at the end of the module name. Use only \"first name\" on the "
+"to not use .o at the end of the module name. Use only \"first name\" of the "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
@@ -8664,7 +8671,7 @@ msgid ""
 "løsning på problemer."
 msgstr ""
 "Use English. It is much easier to get help. Search for example using Google "
-"to find solution to problems."
+"to find solutions to problems."
 #. type: CDATA
 #, no-wrap
@@ -8775,7 +8782,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Fyll inn nødvendig informasjon om nettverket her: Se <link linkend="
 msgstr ""
-"Fill in necessary network information here: See <link linkend="
+"Fill in the necessary network information here: See <link linkend="
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
@@ -8785,8 +8792,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Fill in the correct IP address and subnet mask (Netmask) and Coyote Linux "
-"will give the correct calculation of broadcast address (Broadcast) and URL "
+"will give the correct calculation of the broadcast address (Broadcast) and "
+"the network address (Network)"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -8900,8 +8907,8 @@ msgid ""
 "I dette bestemte skjermbildet brukes modulen for 3Com på LAN-siden av nettet "
 "(Skolelinux), og Intel pro 100 kort for WAN-tilkoblingen (Internett)."
 msgstr ""
-"This particular screen uses the module for 3Com on the LAN side of the grid "
-"(Debian Edu's) and Intel pro 100 card for WAN (Internet) connection."
+"In this particular screen, we use the module for 3Com on the LAN side of the "
+"grid (Debian Edu's) and Intel pro 100 card for the WAN (Internet) connection."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Figur 3-10. Velg språk</emphasis>"
@@ -9033,8 +9040,8 @@ msgid ""
 "I denne listen med moduler som er lastet er nettverkskortet 3Com509 på plass "
 "to ganger. For en liste med tilgjengelige moduler, se på"
 msgstr ""
-"In this list of modules loaded for the network card 3com509 in place twice. "
-"For a list of available modules, look at"
+"In this list of modules that are loaded, the module for the network card "
+"3com509 is loaded twice. For a list of available modules, look at"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -9097,7 +9104,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid "Først starter man Coyote Linux uten noen kabel til network card"
-msgstr "First you start Coyote Linux without any cable network card"
+msgstr "First you start Coyote Linux without any wired network card"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -9173,7 +9180,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid "Siden du har startet uten noen kabler i network card-en."
-msgstr "Since you have started without any cables in the network card."
+msgstr ""
+"Since you have started without any wires connected to the network card."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -9380,8 +9388,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Linux og nettkontakten."
 msgstr ""
 "If you have a connection with a DHCP-assigned address, which is not static. "
-"Then it must be a physical connection with a network between Coyote Linux "
-"and the net contact"
+"Then it must be a physical connection through a network wire between Coyote "
+"Linux and the net contact"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid "Du har valgt feil driver-modul for dette network card."
@@ -9422,8 +9430,8 @@ msgid ""
 "forskjellige nettverkskort og driver-moduler for mange network card. Vi har "
 "til gode å finne noe som ikke virker riktig."
 msgstr ""
-"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Q: </emphasis>We have sat up firewalls with many "
-"different driver modules for many network cards. We have yet to find any not "
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Q: </emphasis>We have set up firewalls with many "
+"different driver modules for many network cards. We didn't find one not "
 "working properly."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
@@ -9442,8 +9450,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Brannmuren virker om du kommer ut på Internett via nettleseren på "
 "hovedtjener eller en tilkoblet klient."
 msgstr ""
-"The firewall works if you enter the Internet browser via the main server or "
-"a connected client."
