[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/AppendixC" by HolgerLevsen

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/AppendixC" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

start documentation for Stretch copying from Jessie pages, including the jessie feature page in this one

New page:
= Appendix C - Features in older releases =


== New features for Debian Edu 8+edu0 Codename Jessie '''unreleased''' as of 2016-05-19 ==

=== Software updates ===

 * Everything which is new in Debian 8 Jessie, eg:
   * Linux kernel 3.16.x
   * Desktop environments KDE Plasma Workspace 4.11.13, GNOME 3.14, Xfce 4.10, LXDE 0.5.6
     * new optional desktop environment: MATE 1.8
     * KDE Plasma Workspace is installed by default; to choose one of the others see this manual.
   * the browsers Iceweasel 31 ESR and Chromium 41
   * !LibreOffice 4.3.3
   * Educational toolbox GCompris 14.12
   * Music creator Rosegarden 14.02
   * GOsa 2.7.4
   * LTSP 5.5.4
   * new boot framework: systemd. More information is available in the Debian [[https://wiki.debian.org/systemd|systemd wiki page]]  and in the[[http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/|systemd manual]].
   * Debian Jessie includes about 42000 packages available for installation.
  * More information about Debian 8 Jessie is provided in the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/releasenotes|release notes]] and the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/installmanual|installation manual]].

=== Documentation and translation updates ===
 * Translation updates for the templates used in the installer. These templates are now available in 29 languages.
 * Two manual translations have been completed: Dutch and Norwegian Bokmål.
 * The Debian Edu Jessie Manual is fully translated to German, French, Italian, Danish, Dutch and Norwegian Bokmål. A partly translated version exists for Spanish.

=== Other changes compared to the previous release ===

 * ''squid'': Shutdown and reboot of the main server takes longer than before due to a new default setting {{{shutdown_lifetime 30 seconds}}}. As an example the delay could be set to 10 seconds by appending the line {{{shutdown_lifetime 10 seconds}}} to {{{/etc/squid3/squid.conf}}}.

 * ''ssh'': The root user is no longer allowed to login via SSH with password. The old default {{{PermitRootLogin yes}}} has been replaced with {{{PermitRootLogin without-password}}}, so ssh-keys will still work.

 * ''slbackup-php'': To be able to use the slbackup-php site (which uses root logins via ssh), {{{PermitRootLogin yes}}} has to be set temporarily in {{{/etc/ssh/sshd_config}}}.

 * ''sugar'': As the Sugar desktop was removed from Debian Jessie, it is also not available in Debian Edu jessie.

== New features in Debian Edu 7.1+edu0 Codename Wheezy released 2013-09-28 ==

=== User visible changes ===

 * Updated artwork and new Debian Edu / Skolelinux logo, visible during installation, in the login screen and as desktop wallpaper.

=== Installation changes ===

 * New version of debian-installer from Debian Wheezy, see [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual|installation manual]] for more details.
 * The DVD image was dropped, instead we added a USB flash drive / Blue-ray disc image, which behaves like the DVD image, but is too big to fit on a DVD.

=== Software updates ===

 * Everything which is new in Debian Wheezy 7.1, eg:
   * Linux kernel 3.2.x
   * Desktop environments KDE "Plasma" 4.8.4, GNOME 3.4, Xfce 4.8.6, and LXDE 0.5.5 (KDE "Plasma" is installed by default; to choose GNOME, Xfce or LXDE: see manual.)
   * Web browser Iceweasel 17 ESR
   * !LibreOffice 3.5.4
   * LTSP 5.4.2
   * GOsa 2.7.4
   * CUPS print system 1.5.3
   * Educational toolbox GCompris 12.01
   * Music creator Rosegarden 12.04
   * Image editor Gimp 2.8.2
   * Virtual universe Celestia 1.6.1
   * Virtual stargazer Stellarium 0.11.3
   * Scratch visual programming environment
   * New version of debian-installer from Debian Wheezy, see [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual|installation manual]] for more details.
   * Debian Wheezy includes about 37000 packages available for installation.
  * More information about Debian Wheezy 7.1 is provided in the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/releasenotes|release notes]] and the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual|installation manual]].

=== Documentation and translation updates ===
 * Translation updates for the templates used in the installer. These templates are now available in 29 languages.
 * The Debian Edu Wheezy Manual is fully translated to German, French, Italian and Danish. Partly translated versions exist for Norwegian Bokmål and Spanish.

=== LDAP related changes ===

 * Slight changes to some objects and acls to have more types to choose from when adding systems in GOsa. Now systems can be of type server, workstation, printer, terminal or netdevice.

