[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 01/01: New upstream version 0.9.9+dfsg

Dominik George natureshadow-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 9 14:39:58 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

natureshadow-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository guacamole-client.

commit d108245bdeacd0771d5221b708b355adfde4dd13
Author: Dominik George <nik at naturalnet.de>
Date:   Wed Nov 9 12:50:12 2016 +0100

    New upstream version 0.9.9+dfsg
 guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/LICENSE      |   22 -
 .../src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-cookies.js |  207 -
 .../src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-route.js   |  991 ---
 .../src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-touch.js   |  631 --
 .../src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular.min.js     |  252 -
 .../src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt     |   21 -
 guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/jquery.js     | 9205 --------------------
 guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/LICENSE.txt   |   22 -
 guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/lodash.js     |   56 -
 9 files changed, 11407 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/LICENSE b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ced331..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-The MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-cookies.js b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-cookies.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d7d66..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-cookies.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.3.16
- * (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
- * License: MIT
- */
-(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
- * @ngdoc module
- * @name ngCookies
- * @description
- *
- * # ngCookies
- *
- * The `ngCookies` module provides a convenient wrapper for reading and writing browser cookies.
- *
- *
- * <div doc-module-components="ngCookies"></div>
- *
- * See {@link ngCookies.$cookies `$cookies`} and
- * {@link ngCookies.$cookieStore `$cookieStore`} for usage.
- */
-angular.module('ngCookies', ['ng']).
-  /**
-   * @ngdoc service
-   * @name $cookies
-   *
-   * @description
-   * Provides read/write access to browser's cookies.
-   *
-   * Only a simple Object is exposed and by adding or removing properties to/from this object, new
-   * cookies are created/deleted at the end of current $eval.
-   * The object's properties can only be strings.
-   *
-   * Requires the {@link ngCookies `ngCookies`} module to be installed.
-   *
-   * @example
-   *
-   * ```js
-   * angular.module('cookiesExample', ['ngCookies'])
-   *   .controller('ExampleController', ['$cookies', function($cookies) {
-   *     // Retrieving a cookie
-   *     var favoriteCookie = $cookies.myFavorite;
-   *     // Setting a cookie
-   *     $cookies.myFavorite = 'oatmeal';
-   *   }]);
-   * ```
-   */
-   factory('$cookies', ['$rootScope', '$browser', function($rootScope, $browser) {
-      var cookies = {},
-          lastCookies = {},
-          lastBrowserCookies,
-          runEval = false,
-          copy = angular.copy,
-          isUndefined = angular.isUndefined;
-      //creates a poller fn that copies all cookies from the $browser to service & inits the service
-      $browser.addPollFn(function() {
-        var currentCookies = $browser.cookies();
-        if (lastBrowserCookies != currentCookies) { //relies on browser.cookies() impl
-          lastBrowserCookies = currentCookies;
-          copy(currentCookies, lastCookies);
-          copy(currentCookies, cookies);
-          if (runEval) $rootScope.$apply();
-        }
-      })();
-      runEval = true;
-      //at the end of each eval, push cookies
-      //TODO: this should happen before the "delayed" watches fire, because if some cookies are not
-      //      strings or browser refuses to store some cookies, we update the model in the push fn.
-      $rootScope.$watch(push);
-      return cookies;
-      /**
-       * Pushes all the cookies from the service to the browser and verifies if all cookies were
-       * stored.
-       */
-      function push() {
-        var name,
-            value,
-            browserCookies,
-            updated;
-        //delete any cookies deleted in $cookies
-        for (name in lastCookies) {
-          if (isUndefined(cookies[name])) {
-            $browser.cookies(name, undefined);
-            delete lastCookies[name];
-          }
-        }
-        //update all cookies updated in $cookies
-        for (name in cookies) {
-          value = cookies[name];
-          if (!angular.isString(value)) {
-            value = '' + value;
-            cookies[name] = value;
-          }
-          if (value !== lastCookies[name]) {
-            $browser.cookies(name, value);
-            lastCookies[name] = value;
-            updated = true;
-          }
-        }
-        //verify what was actually stored
-        if (updated) {
-          browserCookies = $browser.cookies();
-          for (name in cookies) {
-            if (cookies[name] !== browserCookies[name]) {
-              //delete or reset all cookies that the browser dropped from $cookies
-              if (isUndefined(browserCookies[name])) {
-                delete cookies[name];
-                delete lastCookies[name];
-              } else {
-                cookies[name] = lastCookies[name] = browserCookies[name];
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }]).
-  /**
-   * @ngdoc service
-   * @name $cookieStore
-   * @requires $cookies
-   *
-   * @description
-   * Provides a key-value (string-object) storage, that is backed by session cookies.
-   * Objects put or retrieved from this storage are automatically serialized or
-   * deserialized by angular's toJson/fromJson.
-   *
-   * Requires the {@link ngCookies `ngCookies`} module to be installed.
-   *
-   * @example
-   *
-   * ```js
-   * angular.module('cookieStoreExample', ['ngCookies'])
-   *   .controller('ExampleController', ['$cookieStore', function($cookieStore) {
-   *     // Put cookie
-   *     $cookieStore.put('myFavorite','oatmeal');
-   *     // Get cookie
-   *     var favoriteCookie = $cookieStore.get('myFavorite');
-   *     // Removing a cookie
-   *     $cookieStore.remove('myFavorite');
-   *   }]);
-   * ```
-   */
-   factory('$cookieStore', ['$cookies', function($cookies) {
-      return {
-        /**
-         * @ngdoc method
-         * @name $cookieStore#get
-         *
-         * @description
-         * Returns the value of given cookie key
-         *
-         * @param {string} key Id to use for lookup.
-         * @returns {Object} Deserialized cookie value.
-         */
-        get: function(key) {
-          var value = $cookies[key];
-          return value ? angular.fromJson(value) : value;
-        },
-        /**
-         * @ngdoc method
-         * @name $cookieStore#put
-         *
-         * @description
-         * Sets a value for given cookie key
-         *
-         * @param {string} key Id for the `value`.
-         * @param {Object} value Value to be stored.
-         */
-        put: function(key, value) {
-          $cookies[key] = angular.toJson(value);
-        },
-        /**
-         * @ngdoc method
-         * @name $cookieStore#remove
-         *
-         * @description
-         * Remove given cookie
-         *
-         * @param {string} key Id of the key-value pair to delete.
-         */
-        remove: function(key) {
-          delete $cookies[key];
-        }
-      };
-    }]);
-})(window, window.angular);
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-route.js b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-route.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fba0d9b..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-route.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.3.16
- * (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
- * License: MIT
- */
-(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
- * @ngdoc module
- * @name ngRoute
- * @description
- *
- * # ngRoute
- *
- * The `ngRoute` module provides routing and deeplinking services and directives for angular apps.
- *
- * ## Example
- * See {@link ngRoute.$route#example $route} for an example of configuring and using `ngRoute`.
- *
- *
- * <div doc-module-components="ngRoute"></div>
- */
- /* global -ngRouteModule */
-var ngRouteModule = angular.module('ngRoute', ['ng']).
-                        provider('$route', $RouteProvider),
-    $routeMinErr = angular.$$minErr('ngRoute');
- * @ngdoc provider
- * @name $routeProvider
- *
- * @description
- *
- * Used for configuring routes.
- *
- * ## Example
- * See {@link ngRoute.$route#example $route} for an example of configuring and using `ngRoute`.
- *
- * ## Dependencies
- * Requires the {@link ngRoute `ngRoute`} module to be installed.
- */
-function $RouteProvider() {
-  function inherit(parent, extra) {
-    return angular.extend(Object.create(parent), extra);
-  }
-  var routes = {};
-  /**
-   * @ngdoc method
-   * @name $routeProvider#when
-   *
-   * @param {string} path Route path (matched against `$location.path`). If `$location.path`
-   *    contains redundant trailing slash or is missing one, the route will still match and the
-   *    `$location.path` will be updated to add or drop the trailing slash to exactly match the
-   *    route definition.
-   *
-   *    * `path` can contain named groups starting with a colon: e.g. `:name`. All characters up
-   *        to the next slash are matched and stored in `$routeParams` under the given `name`
-   *        when the route matches.
-   *    * `path` can contain named groups starting with a colon and ending with a star:
-   *        e.g.`:name*`. All characters are eagerly stored in `$routeParams` under the given `name`
-   *        when the route matches.
-   *    * `path` can contain optional named groups with a question mark: e.g.`:name?`.
-   *
-   *    For example, routes like `/color/:color/largecode/:largecode*\/edit` will match
-   *    `/color/brown/largecode/code/with/slashes/edit` and extract:
-   *
-   *    * `color: brown`
-   *    * `largecode: code/with/slashes`.
-   *
-   *
-   * @param {Object} route Mapping information to be assigned to `$route.current` on route
-   *    match.
-   *
-   *    Object properties:
-   *
-   *    - `controller` – `{(string|function()=}` – Controller fn that should be associated with
-   *      newly created scope or the name of a {@link angular.Module#controller registered
-   *      controller} if passed as a string.
-   *    - `controllerAs` – `{string=}` – A controller alias name. If present the controller will be
-   *      published to scope under the `controllerAs` name.
-   *    - `template` – `{string=|function()=}` – html template as a string or a function that
-   *      returns an html template as a string which should be used by {@link
-   *      ngRoute.directive:ngView ngView} or {@link ng.directive:ngInclude ngInclude} directives.
-   *      This property takes precedence over `templateUrl`.
-   *
-   *      If `template` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
-   *
-   *      - `{Array.<Object>}` - route parameters extracted from the current
-   *        `$location.path()` by applying the current route
-   *
-   *    - `templateUrl` – `{string=|function()=}` – path or function that returns a path to an html
-   *      template that should be used by {@link ngRoute.directive:ngView ngView}.
-   *
-   *      If `templateUrl` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
-   *
-   *      - `{Array.<Object>}` - route parameters extracted from the current
-   *        `$location.path()` by applying the current route
-   *
-   *    - `resolve` - `{Object.<string, function>=}` - An optional map of dependencies which should
-   *      be injected into the controller. If any of these dependencies are promises, the router
-   *      will wait for them all to be resolved or one to be rejected before the controller is
-   *      instantiated.
-   *      If all the promises are resolved successfully, the values of the resolved promises are
-   *      injected and {@link ngRoute.$route#$routeChangeSuccess $routeChangeSuccess} event is
-   *      fired. If any of the promises are rejected the
-   *      {@link ngRoute.$route#$routeChangeError $routeChangeError} event is fired. The map object
-   *      is:
-   *
-   *      - `key` – `{string}`: a name of a dependency to be injected into the controller.
-   *      - `factory` - `{string|function}`: If `string` then it is an alias for a service.
-   *        Otherwise if function, then it is {@link auto.$injector#invoke injected}
-   *        and the return value is treated as the dependency. If the result is a promise, it is
-   *        resolved before its value is injected into the controller. Be aware that
-   *        `ngRoute.$routeParams` will still refer to the previous route within these resolve
-   *        functions.  Use `$route.current.params` to access the new route parameters, instead.
-   *
-   *    - `redirectTo` – {(string|function())=} – value to update
-   *      {@link ng.$location $location} path with and trigger route redirection.
-   *
-   *      If `redirectTo` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
-   *
-   *      - `{Object.<string>}` - route parameters extracted from the current
-   *        `$location.path()` by applying the current route templateUrl.
-   *      - `{string}` - current `$location.path()`
-   *      - `{Object}` - current `$location.search()`
-   *
-   *      The custom `redirectTo` function is expected to return a string which will be used
-   *      to update `$location.path()` and `$location.search()`.
-   *
-   *    - `[reloadOnSearch=true]` - {boolean=} - reload route when only `$location.search()`
-   *      or `$location.hash()` changes.
-   *
-   *      If the option is set to `false` and url in the browser changes, then
-   *      `$routeUpdate` event is broadcasted on the root scope.
-   *
-   *    - `[caseInsensitiveMatch=false]` - {boolean=} - match routes without being case sensitive
-   *
-   *      If the option is set to `true`, then the particular route can be matched without being
-   *      case sensitive
-   *
-   * @returns {Object} self
-   *
-   * @description
-   * Adds a new route definition to the `$route` service.
-   */
-  this.when = function(path, route) {
-    //copy original route object to preserve params inherited from proto chain
-    var routeCopy = angular.copy(route);
-    if (angular.isUndefined(routeCopy.reloadOnSearch)) {
-      routeCopy.reloadOnSearch = true;
-    }
-    if (angular.isUndefined(routeCopy.caseInsensitiveMatch)) {
-      routeCopy.caseInsensitiveMatch = this.caseInsensitiveMatch;
-    }
-    routes[path] = angular.extend(
-      routeCopy,
-      path && pathRegExp(path, routeCopy)
-    );
-    // create redirection for trailing slashes
-    if (path) {
-      var redirectPath = (path[path.length - 1] == '/')
-            ? path.substr(0, path.length - 1)
-            : path + '/';
-      routes[redirectPath] = angular.extend(
-        {redirectTo: path},
-        pathRegExp(redirectPath, routeCopy)
-      );
-    }
-    return this;
-  };
-  /**
-   * @ngdoc property
-   * @name $routeProvider#caseInsensitiveMatch
-   * @description
-   *
-   * A boolean property indicating if routes defined
-   * using this provider should be matched using a case insensitive
-   * algorithm. Defaults to `false`.
-   */
-  this.caseInsensitiveMatch = false;
-   /**
-    * @param path {string} path
-    * @param opts {Object} options
-    * @return {?Object}
-    *
-    * @description
-    * Normalizes the given path, returning a regular expression
-    * and the original path.
-    *
-    * Inspired by pathRexp in visionmedia/express/lib/utils.js.