+"The firewall works if you try to reach the Internet through the web browser "
+"on the main server or through a connected client."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Administrasjon av brannmur i nettleser (Coyote)"
@@ -9736,8 +9744,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Den eneste tingen som må konfigureres anderledes, er å skru på DHCP-"
 "tjeneren. < FIXME: lag lenke til skjermbilde>"
 msgstr ""
-"The only thing needing to be configured differently, is to enable the DHCP "
-"server. < FIXME: create link to screenshot>"
+"The only thing that needs to be configured differently, is to enable the "
+"DHCP server. < FIXME: create link to screenshot>"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid "En kort oppsummering om å gjøre om Coyote Linux til DHCP-tjener:"
@@ -9864,8 +9872,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Utdanningsetaten i Oslo (The Department of Education). Ikke testet på skoler "
 "koblet til Simens sin InnsIKT-løsning for Oslo-skolene"
 msgstr ""
-"The Department of Education in Oslo. Not tested on schools connected Simen's "
-"InnsIKT-solution for Oslo schools"
+"The Department of Education in Oslo. Not tested on schools connected to "
+"Simens' InnsIKT-solution for Oslo schools"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -9933,7 +9941,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid "Det betyr å fjerne kommentator-merker (#) foran «forwarders»."
-msgstr "This mean to remove the comment marker (#) in front of \"forwarders\"."
+msgstr ""
+"This means to remove the comment marker (#) in front of \"forwarders\"."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -10066,7 +10075,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Brukertilfelle: Vi vil prøve å bruke noen nettverkskort i brannmuren som er "
 "nesten 20 år gamle. De har såkalt ISA-buss. Går dette?"
 msgstr ""
-"Use case: We want to try to use some network cards in the firewall that is "
+"Use case: We want to try to use some network cards in the firewall that are "
 "almost 20 years old.  They are using the so called ISA bus.  Is this "
@@ -10150,9 +10159,9 @@ msgid ""
 "på samme maskin om ett av kortene er av combo-typen. Det er en korttype med "
 "forskjellige typer nettverkskontakter."
 msgstr ""
-"Alert: Many reports show problems with using two 3c509 card on the same "
+"Warning: Many reports show problems with using two 3c509 card on the same "
 "machine if one of the cards is a combo type. This is a card type with "
-"different types of networking contacts."
+"different types of network cable plugs."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid "Ikke bruk kort med ISA-buss av combo-typen!"
@@ -10221,8 +10230,9 @@ msgid ""
 "Brukertilfelle: Skal sette opp et datanett som skalerer slik at man kan "
 "drifte systemet lokalt eller koble det til en sentralisert driftsløsning"
 msgstr ""
-"User case: Are going to set up a computer network that scales so one can "
-"operate the system locally or connect to a centralized operational solution"
+"User case: Shall set up a computer network that scales so that one can "
+"either operate the system locally or connect to a centralized operational "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Profiler for tjenermaskiner"
@@ -10873,10 +10883,10 @@ msgid ""
 "klientmaskinen. Klientmaskinen kan være stasjonær eller bærbar. Kjører flere "
 "tjenester i nettverk som e-post, fillagring, sak-arkivsystem ol."
 msgstr ""
-"All applications installed on the client machine. The user programs run on "
-"the client machine. Client machine may be stationary or portable. Running "
-"multiple services in networks such as email, file storage, case-filing "
-"system etc."
+"All user applications installed on the client machine. The user programs run "
+"on the client machine. The client machine may be stationary or portable. "
+"Running multiple services in networks such as email, file storage, case-"
+"filing system etc."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -10918,7 +10928,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "All user applications are installed on the server machine. User programs run "
 "on the client machine. Client computer is usually stationary. Running "
-"multiple services in networks such as email, file storage, case-filing "
+"multiple services on the network such as email, file storage, case-filing "
 "system etc."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
@@ -10940,8 +10950,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Grei støtte for lyd, grafikk og video gitt kraftig nok prosessor på minne på "
 "tjenermaskin. Trenger høy kapasitet på klientnettverket."
 msgstr ""
-"Decent audio, graphics and video support given powerful enough processor "
-"memory on the server machine. Need high capacity client network."
