[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Stretch" by WolfgangSchweer

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Sat Apr 23 13:33:07 UTC 2016

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Stretch" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

move several issued to 'fixed in git'.

  Issues needing attention:
   * mirror redirector: http.debian.net -> httpredir.debian.org (postpone atm due to out-of-sync secondary mirrors)
+  * new samba version: configuration changes
+  * LTSP generates squashfs image file automatically, this takes ages and needs a lot of disk space. A file like ../ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/001-disable-squashfs-image containing one line: SQUASHFS_IMAGE="False" will prevent it.
+  * pxe installation: fails due to kernel mismatch, but works after adapting d-e-pxeinstall to wget the daily d-i netboot images.
+  * LTSP: both thin and diskless clients fail to start (kernel panic), seems to be due to DebianBug:786925. (LTSP default is NBD in stretch, Debian Edu uses NFS.) Update: after generating the NBD image file (and using it), both LTSP client types work like expected. Generation takes a long time (3.6 GiB size for MATE DE).
+ == Fixed in git, needs upload to unstable ==
   * default browser: iceweasel -> firefox(-esr)
   * squid renaming: squid3 -> squid
-  * new samba version: configuration changes
   * autofs: disabling on main server fails, maybe use 'systemctl disable autofs' instead (cf)
   * d-e-c/032-edu-pkgs: non-existing packages readahead and readahead-fedora should be dropped from purge list to enable LTSP chroot installation.
-  * LTSP generates squashfs image file automatically, this takes ages and needs a lot of disk space. A file like ../ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/001-disable-squashfs-image containing one line: SQUASHFS_IMAGE="False" will prevent it.
   * display manager: kdm is gone; after a default combi server installation sddm (w/ MATE as default session) shows up but doesn't allow login (no username field).
   * network interfaces: eth0 -> enp0s3, eth1 -> enp0s8 (!VirtualBox environment), see: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ for more general information and how to disable this change.    
   * sddm: by default, all users (icons) are shown (after fixing network and autofs); default theme breeze can't be configured to show a username field. 
   * isc-dhcp-server: fails to work, variable INTERFACES in /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server has been split into INTERFACESv4 and INTERFACESv6 (cf).
   * tftp-server: as atftpd isn't available in stretch atm, tftpd-hpa has been installed; disabling option --secure (/etc/default/tftpd-hpa) lets the daemon work (cf).
-  * pxe installation: fails due to kernel mismatch, but works after adapting d-e-pxeinstall to wget the daily d-i netboot images.
-  * LTSP: both thin and diskless clients fail to start (kernel panic), seems to be due to DebianBug:786925. (LTSP default is NBD in stretch, Debian Edu uses NFS.) Update: after generating the NBD image file (and using it), both LTSP client types work like expected. Generation takes a long time (3.6 GiB size for MATE DE).
  == Fixed + done (related packages migrated to stretch) ==

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