-    */
-  function pathRegExp(path, opts) {
-    var insensitive = opts.caseInsensitiveMatch,
-        ret = {
-          originalPath: path,
-          regexp: path
-        },
-        keys = ret.keys = [];
-    path = path
-      .replace(/([().])/g, '\\$1')
-      .replace(/(\/)?:(\w+)([\?\*])?/g, function(_, slash, key, option) {
-        var optional = option === '?' ? option : null;
-        var star = option === '*' ? option : null;
-        keys.push({ name: key, optional: !!optional });
-        slash = slash || '';
-        return ''
-          + (optional ? '' : slash)
-          + '(?:'
-          + (optional ? slash : '')
-          + (star && '(.+?)' || '([^/]+)')
-          + (optional || '')
-          + ')'
-          + (optional || '');
-      })
-      .replace(/([\/$\*])/g, '\\$1');
-    ret.regexp = new RegExp('^' + path + '$', insensitive ? 'i' : '');
-    return ret;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @ngdoc method
-   * @name $routeProvider#otherwise
-   *
-   * @description
-   * Sets route definition that will be used on route change when no other route definition
-   * is matched.
-   *
-   * @param {Object|string} params Mapping information to be assigned to `$route.current`.
-   * If called with a string, the value maps to `redirectTo`.
-   * @returns {Object} self
-   */
-  this.otherwise = function(params) {
-    if (typeof params === 'string') {
-      params = {redirectTo: params};
-    }
-    this.when(null, params);
-    return this;
-  };
-  this.$get = ['$rootScope',
-               '$location',
-               '$routeParams',
-               '$q',
-               '$injector',
-               '$templateRequest',
-               '$sce',
-      function($rootScope, $location, $routeParams, $q, $injector, $templateRequest, $sce) {
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc service
-     * @name $route
-     * @requires $location
-     * @requires $routeParams
-     *
-     * @property {Object} current Reference to the current route definition.
-     * The route definition contains:
-     *
-     *   - `controller`: The controller constructor as define in route definition.
-     *   - `locals`: A map of locals which is used by {@link ng.$controller $controller} service for
-     *     controller instantiation. The `locals` contain
-     *     the resolved values of the `resolve` map. Additionally the `locals` also contain:
-     *
-     *     - `$scope` - The current route scope.
-     *     - `$template` - The current route template HTML.
-     *
-     * @property {Object} routes Object with all route configuration Objects as its properties.
-     *
-     * @description
-     * `$route` is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials).
-     * It watches `$location.url()` and tries to map the path to an existing route definition.
-     *
-     * Requires the {@link ngRoute `ngRoute`} module to be installed.
-     *
-     * You can define routes through {@link ngRoute.$routeProvider $routeProvider}'s API.
-     *
-     * The `$route` service is typically used in conjunction with the
-     * {@link ngRoute.directive:ngView `ngView`} directive and the
-     * {@link ngRoute.$routeParams `$routeParams`} service.
-     *
-     * @example
-     * This example shows how changing the URL hash causes the `$route` to match a route against the
-     * URL, and the `ngView` pulls in the partial.
-     *
-     * <example name="$route-service" module="ngRouteExample"
-     *          deps="angular-route.js" fixBase="true">
-     *   <file name="index.html">
-     *     <div ng-controller="MainController">
-     *       Choose:
-     *       <a href="Book/Moby">Moby</a> |
-     *       <a href="Book/Moby/ch/1">Moby: Ch1</a> |
-     *       <a href="Book/Gatsby">Gatsby</a> |
-     *       <a href="Book/Gatsby/ch/4?key=value">Gatsby: Ch4</a> |
-     *       <a href="Book/Scarlet">Scarlet Letter</a><br/>
-     *
-     *       <div ng-view></div>
-     *
-     *       <hr />
-     *
-     *       <pre>$location.path() = {{$location.path()}}</pre>
-     *       <pre>$route.current.templateUrl = {{$route.current.templateUrl}}</pre>
-     *       <pre>$route.current.params = {{$route.current.params}}</pre>
-     *       <pre>$route.current.scope.name = {{$route.current.scope.name}}</pre>
-     *       <pre>$routeParams = {{$routeParams}}</pre>
-     *     </div>
-     *   </file>
-     *
-     *   <file name="book.html">
-     *     controller: {{name}}<br />
-     *     Book Id: {{params.bookId}}<br />
-     *   </file>
-     *
-     *   <file name="chapter.html">
-     *     controller: {{name}}<br />
-     *     Book Id: {{params.bookId}}<br />
-     *     Chapter Id: {{params.chapterId}}
-     *   </file>
-     *
-     *   <file name="script.js">
-     *     angular.module('ngRouteExample', ['ngRoute'])
-     *
-     *      .controller('MainController', function($scope, $route, $routeParams, $location) {
-     *          $scope.$route = $route;
-     *          $scope.$location = $location;
-     *          $scope.$routeParams = $routeParams;
-     *      })
-     *
-     *      .controller('BookController', function($scope, $routeParams) {
-     *          $scope.name = "BookController";
-     *          $scope.params = $routeParams;
-     *      })
-     *
-     *      .controller('ChapterController', function($scope, $routeParams) {
-     *          $scope.name = "ChapterController";
-     *          $scope.params = $routeParams;
-     *      })
-     *
-     *     .config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
-     *       $routeProvider
-     *        .when('/Book/:bookId', {
-     *         templateUrl: 'book.html',
-     *         controller: 'BookController',
-     *         resolve: {
-     *           // I will cause a 1 second delay
-     *           delay: function($q, $timeout) {
-     *             var delay = $q.defer();
-     *             $timeout(delay.resolve, 1000);
-     *             return delay.promise;
-     *           }
-     *         }
-     *       })
-     *       .when('/Book/:bookId/ch/:chapterId', {
-     *         templateUrl: 'chapter.html',
-     *         controller: 'ChapterController'
-     *       });
-     *
-     *       // configure html5 to get links working on jsfiddle
-     *       $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
-     *     });
-     *
-     *   </file>
-     *
-     *   <file name="protractor.js" type="protractor">
-     *     it('should load and compile correct template', function() {
-     *       element(by.linkText('Moby: Ch1')).click();
-     *       var content = element(by.css('[ng-view]')).getText();
-     *       expect(content).toMatch(/controller\: ChapterController/);
-     *       expect(content).toMatch(/Book Id\: Moby/);
-     *       expect(content).toMatch(/Chapter Id\: 1/);
-     *
-     *       element(by.partialLinkText('Scarlet')).click();
-     *
-     *       content = element(by.css('[ng-view]')).getText();
-     *       expect(content).toMatch(/controller\: BookController/);
-     *       expect(content).toMatch(/Book Id\: Scarlet/);
-     *     });
-     *   </file>
-     * </example>
-     */
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc event
-     * @name $route#$routeChangeStart
-     * @eventType broadcast on root scope
-     * @description
-     * Broadcasted before a route change. At this  point the route services starts
-     * resolving all of the dependencies needed for the route change to occur.
-     * Typically this involves fetching the view template as well as any dependencies
-     * defined in `resolve` route property. Once  all of the dependencies are resolved
-     * `$routeChangeSuccess` is fired.
-     *
-     * The route change (and the `$location` change that triggered it) can be prevented
-     * by calling `preventDefault` method of the event. See {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on}
-     * for more details about event object.
-     *
-     * @param {Object} angularEvent Synthetic event object.
-     * @param {Route} next Future route information.
-     * @param {Route} current Current route information.
-     */
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc event
-     * @name $route#$routeChangeSuccess
-     * @eventType broadcast on root scope
-     * @description
-     * Broadcasted after a route dependencies are resolved.
-     * {@link ngRoute.directive:ngView ngView} listens for the directive
-     * to instantiate the controller and render the view.
-     *
-     * @param {Object} angularEvent Synthetic event object.
-     * @param {Route} current Current route information.
-     * @param {Route|Undefined} previous Previous route information, or undefined if current is
-     * first route entered.
-     */
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc event
-     * @name $route#$routeChangeError
-     * @eventType broadcast on root scope
-     * @description
-     * Broadcasted if any of the resolve promises are rejected.
-     *
-     * @param {Object} angularEvent Synthetic event object
-     * @param {Route} current Current route information.
-     * @param {Route} previous Previous route information.
-     * @param {Route} rejection Rejection of the promise. Usually the error of the failed promise.
-     */
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc event
-     * @name $route#$routeUpdate
-     * @eventType broadcast on root scope
-     * @description
-     * The `reloadOnSearch` property has been set to false, and we are reusing the same
-     * instance of the Controller.
-     *
-     * @param {Object} angularEvent Synthetic event object
-     * @param {Route} current Current/previous route information.
-     */
-    var forceReload = false,
-        preparedRoute,
-        preparedRouteIsUpdateOnly,
-        $route = {
-          routes: routes,
-          /**
-           * @ngdoc method
-           * @name $route#reload
-           *
-           * @description
-           * Causes `$route` service to reload the current route even if
-           * {@link ng.$location $location} hasn't changed.
-           *
-           * As a result of that, {@link ngRoute.directive:ngView ngView}
-           * creates new scope and reinstantiates the controller.
-           */
-          reload: function() {
-            forceReload = true;
-            $rootScope.$evalAsync(function() {
-              // Don't support cancellation of a reload for now...
-              prepareRoute();
-              commitRoute();
-            });
-          },
-          /**
-           * @ngdoc method
-           * @name $route#updateParams
-           *
-           * @description
-           * Causes `$route` service to update the current URL, replacing
-           * current route parameters with those specified in `newParams`.
-           * Provided property names that match the route's path segment
-           * definitions will be interpolated into the location's path, while
-           * remaining properties will be treated as query params.
-           *
-           * @param {!Object<string, string>} newParams mapping of URL parameter names to values
-           */
-          updateParams: function(newParams) {
-            if (this.current && this.current.$$route) {
-              newParams = angular.extend({}, this.current.params, newParams);
-              $location.path(interpolate(this.current.$$route.originalPath, newParams));
-              // interpolate modifies newParams, only query params are left
-              $location.search(newParams);
-            } else {
-              throw $routeMinErr('norout', 'Tried updating route when with no current route');
-            }
-          }
-        };
-    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', prepareRoute);
-    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', commitRoute);
-    return $route;
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /**
-     * @param on {string} current url
-     * @param route {Object} route regexp to match the url against
-     * @return {?Object}
-     *
-     * @description
-     * Check if the route matches the current url.
-     *
-     * Inspired by match in
-     * visionmedia/express/lib/router/router.js.
-     */
-    function switchRouteMatcher(on, route) {
-      var keys = route.keys,
-          params = {};
-      if (!route.regexp) return null;
-      var m = route.regexp.exec(on);
-      if (!m) return null;
-      for (var i = 1, len = m.length; i < len; ++i) {
-        var key = keys[i - 1];
-        var val = m[i];
-        if (key && val) {
-          params[key.name] = val;
-        }
-      }
-      return params;
-    }
-    function prepareRoute($locationEvent) {
-      var lastRoute = $route.current;
-      preparedRoute = parseRoute();
-      preparedRouteIsUpdateOnly = preparedRoute && lastRoute && preparedRoute.$$route === lastRoute.$$route
-          && angular.equals(preparedRoute.pathParams, lastRoute.pathParams)
-          && !preparedRoute.reloadOnSearch && !forceReload;
-      if (!preparedRouteIsUpdateOnly && (lastRoute || preparedRoute)) {
-        if ($rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeStart', preparedRoute, lastRoute).defaultPrevented) {
-          if ($locationEvent) {
-            $locationEvent.preventDefault();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function commitRoute() {
-      var lastRoute = $route.current;
-      var nextRoute = preparedRoute;
-      if (preparedRouteIsUpdateOnly) {
-        lastRoute.params = nextRoute.params;
-        angular.copy(lastRoute.params, $routeParams);
-        $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeUpdate', lastRoute);
-      } else if (nextRoute || lastRoute) {
-        forceReload = false;
-        $route.current = nextRoute;
-        if (nextRoute) {
-          if (nextRoute.redirectTo) {
-            if (angular.isString(nextRoute.redirectTo)) {
-              $location.path(interpolate(nextRoute.redirectTo, nextRoute.params)).search(nextRoute.params)
-                       .replace();
-            } else {
-              $location.url(nextRoute.redirectTo(nextRoute.pathParams, $location.path(), $location.search()))
-                       .replace();
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        $q.when(nextRoute).
-          then(function() {
-            if (nextRoute) {
-              var locals = angular.extend({}, nextRoute.resolve),
-                  template, templateUrl;
-              angular.forEach(locals, function(value, key) {
-                locals[key] = angular.isString(value) ?
-                    $injector.get(value) : $injector.invoke(value, null, null, key);
-              });
-              if (angular.isDefined(template = nextRoute.template)) {
-                if (angular.isFunction(template)) {
-                  template = template(nextRoute.params);
-                }
-              } else if (angular.isDefined(templateUrl = nextRoute.templateUrl)) {
-                if (angular.isFunction(templateUrl)) {
-                  templateUrl = templateUrl(nextRoute.params);
-                }
-                templateUrl = $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl(templateUrl);
-                if (angular.isDefined(templateUrl)) {
-                  nextRoute.loadedTemplateUrl = templateUrl;
-                  template = $templateRequest(templateUrl);
-                }
-              }
-              if (angular.isDefined(template)) {
-                locals['$template'] = template;
-              }
-              return $q.all(locals);
-            }
-          }).
-          // after route change
-          then(function(locals) {
-            if (nextRoute == $route.current) {
-              if (nextRoute) {
-                nextRoute.locals = locals;
-                angular.copy(nextRoute.params, $routeParams);
-              }
-              $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeSuccess', nextRoute, lastRoute);
-            }
-          }, function(error) {
-            if (nextRoute == $route.current) {
-              $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeError', nextRoute, lastRoute, error);
-            }
-          });
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @returns {Object} the current active route, by matching it against the URL
-     */
-    function parseRoute() {
-      // Match a route
-      var params, match;
-      angular.forEach(routes, function(route, path) {
-        if (!match && (params = switchRouteMatcher($location.path(), route))) {
-          match = inherit(route, {
-            params: angular.extend({}, $location.search(), params),
-            pathParams: params});
-          match.$$route = route;
-        }
-      });
-      // No route matched; fallback to "otherwise" route
-      return match || routes[null] && inherit(routes[null], {params: {}, pathParams:{}});
-    }
-    /**
-     * @returns {string} interpolation of the redirect path with the parameters
-     */
-    function interpolate(string, params) {
-      var result = [];
-      angular.forEach((string || '').split(':'), function(segment, i) {
-        if (i === 0) {
-          result.push(segment);
-        } else {
-          var segmentMatch = segment.match(/(\w+)(?:[?*])?(.*)/);
-          var key = segmentMatch[1];
-          result.push(params[key]);
-          result.push(segmentMatch[2] || '');
-          delete params[key];
-        }
-      });
-      return result.join('');
-    }
-  }];
-ngRouteModule.provider('$routeParams', $RouteParamsProvider);
- * @ngdoc service
- * @name $routeParams
- * @requires $route
- *
- * @description
- * The `$routeParams` service allows you to retrieve the current set of route parameters.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngRoute `ngRoute`} module to be installed.