+"Decent audio, graphics and video support given a powerful enough processor "
+"memory on the server machine. Needs high capacity client network."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -11027,7 +11037,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Fordel: </emphasis>Kan ta med PC-en hvor det måtte "
-msgstr "<emphasis role=\"strong\">Advantage:</emphasis> Can bring the PC along"
+msgstr ""
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">Advantage:</emphasis> Can bring on the PC wherever "
+"it's suitable"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -11074,7 +11086,7 @@ msgstr "Useful commands"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Støtte for 4 GB minne <-- inn under konfigurasjonstyring"
-msgstr "Support for 4 GB memory <--include in configuration management"
+msgstr "Support for 4 GB memory <-- included in configuration management"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -11502,7 +11514,7 @@ msgid ""
 "For å installere pakker trenger man å forteller hvor de skal hentes fra. "
 "Altså hvilket pakkearkiv som skal brukes."
 msgstr ""
-"To install packages one need to tell from where they should be fetched.  In "
+"To install packages one needs to tell from where they should be fetched.  In "
 "other words, which package archive to use."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
@@ -11520,7 +11532,7 @@ msgid ""
 "kpackage\">7</link> eller Webmin <link linkend=\"UsefulCommands--webmin"
 msgstr ""
-"You can work with package management at the command line. It is more "
+"You can work with package management on the command line. There is more "
 "graphical applications like for example KPackage <link linkend="
 "\"UsefulCommands--kpackage\">7</link> or Webmin <link linkend="
@@ -11530,7 +11542,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Dette avsnittet gir en rask introduksjon til bruk av kommandolinje for "
 "administrasjon av pakker."
 msgstr ""
-"This section provide a quick introduction to using the command line for "
+"This section provides a quick introduction to using the command line for "
 "administrating packages."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
@@ -11585,7 +11597,7 @@ msgid ""
 "seg på andre arkiver for flere pakker."
 msgstr ""
 "Note that the lines <emphasis>without</emphasis> hashtag (#) can be used as "
-"reference to the package archive. The example show that one only gets "
+"reference to the package archive. The example shows that one only gets "
 "packets from the CD ROM used during installation. Other archives are not "
 "activated. When doing this, one should open for security upgrades. So you "
 "can try other archives for more packages."
@@ -11661,7 +11673,7 @@ msgid ""
 "man feilmelding ved oppdatering med oppfordring om å rette feilen."
 msgstr ""
 "Links to package archive have a specific design. Failure to follow this "
-"gives error messages when updating, with a request to correct the error."
+"gives error messages when updating, asking to correct the error."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -11849,7 +11861,7 @@ msgid ""
 "<computeroutput>/var</computeroutput> fylt opp."
 msgstr ""
 "to clear the archive. This should be done occasionally. Otherwise "
-"<computeroutput>/var</computeroutput> becomes filled up."
+"<computeroutput>/var</computeroutput> becomes full."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
 msgid "Varsel"
@@ -11907,7 +11919,7 @@ msgid ""
 "oppgraderes eller installeres, som her"
 msgstr ""
 "Sometimes you will get a message about changes affecting packages to upgrade "
-"or install, as here"
+"or install, as in here"
 #. type: CDATA
 #, no-wrap
@@ -12192,9 +12204,9 @@ msgid ""
 "installasjon i versjon 0.3.8-1 fra <computeroutput>http://ftp.debian.org "
 msgstr ""
-"One sees package kdissert is not installed, but available for installation "
-"in version 0.3.8-1 from <computeroutput>http://ftp.debian.org sarge/main</"
+"So one notices that the package kdissert is not installed, but available for "
+"installation in version 0.3.8-1 from <computeroutput>http://ftp.debian.org "
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Installasjon av pakker"
@@ -12218,7 +12230,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Ønsker man å se hva som skjedde under installasjon bør man kjøre en "
 "simulering først med kommandoen"
 msgstr ""
-"If you want to see what happened during the installation one should run a "
+"If you want to see what happened during the installation you should run a "
 "simulation first with the command"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
@@ -12386,8 +12398,8 @@ msgid ""
 "er det den nyeste pakken som blir installert. Noen ganger ønsker man ikke "
 "den nyeste utgaven, men en eldre versjon."
 msgstr ""
-"then the newest package is installed.  Some times an older version instead "
-"of the newest version is wanted."
