[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/HowTo/Administration" by PetterReinholdtsen

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Mon Mar 16 04:21:30 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/HowTo/Administration" page has been changed by PetterReinholdtsen:

Fix incorrectly placed quotes.

  === How to set up shutdown-at-night ===
- On clients that should turn off at night, touch {{{/etc/shutdown-at-night/shutdown-at-night}}}, or add the hostname (that is, the output from {{{'uname -n'}}} on the client) to the netgroup "shutdown-at-night-hosts". Adding hosts to the netgroup in LDAP can be done using the {{{GOsa²}}} web tool. The clients might need to have wake-on-lan configured in the BIOS. It is also important that the switches and routers used between the wake-on-lan server and the clients will pass the WOL packets to the clients even if the clients are turned off. Some switches fail to pass on packets to clients that are missing in the ARP table on the switch, and this blocks the WOL packets.
+ On clients that should turn off at night, touch {{{/etc/shutdown-at-night/shutdown-at-night}}}, or add the hostname (that is, the output from '{{{uname -n}}}' on the client) to the netgroup "shutdown-at-night-hosts". Adding hosts to the netgroup in LDAP can be done using the {{{GOsa²}}} web tool. The clients might need to have wake-on-lan configured in the BIOS. It is also important that the switches and routers used between the wake-on-lan server and the clients will pass the WOL packets to the clients even if the clients are turned off. Some switches fail to pass on packets to clients that are missing in the ARP table on the switch, and this blocks the WOL packets.
  To enable wake-on-lan on the server, add the clients to {{{/etc/shutdown-at-night/clients}}}, with one line per client, IP address
  first, followed by MAC address (ethernet address), separated by a space; or create a script {{{/etc/shutdown-at-night/clients-generator}}} to generate the list of clients on the fly.

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