- *
- * The route parameters are a combination of {@link ng.$location `$location`}'s
- * {@link ng.$location#search `search()`} and {@link ng.$location#path `path()`}.
- * The `path` parameters are extracted when the {@link ngRoute.$route `$route`} path is matched.
- *
- * In case of parameter name collision, `path` params take precedence over `search` params.
- *
- * The service guarantees that the identity of the `$routeParams` object will remain unchanged
- * (but its properties will likely change) even when a route change occurs.
- *
- * Note that the `$routeParams` are only updated *after* a route change completes successfully.
- * This means that you cannot rely on `$routeParams` being correct in route resolve functions.
- * Instead you can use `$route.current.params` to access the new route's parameters.
- *
- * @example
- * ```js
- *  // Given:
- *  // URL: http://server.com/index.html#/Chapter/1/Section/2?search=moby
- *  // Route: /Chapter/:chapterId/Section/:sectionId
- *  //
- *  // Then
- *  $routeParams ==> {chapterId:'1', sectionId:'2', search:'moby'}
- * ```
- */
-function $RouteParamsProvider() {
-  this.$get = function() { return {}; };
-ngRouteModule.directive('ngView', ngViewFactory);
-ngRouteModule.directive('ngView', ngViewFillContentFactory);
- * @ngdoc directive
- * @name ngView
- * @restrict ECA
- *
- * @description
- * # Overview
- * `ngView` is a directive that complements the {@link ngRoute.$route $route} service by
- * including the rendered template of the current route into the main layout (`index.html`) file.
- * Every time the current route changes, the included view changes with it according to the
- * configuration of the `$route` service.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngRoute `ngRoute`} module to be installed.
- *
- * @animations
- * enter - animation is used to bring new content into the browser.
- * leave - animation is used to animate existing content away.
- *
- * The enter and leave animation occur concurrently.
- *
- * @scope
- * @priority 400
- * @param {string=} onload Expression to evaluate whenever the view updates.
- *
- * @param {string=} autoscroll Whether `ngView` should call {@link ng.$anchorScroll
- *                  $anchorScroll} to scroll the viewport after the view is updated.
- *
- *                  - If the attribute is not set, disable scrolling.
- *                  - If the attribute is set without value, enable scrolling.
- *                  - Otherwise enable scrolling only if the `autoscroll` attribute value evaluated
- *                    as an expression yields a truthy value.
- * @example
-    <example name="ngView-directive" module="ngViewExample"
-             deps="angular-route.js;angular-animate.js"
-             animations="true" fixBase="true">
-      <file name="index.html">
-        <div ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">
-          Choose:
-          <a href="Book/Moby">Moby</a> |
-          <a href="Book/Moby/ch/1">Moby: Ch1</a> |
-          <a href="Book/Gatsby">Gatsby</a> |
-          <a href="Book/Gatsby/ch/4?key=value">Gatsby: Ch4</a> |
-          <a href="Book/Scarlet">Scarlet Letter</a><br/>
-          <div class="view-animate-container">
-            <div ng-view class="view-animate"></div>
-          </div>
-          <hr />
-          <pre>$location.path() = {{main.$location.path()}}</pre>
-          <pre>$route.current.templateUrl = {{main.$route.current.templateUrl}}</pre>
-          <pre>$route.current.params = {{main.$route.current.params}}</pre>
-          <pre>$routeParams = {{main.$routeParams}}</pre>
-        </div>
-      </file>
-      <file name="book.html">
-        <div>
-          controller: {{book.name}}<br />
-          Book Id: {{book.params.bookId}}<br />
-        </div>
-      </file>
-      <file name="chapter.html">
-        <div>
-          controller: {{chapter.name}}<br />
-          Book Id: {{chapter.params.bookId}}<br />
-          Chapter Id: {{chapter.params.chapterId}}
-        </div>
-      </file>
-      <file name="animations.css">
-        .view-animate-container {
-          position:relative;
-          height:100px!important;
-          background:white;
-          border:1px solid black;
-          height:40px;
-          overflow:hidden;
-        }
-        .view-animate {
-          padding:10px;
-        }
-        .view-animate.ng-enter, .view-animate.ng-leave {
-          -webkit-transition:all cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) 1.5s;
-          transition:all cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) 1.5s;
-          display:block;
-          width:100%;
-          border-left:1px solid black;
-          position:absolute;
-          top:0;
-          left:0;
-          right:0;
-          bottom:0;
-          padding:10px;
-        }
-        .view-animate.ng-enter {
-          left:100%;
-        }
-        .view-animate.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
-          left:0;
-        }
-        .view-animate.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
-          left:-100%;
-        }
-      </file>
-      <file name="script.js">
-        angular.module('ngViewExample', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate'])
-          .config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider',
-            function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
-              $routeProvider
-                .when('/Book/:bookId', {
-                  templateUrl: 'book.html',
-                  controller: 'BookCtrl',
-                  controllerAs: 'book'
-                })
-                .when('/Book/:bookId/ch/:chapterId', {
-                  templateUrl: 'chapter.html',
-                  controller: 'ChapterCtrl',
-                  controllerAs: 'chapter'
-                });
-              $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
-          }])
-          .controller('MainCtrl', ['$route', '$routeParams', '$location',
-            function($route, $routeParams, $location) {
-              this.$route = $route;
-              this.$location = $location;
-              this.$routeParams = $routeParams;
-          }])
-          .controller('BookCtrl', ['$routeParams', function($routeParams) {
-            this.name = "BookCtrl";
-            this.params = $routeParams;
-          }])
-          .controller('ChapterCtrl', ['$routeParams', function($routeParams) {
-            this.name = "ChapterCtrl";
-            this.params = $routeParams;
-          }]);
-      </file>
-      <file name="protractor.js" type="protractor">
-        it('should load and compile correct template', function() {
-          element(by.linkText('Moby: Ch1')).click();
-          var content = element(by.css('[ng-view]')).getText();
-          expect(content).toMatch(/controller\: ChapterCtrl/);
-          expect(content).toMatch(/Book Id\: Moby/);
-          expect(content).toMatch(/Chapter Id\: 1/);
-          element(by.partialLinkText('Scarlet')).click();
-          content = element(by.css('[ng-view]')).getText();
-          expect(content).toMatch(/controller\: BookCtrl/);
-          expect(content).toMatch(/Book Id\: Scarlet/);
-        });
-      </file>
-    </example>
- */
- * @ngdoc event
- * @name ngView#$viewContentLoaded
- * @eventType emit on the current ngView scope
- * @description
- * Emitted every time the ngView content is reloaded.
- */
-ngViewFactory.$inject = ['$route', '$anchorScroll', '$animate'];
-function ngViewFactory($route, $anchorScroll, $animate) {
-  return {
-    restrict: 'ECA',
-    terminal: true,
-    priority: 400,
-    transclude: 'element',
-    link: function(scope, $element, attr, ctrl, $transclude) {
-        var currentScope,
-            currentElement,
-            previousLeaveAnimation,
-            autoScrollExp = attr.autoscroll,
-            onloadExp = attr.onload || '';
-        scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', update);
-        update();
-        function cleanupLastView() {
-          if (previousLeaveAnimation) {
-            $animate.cancel(previousLeaveAnimation);
-            previousLeaveAnimation = null;
-          }
-          if (currentScope) {
-            currentScope.$destroy();
-            currentScope = null;
-          }
-          if (currentElement) {
-            previousLeaveAnimation = $animate.leave(currentElement);
-            previousLeaveAnimation.then(function() {
-              previousLeaveAnimation = null;
-            });
-            currentElement = null;
-          }
-        }
-        function update() {
-          var locals = $route.current && $route.current.locals,
-              template = locals && locals.$template;
-          if (angular.isDefined(template)) {
-            var newScope = scope.$new();
-            var current = $route.current;
-            // Note: This will also link all children of ng-view that were contained in the original
-            // html. If that content contains controllers, ... they could pollute/change the scope.
-            // However, using ng-view on an element with additional content does not make sense...
-            // Note: We can't remove them in the cloneAttchFn of $transclude as that
-            // function is called before linking the content, which would apply child
-            // directives to non existing elements.
-            var clone = $transclude(newScope, function(clone) {
-              $animate.enter(clone, null, currentElement || $element).then(function onNgViewEnter() {
-                if (angular.isDefined(autoScrollExp)
-                  && (!autoScrollExp || scope.$eval(autoScrollExp))) {
-                  $anchorScroll();
-                }
-              });
-              cleanupLastView();
-            });
-            currentElement = clone;
-            currentScope = current.scope = newScope;
-            currentScope.$emit('$viewContentLoaded');
-            currentScope.$eval(onloadExp);
-          } else {
-            cleanupLastView();
-          }
-        }
-    }
-  };
-// This directive is called during the $transclude call of the first `ngView` directive.
-// It will replace and compile the content of the element with the loaded template.
-// We need this directive so that the element content is already filled when
-// the link function of another directive on the same element as ngView
-// is called.
-ngViewFillContentFactory.$inject = ['$compile', '$controller', '$route'];
-function ngViewFillContentFactory($compile, $controller, $route) {
-  return {
-    restrict: 'ECA',
-    priority: -400,
-    link: function(scope, $element) {
-      var current = $route.current,
-          locals = current.locals;
-      $element.html(locals.$template);
-      var link = $compile($element.contents());
-      if (current.controller) {
-        locals.$scope = scope;
-        var controller = $controller(current.controller, locals);
-        if (current.controllerAs) {
-          scope[current.controllerAs] = controller;
-        }
-        $element.data('$ngControllerController', controller);
-        $element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller);
-      }
-      link(scope);
-    }
-  };
-})(window, window.angular);
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-touch.js b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-touch.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d5056be..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular-touch.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.3.16
- * (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
- * License: MIT
- */
-(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
- * @ngdoc module
- * @name ngTouch
- * @description
- *
- * # ngTouch
- *
- * The `ngTouch` module provides touch events and other helpers for touch-enabled devices.
- * The implementation is based on jQuery Mobile touch event handling
- * ([jquerymobile.com](http://jquerymobile.com/)).
- *
- *
- * See {@link ngTouch.$swipe `$swipe`} for usage.
- *
- * <div doc-module-components="ngTouch"></div>
- *
- */
-// define ngTouch module
-/* global -ngTouch */
-var ngTouch = angular.module('ngTouch', []);
-function nodeName_(element) {
-  return angular.lowercase(element.nodeName || (element[0] && element[0].nodeName));
-/* global ngTouch: false */
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc service
-     * @name $swipe
-     *
-     * @description
-     * The `$swipe` service is a service that abstracts the messier details of hold-and-drag swipe
-     * behavior, to make implementing swipe-related directives more convenient.
-     *
-     * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed.
-     *
-     * `$swipe` is used by the `ngSwipeLeft` and `ngSwipeRight` directives in `ngTouch`, and by
-     * `ngCarousel` in a separate component.
-     *
-     * # Usage
-     * The `$swipe` service is an object with a single method: `bind`. `bind` takes an element
-     * which is to be watched for swipes, and an object with four handler functions. See the
-     * documentation for `bind` below.
-     */
-ngTouch.factory('$swipe', [function() {
-  // The total distance in any direction before we make the call on swipe vs. scroll.
-    'mouse': {
-      start: 'mousedown',
-      move: 'mousemove',
-      end: 'mouseup'
-    },
-    'touch': {
-      start: 'touchstart',
-      move: 'touchmove',
-      end: 'touchend',
-      cancel: 'touchcancel'
-    }
-  };
-  function getCoordinates(event) {
-    var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event;
-    var touches = originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches.length ? originalEvent.touches : [originalEvent];
-    var e = (originalEvent.changedTouches && originalEvent.changedTouches[0]) || touches[0];
-    return {
-      x: e.clientX,
-      y: e.clientY
-    };
-  }
-  function getEvents(pointerTypes, eventType) {
-    var res = [];
-    angular.forEach(pointerTypes, function(pointerType) {
-      var eventName = POINTER_EVENTS[pointerType][eventType];
-      if (eventName) {
-        res.push(eventName);
-      }
-    });
-    return res.join(' ');
-  }
-  return {
-    /**
-     * @ngdoc method
-     * @name $swipe#bind
-     *
-     * @description
-     * The main method of `$swipe`. It takes an element to be watched for swipe motions, and an
-     * object containing event handlers.
-     * The pointer types that should be used can be specified via the optional
-     * third argument, which is an array of strings `'mouse'` and `'touch'`. By default,
-     * `$swipe` will listen for `mouse` and `touch` events.
-     *
-     * The four events are `start`, `move`, `end`, and `cancel`. `start`, `move`, and `end`
-     * receive as a parameter a coordinates object of the form `{ x: 150, y: 310 }`.
-     *
-     * `start` is called on either `mousedown` or `touchstart`. After this event, `$swipe` is
-     * watching for `touchmove` or `mousemove` events. These events are ignored until the total
-     * distance moved in either dimension exceeds a small threshold.
-     *
-     * Once this threshold is exceeded, either the horizontal or vertical delta is greater.
-     * - If the horizontal distance is greater, this is a swipe and `move` and `end` events follow.
-     * - If the vertical distance is greater, this is a scroll, and we let the browser take over.
