[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 01/01: Fetch nb->en po file from https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/itil-revitalization/language/en_GB/.
Petter Reinholdtsen
pere at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun May 3 18:35:31 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
pere pushed a commit to branch master
in repository debian-edu-itil-doc-nb.
commit 1dee9dc35102f94ed9a6b47c0213964d1b0ed3b6
Author: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com>
Date: Sun May 3 20:35:04 2015 +0200
Fetch nb->en po file from https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/itil-revitalization/language/en_GB/.
documentation/itil/itil.en.po | 247 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 125 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
diff --git a/documentation/itil/itil.en.po b/documentation/itil/itil.en.po
index 2e0f90a..1b92eb3 100644
--- a/documentation/itil/itil.en.po
+++ b/documentation/itil/itil.en.po
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# Alexander Alemayhu <alexander.alemayhu at googlemail.com>, 2015
# Anna Kennedy <annaelizabethkennedy at gmail.com>, 2015
# Hans-Petter Fjeld <atluxity at 1kb.no>, 2015
+# Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne at cfengine.com>, 2015
# Hans Arthur Kielland Aanesen <hans at iti.as>, 2015
# Knut Yrvin <knut.yrvin at gmail.com>, 2015
# Ole-Erik Yrvin <oeyrvin at hagan.no>, 2015
@@ -14,8 +15,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ITIL-revitalization\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-11 07:38+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-28 20:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-03 14:45+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne at cfengine.com>\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/"
"Language: en_GB\n"
@@ -2341,9 +2342,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Usually, many service providers and suppliers are involved. This applies "
"both to the procurement of machines, the software used, and the recommended "
"configurations. Good resource planning is crucial to package and distribute "
-"a new release in a good way for users. Slipshod in this area can end up "
-"with equipment that doesn't work, or are left unused because of "
-"deficiencies in the installation."
+"a new release in a good way for users. Cutting corners in this area can lead "
+"to equipment that doesn't work, or that goes unused because of deficiencies "
+"in the installation."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2367,11 +2368,10 @@ msgid ""
"endringer er det forventet at driften skal gå som normalt uten avbrudd eller "
"reduksjon i kvaliteten."
msgstr ""
-"As you can see is the publication handling fundamental for computers, "
-"software and network to work as planned. Proper handling of releases is done "
-"to prevent disruptions. By new releases or changes it is expected that "
-"operations will continue as normal without interruption or reduction in "
+"As you can see, for computers, software and network to work as planned, "
+"releases-management is crucial. Proper handling of releases prevents "
+"disruptions. New releases or changes can be introduced while operations "
+"continue as normal, without interruption or reduction in quality."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2384,8 +2384,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Handling of changes or new releases can be compared to building a new road. "
"Cars must still get past even if you build a new road atop the old. Good "
"signage must be in place. One must also have the necessary resources to "
-"rebuild the road. If missing resources to make changes, it's just fine to "
-"let it be as it is. "
+"rebuild the road. If you lack the resources to make changes, it's better to "
+"let it be. "
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2396,10 +2396,10 @@ msgid ""
"fast at høye oppetider krever etablert teknologi. I LINUXmagasinet (1/2004) "
"skriver han:"
msgstr ""
-"For some it may be boring with proper release management. You do not use the "
-"latest new every time something new comes. But often there is not room for "
-"the extra time in the operations department to handle a flood of complaints "
-"when new software fails. High uptime require established technology, Linux "
+"Some may find proper release management boring. You don't get to use the "
+"latest version every time something new comes along. But often the "
+"operations department lacks the resources to handle a flood of complaints "
+"should an upgrade fail. High uptime require established technology, Linux "
"expert David Elboth states in Linux Magazine (1/2004). He writes:"
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
@@ -2410,11 +2410,11 @@ msgid ""
"nedetid. Vi har alle lagt merke til hvor lenge etter Red Hat og SuSE ligger "
"på sine serverprodukter."
msgstr ""
-"The higher requirements more stringent are requirements of the individual "
-"components. High requirements for uptime results also show that the choices "
-"you are left with are old technology. It is namely empirical data over time "
-"which may say something about downtime. We have all noticed how long after "
-"Red Hat and SuSE is on its server products."