=== Other changes ===

 * New Xfce desktop task.
 * LTSP diskless workstations run without any configuration.
 * On the dedicated client network of thin client servers (default, machines run by default as diskless workstations if they are powerful enough.  
 * GOsa gui: Now some options that seemed to be available, but are non functional, are greyed out (or are not clickable). Some tabs are completely hidden to the end user, others even to the GOsa admin.

=== Known issues ===

 * Using KDE "Plasma" on standalone and roaming workstations, at least Konqueror, Chromium and Step sometimes fail to work out-of-the box when the machines are used outside the backbone network, proxy use is required to use the other network but no wpad.dat information is found. Workaround: Use Iceweasel or configure the proxy manually.

== Changes for Debian Edu 6.0.7+r1 Codename "Squeeze" released 2013-03-03 ==

 * Debian Edu 6.0.7+r1 Codename "Squeeze" is an incremental update to Debian Edu 6.0.4+r0, containing all the changes between Debian 6.0.4 and 6.0.7 as well as the following changes:
 * sitesummary was updated from 0.1.3 to 0.1.8
  * Make Nagios configuration more robust and efficient
  * Comply with 3.X kernel
 * debian-edu-doc from 1.4~20120310~6.0.4+r0 to 1.4~20130228~6.0.7+r1
  * Minor updates from the wiki
  * Danish translation now complete
 * debian-edu-config from 1.453 to 1.455
  * Fix /etc/hosts for LTSP diskless workstations. Closes: #699880
  * Make ltsp_local_mount script work for multiple devices.
  * Correct Kerberos user policy: don't expire password after 2 days. Closes: #664596
  * Handle '#' characters in the root or first users password. Closes: #664976
  * Fixes for gosa-sync:
   * Don't fail if password contains "
   * Don't disclose new password string in syslog
  * Fixes for gosa-create:
   * Invalidate libnss cache before applying changes
   * Multiple failures during mass user import into GOsa²
  * gosa-netgroups plugin: don't erase entries of attribute type "memberNisNetgroup". Closes: #687256
  * First user now uses the same Kerberos policy as all other users
  * Add Danish web page
 * debian-edu-install from 1.528 to 1.530
  * Improve preseeding support and documentation

== New features in Debian Edu 6.0.4+r0 Codename "Squeeze" released 2012-03-11 ==

=== User visible changes ===

 * Updated artwork and new Debian Edu / Skolelinux logo, visible during installation, in the login screen and as desktop wallpaper.
 * Replace LWAT with GOsa² as the LDAP administration interface. See below and the [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/GettingStarted|Getting started chapter]] of the manual for more information on GOsa².
 * See below for a list of updated software.
 * Show welcome page to users when they first log in. This default start page for Iceweasel is fetched from LDAP at installation and boot time for networked profiles. Set to http://www.skolelinux.org/ for Standalone installations. 
 * New LXDE desktop option, in addition to KDE (default) and GNOME. As the GNOME option, the LXDE desktop option is only supported by the CD installation method.
 * Speed up LTSP client boot.
 * Provide a KDE menu entry for changing the password in GOsa². 
  * For more information on how to change passwords (including expired passwords at the KDM/GDM login prompt), please see the [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/HowTo/Users|HowTos for users]] chapter of the manual.
 * Add link to http://linuxsignpost.org/ on the start page shown to new users.
 * All LTSP servers are also [[http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/HowTo/NetworkClients#Remote_Desktop_Service|RDP servers]] by default.
 * Improve handling of removable media on thin clients. Show desktop notification longer when inserting new media and provide an option to start dolphin when such media is inserted. 

=== Installation changes ===

 * New version of debian-installer from Debian Squeeze, see [[http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/installmanual|installation manual]] for more details.
 * Since root logins are no longer allowed when using gdm/kdm, a user in LDAP is set up during installation of the Main Server. This user is up as GOsa² administrator and is also granted sudo access. The Debian Edu menu reordering has been enabled as well, by adding the user also to the {{{teachers}}} group.
 * The `.iso` images can directly be copied onto USB flash drives, for example by using {{{dd}}} or even {{{cat}}}.
 * New roaming workstation profile for laptops.
 * Device access for all users is handled by PolicyKit, and no extra group memberships are needed to get access to devices.
 * A warning will be issued when installing on too small disks for the selected profile.
 * Simplify partitioning for Standalone installs to only have a separate /home/ but no seperate /usr anymore. 
 * More tests in the test suite, and fix for some of the tests that failed earlier. 
 * Make sure to report an error and abort the installation when trying to use the netinst images without a working Internet connection, instead of silently installing a broken system. 