-     *   A `cancel` event is sent.
-     *
-     * `move` is called on `mousemove` and `touchmove` after the above logic has determined that
-     * a swipe is in progress.
-     *
-     * `end` is called when a swipe is successfully completed with a `touchend` or `mouseup`.
-     *
-     * `cancel` is called either on a `touchcancel` from the browser, or when we begin scrolling
-     * as described above.
-     *
-     */
-    bind: function(element, eventHandlers, pointerTypes) {
-      // Absolute total movement, used to control swipe vs. scroll.
-      var totalX, totalY;
-      // Coordinates of the start position.
-      var startCoords;
-      // Last event's position.
-      var lastPos;
-      // Whether a swipe is active.
-      var active = false;
-      pointerTypes = pointerTypes || ['mouse', 'touch'];
-      element.on(getEvents(pointerTypes, 'start'), function(event) {
-        startCoords = getCoordinates(event);
-        active = true;
-        totalX = 0;
-        totalY = 0;
-        lastPos = startCoords;
-        eventHandlers['start'] && eventHandlers['start'](startCoords, event);
-      });
-      var events = getEvents(pointerTypes, 'cancel');
-      if (events) {
-        element.on(events, function(event) {
-          active = false;
-          eventHandlers['cancel'] && eventHandlers['cancel'](event);
-        });
-      }
-      element.on(getEvents(pointerTypes, 'move'), function(event) {
-        if (!active) return;
-        // Android will send a touchcancel if it thinks we're starting to scroll.
-        // So when the total distance (+ or - or both) exceeds 10px in either direction,
-        // we either:
-        // - On totalX > totalY, we send preventDefault() and treat this as a swipe.
-        // - On totalY > totalX, we let the browser handle it as a scroll.
-        if (!startCoords) return;
-        var coords = getCoordinates(event);
-        totalX += Math.abs(coords.x - lastPos.x);
-        totalY += Math.abs(coords.y - lastPos.y);
-        lastPos = coords;
-        if (totalX < MOVE_BUFFER_RADIUS && totalY < MOVE_BUFFER_RADIUS) {
-          return;
-        }
-        // One of totalX or totalY has exceeded the buffer, so decide on swipe vs. scroll.
-        if (totalY > totalX) {
-          // Allow native scrolling to take over.
-          active = false;
-          eventHandlers['cancel'] && eventHandlers['cancel'](event);
-          return;
-        } else {
-          // Prevent the browser from scrolling.
-          event.preventDefault();
-          eventHandlers['move'] && eventHandlers['move'](coords, event);
-        }
-      });
-      element.on(getEvents(pointerTypes, 'end'), function(event) {
-        if (!active) return;
-        active = false;
-        eventHandlers['end'] && eventHandlers['end'](getCoordinates(event), event);
-      });
-    }
-  };
-/* global ngTouch: false,
-  nodeName_: false
- * @ngdoc directive
- * @name ngClick
- *
- * @description
- * A more powerful replacement for the default ngClick designed to be used on touchscreen
- * devices. Most mobile browsers wait about 300ms after a tap-and-release before sending
- * the click event. This version handles them immediately, and then prevents the
- * following click event from propagating.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed.
- *
- * This directive can fall back to using an ordinary click event, and so works on desktop
- * browsers as well as mobile.
- *
- * This directive also sets the CSS class `ng-click-active` while the element is being held
- * down (by a mouse click or touch) so you can restyle the depressed element if you wish.
- *
- * @element ANY
- * @param {expression} ngClick {@link guide/expression Expression} to evaluate
- * upon tap. (Event object is available as `$event`)
- *
- * @example
-    <example module="ngClickExample" deps="angular-touch.js">
-      <file name="index.html">
-        <button ng-click="count = count + 1" ng-init="count=0">
-          Increment
-        </button>
-        count: {{ count }}
-      </file>
-      <file name="script.js">
-        angular.module('ngClickExample', ['ngTouch']);
-      </file>
-    </example>
- */
-ngTouch.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
-  $provide.decorator('ngClickDirective', ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
-    // drop the default ngClick directive
-    $delegate.shift();
-    return $delegate;
-  }]);
-ngTouch.directive('ngClick', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$rootElement',
-    function($parse, $timeout, $rootElement) {
-  var TAP_DURATION = 750; // Shorter than 750ms is a tap, longer is a taphold or drag.
-  var MOVE_TOLERANCE = 12; // 12px seems to work in most mobile browsers.
-  var PREVENT_DURATION = 2500; // 2.5 seconds maximum from preventGhostClick call to click
-  var CLICKBUSTER_THRESHOLD = 25; // 25 pixels in any dimension is the limit for busting clicks.
-  var ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-click-active';
-  var lastPreventedTime;
-  var touchCoordinates;
-  var lastLabelClickCoordinates;
-  //
-  // Why tap events?
-  // Mobile browsers detect a tap, then wait a moment (usually ~300ms) to see if you're
-  // double-tapping, and then fire a click event.
-  //
-  // This delay sucks and makes mobile apps feel unresponsive.
-  // So we detect touchstart, touchmove, touchcancel and touchend ourselves and determine when
-  // the user has tapped on something.
-  //
-  // What happens when the browser then generates a click event?
-  // The browser, of course, also detects the tap and fires a click after a delay. This results in
-  // tapping/clicking twice. We do "clickbusting" to prevent it.
-  //
-  // How does it work?
-  // We attach global touchstart and click handlers, that run during the capture (early) phase.
-  // So the sequence for a tap is:
-  // - global touchstart: Sets an "allowable region" at the point touched.
-  // - element's touchstart: Starts a touch
-  // (- touchmove or touchcancel ends the touch, no click follows)
-  // - element's touchend: Determines if the tap is valid (didn't move too far away, didn't hold
-  //   too long) and fires the user's tap handler. The touchend also calls preventGhostClick().
-  // - preventGhostClick() removes the allowable region the global touchstart created.
-  // - The browser generates a click event.
-  // - The global click handler catches the click, and checks whether it was in an allowable region.
-  //     - If preventGhostClick was called, the region will have been removed, the click is busted.
-  //     - If the region is still there, the click proceeds normally. Therefore clicks on links and
-  //       other elements without ngTap on them work normally.
-  //
-  // This is an ugly, terrible hack!
-  // Yeah, tell me about it. The alternatives are using the slow click events, or making our users
-  // deal with the ghost clicks, so I consider this the least of evils. Fortunately Angular
-  // encapsulates this ugly logic away from the user.
-  //
-  // Why not just put click handlers on the element?
-  // We do that too, just to be sure. If the tap event caused the DOM to change,
-  // it is possible another element is now in that position. To take account for these possibly
-  // distinct elements, the handlers are global and care only about coordinates.
-  // Checks if the coordinates are close enough to be within the region.
-  function hit(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
-    return Math.abs(x1 - x2) < CLICKBUSTER_THRESHOLD && Math.abs(y1 - y2) < CLICKBUSTER_THRESHOLD;
-  }
-  // Checks a list of allowable regions against a click location.
-  // Returns true if the click should be allowed.
-  // Splices out the allowable region from the list after it has been used.
-  function checkAllowableRegions(touchCoordinates, x, y) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < touchCoordinates.length; i += 2) {
-      if (hit(touchCoordinates[i], touchCoordinates[i + 1], x, y)) {
-        touchCoordinates.splice(i, i + 2);
-        return true; // allowable region
-      }
-    }
-    return false; // No allowable region; bust it.
-  }
-  // Global click handler that prevents the click if it's in a bustable zone and preventGhostClick
-  // was called recently.
-  function onClick(event) {
-    if (Date.now() - lastPreventedTime > PREVENT_DURATION) {
-      return; // Too old.
-    }
-    var touches = event.touches && event.touches.length ? event.touches : [event];
-    var x = touches[0].clientX;
-    var y = touches[0].clientY;
-    // Work around desktop Webkit quirk where clicking a label will fire two clicks (on the label
-    // and on the input element). Depending on the exact browser, this second click we don't want
-    // to bust has either (0,0), negative coordinates, or coordinates equal to triggering label
-    // click event
-    if (x < 1 && y < 1) {
-      return; // offscreen
-    }
-    if (lastLabelClickCoordinates &&
-        lastLabelClickCoordinates[0] === x && lastLabelClickCoordinates[1] === y) {
-      return; // input click triggered by label click
-    }
-    // reset label click coordinates on first subsequent click
-    if (lastLabelClickCoordinates) {
-      lastLabelClickCoordinates = null;
-    }
-    // remember label click coordinates to prevent click busting of trigger click event on input
-    if (nodeName_(event.target) === 'label') {
-      lastLabelClickCoordinates = [x, y];
-    }
-    // Look for an allowable region containing this click.
-    // If we find one, that means it was created by touchstart and not removed by
-    // preventGhostClick, so we don't bust it.
-    if (checkAllowableRegions(touchCoordinates, x, y)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // If we didn't find an allowable region, bust the click.
-    event.stopPropagation();
-    event.preventDefault();
-    // Blur focused form elements
-    event.target && event.target.blur && event.target.blur();
-  }
-  // Global touchstart handler that creates an allowable region for a click event.
-  // This allowable region can be removed by preventGhostClick if we want to bust it.
-  function onTouchStart(event) {
-    var touches = event.touches && event.touches.length ? event.touches : [event];
-    var x = touches[0].clientX;
-    var y = touches[0].clientY;
-    touchCoordinates.push(x, y);
-    $timeout(function() {
-      // Remove the allowable region.
-      for (var i = 0; i < touchCoordinates.length; i += 2) {
-        if (touchCoordinates[i] == x && touchCoordinates[i + 1] == y) {
-          touchCoordinates.splice(i, i + 2);
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }, PREVENT_DURATION, false);
-  }
-  // On the first call, attaches some event handlers. Then whenever it gets called, it creates a
-  // zone around the touchstart where clicks will get busted.
-  function preventGhostClick(x, y) {
-    if (!touchCoordinates) {
-      $rootElement[0].addEventListener('click', onClick, true);
-      $rootElement[0].addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart, true);
-      touchCoordinates = [];
-    }
-    lastPreventedTime = Date.now();
-    checkAllowableRegions(touchCoordinates, x, y);
-  }
-  // Actual linking function.
-  return function(scope, element, attr) {
-    var clickHandler = $parse(attr.ngClick),
-        tapping = false,
-        tapElement,  // Used to blur the element after a tap.
-        startTime,   // Used to check if the tap was held too long.
-        touchStartX,
-        touchStartY;
-    function resetState() {
-      tapping = false;
-      element.removeClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME);
-    }
-    element.on('touchstart', function(event) {
-      tapping = true;
-      tapElement = event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement; // IE uses srcElement.
-      // Hack for Safari, which can target text nodes instead of containers.
-      if (tapElement.nodeType == 3) {
-        tapElement = tapElement.parentNode;
-      }
-      element.addClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME);
-      startTime = Date.now();
-      // Use jQuery originalEvent
-      var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event;
-      var touches = originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches.length ? originalEvent.touches : [originalEvent];
-      var e = touches[0];
-      touchStartX = e.clientX;
-      touchStartY = e.clientY;
-    });
-    element.on('touchmove', function(event) {
-      resetState();
-    });
-    element.on('touchcancel', function(event) {
-      resetState();
-    });
-    element.on('touchend', function(event) {
-      var diff = Date.now() - startTime;
-      // Use jQuery originalEvent
-      var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event;
-      var touches = (originalEvent.changedTouches && originalEvent.changedTouches.length) ?
-          originalEvent.changedTouches :
-          ((originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches.length) ? originalEvent.touches : [originalEvent]);
-      var e = touches[0];
-      var x = e.clientX;
-      var y = e.clientY;
-      var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - touchStartX, 2) + Math.pow(y - touchStartY, 2));
-      if (tapping && diff < TAP_DURATION && dist < MOVE_TOLERANCE) {
-        // Call preventGhostClick so the clickbuster will catch the corresponding click.
-        preventGhostClick(x, y);
-        // Blur the focused element (the button, probably) before firing the callback.
-        // This doesn't work perfectly on Android Chrome, but seems to work elsewhere.
-        // I couldn't get anything to work reliably on Android Chrome.
-        if (tapElement) {
-          tapElement.blur();
-        }
-        if (!angular.isDefined(attr.disabled) || attr.disabled === false) {
-          element.triggerHandler('click', [event]);
-        }
-      }
-      resetState();
-    });
-    // Hack for iOS Safari's benefit. It goes searching for onclick handlers and is liable to click
-    // something else nearby.
-    element.onclick = function(event) { };
-    // Actual click handler.
-    // There are three different kinds of clicks, only two of which reach this point.
-    // - On desktop browsers without touch events, their clicks will always come here.
-    // - On mobile browsers, the simulated "fast" click will call this.
-    // - But the browser's follow-up slow click will be "busted" before it reaches this handler.
-    // Therefore it's safe to use this directive on both mobile and desktop.
-    element.on('click', function(event, touchend) {
-      scope.$apply(function() {
-        clickHandler(scope, {$event: (touchend || event)});
-      });
-    });
-    element.on('mousedown', function(event) {
-      element.addClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME);
-    });
-    element.on('mousemove mouseup', function(event) {
-      element.removeClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME);
-    });
-  };
-/* global ngTouch: false */
- * @ngdoc directive
- * @name ngSwipeLeft
- *
- * @description
- * Specify custom behavior when an element is swiped to the left on a touchscreen device.
- * A leftward swipe is a quick, right-to-left slide of the finger.
- * Though ngSwipeLeft is designed for touch-based devices, it will work with a mouse click and drag
- * too.
- *
- * To disable the mouse click and drag functionality, add `ng-swipe-disable-mouse` to
- * the `ng-swipe-left` or `ng-swipe-right` DOM Element.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed.