+"The more you demand of the system the more stringent are the requirements of "
+"the individual components. High requirements for uptime results also show "
+"that the choices you are left with are old technology. Only empirical data "
+"over time can say anything about downtime. We have all noticed how far "
+"behind Red Hat and SuSE are on their server products."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2426,13 +2426,13 @@ msgid ""
"på hjemmedatamaskinen betyr ikke at dette vil fungere i et stort datanett "
"med 500 klientmaskiner og 3200 brukere."
msgstr ""
-"Getting few complaints, with a stable and reliable environment, requires "
-"solid release handling. Alternatively, a bunch of complaints and "
-"dissatisfied users emerge, when installing not good enough tested cutting "
-"edge software. People with \"boy room skills\" has a tendency to "
-"underestimate the consequences of software upgrade. If something goes fine "
-"on your home computer, it does not mean that this will work in a wide "
-"network with 500 client computers and 3200 users."
+"To get few complaints, with a stable and reliable environment, requires "
+"solid release management. Alternatively, a bunch of complaints and "
+"dissatisfied users emerge, caused by installing inadequately tested cutting-"
+"edge software. Amateurs have a tendency to underestimate the consequences of "
+"software upgrades. If something works fine on your home computer, it does "
+"not mean that this will work in a wide network with 500 client computers and "
+"3200 users."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
msgid "Sentralt programarkiv (DSL)"
@@ -2447,13 +2447,12 @@ msgid ""
"gjelder drift snakker vi den originale sammensatte programvare av en bestemt "
"versjon som er utgangspunktet for installasjonen."
msgstr ""
-"The software library in operational context is a collection of original "
-"editions of the program version of the software which are in production. If "
-"you use Skolelinux 2.0, this is the software library. In the computer world, "
-"the phrase software library is used in different contexts, especially when "
-"programming. When it comes to operation, we are talking about the original "
-"composed software of a particular version which is the base for the "
+"A software archive in an operational context is a collection of original "
+"copies of the software in use. If you use Skolelinux 2.0, this is the "
+"software package. The phrase software archive is used differently in some "
+"other contexts, especially among programmers. When it comes to operations, "
+"we are talking about the original software package of a particular version "
+"which is used for installation."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2462,10 +2461,11 @@ msgid ""
"kan være bestemte versjoner av Macromedia Flash, Java og decodere som gjør "
"det mulig å kjøre nasjonale prøver i nettleseren, eller se sendinger fra NRK."
msgstr ""
-"Using free software the software library may be Skolelinux 2.0 plus the "
+"Using free software the software archive may be Skolelinux 2.0 plus the "
"extra programs you have added from various sources. There may be certain "
-"versions of Macromedia Flash, Java and decoders who make it possible to run "
-"national tests in the browser, or watching broadcasts from NRK."
+"versions of Macromedia Flash, Java and decoders which make it possible to "
+"run national tests in the browser, or to watch broadcasts from a national TV "
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2473,9 +2473,10 @@ msgid ""
"kommet, vil det være den nye versjonen som blir hoved programarkiv. Også her "
"vil alle ekstra programmer ut over ny Skolelinux være en del av arkivet."
msgstr ""
-"If you plan to upgrade to the next version of Debian Edu when it comes, it "
-"will be the new version which is the main program archive. Also here will "
-"all additional applications beyond new Debian Edu be part of the archive."
+"If you plan to upgrade to the next version of Debian Edu when it comes, this "
+"new version shall be the main program archive. The new archive shall also "
+"include appropriate versions of all additional applications beyond Debian "
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2483,9 +2484,9 @@ msgid ""
"ikke med som en del av hovedarkivet for programmer. Konfigurasjoner lagres i "
"en egen versjonshåndtert katalog eller database."
msgstr ""
-"Setup files adjusted or created locally by the operations department is not "
-"included as part of the main archive programs. Configurations are saved in a "
-"separate version handled directory or database."
