[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Installation" by HolgerLevsen
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Installation" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:
changes due to renaming Thin-Client-Server to LTSP-Server (see #588510)
=== The installation process ===
- Remember the [[http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Requirements|system requirements]] and make sure you have at least two network cards (NICs) if you plan on setting up a thin client server.
+ Remember the [[http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Requirements|system requirements]] and make sure you have at least two network cards (NICs) if you plan on setting up an LTSP server.
* Choose a language (for the installation and the installed system)
* Choose a location which normally should be the location where you live.
* Choose a keyboard keymap (the country's default is usually fine)
* Choose profile(s) from the following list:
* '''Main-Server'''
- This is the main server (tjener) for your school providing all services pre-configured to work out of the box. You must only install one main server per school! This profile does not include a graphical user interface. If you want a graphical user interface, then select Workstation or Thin-Client-Server in addition to this one.
+ This is the main server (tjener) for your school providing all services pre-configured to work out of the box. You must only install one main server per school! This profile does not include a graphical user interface. If you want a graphical user interface, then select Workstation or LTSP-Server in addition to this one.
* '''Workstation'''
A computer booting from its local hard drive, and running all software and devices locally like an ordinary computer, except that user logins are authenticated by the main server, where the users' files and desktop profile are stored.
* '''Roaming workstation'''
Same as workstation but capable of authentication using cached credentials, meaning it can be used outside the school network. The users' files and profiles are stored on the local disk. For single user notebooks and laptops this profile should be selected and not 'Workstation' or 'Standalone' as suggested in earlier releases.
- * '''Thin-Client-Server'''
+ * '''LTSP-Server'''
- A thin client (and diskless workstation) server, also called a LTSP server. Clients without hard drives boot and run software from this server. This computer needs two network cards, a lot of memory, and ideally more than one processor or core. See the chapter about [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/NetworkClients|networked clients]] for more information on this subject. Choosing this profile also enables the workstation profile (even if it is not selected) - a thin client server can always be used as a workstation, too.
+ A thin client (and diskless workstation) server, is called an LTSP server. Clients without hard drives boot and run software from this server. This computer needs two network cards, a lot of memory, and ideally more than one processor or core. See the chapter about [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/NetworkClients|networked clients]] for more information on this subject. Choosing this profile also enables the workstation profile (even if it is not selected) - an LTSP server can always be used as a workstation, too.
* '''Standalone'''
An ordinary computer that can function without a main server (that is, it doesn't need to be on the network). Includes laptops.
* '''Minimal'''
This profile will install the base packages and configure the machine to integrate into the Debian Edu network, but without any services and applications. It is useful as a platform for single services manually moved out from the main-server.
- The '''Main Server''', '''Workstation''' and '''Thin Client Server''' profiles are preselected. These profiles can be installed on one machine together if you want to install a so called ''combined main server''. This means the main server will be a thin client server and also be used as a workstation. This is the default choice, since we assume most people will install [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Installation#Installation_over_the_network_.28PXE.29_and_booting_diskless_clients|via PXE]] afterwards. Please note that you must have 2 network cards installed in a machine which is going to be installed as a combined main server or as a thin client server to become usefull after the installation.
+ The '''Main Server''', '''Workstation''' and '''LTSP Server''' profiles are preselected. These profiles can be installed on one machine together if you want to install a so called ''combined main server''. This means the main server will be a thin client server and also be used as a workstation. This is the default choice, since we assume most people will install [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Installation#Installation_over_the_network_.28PXE.29_and_booting_diskless_clients|via PXE]] afterwards. Please note that you must have 2 network cards installed in a machine which is going to be installed as a combined main server or as a thin client server to become usefull after the installation.
/!\ The ordering of the network cards after installation might differ from the ordering during installation. The wanted ordering can be achieved by editing {{{/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules}}}: Usually ''if this happens'', you will want to replace eth0 with eth1 and eth1 with eth0; a reboot is needed for the changes to take effect.
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* Please say "yes" to submitting information to http://popcon.skolelinux.org/ to allow us to know which packages are popular and should be kept for future releases. Although you don't have to, it is a simple way for you to help. :)
- * Wait. If the selected profiles include Thin-client-server then the installer will spend quite some time at the end, "Finishing the installation - Running debian-edu-profile-udeb..."
+ * Wait. If the selected profiles include LTSP-server then the installer will spend quite some time at the end, "Finishing the installation - Running debian-edu-profile-udeb..."
* After giving the root password, you will be asked to create a normal user account "for non-administrative tasks". For Debian Edu this account is very important: it is the account you will use to manage the Skolelinux network.
/!\ The password for this user '''must''' have a length of '''at least 5 characters''' - otherwise login will not be possible (even though a shorter password will be accepted by the installer).
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A netinst installation (which is the type of installation our CD provides) will fetch some packages from the CD and the rest from the net. The amount of packages fetched from the net varies from profile to profile but stays below a gigabyte (unless you choose to install all possible desktops). Once you have installed the main-server (whether a pure main-server or combi-server does not matter), further installation will use its proxy to avoid downloading the same package several times from the net.
- ==== A note on thin-client-server installations ====
+ ==== A note on LTSP-server installations ====
First of all, this profile name is confusing for historic reasons. Currently this profile actually installs an LTSP server environment for thin-clients and for diskless workstations. Debian bug DebianBug:588510 has been filed to change the name of the profile into a better suited one.
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- This is how the PXE menu looks with the '''Main-Server''' and '''Thin-Client-Server''' profiles:
+ This is how the PXE menu looks with the '''Main-Server''' and '''LTSP-Server''' profiles:
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The text mode and the graphical installation are functionally identical - only the appearance is different. The graphical mode offers the opportunity to use a mouse, and of course looks much nicer and more modern.
Unless the hardware has trouble with the graphical mode, there is no reason not to use it.
- So here is a screenshot tour through a graphical 64-bit Main-Server + Workstation + Thin Client Server installation and how it looks at the first boot of the tjener, a PXE boot on the workstation network and on the thinclient network:
+ So here is a screenshot tour through a graphical 64-bit Main-Server + Workstation + LTSP Server installation and how it looks at the first boot of the tjener, a PXE boot on the workstation network and on the thinclient network:
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