- *
- * @element ANY
- * @param {expression} ngSwipeLeft {@link guide/expression Expression} to evaluate
- * upon left swipe. (Event object is available as `$event`)
- *
- * @example
-    <example module="ngSwipeLeftExample" deps="angular-touch.js">
-      <file name="index.html">
-        <div ng-show="!showActions" ng-swipe-left="showActions = true">
-          Some list content, like an email in the inbox
-        </div>
-        <div ng-show="showActions" ng-swipe-right="showActions = false">
-          <button ng-click="reply()">Reply</button>
-          <button ng-click="delete()">Delete</button>
-        </div>
-      </file>
-      <file name="script.js">
-        angular.module('ngSwipeLeftExample', ['ngTouch']);
-      </file>
-    </example>
- */
- * @ngdoc directive
- * @name ngSwipeRight
- *
- * @description
- * Specify custom behavior when an element is swiped to the right on a touchscreen device.
- * A rightward swipe is a quick, left-to-right slide of the finger.
- * Though ngSwipeRight is designed for touch-based devices, it will work with a mouse click and drag
- * too.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed.
- *
- * @element ANY
- * @param {expression} ngSwipeRight {@link guide/expression Expression} to evaluate
- * upon right swipe. (Event object is available as `$event`)
- *
- * @example
-    <example module="ngSwipeRightExample" deps="angular-touch.js">
-      <file name="index.html">
-        <div ng-show="!showActions" ng-swipe-left="showActions = true">
-          Some list content, like an email in the inbox
-        </div>
-        <div ng-show="showActions" ng-swipe-right="showActions = false">
-          <button ng-click="reply()">Reply</button>
-          <button ng-click="delete()">Delete</button>
-        </div>
-      </file>
-      <file name="script.js">
-        angular.module('ngSwipeRightExample', ['ngTouch']);
-      </file>
-    </example>
- */
-function makeSwipeDirective(directiveName, direction, eventName) {
-  ngTouch.directive(directiveName, ['$parse', '$swipe', function($parse, $swipe) {
-    // The maximum vertical delta for a swipe should be less than 75px.
-    // Vertical distance should not be more than a fraction of the horizontal distance.
-    var MAX_VERTICAL_RATIO = 0.3;
-    // At least a 30px lateral motion is necessary for a swipe.
-    return function(scope, element, attr) {
-      var swipeHandler = $parse(attr[directiveName]);
-      var startCoords, valid;
-      function validSwipe(coords) {
-        // Check that it's within the coordinates.
-        // Absolute vertical distance must be within tolerances.
-        // Horizontal distance, we take the current X - the starting X.
-        // This is negative for leftward swipes and positive for rightward swipes.
-        // After multiplying by the direction (-1 for left, +1 for right), legal swipes
-        // (ie. same direction as the directive wants) will have a positive delta and
-        // illegal ones a negative delta.
-        // Therefore this delta must be positive, and larger than the minimum.
-        if (!startCoords) return false;
-        var deltaY = Math.abs(coords.y - startCoords.y);
-        var deltaX = (coords.x - startCoords.x) * direction;
-        return valid && // Short circuit for already-invalidated swipes.
-            deltaY < MAX_VERTICAL_DISTANCE &&
-            deltaX > 0 &&
-            deltaX > MIN_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCE &&
-            deltaY / deltaX < MAX_VERTICAL_RATIO;
-      }
-      var pointerTypes = ['touch'];
-      if (!angular.isDefined(attr['ngSwipeDisableMouse'])) {
-        pointerTypes.push('mouse');
-      }
-      $swipe.bind(element, {
-        'start': function(coords, event) {
-          startCoords = coords;
-          valid = true;
-        },
-        'cancel': function(event) {
-          valid = false;
-        },
-        'end': function(coords, event) {
-          if (validSwipe(coords)) {
-            scope.$apply(function() {
-              element.triggerHandler(eventName);
-              swipeHandler(scope, {$event: event});
-            });
-          }
-        }
-      }, pointerTypes);
-    };
-  }]);
-// Left is negative X-coordinate, right is positive.
-makeSwipeDirective('ngSwipeLeft', -1, 'swipeleft');
-makeSwipeDirective('ngSwipeRight', 1, 'swiperight');
-})(window, window.angular);
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular.min.js b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba80974..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/angular/angular.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- AngularJS v1.3.16
- (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
- License: MIT
-(function(T,V,s){'use strict';function F(b){return function(){var a=arguments[0],c;c="["+(b?b+":":"")+a+"] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.16/"+(b?b+"/":"")+a;for(a=1;a<arguments.length;a++){c=c+(1==a?"?":"&")+"p"+(a-1)+"=";var d=encodeURIComponent,e;e=arguments[a];e="function"==typeof e?e.toString().replace(/ \{[\s\S]*$/,""):"undefined"==typeof e?"undefined":"string"!=typeof e?JSON.stringify(e):e;c+=d(e)}return Error(c)}}function Sa(b){if(null==b||Ta(b))return!1;var a="length"in Object( [...]
-return b.nodeType===ma&&a?!0:O(b)||w(b)||0===a||"number"===typeof a&&0<a&&a-1 in b}function q(b,a,c){var d,e;if(b)if(E(b))for(d in b)"prototype"==d||"length"==d||"name"==d||b.hasOwnProperty&&!b.hasOwnProperty(d)||a.call(c,b[d],d,b);else if(w(b)||Sa(b)){var f="object"!==typeof b;d=0;for(e=b.length;d<e;d++)(f||d in b)&&a.call(c,b[d],d,b)}else if(b.forEach&&b.forEach!==q)b.forEach(a,c,b);else for(d in b)b.hasOwnProperty(d)&&a.call(c,b[d],d,b);return b}function Jd(b,a,c){for(var d=Object.key [...]
-e=0;e<d.length;e++)a.call(c,b[d[e]],d[e]);return d}function pc(b){return function(a,c){b(c,a)}}function Kd(){return++rb}function qc(b,a){a?b.$$hashKey=a:delete b.$$hashKey}function x(b){for(var a=b.$$hashKey,c=1,d=arguments.length;c<d;c++){var e=arguments[c];if(e)for(var f=Object.keys(e),g=0,h=f.length;g<h;g++){var l=f[g];b[l]=e[l]}}qc(b,a);return b}function aa(b){return parseInt(b,10)}function Pb(b,a){return x(Object.create(b),a)}function A(){}function na(b){return b}function ca(b){retu [...]
-function C(b){return"undefined"===typeof b}function y(b){return"undefined"!==typeof b}function I(b){return null!==b&&"object"===typeof b}function O(b){return"string"===typeof b}function Q(b){return"number"===typeof b}function ea(b){return"[object Date]"===Aa.call(b)}function E(b){return"function"===typeof b}function Ua(b){return"[object RegExp]"===Aa.call(b)}function Ta(b){return b&&b.window===b}function Va(b){return b&&b.$evalAsync&&b.$watch}function Wa(b){return"boolean"===typeof b}fun [...]
-!(b.nodeName||b.prop&&b.attr&&b.find))}function Ld(b){var a={};b=b.split(",");var c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++)a[b[c]]=!0;return a}function sa(b){return L(b.nodeName||b[0]&&b[0].nodeName)}function Xa(b,a){var c=b.indexOf(a);0<=c&&b.splice(c,1);return a}function Ba(b,a,c,d){if(Ta(b)||Va(b))throw Ja("cpws");if(a){if(b===a)throw Ja("cpi");c=c||[];d=d||[];if(I(b)){var e=c.indexOf(b);if(-1!==e)return d[e];c.push(b);d.push(a)}if(w(b))for(var f=a.length=0;f<b.length;f++)e=Ba(b[f],null,c,d),I(b[f])& [...]
-d.push(e)),a.push(e);else{var g=a.$$hashKey;w(a)?a.length=0:q(a,function(b,c){delete a[c]});for(f in b)b.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(e=Ba(b[f],null,c,d),I(b[f])&&(c.push(b[f]),d.push(e)),a[f]=e);qc(a,g)}}else if(a=b)w(b)?a=Ba(b,[],c,d):ea(b)?a=new Date(b.getTime()):Ua(b)?(a=new RegExp(b.source,b.toString().match(/[^\/]*$/)[0]),a.lastIndex=b.lastIndex):I(b)&&(e=Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(b)),a=Ba(b,e,c,d));return a}function oa(b,a){if(w(b)){a=a||[];for(var c=0,d=b.length;c<d;c++)a[c]=b[c [...]
-a||{},b)if("$"!==c.charAt(0)||"$"!==c.charAt(1))a[c]=b[c];return a||b}function fa(b,a){if(b===a)return!0;if(null===b||null===a)return!1;if(b!==b&&a!==a)return!0;var c=typeof b,d;if(c==typeof a&&"object"==c)if(w(b)){if(!w(a))return!1;if((c=b.length)==a.length){for(d=0;d<c;d++)if(!fa(b[d],a[d]))return!1;return!0}}else{if(ea(b))return ea(a)?fa(b.getTime(),a.getTime()):!1;if(Ua(b))return Ua(a)?b.toString()==a.toString():!1;if(Va(b)||Va(a)||Ta(b)||Ta(a)||w(a)||ea(a)||Ua(a))return!1;c={};for(d [...]
-d.charAt(0)&&!E(b[d])){if(!fa(b[d],a[d]))return!1;c[d]=!0}for(d in a)if(!c.hasOwnProperty(d)&&"$"!==d.charAt(0)&&a[d]!==s&&!E(a[d]))return!1;return!0}return!1}function Ya(b,a,c){return b.concat(Za.call(a,c))}function sc(b,a){var c=2<arguments.length?Za.call(arguments,2):[];return!E(a)||a instanceof RegExp?a:c.length?function(){return arguments.length?a.apply(b,Ya(c,arguments,0)):a.apply(b,c)}:function(){return arguments.length?a.apply(b,arguments):a.call(b)}}function Md(b,a){var c=a;"str [...]
-"$"===b.charAt(0)&&"$"===b.charAt(1)?c=s:Ta(a)?c="$WINDOW":a&&V===a?c="$DOCUMENT":Va(a)&&(c="$SCOPE");return c}function $a(b,a){if("undefined"===typeof b)return s;Q(a)||(a=a?2:null);return JSON.stringify(b,Md,a)}function tc(b){return O(b)?JSON.parse(b):b}function ta(b){b=z(b).clone();try{b.empty()}catch(a){}var c=z("<div>").append(b).html();try{return b[0].nodeType===ab?L(c):c.match(/^(<[^>]+>)/)[1].replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/,function(a,b){return"<"+L(b)})}catch(d){return L(c)}}function uc(b) [...]
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-"@").replace(/%3A/gi,":").replace(/%24/g,"$").replace(/%2C/gi,",").replace(/%3B/gi,";").replace(/%20/g,a?"%20":"+")}function Nd(b,a){var c,d,e=tb.length;b=z(b);for(d=0;d<e;++d)if(c=tb[d]+a,O(c=b.attr(c)))return c;return null}function Od(b,a){var c,d,e={};q(tb,function(a){a+="app";!c&&b.hasAttribute&&b.hasAttribute(a)&&(c=b,d=b.getAttribute(a))});q(tb,function(a){a+="app";var e;!c&&(e=b.querySelector("["+a.replace(":","\\:")+"]"))&&(c=e,d=e.getAttribute(a))});c&&(e.strictDi=null!==Nd(c,"s [...]
-a(c,d?[d]:[],e))}function xc(b,a,c){I(c)||(c={});c=x({strictDi:!1},c);var d=function(){b=z(b);if(b.injector()){var d=b[0]===V?"document":ta(b);throw Ja("btstrpd",d.replace(/</,"<").replace(/>/,">"));}a=a||[];a.unshift(["$provide",function(a){a.value("$rootElement",b)}]);c.debugInfoEnabled&&a.push(["$compileProvider",function(a){a.debugInfoEnabled(!0)}]);a.unshift("ng");d=bb(a,c.strictDi);d.invoke(["$rootScope","$rootElement","$compile","$injector",function(a,b,c,d){a.$apply(functio [...]
-d);c(b)(a)})}]);return d},e=/^NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO!/,f=/^NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP!/;T&&e.test(T.name)&&(c.debugInfoEnabled=!0,T.name=T.name.replace(e,""));if(T&&!f.test(T.name))return d();T.name=T.name.replace(f,"");ba.resumeBootstrap=function(b){q(b,function(b){a.push(b)});return d()};E(ba.resumeDeferredBootstrap)&&ba.resumeDeferredBootstrap()}function Pd(){T.name="NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO!"+T.name;T.location.reload()}function Qd(b){b=ba.element(b).injector();if(!b)throw Ja("test");return b.get(" [...]
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-a||"?",c||"required");return b}function La(b,a,c){c&&w(b)&&(b=b[b.length-1]);Sb(E(b),a,"not a function, got "+(b&&"object"===typeof b?b.constructor.name||"Object":typeof b));return b}function Ma(b,a){if("hasOwnProperty"===b)throw Ja("badname",a);}function Ac(b,a,c){if(!a)return b;a=a.split(".");for(var d,e=b,f=a.length,g=0;g<f;g++)d=a[g],b&&(b=(e=b)[d]);return!c&&E(b)?sc(e,b):b}function ub(b){var a=b[0];b=b[b.length-1];var c=[a];do{a=a.nextSibling;if(!a)break;c.push(a)}while(a!==b);retur [...]
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-element:z,forEach:q,injector:bb,noop:A,bind:sc,toJson:$a,fromJson:tc,identity:na,isUndefined:C,isDefined:y,isString:O,isFunction:E,isObject:I,isNumber:Q,isElement:rc,isArray:w,version:Vd,isDate:ea,lowercase:L,uppercase:vb,callbacks:{counter:0},getTestability:Qd,$$minErr:F,$$csp:cb,reloadWithDebugInfo:Pd});db=Td(T);try{db("ngLocale")}catch(a){db("ngLocale",[]).provider("$locale",Wd)}db("ng",["ngLocale"],["$provide",function(a){a.provider({$$sanitizeUri:Xd});a.provider("$compile",Bc).direc [...]