+"Set-up files adjusted or created locally by the operations department are "
+"not included in the main program archive. Configurations are saved "
+"separately in a version-control system or database."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
msgid "Database for konfigurasjoner og maskinvare"
@@ -2499,11 +2500,11 @@ msgid ""
"snakk om, ytelse, og unike standardadresser på nettverkskortene (MAC "
msgstr ""
-"As mentioned in chapter about configuration management, you must create a "
-"database or a version handled directory to take care of the setup files. One "
-"must also keep track of all computers, what kind of machines are involved, "
+"As mentioned in the chapter on configuration management, you must create a "
+"database or a version-controlled directory to take care of set-up files. One "
+"should also keep track of all computers, what kinds of machine are in use, "
"performance, and unique standard addresses on the network cards (MAC "
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2513,9 +2514,9 @@ msgid ""
"planlegging ved oppgraderinger. Det går både på hvor mye"
msgstr ""
"There are many reasons to have an overview of the equipment. One of the main "
-"reasons is to keep track of how many machines are in operation, the number "
-"of machines that are not in use and the number of machines in repair. "
-"Another reason is planning on upgrades It is both the amount of.............?"
+"reasons is to keep track of how many machines are in operation, how many are "
+"not in use and how many are being repaired. Another reason is planning for "
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
msgid "Bygg-håndtering"
@@ -2531,13 +2532,12 @@ msgid ""
"behov for effektive verktøy for utrulling. Slike verktøy er standard i "
msgstr ""
-"A variety of applications in addition to browser and office suite are being "
-"installed in schools. Educational programs for learning, additional programs "
-"in the browser, and programs for multimedia are needed. The systems also "
-"have network setup and changed settings in specific programs. If you have "
-"many servers and perhaps thousands of clients quickly reveals quickly the "
-"need for effective tools for deployment. Such tools are standard in Debian "
+"A variety of applications in addition to browser and office suite are "
+"installed in schools. Educational programs for learning, browser plug-ins, "
+"and programs for multimedia are needed. The systems also have network set-up "
+"and changed settings in specific programs. When you have many servers and "
+"perhaps thousands of clients, the need for effective tools for deployment "
+"soon makes itself felt. Such tools are standard in Debian Edu."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2548,12 +2548,12 @@ msgid ""
"Deretter bruker man et image-program for å lage en kopi av det som er "
"installert på harddisken. Dette kopieres så ut til de andre datamaskinene."
msgstr ""
-"Build management is about getting installed the required software packages, "
-"services and proper settings both of individual programs and data network. "
-"Many people have heard about so called \"images\". One installs operating "
-"system and all the programs needed. And adjust the network. Then use a image "
-"program to make a copy of the one installed at your hard drive. This is then "
-"copied at the other computers."
+"Build management is about ensuring that you always install the required "
+"software packages, services and proper settings both of individual programs "
+"and for the network. Many people have heard about so-called \"images\". One "
+"installs the operating system with all needed programs and configures the "
+"network. Then one uses an image program to make a copy of the hard disk. "
+"This \"disk image\" can then be copied to other computers."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2565,13 +2565,13 @@ msgid ""
"programarkivet som er i bruk. Deretter lager man et eller flere skript som "
"kan kjøre på de forskjellige maskinene for å få alt installert og satt opp."
msgstr ""
-"It is not necessary to build so-called \"images\" or disk images you can "
-"call it in Norwegian. Debian Edu is based on Debian which has an excellent "
-"package management system. One does not in any way to compile applications "
-"as this is preassembled and can be installed directly from the Internet. one "
-"must have in order is wanted changes to the default setup of Debian Edu or "
-"the main program archive in use. Then you make one or more scripts running "
-"on different machines to get everything installed and set up."
+"It is not necessary to build such disk images. Debian Edu is based on Debian "
+"which has an excellent package management system. There is no need to "
+"compile applications, as ready-made packages can be installed directly from "
+"the Internet. It is enough to work out what changes you want to the default "
+"set-up of Debian Edu or the main program archive in use. Then you make one "
+"or more scripts to run on each machine that get everything installed and "
+"set up."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2579,9 +2579,9 @@ msgid ""
"programmer og oppsett. Men det er situasjoner der bygging av diskbilder kan "
"være løsningen. F.eks. ved installasjon på mange bærbare datamaskiner."
msgstr ""
-"For most situations, scripting are an easy way to \"build\" and roll out "
-"programs and setups. But there are situations where the construction of disk "
-"images may be the solution. For example during installation on many laptops."