=== Software updates ===

 * Everything which is new in Debian Squeeze:
   * compatibility with the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version 3.2 of the LSB.
   * Linux kernel 2.6.32
   * Desktop environments KDE "Plasma" 4.4 and GNOME 2.30
   * Web browser Iceweasel 3.5
   * !OpenOffice.org 3.2.1
   * Educational toolbox GCompris 9.3
   * Music creator Rosegarden 10.04.2
   * Image editor Gimp 2.6.10
   * Virtual universe Celestia 1.6.0
   * Virtual stargazer Stellarium 0.10.4
   * Debian Squeeze includes over 10,000 new packages available for installation, including the browser Chromium
  * More information about Debian Squeeze 6.0 is provided in the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/releasenotes|release notes]] and the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/installmanual|installation manual]].

=== Infrastructural changes ===

 * The network is used instead of, and the default gateway is, not as used in the past. 
  * The dynamic DHCP range was extended on the backbone network to around 4k IP addresses, and around 200 IP addresses for the thin client network. 
  * The DHCP network for has been renamed from `barebone` to `intern`
  * There are no pre-defined host entries for client systems in DNS anymore (staticXX, ..., dhcpYY...)
 * MIT Kerberos5 used for user authentication, enabled for:
  * PAM
  * IMAP
  * SMTP
 * NFSv4, but without added Kerberos privacy/integrity/authentication.  The machines still have to be added to the `workstation` netgroup to be able to mount the home directories
 * Full Samba NT4 domain support for Windows XP/Vista/7
 * A complete PXE boot environment is setup when installing from the DVD, so that further installations can be done using PXE network installs only. A new script pxe-addfirmware is provided to support more hardware models needing firmware. 
 * Remove all hard coded settings on workstations, and configure workstations and roaming workstations using settings detected from the environment using DNS,  DHCP and LDAP.  See this [[http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/No_hardcoded_config_on_Debian_Edu_clients.html|blog post with more information on the changes]].

=== Documentation and translation updates ===
 * Translation updates for the templates used in the installer. These templates are now available in 28 languages.
 * The Debian Edu Squeeze Manual has generally been cleaned up and improved. A proof-read with corrections was done by a native English linguist.
 * The Debian Edu Squeeze Manual is fully translated to German, French and Italian. Partly translated versions exist for Danish (new), Norwegian Bokmål and Spanish.
 * Improvements to many language tasks, especially French and Danish.
 * Improvements to the welcome web page shown at first logins. 
  * Add new Japanese, Portuguese and Catalan translations of the welcome web page.

=== Regressions ===

 * [[http://lists.debian.org/20100810061204.GD7929@login2.uio.no|CD and DVD installs are different]] - the DVD is only suitable for installing a KDE environemnt.
 * Drop support for {{{powerpc}}} architecture from netinst installation CDs. It is still possible to run Debian Edu on {{{powerpc}}}, but installation is less automated.
 * Drop gtick in the default installation, because it doesn't work on thin clients (BTS #566335).

=== New administration tool: GOsa² ===

 * gosa (2.6.11-3+squeeze1~edu+1) from the upcoming 6.0.5 Debian point release, with:
  * Fix DHCP host removal. Closes: #650258
  * Backport user generator unicode character transliteration. Closes: #657086
 * Customized GOsa² configuration to better suit the Debian Edu network architecture.
  * GOsa² updates DNS and NFS exports immediately when a system is updated in LDAP, making diskless workstations work right after they are added to the required netgroup. 
 * Provide script sitesummary2ldapdhcp to update or populate GOsa² with system objects using information gathered by sitesummary, to make it easier to add new computers to the network. 

=== More software changes ===

 * Add video editor Kdenlive 0.7.7  and interactive geometry tool Geogebra 3.2.42
 * Change default package manager from adept to synaptic, to avoid getting two graphical package managers installed by default.
 * Install openoffice.org-kde by default ensure OOo uses KDE file dialogs in KDE.
 * Change video player setup to install different players in KDE (dragonplayer), GNOME (totem) and LXDE (totem).
 * Add KDE tools freespacenotifier, kinfocenter, update-notifier-kde to the default KDE installation.
 * Replace network-manager-kde with plasma-widget-networkmanagement in the standalone KDE profile
 * Install usb-modeswitch on laptops to handle dual mode USB devices.
 * Add cifs-utils to the default installation to ensure SMB mounting can work in any profile.
 * Drop octave, gpscorrelate, qlandkartegt, viking, starplot, kig, kseg, luma, and valgrind from the default installation and the DVD to make room for higher priority packages.
 * Drop libnss-mdns from stationary profiles, to make sure DNS is the authoritive source of host names.
 * {{{freerdp-x11}}} is installed by default as RDP and VNC client. (Previously {{{rdesktop}}} was installed instead.)