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-ngValue:De,ngModelOptions:Ee}).directive({ngInclude:Fe}).directive(wb).directive(Hc);a.provider({$anchorScroll:Ge,$animate:He,$browser:Ie,$cacheFactory:Je,$controller:Ke,$document:Le,$exceptionHandler:Me,$filter:Ic,$interpolate:Ne,$interval:Oe,$http:Pe,$httpBackend:Qe,$location:Re,$log:Se,$parse:Te,$rootScope:Ue,$q:Ve,$$q:We,$sce:Xe,$sceDelegate:Ye,$sniffer:Ze,$templateCache:$e,$templateRequest:af,$$testability:bf,$timeout:cf,$window:df,$$rAF:ef,$$asyncCallback:ff,$$jqLite:gf})}])}functi [...]
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-function(a){if(y(c)){var d=e[a];Xa(d||[],c);if(d&&0<d.length)return}b.removeEventListener(a,f,!1);delete e[a]});else for(a in e)"$destroy"!==a&&b.removeEventListener(a,f,!1),delete e[a]}function yb(b,a){var c=b.ng339,d=c&&Ab[c];d&&(a?delete d.data[a]:(d.handle&&(d.events.$destroy&&d.handle({},"$destroy"),Mc(b)),delete Ab[c],b.ng339=s))}function zb(b,a){var c=b.ng339,c=c&&Ab[c];a&&!c&&(b.ng339=c=++nf,c=Ab[c]={events:{},data:{},handle:s});return c}function Wb(b,a,c){if(Jc(b)){var d=y(c),e= [...]
-f=!a;b=(b=zb(b,!e))&&b.data;if(d)b[a]=c;else{if(f)return b;if(e)return b&&b[a];x(b,a)}}}function Bb(b,a){return b.getAttribute?-1<(" "+(b.getAttribute("class")||"")+" ").replace(/[\n\t]/g," ").indexOf(" "+a+" "):!1}function Cb(b,a){a&&b.setAttribute&&q(a.split(" "),function(a){b.setAttribute("class",U((" "+(b.getAttribute("class")||"")+" ").replace(/[\n\t]/g," ").replace(" "+U(a)+" "," ")))})}function Db(b,a){if(a&&b.setAttribute){var c=(" "+(b.getAttribute("class")||"")+" ").replace(/[\ [...]
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-a[e||c.type],g=f?f.length:0;if(g){if(C(c.immediatePropagationStopped)){var h=c.stopImmediatePropagation;c.stopImmediatePropagation=function(){c.immediatePropagationStopped=!0;c.stopPropagation&&c.stopPropagation();h&&h.call(c)}}c.isImmediatePropagationStopped=function(){return!0===c.immediatePropagationStopped};1<g&&(f=oa(f));for(var l=0;l<g;l++)c.isImmediatePropagationStopped()||f[l].call(b,c)}};c.elem=b;return c}function gf(){this.$get=function(){return x(R,{hasClass:function(b,a){b.at [...]
-return Bb(b,a)},addClass:function(b,a){b.attr&&(b=b[0]);return Db(b,a)},removeClass:function(b,a){b.attr&&(b=b[0]);return Cb(b,a)}})}}function Na(b,a){var c=b&&b.$$hashKey;if(c)return"function"===typeof c&&(c=b.$$hashKey()),c;c=typeof b;return c="function"==c||"object"==c&&null!==b?b.$$hashKey=c+":"+(a||Kd)():c+":"+b}function fb(b,a){if(a){var c=0;this.nextUid=function(){return++c}}q(b,this.put,this)}function rf(b){return(b=b.toString().replace(Tc,"").match(Uc))?"function("+(b[1]||"").re [...]
-" ")+")":"fn"}function bb(b,a){function c(a){return function(b,c){if(I(b))q(b,pc(a));else return a(b,c)}}function d(a,b){Ma(a,"service");if(E(b)||w(b))b=n.instantiate(b);if(!b.$get)throw Da("pget",a);return r[a+"Provider"]=b}function e(a,b){return function(){var c=v.invoke(b,this);if(C(c))throw Da("undef",a);return c}}function f(a,b,c){return d(a,{$get:!1!==c?e(a,b):b})}function g(a){var b=[],c;q(a,function(a){function d(a){var b,c;b=0;for(c=a.length;b<c;b++){var e=a[b],f=n.get(e[0]);f[e [...]
-e[2])}}if(!m.get(a)){m.put(a,!0);try{O(a)?(c=db(a),b=b.concat(g(c.requires)).concat(c._runBlocks),d(c._invokeQueue),d(c._configBlocks)):E(a)?b.push(n.invoke(a)):w(a)?b.push(n.invoke(a)):La(a,"module")}catch(e){throw w(a)&&(a=a[a.length-1]),e.message&&e.stack&&-1==e.stack.indexOf(e.message)&&(e=e.message+"\n"+e.stack),Da("modulerr",a,e.stack||e.message||e);}}});return b}function h(b,c){function d(a,e){if(b.hasOwnProperty(a)){if(b[a]===l)throw Da("cdep",a+" <- "+k.join(" <- "));return b[a] [...]
-b[a]=l,b[a]=c(a,e)}catch(f){throw b[a]===l&&delete b[a],f;}finally{k.shift()}}function e(b,c,f,g){"string"===typeof f&&(g=f,f=null);var k=[],l=bb.$$annotate(b,a,g),h,n,m;n=0;for(h=l.length;n<h;n++){m=l[n];if("string"!==typeof m)throw Da("itkn",m);k.push(f&&f.hasOwnProperty(m)?f[m]:d(m,g))}w(b)&&(b=b[h]);return b.apply(c,k)}return{invoke:e,instantiate:function(a,b,c){var d=Object.create((w(a)?a[a.length-1]:a).prototype||null);a=e(a,d,b,c);return I(a)||E(a)?a:d},get:d,annotate:bb.$$annotat [...]
-"Provider")||b.hasOwnProperty(a)}}}a=!0===a;var l={},k=[],m=new fb([],!0),r={$provide:{provider:c(d),factory:c(f),service:c(function(a,b){return f(a,["$injector",function(a){return a.instantiate(b)}])}),value:c(function(a,b){return f(a,ca(b),!1)}),constant:c(function(a,b){Ma(a,"constant");r[a]=b;u[a]=b}),decorator:function(a,b){var c=n.get(a+"Provider"),d=c.$get;c.$get=function(){var a=v.invoke(d,c);return v.invoke(b,null,{$delegate:a})}}}},n=r.$injector=h(r,function(a,b){ba.isString(b)& [...]
-throw Da("unpr",k.join(" <- "));}),u={},v=u.$injector=h(u,function(a,b){var c=n.get(a+"Provider",b);return v.invoke(c.$get,c,s,a)});q(g(b),function(a){v.invoke(a||A)});return v}function Ge(){var b=!0;this.disableAutoScrolling=function(){b=!1};this.$get=["$window","$location","$rootScope",function(a,c,d){function e(a){var b=null;Array.prototype.some.call(a,function(a){if("a"===sa(a))return b=a,!0});return b}function f(b){if(b){b.scrollIntoView();var c;c=g.yOffset;E(c)?c=c():rc(c)?(c=c[0], [...]
-a.getComputedStyle(c).position?0:c.getBoundingClientRect().bottom):Q(c)||(c=0);c&&(b=b.getBoundingClientRect().top,a.scrollBy(0,b-c))}else a.scrollTo(0,0)}function g(){var a=c.hash(),b;a?(b=h.getElementById(a))?f(b):(b=e(h.getElementsByName(a)))?f(b):"top"===a&&f(null):f(null)}var h=a.document;b&&d.$watch(function(){return c.hash()},function(a,b){a===b&&""===a||of(function(){d.$evalAsync(g)})});return g}]}function ff(){this.$get=["$$rAF","$timeout",function(b,a){return b.supported?functi [...]
-function(b){return a(b,0,!1)}}]}function sf(b,a,c,d){function e(a){try{a.apply(null,Za.call(arguments,1))}finally{if(p--,0===p)for(;H.length;)try{H.pop()()}catch(b){c.error(b)}}}function f(a,b){(function Xb(){q(J,function(a){a()});B=b(Xb,a)})()}function g(){h();l()}function h(){a:{try{M=u.state;break a}catch(a){}M=void 0}M=C(M)?null:M;fa(M,S)&&(M=S);S=M}function l(){if(G!==m.url()||D!==M)G=m.url(),D=M,q($,function(a){a(m.url(),M)})}function k(a){try{return decodeURIComponent(a)}catch(b){ [...]
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-e.indexOf("="),0<g&&(a=k(e.substring(0,g)),Fa[a]===s&&(Fa[a]=k(e.substring(g+1))));return Fa}};m.defer=function(a,b){var c;p++;c=v(function(){delete t[c];e(a)},b||0);t[c]=!0;return c};m.defer.cancel=function(a){return t[a]?(delete t[a],P(a),e(A),!0):!1}}function Ie(){this.$get=["$window","$log","$sniffer","$document",function(b,a,c,d){return new sf(b,d,a,c)}]}function Je(){this.$get=function(){function b(b,d){function e(a){a!=r&&(n?n==a&&(n=a.n):n=a,f(a.n,a.p),f(a,r),r=a,r.n=null)}functi [...]
-b&&(a&&(a.p=b),b&&(b.n=a))}if(b in a)throw F("$cacheFactory")("iid",b);var g=0,h=x({},d,{id:b}),l={},k=d&&d.capacity||Number.MAX_VALUE,m={},r=null,n=null;return a[b]={put:function(a,b){if(k<Number.MAX_VALUE){var c=m[a]||(m[a]={key:a});e(c)}if(!C(b))return a in l||g++,l[a]=b,g>k&&this.remove(n.key),b},get:function(a){if(k<Number.MAX_VALUE){var b=m[a];if(!b)return;e(b)}return l[a]},remove:function(a){if(k<Number.MAX_VALUE){var b=m[a];if(!b)return;b==r&&(r=b.p);b==n&&(n=b.n);f(b.n,b.p);dele [...]
-g--},removeAll:function(){l={};g=0;m={};r=n=null},destroy:function(){m=h=l=null;delete a[b]},info:function(){return x({},h,{size:g})}}}var a={};b.info=function(){var b={};q(a,function(a,e){b[e]=a.info()});return b};b.get=function(b){return a[b]};return b}}function $e(){this.$get=["$cacheFactory",function(b){return b("templates")}]}function Bc(b,a){function c(a,b){var c=/^\s*([@&]|=(\*?))(\??)\s*(\w*)\s*$/,d={};q(a,function(a,e){var f=a.match(c);if(!f)throw da("iscp",b,e,a);d[e]={mode:f[1 [...]
-f[2],optional:"?"===f[3],attrName:f[4]||e}});return d}function d(a){var b=a.charAt(0);if(!b||b!==L(b))throw da("baddir",a);return a}var e={},f=/^\s*directive\:\s*([\w\-]+)\s+(.*)$/,g=/(([\w\-]+)(?:\:([^;]+))?;?)/,h=Ld("ngSrc,ngSrcset,src,srcset"),l=/^(?:(\^\^?)?(\?)?(\^\^?)?)?/,k=/^(on[a-z]+|formaction)$/;this.directive=function n(a,f){Ma(a,"directive");O(a)?(d(a),Sb(f,"directiveFactory"),e.hasOwnProperty(a)||(e[a]=[],b.factory(a+"Directive",["$injector","$exceptionHandler",function(b,d) [...]
-q(e[a],function(e,g){try{var h=b.invoke(e);E(h)?h={compile:ca(h)}:!h.compile&&h.link&&(h.compile=ca(h.link));h.priority=h.priority||0;h.index=g;h.name=h.name||a;h.require=h.require||h.controller&&h.name;h.restrict=h.restrict||"EA";I(h.scope)&&(h.$$isolateBindings=c(h.scope,h.name));f.push(h)}catch(l){d(l)}});return f}])),e[a].push(f)):q(a,pc(n));return this};this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist=function(b){return y(b)?(a.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(b),this):a.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist()};this [...]
-function(b){return y(b)?(a.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(b),this):a.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist()};var m=!0;this.debugInfoEnabled=function(a){return y(a)?(m=a,this):m};this.$get=["$injector","$interpolate","$exceptionHandler","$templateRequest","$parse","$controller","$rootScope","$document","$sce","$animate","$$sanitizeUri",function(a,b,c,d,t,p,H,J,B,M,D){function G(a,b){try{a.addClass(b)}catch(c){}}function N(a,b,c,d,e){a instanceof z||(a=z(a));q(a,function(b,c){b.nodeType==ab&&b.nodeVal [...]
-(a[c]=z(b).wrap("<span></span>").parent()[0])});var f=Y(a,b,a,c,d,e);N.$$addScopeClass(a);var g=null;return function(b,c,d){Sb(b,"scope");d=d||{};var e=d.parentBoundTranscludeFn,h=d.transcludeControllers;d=d.futureParentElement;e&&e.$$boundTransclude&&(e=e.$$boundTransclude);g||(g=(d=d&&d[0])?"foreignobject"!==sa(d)&&d.toString().match(/SVG/)?"svg":"html":"html");d="html"!==g?z(T(g,z("<div>").append(a).html())):c?Ka.clone.call(a):a;if(h)for(var l in h)d.data("$"+l+"Controller",h[l].insta [...]
-b);c&&c(d,b);f&&f(b,d,d,e);return d}}function Y(a,b,c,d,e,f){function g(a,c,d,e){var f,l,k,n,m,v,u;if(p)for(u=Array(c.length),n=0;n<h.length;n+=3)f=h[n],u[f]=c[f];else u=c;n=0;for(m=h.length;n<m;)l=u[h[n++]],c=h[n++],f=h[n++],c?(c.scope?(k=a.$new(),N.$$addScopeInfo(z(l),k)):k=a,v=c.transcludeOnThisElement?$(a,c.transclude,e,c.elementTranscludeOnThisElement):!c.templateOnThisElement&&e?e:!e&&b?$(a,b):null,c(f,k,l,d,v)):f&&f(a,l.childNodes,s,e)}for(var h=[],l,k,n,m,p,v=0;v<a.length;v++){l= [...]
