[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu" by ChristianKuelker

Debian Wiki debian-www at lists.debian.org
Wed Mar 2 23:05:53 UTC 2016

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The "DebianEdu" page has been changed by ChristianKuelker:

add paragraph about source code

  === Donating Money to the Debian Edu / Skolelinux Project ===
   If you want to make a donation to the project, please contact the [[http://www.linuxiskolen.no/slxdebianlabs/donations.html|SLX Debian Labs foundation]]
+ == Source Code ==
+ Debian Edu uses mainly common Debian packages. The remaining Debian Edu source code of
+ Debian Edu packages is mostly configuration and references to other packages. This source and 
+ the packages are maintained via the umbrella mailing list debian-edu-pkg-team at lists.alioth.debian.org
+ while the page https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=debian-edu@lists.debian.org provides
+ a view over Debian Edu (main) and Debian (common) packages. This page also provides a column VCS
+ with a reference to a Git index page that contains the link to clone the source code repositories.  
  = Reports, presentations and experiences =

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