[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/ITIL/UsefulCommands" by PetterReinholdtsen

Debian Wiki debian-www at lists.debian.org
Fri Oct 2 15:37:29 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/ITIL/UsefulCommands" page has been changed by PetterReinholdtsen:

Minor correction.

  ## page was renamed from DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/UsefulCommands
  = Useful commands =
- == Support for 4 GB memory <-- included in configuration management ==
+ == Support for 4 GB memory <-- included in configuration management ==
  Use Case: Because there is limited space on the Skolelinux/Debian-Edu CD only one Linux kernel is included, i.e. the lowest common denominator. That means a kernel ''working'' at as many as possible different types of hardware is included.
@@ -57, +57 @@

  As soon as which kernel fit the machine best it can be installed using the command
- '''apt-get install kernel-image-2.6-<your processor type>-smp'''
+ '''apt-get install kernel-image-2.6-<your processor type>-smp'''
  If the machine contain an Intel Xeon one can use

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