-W(a[v],[],l,0===v?d:s,e);(f=k.length?y(k,a[v],l,b,c,null,[],[],f):null)&&f.scope&&N.$$addScopeClass(l.$$element);l=f&&f.terminal||!(n=a[v].childNodes)||!n.length?null:Y(n,f?(f.transcludeOnThisElement||!f.templateOnThisElement)&&f.transclude:b);if(f||l)h.push(v,f,l),m=!0,p=p||f;f=null}return m?g:null}function $(a,b,c,d){return function(d,e,f,g,h){d||(d=a.$new(!1,h),d.$$transcluded=!0);return b(d,e,{parentBoundTranscludeFn:c,transcludeControllers:f,futureParentElement:g})}}function W(a,b,c [...]
-c.$attr,l;switch(a.nodeType){case ma:C(b,va(sa(a)),"E",d,e);for(var k,n,m,p=a.attributes,v=0,u=p&&p.length;v<u;v++){var B=!1,P=!1;k=p[v];l=k.name;n=U(k.value);k=va(l);if(m=ac.test(k))l=l.replace(Wc,"").substr(8).replace(/_(.)/g,function(a,b){return b.toUpperCase()});var M=k.replace(/(Start|End)$/,"");F(M)&&k===M+"Start"&&(B=l,P=l.substr(0,l.length-5)+"end",l=l.substr(0,l.length-6));k=va(l.toLowerCase());h[k]=l;if(m||!c.hasOwnProperty(k))c[k]=n,Qc(a,k)&&(c[k]=!0);R(a,b,n,k,m);C(b,k,"A",d, [...]
-a.className;I(a)&&(a=a.animVal);if(O(a)&&""!==a)for(;l=g.exec(a);)k=va(l[2]),C(b,k,"C",d,e)&&(c[k]=U(l[3])),a=a.substr(l.index+l[0].length);break;case ab:ia(b,a.nodeValue);break;case 8:try{if(l=f.exec(a.nodeValue))k=va(l[1]),C(b,k,"M",d,e)&&(c[k]=U(l[2]))}catch(t){}}b.sort(xa);return b}function S(a,b,c){var d=[],e=0;if(b&&a.hasAttribute&&a.hasAttribute(b)){do{if(!a)throw da("uterdir",b,c);a.nodeType==ma&&(a.hasAttribute(b)&&e++,a.hasAttribute(c)&&e--);d.push(a);a=a.nextSibling}while(0<e) [...]
-return z(d)}function Fa(a,b,c){return function(d,e,f,g,h){e=S(e[0],b,c);return a(d,e,f,g,h)}}function y(a,d,e,f,g,h,k,n,m){function B(a,b,c,d){if(a){c&&(a=Fa(a,c,d));a.require=K.require;a.directiveName=ia;if(J===K||K.$$isolateScope)a=X(a,{isolateScope:!0});k.push(a)}if(b){c&&(b=Fa(b,c,d));b.require=K.require;b.directiveName=ia;if(J===K||K.$$isolateScope)b=X(b,{isolateScope:!0});n.push(b)}}function P(a,b,c,d){var e,f="data",g=!1,h=c,k;if(O(b)){k=b.match(l);b=b.substring(k[0].length);k[3]& [...]
-null:k[1]=k[3]);"^"===k[1]?f="inheritedData":"^^"===k[1]&&(f="inheritedData",h=c.parent());"?"===k[2]&&(g=!0);e=null;d&&"data"===f&&(e=d[b])&&(e=e.instance);e=e||h[f]("$"+b+"Controller");if(!e&&!g)throw da("ctreq",b,a);return e||null}w(b)&&(e=[],q(b,function(b){e.push(P(a,b,c,d))}));return e}function M(a,c,f,g,h){function l(a,b,c){var d;Va(a)||(c=b,b=a,a=s);A&&(d=G);c||(c=A?S.parent():S);return h(a,b,d,c,Zb)}var m,v,B,D,G,ib,S,W;d===f?(W=e,S=e.$$element):(S=z(f),W=new $b(S,e));J&&(D=c.$n [...]
-(ib=l,ib.$$boundTransclude=h);H&&($={},G={},q(H,function(a){var b={$scope:a===J||a.$$isolateScope?D:c,$element:S,$attrs:W,$transclude:ib};B=a.controller;"@"==B&&(B=W[a.name]);b=p(B,b,!0,a.controllerAs);G[a.name]=b;A||S.data("$"+a.name+"Controller",b.instance);$[a.name]=b}));if(J){N.$$addScopeInfo(S,D,!0,!(Y&&(Y===J||Y===J.$$originalDirective)));N.$$addScopeClass(S,!0);g=$&&$[J.name];var ua=D;g&&g.identifier&&!0===J.bindToController&&(ua=g.instance);q(D.$$isolateBindings=J.$$isolateBindin [...]
-d){var e=a.attrName,f=a.optional,g,h,k,l;switch(a.mode){case "@":W.$observe(e,function(a){ua[d]=a});W.$$observers[e].$$scope=c;W[e]&&(ua[d]=b(W[e])(c));break;case "=":if(f&&!W[e])break;h=t(W[e]);l=h.literal?fa:function(a,b){return a===b||a!==a&&b!==b};k=h.assign||function(){g=ua[d]=h(c);throw da("nonassign",W[e],J.name);};g=ua[d]=h(c);f=function(a){l(a,ua[d])||(l(a,g)?k(c,a=ua[d]):ua[d]=a);return g=a};f.$stateful=!0;f=a.collection?c.$watchCollection(W[e],f):c.$watch(t(W[e],f),null,h.lite [...]
-f);break;case "&":h=t(W[e]),ua[d]=function(a){return h(c,a)}}})}$&&(q($,function(a){a()}),$=null);g=0;for(m=k.length;g<m;g++)v=k[g],Xc(v,v.isolateScope?D:c,S,W,v.require&&P(v.directiveName,v.require,S,G),ib);var Zb=c;J&&(J.template||null===J.templateUrl)&&(Zb=D);a&&a(Zb,f.childNodes,s,h);for(g=n.length-1;0<=g;g--)v=n[g],Xc(v,v.isolateScope?D:c,S,W,v.require&&P(v.directiveName,v.require,S,G),ib)}m=m||{};for(var D=-Number.MAX_VALUE,G,H=m.controllerDirectives,$,J=m.newIsolateScopeDirective, [...]
-Ga=m.nonTlbTranscludeDirective,C=!1,Yb=!1,A=m.hasElementTranscludeDirective,x=e.$$element=z(d),K,ia,F,gb=f,xa,qa=0,L=a.length;qa<L;qa++){K=a[qa];var R=K.$$start,jb=K.$$end;R&&(x=S(d,R,jb));F=s;if(D>K.priority)break;if(F=K.scope)K.templateUrl||(I(F)?(Oa("new/isolated scope",J||G,K,x),J=K):Oa("new/isolated scope",J,K,x)),G=G||K;ia=K.name;!K.templateUrl&&K.controller&&(F=K.controller,H=H||{},Oa("'"+ia+"' controller",H[ia],K,x),H[ia]=K);if(F=K.transclude)C=!0,K.$$tlb||(Oa("transclusion",Ga,K [...]
-"element"==F?(A=!0,D=K.priority,F=x,x=e.$$element=z(V.createComment(" "+ia+": "+e[ia]+" ")),d=x[0],Q(g,Za.call(F,0),d),gb=N(F,f,D,h&&h.name,{nonTlbTranscludeDirective:Ga})):(F=z(Vb(d)).contents(),x.empty(),gb=N(F,f));if(K.template)if(Yb=!0,Oa("template",Y,K,x),Y=K,F=E(K.template)?K.template(x,e):K.template,F=Yc(F),K.replace){h=K;F=Tb.test(F)?Zc(T(K.templateNamespace,U(F))):[];d=F[0];if(1!=F.length||d.nodeType!==ma)throw da("tplrt",ia,"");Q(g,x,d);L={$attr:{}};F=W(d,[],L);var tf=a.splice( [...]
-(qa+1));J&&hb(F);a=a.concat(F).concat(tf);Vc(e,L);L=a.length}else x.html(F);if(K.templateUrl)Yb=!0,Oa("template",Y,K,x),Y=K,K.replace&&(h=K),M=Xb(a.splice(qa,a.length-qa),x,e,g,C&&gb,k,n,{controllerDirectives:H,newIsolateScopeDirective:J,templateDirective:Y,nonTlbTranscludeDirective:Ga}),L=a.length;else if(K.compile)try{xa=K.compile(x,e,gb),E(xa)?B(null,xa,R,jb):xa&&B(xa.pre,xa.post,R,jb)}catch(ac){c(ac,ta(x))}K.terminal&&(M.terminal=!0,D=Math.max(D,K.priority))}M.scope=G&&!0===G.scope;M [...]
-C;M.elementTranscludeOnThisElement=A;M.templateOnThisElement=Yb;M.transclude=gb;m.hasElementTranscludeDirective=A;return M}function hb(a){for(var b=0,c=a.length;b<c;b++)a[b]=Pb(a[b],{$$isolateScope:!0})}function C(b,d,f,g,h,k,l){if(d===h)return null;h=null;if(e.hasOwnProperty(d)){var m;d=a.get(d+"Directive");for(var p=0,B=d.length;p<B;p++)try{m=d[p],(g===s||g>m.priority)&&-1!=m.restrict.indexOf(f)&&(k&&(m=Pb(m,{$$start:k,$$end:l})),b.push(m),h=m)}catch(u){c(u)}}return h}function F(b){if( [...]
-a.get(b+"Directive"),d=0,f=c.length;d<f;d++)if(b=c[d],b.multiElement)return!0;return!1}function Vc(a,b){var c=b.$attr,d=a.$attr,e=a.$$element;q(a,function(d,e){"$"!=e.charAt(0)&&(b[e]&&b[e]!==d&&(d+=("style"===e?";":" ")+b[e]),a.$set(e,d,!0,c[e]))});q(b,function(b,f){"class"==f?(G(e,b),a["class"]=(a["class"]?a["class"]+" ":"")+b):"style"==f?(e.attr("style",e.attr("style")+";"+b),a.style=(a.style?a.style+";":"")+b):"$"==f.charAt(0)||a.hasOwnProperty(f)||(a[f]=b,d[f]=c[f])})}function Xb(a, [...]
-h,k){var l=[],n,m,p=b[0],v=a.shift(),u=Pb(v,{templateUrl:null,transclude:null,replace:null,$$originalDirective:v}),M=E(v.templateUrl)?v.templateUrl(b,c):v.templateUrl,D=v.templateNamespace;b.empty();d(B.getTrustedResourceUrl(M)).then(function(d){var B,P;d=Yc(d);if(v.replace){d=Tb.test(d)?Zc(T(D,U(d))):[];B=d[0];if(1!=d.length||B.nodeType!==ma)throw da("tplrt",v.name,M);d={$attr:{}};Q(e,b,B);var t=W(B,[],d);I(v.scope)&&hb(t);a=t.concat(a);Vc(c,d)}else B=p,b.html(d);a.unshift(u);n=y(a,B,c, [...]
-k);q(e,function(a,c){a==B&&(e[c]=b[0])});for(m=Y(b[0].childNodes,f);l.length;){d=l.shift();P=l.shift();var H=l.shift(),N=l.shift(),t=b[0];if(!d.$$destroyed){if(P!==p){var J=P.className;k.hasElementTranscludeDirective&&v.replace||(t=Vb(B));Q(H,z(P),t);G(z(t),J)}P=n.transcludeOnThisElement?$(d,n.transclude,N):N;n(m,d,t,e,P)}}l=null});return function(a,b,c,d,e){a=e;b.$$destroyed||(l?l.push(b,c,d,a):(n.transcludeOnThisElement&&(a=$(b,n.transclude,e)),n(m,b,c,d,a)))}}function xa(a,b){var c=b. [...]
-a.priority;return 0!==c?c:a.name!==b.name?a.name<b.name?-1:1:a.index-b.index}function Oa(a,b,c,d){if(b)throw da("multidir",b.name,c.name,a,ta(d));}function ia(a,c){var d=b(c,!0);d&&a.push({priority:0,compile:function(a){a=a.parent();var b=!!a.length;b&&N.$$addBindingClass(a);return function(a,c){var e=c.parent();b||N.$$addBindingClass(e);N.$$addBindingInfo(e,d.expressions);a.$watch(d,function(a){c[0].nodeValue=a})}}})}function T(a,b){a=L(a||"html");switch(a){case "svg":case "math":var c= [...]
-c.innerHTML="<"+a+">"+b+"</"+a+">";return c.childNodes[0].childNodes;default:return b}}function jb(a,b){if("srcdoc"==b)return B.HTML;var c=sa(a);if("xlinkHref"==b||"form"==c&&"action"==b||"img"!=c&&("src"==b||"ngSrc"==b))return B.RESOURCE_URL}function R(a,c,d,e,f){var g=jb(a,e);f=h[e]||f;var l=b(d,!0,g,f);if(l){if("multiple"===e&&"select"===sa(a))throw da("selmulti",ta(a));c.push({priority:100,compile:function(){return{pre:function(a,c,h){c=h.$$observers||(h.$$observers={});if(k.test(e)) [...]
-var n=h[e];n!==d&&(l=n&&b(n,!0,g,f),d=n);l&&(h[e]=l(a),(c[e]||(c[e]=[])).$$inter=!0,(h.$$observers&&h.$$observers[e].$$scope||a).$watch(l,function(a,b){"class"===e&&a!=b?h.$updateClass(a,b):h.$set(e,a)}))}}}})}}function Q(a,b,c){var d=b[0],e=b.length,f=d.parentNode,g,h;if(a)for(g=0,h=a.length;g<h;g++)if(a[g]==d){a[g++]=c;h=g+e-1;for(var l=a.length;g<l;g++,h++)h<l?a[g]=a[h]:delete a[g];a.length-=e-1;a.context===d&&(a.context=c);break}f&&f.replaceChild(c,d);a=V.createDocumentFragment();a.a [...]