+"For most situations, scripting is an easy way to \"build\" and roll out "
+"programs and configurations. But there are situations where the construction "
+"of disk images may be the solution, e.g. for installation on many laptops."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2593,11 +2593,11 @@ msgid ""
"har mange like maskiner, som f.eks. bærbar PC til alle elevene."
msgstr ""
"As we see, handling the construction process is about facilitating "
-"deployment on many computers. In exceptional cases, it's about building a "
-"tailor made Debian package But in most situations, all packaging is "
-"finished. Then you have to put in place a script which installs additional "
-"programs and certain settings. One can also create disk images if you have "
-"many similar machines, such as laptops to all students"
+"deployment on many computers. In exceptional cases, this may involve "
+"building a tailor-made Debian package. But in most situations, everything is "
+"ready-packaged. Then you have to put in place a script which installs "
+"additional programs and certain settings. One can also create disk images if "
+"you have many similar machines, such as laptops for all students"
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
msgid "Testing"
@@ -2614,10 +2614,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"It is essential to test new applications, configurations, and new services "
"before they are put into production. Several schools have experienced "
-"instability because they have to install software without making the "
-"necessary adjustments. Therefore it is crucial to test changes in "
-"configurations or new version of the software before the change is made on "
-"all machines."
+"instability when they have installed software without making the necessary "
+"adjustments. Therefore it is crucial to test changes in configurations or "
+"new versions of the software before the change is made on all machines."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid "Testing skjer gjerne i tre steg."
@@ -2630,8 +2629,8 @@ msgid ""
"brukere. Ta vare på alle endringene i oppsettfilene."
msgstr ""
"First, do an installation of the changes on a test network. This is "
-"technically testing guaranteeing that everything connect and works in a "
-"system without users. Retain all changes in configuration files."
+"technical testing to check that everything hangs together in a system with "
+"few users. Take care to include all changes in configuration files."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2641,12 +2640,12 @@ msgid ""
"fordi man utfører testing. Ta vare på aktuelle justeringer i oppsettfiler "
"som er gjort underveis ut fra de driftsmeldingene som har kommet."
msgstr ""
-"When one is sure that everything works on the technical side, try installing "
-"the solution to a school. It is very important to agree about the testing "
-"with the schools ICT contact. Users must also get full briefing on the "
-"changes because of testing is performed. Retain current adjustments in the "
-"setup files, which are made along the way from the operating messages that "
-"have arrived."
+"When you are sure that everything works on the technical side, try "
+"installing the solution in one school. It is very important to agree about "
+"the testing with the school's ICT contact. Users must also be fully briefed "
+"on changes made for the sake of testing. Take care to preserve current "
+"adjustments in the set-up files, which may have been made in the course of "
+"normal maintenance."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2654,13 +2653,13 @@ msgid ""
"skolene. Det gjøres enklest med å lage et skript som forenkler oppgradering "
"av programpakker, tjenester og konfigurasjoner."
msgstr ""
-"When one is sure everything works, you can roll out the solution to all "
+"When you are sure everything works, you can roll out the solution to all "
"schools. It is easiest to create a script that simplifies upgrading of "
"software packages, services and configurations."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><informaltable><tgroup><tbody><row><entry><para>
msgid "Reserveløsning"
-msgstr "Backup-solution"
+msgstr "Backing up"
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2670,8 +2669,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Much can go wrong during a new installation or upgrade. Therefore, one must "
-"have ready a fallback solution. It means one quickly can use the system as "
-"it was before the upgrade. In technical terms, this is called rollback."