+"then the newest package is installed.  Sometimes an older version instead of "
+"the newest version is wanted."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -12517,8 +12529,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Brukertilfelle: Noen ganger er det ønsket å laste ned en pakke fra andre som "
 "ikke ligger i et Debian nettarkiv. Operas nettleser et en slik pakke."
 msgstr ""
-"User case: Sometimes it is wanted to download a package from others, not "
-"located in a Debian web archives. Opera browser a such a package."
+"User case: Sometimes it is needed to download a package from other places, "
+"not located in a Debian web archive. Opera browser is such a package."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -12533,7 +12545,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "<emphasis role=\"strong\">dpkg -i <pakkens fulle filnavn></emphasis>"
 msgstr ""
-"<emphasis role=\"strong\">dpkg -i <full path to package></emphasis>"
+"<emphasis role=\"strong\">dpkg -i <full path to the package></emphasis>"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ". Ønsker man først å simulere dette prøv"
@@ -13141,7 +13153,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><title>
 msgid "Statusoversikt for brannmur (Coyote)"
-msgstr "Status summary for firewall (Coyote)"
+msgstr "Status summary for the firewall (Coyote)"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
 msgid ""
@@ -13168,7 +13180,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Nyttig for å finne ut om nettverket fungerer. Kommandoen ser om det er "
 "tilkobling til Skolelinux/Debian-edu-hovedtjener"
 msgstr ""
-"Useful to figure out if the network is working.  The command check if there "
+"Useful to figure out if the network is working.  The command checks if there "
 "is a connection to the Skolelinux / Debian Edu main server."
 #. type: CDATA
@@ -13346,7 +13358,7 @@ msgid ""
 "problemer er det kjent å se hvor Internett-pakkene tar veien."
 msgstr ""
 "Is useful to figure out where the Internet packages move.  If there are "
-"problems, it is useful to see the path Internet packages use."
+"problems, it is useful to see the path the Internet packages use."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
 msgid "showcfg"
@@ -13831,7 +13843,7 @@ msgstr "Customer"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "Feilhåndtering og brukerstøtte på telefon og e-post"
-msgstr "Error handling and user support at telephone and email"
+msgstr "Troubleshooting and user support over the phone and email"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
 msgid "x"
@@ -14178,12 +14190,13 @@ msgid ""
 "slik overdragelse fritar ikke vedkommende part fra hans forpliktelser og "
 msgstr ""
-"Parties may only assign its rights and obligations under the agreement with "
-"the written consent of the other party. Consent may not be unreasonably "
-"withheld. It is not considered as transfer if one of the parties merged with "
-"one or more other companies or assignment to a subsidiary. Right to "
-"compensation under this Agreement may be assigned freely, but such transfer "
-"does not relieve the Contractor from its obligations and responsibilities."
+"Parties may only reassign their rights and obligations under the agreement "
+"with the written consent of the counterparties. Consent may not be "
+"unreasonably withheld. It is not considered as transfer if one of the "
+"parties merged with one or more other companies or the assignment is to a "
+"subsidiary. Right to compensation under this Agreement may be assigned "
+"freely, but such transfer does not relieve the Contractor from its "
+"obligations and responsibilities."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><title>
 msgid "5.Mislighold"
@@ -14387,7 +14400,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Tap som følge av at driftsytelsene ikke kan benyttes som forutsatt (avsavn);"
 msgstr ""
-"Losses due to the operating performance can not be used as intended "
+"Losses due to that operating performances can not be used as intended "
 "(consequential losses);"
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
@@ -14395,8 +14408,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Tapt fortjeneste som følge av at en kontrakt med tredjemann faller bort "
 "eller ikke blir riktig oppfylt."
 msgstr ""
-"Lost profits as a result of a contract with a third party drops or are not "
-"fulfilled properly."
+"Lost profits as a result of a contract with a third party that is dropped or "
+"not fulfilled properly."
 #. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><section><para>
 msgid ""

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