=== Other LDAP related changes ===

 * Make the LDAP server handle more clients after increasing the server's file descriptor limit from 1024 to 32768. 
 * Add code to re-enable stopped CUPS queues every hour on the Main Server, and flush all CUPS queues every night. Both can be disabled in LDAP. 
 * Provide network blocking / exam mode by default, controlled by LDAP. In addition to network blocking, changes to the Squid proxy configuration is needed. 
 * Enable automatic extending of full file systems on the Main Server by default. This can be disabled in LDAP. 
 * Change SSL certificate name used by the LDAP server and adjust clients to use the new name to be able to enable certificate checking on clients.
 * Switch PowerDNS to use strict LDAP mode, to allow us to simplify the LDAP setup used for DNS.
 * Simplify autofs LDAP rules to make sure they work with extra home directory partitions exported from the main-server without any changes.
 * Make backup system more robust in handling LDAP database dump and restart.

=== Other changes ===

 * Root logins are denied for both KDM and GDM - see above and [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/GettingStarted|Getting started]] for details. 
 * Clients set up to shut down at night will stay up for at least an hour if they are turned on manually between 16:00 and 07:00.
 * Additionally use local NTP clock on the main-server to ensure clients and server sync clocks also when disconnected from the Internet. 
 * Access to Debian repositories is always done via a proxy on the main server - read more about the implementation details [[http://lists.debian.org/20100704221022.GC30542@login1.uio.no|using DHCP and WPAD]]
 * The home0 partition is mounted nosuid, to increase security. 
 * Change KDE/Akonadi configuration to reduce the disk footprint of every user from 144 to 24 MiB. 
 * New tool notify-local-users to send desktop notification to all logged in users on a machine.  Useful for thin client servers.

== New in Debian Edu 5.0.6+edu1 Codename "Lenny" released 2010-10-05 ==

 * Everything that is new in Debian [[http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626|5.0.5]] and [[http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100904|5.0.6]], which includes support for some new hardware. 5.0.5 and 5.0.6 are maintenance releases and generally don't add new features
 * Several bugfixes, including fixes for Skolelinux bugs #1436, #1427, #1441, #1413, #1450 and Debian bugs #585966, #585772, #585968, #586035 and #585966 plus several which were not filed
 * Merge new web pages from Squeeze - the text is the same, but it provides a new translation for `zh`, complete translations for all included languages (`de`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `nb`, `nl`, `ru`, `zh`), and a rename of the `.no` page to `.nb` to reflect the language used
 * Debian-edu-install: Slovak translation added, updates to German, Basque, Italian, Bokmål, Vietnamese and Chinese translations. 
 * Debian-edu-doc: improvements to Italian, Bokmål and German translations as well as overall content and layout
 * Sitesummary: various improvements; most notably, several Nagios checks were added to monitor system health 
 * Shutdown-at-night: fix #1435 (did not work with the LDAP host groups populated by lwat).

== New features in Debian Edu 5.0.4+edu0 Codename "Lenny" released 2010-02-08 ==

 * Everything that is new in Debian 5.0.4; see the [[#New_features_in_Debian_5.0.4_upon_which_Debian_Edu_5.0.4.2B-edu0_is_based|following paragraph]] for details.
 * More than 80 applications relevant for education are included based on user feedback and user statistics (through [[http://popcon.skolelinux.org/|Debian Edu popularity contest]]).  The full list of packages is given in the [[http://blends.alioth.debian.org/edu/tasks/|task overview page]].
 * Improved student desktop with educational software shortcuts to GCompris, Kalzium, KGeography, KMplot, KStars, Stopmotion and !OpenOffice Write and Impress.
 * Dynamic desktop icons and menu options that adjust based on user group.
 * GNOME added as a supported desktop; see the [[../Installation|Installation chapter]] to learn how to install with GNOME instead of KDE as desktop.
 * Support for more than 50 languages.
 * Improved system for user administration and machine identification.
 * Improved diskless and thin client setup.
 * New startup menu letting users choose diskless workstation, thin client or workstation.
 * A diskless workstation option is installed but not activated by default on all servers with the thin-client-server profile.
 * Main-server is set up as a PXE server for booting thin clients and diskless workstations, and for installing to clients' hard or flash drives.
 * The configuration for DNS and DHCP is stored in LDAP and can be edited using {{{lwat}}}. The DNS server has been switched from {{{bind9}}} to {{{powerdns}}}.
 * LDAP server for directory services (NSS) is located using a SRV record in DNS instead of hardcoding the 'ldap' DNS name.  LDAP server for password checks (PAM) is still using the hardcoded 'ldap' DNS name.
 * Multi-architecture (amd64/i386/powerpc) net installer CD.
 * (Most) Packages are downloaded over the Internet.
 * Multi-architecture (amd64/i386) installer DVD capable of installing without network.
 * !PulseAudio is provided in addition to ALSA and OSS for sound on workstations and diskless workstation machines.
 * The ''Barebone'' profile has been renamed to ''Minimal'', to better reflect what it is.
 * The Nagios3 configuration is now automatically created by sitesummary.
 * The per-user file {{{~/.xsession-errors}}} is now truncated automatically when the user logs in to avoid filling up the home directory partition with a log that grows indefinitely.  The user can disable this by creating {{{~/.xsession-errors-enable}}}.  The system administrator can configure the system to redirect the file to /dev/null by editing {{{/etc/X11/Xsession.d/05debian-edu-truncate-xerrorlog}}}.
 * To ease installation of Debian Edu on hardware needing non-free firmware, the CD and DVD include the following firmware packages: firmware-bnx2, firmware-bnx2x, firmware-ipw2x00, firmware-iwlwifi, firmware-qlogic and firmware-ralink.

