[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/Upgrades" by WolfgangSchweer

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/Upgrades" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

update upgrade instructions; review welcome.

  == Upgrades from Debian Edu Wheezy ==
- FIXME: confirm this is really all what needs to be done for upgrades. It's great if that's true! It could be... :-)
  /!\ Be prepared: make sure you have tested the upgrade from Wheezy in a test environment or have backups ready to be able to go back. 
- === The basic upgrade operation ===
+ Please note that the following recipe applies to a default Debian Edu main server installation (desktop=kde, profiles Main-Server, Workstation, Thin-Client-Server). (For a general overview concernig wheezy to jessie upgrade, see:
+ https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/releasenotes)
+ Don't use X, use a virtual console, log in as root.
+ Read all debconf information carefully, choose 'keep the local version currently installed'; in most cases hitting return will be fine.
+ Press 'q' to quit the apt-listchanges pager once you've read the information.
-  1. Edit {{{/etc/apt/sources.list}}} and replace all occurrences of "wheezy" with "jessie".
-  1. run {{{apt-get update}}}
-  1. run {{{apt-get upgrade}}}
-  1. run {{{apt-get dist-upgrade}}} 
- === LDAP service needs to be reconfigured ===
+ === Upgrade the server side ===
- The LDAP setup has only scarcely changed from Wheezy to Jessie so chances are that LDAP hasn't to be rebuild from scratch. There's a script {{{ldap-debian-edu-install}}} (in /usr/bin) that could be used to achieve rebuilding LDAP if needed. Read the comment at the beginning of that script carefully before doing anything.      
+  * Make sure the current system is up-to-date.
+ {{{
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get -y upgrade
+ }}}
+  * Remove diversion; debian-edu-config's postinst seems to do it too late (Debian bug DebianBug:779641).
+ {{{
+ dpkg-divert --remove /usr/share/pam-configs/krb5
+ rm /usr/share/pam-configs/edu-krb5
+ }}}
+  * Keep backup of Kerberos configuration file (Debian bug DebianBug:779642).
+ {{{
+ cp /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf.backup
+ }}}
+  * Do the actual upgrade.
+ {{{
+ sed -i 's/wheezy/jessie/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get -y dist-upgrade
+ apt-get -f install
+ apt-get -y dist-upgrade
+ }}}
+ If apt-get still finishes with an error, try to fix it and/or run the
+ apt-get commands again, esp. apt-get -f install.
+  * Install additional package to make PXE work (Debian bug DebianBug:779644).
+ {{{
+ apt-get -y install pxelinux
+ }}}
+  * Install squid3 as squid is deprecated and missing in jessie (Debian bug DebianBug:779649).
+ {{{
+ apt-get -y install squid3
+ service squid3 stop
+ }}}
+  * Apply debian-edu configuration (takes some time).
+ {{{
+ cfengine-debian-edu -D installation
+ }}}
+  * Replace squid with squid3, keep the cache; a new swap file will be generated and the cache index be rebuilt upon first squid3 start.
+ {{{
+ service squid stop
+ umount /var/spool/squid
+ sed -i 's#/var/spool/squid#/var/spool/squid3#' /etc/fstab
+ mount /var/spool/squid3
+ service squid3 start
+ apt-get -y purge squid squid-common
+ }}}
+  * Replace Kerberos file (messed up by cfengine) with the right one.
+ {{{
+ cp /etc/krb5.conf.backup /etc/krb5.conf
+ }}}
+  * Regenerate gosa.secrets to make GOsa² work with new php version.
+ {{{
+ rm /etc/gosa/gosa.secrets
+ cp /etc/gosa/gosa.conf.orig /etc/gosa/gosa.conf
+ gosa-encrypt-passwords
+ }}}
+  * Install newly split out cups package needed for networked printing (Debian bug DebianBug:779645).
+ {{{
+ apt-get -y install cups-browsed
+ }}}
+  * Install missing packages; the package names were obtained using {{{/usr/lib/debian-edu-config/testsuite/taskpkgs | grep error:}}} after the step above (Debian bug DebianBug:779648).
+ {{{
+ apt-get -y install browser-plugin-libreoffice gosa-plugin-netgroups \
+ killer libnss-myhostname goplay icedtea-7-plugin tmispell-voikko
+ }}}
+  * Check if the upgraded system works.
+ Reboot and test if it works like before:
+ Log in as first user and test if the GOsa² gui is working, if you're
+ able to connect LTSP clients and workstations, if you can add/remove
+ a netgroup membership of a system, if you can send and receive
+ internal email, if you can manage printers, and maybe other site
+ specific things. Use the testsuite scripts if you spot an error.
+  * Consider an optional step (Debian bug DebianBug:779646).
+ Clean up after cfengine has autoremoved packages without purging.
+ This will remove configuration files of removed packages and should
+ only be used with care; use {{{dpkg -l|grep ^rc}}} first to check what
+ would be removed, then run {{{for i in $(dpkg -l|grep ^rc|cut -d' ' -f3);do dpkg -P $i;done}}}.
+ === Upgrade LTSP chroot (default arch i386) ===
+ {{{
+ sed -i '/jessie/ s/deb/#deb/g' /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get update
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get -y upgrade
+ sed -i 's/wheezy/jessie/g' /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get update
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get -y dist-upgrade
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get -f install
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get -y dist-upgrade
+ }}}
+ If apt-get still finishes with an error, try to fix it and/or run the apt-get commands again, esp. apt-get -f install.
+  * Install missing packages in the LTSP chroot (Debian bug DebianBug:779647).
+ {{{
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get -y install browser-plugin-libreoffice killer \
+ libnss-myhostname goplay icedtea-7-plugin tmispell-voikko
+ }}}
+  * Cleaning up.
+ {{{
+ ltsp-chroot -m -a i386 apt-get --purge autoremove
+ }}}
+  * Update LTSP support on the server side.
+ {{{
+ ltsp-update-kernels
+ ltsp-update-sshkeys
+ }}}
  === Recreating an LTSP chroot ===
- On the LTSP server(s) the LTSP chroot should be recreated. The new chroot will still  support both thin-clients and diskless workstations.
+ On the LTSP server(s) the LTSP chroot could also be recreated. The new chroot will still  support both thin-clients and diskless workstations.
  Remove {{{/opt/ltsp/i386}}} (or {{{/opt/ltsp/amd64}}}, depending on your setup). If you have enough diskspace, consider backing it up. 
+ Recreate the chroot by running {{{debian-edu-ltsp --arch i386}}} (or {{{debian-edu-ltsp --arch amd64}}}) as root. 
- Recreate the chroot by running {{{debian-edu-ltsp}}} as root. 
- Of course you can also upgrade the chroot as usual.
  == Upgrades from older Debian Edu / Skolelinux installations (before Wheezy) ==

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