+"have ready a fall-back solution. This lets one quickly get back to the "
+"system as it was before the upgrade. In technical terms, this is called roll-"
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2681,8 +2681,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"When rolling back it is absolutely essential to have ready the previous "
-"version of the software archive and configuration files. It means that you "
-"can install for example Edu 1.0 in under an hour, and put it in place the "
+"version of the software archive and configuration files. This means that you "
+"can install for example Edu 1.0 in under an hour, and put in place the "
"appropriate configuration files."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
@@ -2693,11 +2693,12 @@ msgid ""
"som ble oppgradert, men ikke virket etter planen. Ved å ha tjenermaskin(er) "
"i reserve kan man sørge for høy tilgjengelighet selv om noe skulle gå galt."
msgstr ""
-"But rollback takes time. Therefore, it may be okay to have a server ready "
-"with the previous version of the software, the right configurations, and "
-"users' home directories. This server can quickly replace the machines were "
-"upgraded, but not worked according to plan. By having server machine(s) in "
-"reserve can ensure high availability even if something should go wrong."
+"But roll-back takes time. Therefore, it may be prudent to have a server "
+"ready with the previous version of the software, the right configurations, "
+"and a recent copy of the users' home directories. This server can quickly "
+"replace any machines on which the upgrade does not go according to plan. "
+"Having server machines in reserve can ensure high availability even if "
+"something goes wrong."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><title>
msgid "Fordeler og mulige problemer"
@@ -2711,9 +2712,9 @@ msgid ""
"bryderi er all programvaren i Skolelinux tilgjengelig på Internett."
msgstr ""
"The advantage of having records of the software in production can't be "
-"underestimated. Many aim to have the software on their respective CDs and "
-"some DVDs. This inefficient distribution. To save time and trouble is all "
-"the software in Debian Edu available online."
+"underestimated. Many rely on having the software on their respective CDs and "
+"DVDs. This is inefficient distribution. To save time and trouble all the "
+"software in Debian Edu is available online."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2724,12 +2725,12 @@ msgid ""
"for skolene. Man hindrer også installasjon av programvare som ikke har vært "
"vurdert av styringsgruppa for endringer."
msgstr ""
-"Operating department can create a copy of the Debian Edu archive on a "
-"central server. From here may all the software quickly and smoothly be "
-"installed on other machines. The advantage is that ICT service constantly "
-"overviews of the versions of the software they have made available to "
-"schools. One also prevents the installation of software not been considered "
-"by the Change Management."
+"Your operating department can create a copy of the Debian Edu archive on a "
+"central server. From here, all the software can quickly and smoothly be "
+"installed on other machines. The advantage is that your ICT service has a "
+"constant overview of the versions of the software they have made available "
+"to schools. This also prevents the installation of software that has not "
+"been considered by the Change Management."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2741,11 +2742,12 @@ msgid ""
"holde ansvarlige for vedlikehold av programarkivet og konfigurasjonene."
msgstr ""
"There may be considerable problems if you do not maintain the software "
-"library and configurations. They may also make mistakes with a configuration "
-"or software package. Then this is rolled out to all machines. In addition, "
-"some schools may install little tested software or beta program into "
-"production. So one must have good processes and have someone to hold "
-"accountable for the maintenance of program records and configurations."
+"archive and configurations. It can also lead to mistakes with a "
+"configuration or software package. Then this gets rolled out to all "
+"machines. In addition, some schools may install insufficiently tested "
+"software or use beta releases in production. So one must have good processes "
+"and have someone to take responsibility for maintenance of the program "
+"archive and configurations."
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
@@ -2756,12 +2758,13 @@ msgid ""
"på hver enkelt maskin. Faren for å gjøre feil øker. Når ting ikke virker får "
"man misfornøyde brukere, og mye tid går med til feilretting."
msgstr ""
-"Is it needed a lot extra to install and maintain services and software "
-"already in use? However, if you choose away the tools providing management "
-"with upgrades you give yourself a lot of extra work. The ICT service must "
-"spend a lot of time on manual work with installation on each machine. The "
-"danger of making mistakes increases. When things do not work you get "
-"disgruntled users, and much time is spent to debugging."
+"It may seem like one needs a lot of extra things in place in order to "
+"install and maintain the services and programs that are in use. However, if "
+"you skip the tools that provide management of upgrades, you give yourself a "
+"lot of extra work. The ICT service must spend a lot of time on manual "
+"installation on each machine. The danger of making mistakes increases. When "
+"things do not work you get disgruntled users, and much time is spent fixing "
#. type: Content of: <article><section><section><section><para>
msgid ""
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/upstream/debian-edu-itil-doc-nb.git
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