== New features in Debian 5.0.4 upon which Debian Edu 5.0.4+edu0 is based ==

 * New Linux kernel 2.6.26 supports more hardware
 * With this release, Debian GNU/Linux updates from X.Org 7.1 to X.Org 7.3 (which includes support of newer hardware) and now includes the desktop environments KDE 3.5.10 and GNOME 2.22. Updates of other desktop applications include Iceweasel (version 3.0.6, which is the unbranded Firefox web browser) and Icedove (version, which is the unbranded Thunderbird mail client) as well as upgrades to Evolution 2.22.3, OpenOffice.org 2.4.1, and Pidgin 2.4.3 (formerly known as Gaim). SWI-prolog is back.
 * Installation from CD/DVD from within Windows
 * Switched from sysklogd to rsyslog as the syslog collector.
 * For more information see the page [[http://wiki.debian.org/NewInLenny|New in Lenny]] on wiki.debian.org

== New features in the "3.0r1 Terra" release 2007-12-05 ==

 * Much improved documentation with updated translations to German, Norwegian Bokmål and Italian
 * Includes more than 40 bug fixes, improvements and security updates that came to our attention after the 3.0r0 release

== New features in the "3.0r0 Terra" release 2007-07-22 ==

 * Based on Debian 4.0 Etch released 2007-04-08.
 * Graphical installer with mouse support
 * Boot splash with usplash
 * LSB 3.1 compatible
 * Linux kernel version 2.6.18
  * Support for SATA controllers and hard disks
 * X.org version 7.1.
 * KDE desktop environment version 3.5.5 
 * !OpenOffice.org version 2.0.
 * LTSP5 (version 0.99debian12)
 * Automatic tracking of installed machines using Sitesummary.
 * Automatic configuration of munin using data from Sitesummary.
 * Automatic version control of configuration files in /etc/ using svk.
 * File systems can be extended while the file system is mounted.
   * Support for automatically extending file systems based on predefined rules.
 * Local Device Support on thin clients.
 * New processor architectures: amd64 (fully supported) and powerpc (experimental support, installation media only boots on the newworld subarchitecture)
 * Multi-architecture DVD for i386, amd64 and powerpc
 * Regression: the CD-install requires Internet access during installation. Previous versions could be installed from one CD without Internet access. 
 * Regression: {{{webmin}}} is now removed from Debian because of problems supporting it. We've added a new web based user administration tool named {{{lwat}}}, which doesn't has the same functionality as {{{wlus}}}, the old user administration tool. But {{{wlus}}} requires {{{webmin}}}. 
 * Regression: swi-prolog is not part of Etch, but was part of Sarge. The [[DebianEdu/Documentation/Etch/HowTo/TeachAndLearn|HowTo teach and learn]] Chapter describes how to install swi-prolog on Etch.

== Features in 2.0 release 2006-03-14 ==

 * Based on Debian 3.1 Sarge released 2005-06-06.
 * Linux kernel version 2.6.8.
 * XFree86 version 4.3.
 * KDE version 3.3.
 * !OpenOffice.org 1.1.

== Features in "1.0 Venus" release 2004-06-20 ==

 * Based on Debian 3.0 Woody released 2002-07-19.
 * Linux kernel version 2.4.26.
 * XFree86 version 4.1.
 * KDE version 2.2.

== More information on even older releases ==

More information on even older releases can be found at


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