-z(c).data(z(d).data());pa?(Rb=!0,pa.cleanData([d])):delete z.cache[d[z.expando]];d=1;for(e=b.length;d<e;d++)f=b[d],z(f).remove(),a.appendChild(f),delete b[d];b[0]=c;b.length=1}function X(a,b){return x(function(){return a.apply(null,arguments)},a,b)}function Xc(a,b,d,e,f,g){try{a(b,d,e,f,g)}catch(h){c(h,ta(d))}}var $b=function(a,b){if(b){var c=Object.keys(b),d,e,f;d=0;for(e=c.length;d<e;d++)f=c[d],this[f]=b[f]}else this.$attr={};this.$$element=a};$b.prototype={$normalize:va,$addClass:func [...]
-0<a.length&&M.addClass(this.$$element,a)},$removeClass:function(a){a&&0<a.length&&M.removeClass(this.$$element,a)},$updateClass:function(a,b){var c=$c(a,b);c&&c.length&&M.addClass(this.$$element,c);(c=$c(b,a))&&c.length&&M.removeClass(this.$$element,c)},$set:function(a,b,d,e){var f=this.$$element[0],g=Qc(f,a),h=pf(f,a),f=a;g?(this.$$element.prop(a,b),e=g):h&&(this[h]=b,f=h);this[a]=b;e?this.$attr[a]=e:(e=this.$attr[a])||(this.$attr[a]=e=yc(a,"-"));g=sa(this.$$element);if("a"===g&&"href"= [...]
-g&&"src"===a)this[a]=b=D(b,"src"===a);else if("img"===g&&"srcset"===a){for(var g="",h=U(b),l=/(\s+\d+x\s*,|\s+\d+w\s*,|\s+,|,\s+)/,l=/\s/.test(h)?l:/(,)/,h=h.split(l),l=Math.floor(h.length/2),k=0;k<l;k++)var n=2*k,g=g+D(U(h[n]),!0),g=g+(" "+U(h[n+1]));h=U(h[2*k]).split(/\s/);g+=D(U(h[0]),!0);2===h.length&&(g+=" "+U(h[1]));this[a]=b=g}!1!==d&&(null===b||b===s?this.$$element.removeAttr(e):this.$$element.attr(e,b));(a=this.$$observers)&&q(a[f],function(a){try{a(b)}catch(d){c(d)}})},$observe [...]
-b){var c=this,d=c.$$observers||(c.$$observers=ga()),e=d[a]||(d[a]=[]);e.push(b);H.$evalAsync(function(){!e.$$inter&&c.hasOwnProperty(a)&&b(c[a])});return function(){Xa(e,b)}}};var Ga=b.startSymbol(),qa=b.endSymbol(),Yc="{{"==Ga||"}}"==qa?na:function(a){return a.replace(/\{\{/g,Ga).replace(/}}/g,qa)},ac=/^ngAttr[A-Z]/;N.$$addBindingInfo=m?function(a,b){var c=a.data("$binding")||[];w(b)?c=c.concat(b):c.push(b);a.data("$binding",c)}:A;N.$$addBindingClass=m?function(a){G(a,"ng-binding")}:A;N [...]
-m?function(a,b,c,d){a.data(c?d?"$isolateScopeNoTemplate":"$isolateScope":"$scope",b)}:A;N.$$addScopeClass=m?function(a,b){G(a,b?"ng-isolate-scope":"ng-scope")}:A;return N}]}function va(b){return eb(b.replace(Wc,""))}function $c(b,a){var c="",d=b.split(/\s+/),e=a.split(/\s+/),f=0;a:for(;f<d.length;f++){for(var g=d[f],h=0;h<e.length;h++)if(g==e[h])continue a;c+=(0<c.length?" ":"")+g}return c}function Zc(b){b=z(b);var a=b.length;if(1>=a)return b;for(;a--;)8===b[a].nodeType&&uf.call(b,a,1);r [...]
-{},a=!1,c=/^(\S+)(\s+as\s+(\w+))?$/;this.register=function(a,c){Ma(a,"controller");I(a)?x(b,a):b[a]=c};this.allowGlobals=function(){a=!0};this.$get=["$injector","$window",function(d,e){function f(a,b,c,d){if(!a||!I(a.$scope))throw F("$controller")("noscp",d,b);a.$scope[b]=c}return function(g,h,l,k){var m,r,n;l=!0===l;k&&O(k)&&(n=k);if(O(g)){k=g.match(c);if(!k)throw vf("ctrlfmt",g);r=k[1];n=n||k[3];g=b.hasOwnProperty(r)?b[r]:Ac(h.$scope,r,!0)||(a?Ac(e,r,!0):s);La(g,r,!0)}if(l)return l=(w( [...]
-1]:g).prototype,m=Object.create(l||null),n&&f(h,n,m,r||g.name),x(function(){d.invoke(g,m,h,r);return m},{instance:m,identifier:n});m=d.instantiate(g,h,r);n&&f(h,n,m,r||g.name);return m}}]}function Le(){this.$get=["$window",function(b){return z(b.document)}]}function Me(){this.$get=["$log",function(b){return function(a,c){b.error.apply(b,arguments)}}]}function bc(b,a){if(O(b)){var c=b.replace(wf,"").trim();if(c){var d=a("Content-Type");(d=d&&0===d.indexOf(ad))||(d=(d=c.match(xf))&&yf[d[0] [...]
-d&&(b=tc(c))}}return b}function bd(b){var a=ga(),c,d,e;if(!b)return a;q(b.split("\n"),function(b){e=b.indexOf(":");c=L(U(b.substr(0,e)));d=U(b.substr(e+1));c&&(a[c]=a[c]?a[c]+", "+d:d)});return a}function cd(b){var a=I(b)?b:s;return function(c){a||(a=bd(b));return c?(c=a[L(c)],void 0===c&&(c=null),c):a}}function dd(b,a,c,d){if(E(d))return d(b,a,c);q(d,function(d){b=d(b,a,c)});return b}function Pe(){var b=this.defaults={transformResponse:[bc],transformRequest:[function(a){return I(a)&&"[o [...]
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-"fn");g.then(function(b){a(b.data,b.status,b.headers,e)});return g};g.error=function(a){La(a,"fn");g.then(null,function(b){a(b.data,b.status,b.headers,e)});return g};return g}function m(c,f){function l(b,c,d,e){function f(){m(c,b,d,e)}D&&(200<=b&&300>b?D.put(q,[b,c,bd(d),e]):D.remove(q));a?g.$applyAsync(f):(f(),g.$$phase||g.$apply())}function m(a,b,d,e){b=Math.max(b,0);(200<=b&&300>b?B.resolve:B.reject)({data:a,status:b,headers:cd(d),config:c,statusText:e})}function u(a){m(a.data,a.statu [...]
-a.statusText)}function J(){var a=k.pendingRequests.indexOf(c);-1!==a&&k.pendingRequests.splice(a,1)}var B=h.defer(),M=B.promise,D,G,N=c.headers,q=r(c.url,c.params);k.pendingRequests.push(c);M.then(J,J);!c.cache&&!b.cache||!1===c.cache||"GET"!==c.method&&"JSONP"!==c.method||(D=I(c.cache)?c.cache:I(b.cache)?b.cache:n);D&&(G=D.get(q),y(G)?G&&E(G.then)?G.then(u,u):w(G)?m(G[1],G[0],oa(G[2]),G[3]):m(G,200,{},"OK"):D.put(q,M));C(G)&&((G=ed(c.url)?e.cookies()[c.xsrfCookieName||b.xsrfCookieName]: [...]
-b.xsrfHeaderName]=G),d(c.method,q,f,l,N,c.timeout,c.withCredentials,c.responseType));return M}function r(a,b){if(!b)return a;var c=[];Jd(b,function(a,b){null===a||C(a)||(w(a)||(a=[a]),q(a,function(a){I(a)&&(a=ea(a)?a.toISOString():$a(a));c.push(Ca(b)+"="+Ca(a))}))});0<c.length&&(a+=(-1==a.indexOf("?")?"?":"&")+c.join("&"));return a}var n=f("$http"),u=[];q(c,function(a){u.unshift(O(a)?l.get(a):l.invoke(a))});k.pendingRequests=[];(function(a){q(arguments,function(a){k[a]=function(b,c){retu [...]
-{},{method:a,url:b}))}})})("get","delete","head","jsonp");(function(a){q(arguments,function(a){k[a]=function(b,c,d){return k(x(d||{},{method:a,url:b,data:c}))}})})("post","put","patch");k.defaults=b;return k}]}function zf(){return new T.XMLHttpRequest}function Qe(){this.$get=["$browser","$window","$document",function(b,a,c){return Af(b,zf,b.defer,a.angular.callbacks,c[0])}]}function Af(b,a,c,d,e){function f(a,b,c){var f=e.createElement("script"),m=null;f.type="text/javascript";f.src=a;f. [...]
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-h=h||b.url();if("jsonp"==L(e)){var t="_"+(d.counter++).toString(36);d[t]=function(a){d[t].data=a;d[t].called=!0};var p=f(h.replace("JSON_CALLBACK","angular.callbacks."+t),t,function(a,b){P(k,a,d[t].data,"",b);d[t]=A})}else{var H=a();H.open(e,h,!0);q(m,function(a,b){y(a)&&H.setRequestHeader(b,a)});H.onload=function(){var a=H.statusText||"",b="response"in H?H.response:H.responseText,c=1223===H.status?204:H.status;0===c&&(c=b?200:"file"==ya(h).protocol?404:0);P(k,c,b,H.getAllResponseHeaders [...]
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-a)}function t(a){try{var b=a;a=u?e.getTrusted(u,b):e.valueOf(b);var c;if(v&&!y(a))c=a;else if(null==a)c="";else{switch(typeof a){case "string":break;case "number":a=""+a;break;default:a=$a(a)}c=a}return c}catch(g){c=dc("interr",f,g.toString()),d(c)}}v=!!v;for(var p,H,q=0,B=[],M=[],D=f.length,G=[],N=[];q<D;)if(-1!=(p=f.indexOf(b,q))&&-1!=(H=f.indexOf(a,p+h)))q!==p&&G.push(P(f.substring(q,p))),q=f.substring(p+h,H),B.push(q),M.push(c(q,t)),q=H+l,N.push(G.length),G.push("");else{q!==D&&G.pus [...]
-break}if(u&&1<G.length)throw dc("noconcat",f);if(!g||B.length){var Y=function(a){for(var b=0,c=B.length;b<c;b++){if(v&&C(a[b]))return;G[N[b]]=a[b]}return G.join("")};return x(function(a){var b=0,c=B.length,e=Array(c);try{for(;b<c;b++)e[b]=M[b](a);return Y(e)}catch(g){a=dc("interr",f,g.toString()),d(a)}},{exp:f,expressions:B,$$watchDelegate:function(a,b,c){var d;return a.$watchGroup(M,function(c,e){var f=Y(c);E(b)&&b.call(this,f,c!==e?d:f,a);d=f},c)}})}}var h=b.length,l=a.length,k=new Reg [...]
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-e.cancel=function(b){return b&&b.$$intervalId in f?(f[b.$$intervalId].reject("canceled"),a.clearInterval(b.$$intervalId),delete f[b.$$intervalId],!0):!1};return e}]}function Wd(){this.$get=function(){return{id:"en-us",NUMBER_FORMATS:{DECIMAL_SEP:".",GROUP_SEP:",",PATTERNS:[{minInt:1,minFrac:0,maxFrac:3,posPre:"",posSuf:"",negPre:"-",negSuf:"",gSize:3,lgSize:3},{minInt:1,minFrac:2,maxFrac:2,posPre:"\u00a4",posSuf:"",negPre:"(\u00a4",negSuf:")",gSize:3,lgSize:3}],CURRENCY_SYM:"$"},DATETIME [...]
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-g;b==Ea(d)?f=d:(g=wa(c,d))?f=b+a+g:c===d+"/"&&(f=c);f&&this.$$parse(f);return!!f};this.$$compose=function(){var c=Qb(this.$$search),e=this.$$hash?"#"+sb(this.$$hash):"";this.$$url=ec(this.$$path)+(c?"?"+c:"")+e;this.$$absUrl=b+a+this.$$url}}function Ib(b){return function(){return this[b]}}function id(b,a){return function(c){if(C(c))return this[b];this[b]=a(c);this.$$compose();return this}}function Re(){var b="",a={enabled:!1,requireBase:!0,rewriteLinks:!0};this.hashPrefix=function(a){ret [...]
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-a,k.$$state,b)}var k,m;m=d.baseHref();var r=d.url(),n;if(a.enabled){if(!m&&a.requireBase)throw Hb("nobase");n=r.substring(0,r.indexOf("/",r.indexOf("//")+2))+(m||"/");m=e.history?gc:hd}else n=Ea(r),m=hc;k=new m(n,"#"+b);k.$$parseLinkUrl(r,r);k.$$state=d.state();var u=/^\s*(javascript|mailto):/i;f.on("click",function(b){if(a.rewriteLinks&&!b.ctrlKey&&!b.metaKey&&!b.shiftKey&&2!=b.which&&2!=b.button){for(var e=z(b.target);"a"!==sa(e[0]);)if(e[0]===f[0]||!(e=e.parent())[0])return;var h=e.pr [...]
-l=e.attr("href")||e.attr("xlink:href");I(h)&&"[object SVGAnimatedString]"===h.toString()&&(h=ya(h.animVal).href);u.test(h)||!h||e.attr("target")||b.isDefaultPrevented()||!k.$$parseLinkUrl(h,l)||(b.preventDefault(),k.absUrl()!=d.url()&&(c.$apply(),g.angular["ff-684208-preventDefault"]=!0))}});Gb(k.absUrl())!=Gb(r)&&d.url(k.absUrl(),!0);var v=!0;d.onUrlChange(function(a,b){c.$evalAsync(function(){var d=k.absUrl(),e=k.$$state,f;k.$$parse(a);k.$$state=b;f=c.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", [...]
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-info:e("info"),warn:e("warn"),error:e("error"),debug:function(){var c=e("debug");return function(){b&&c.apply(a,arguments)}}()}}]}function ra(b,a){if("__defineGetter__"===b||"__defineSetter__"===b||"__lookupGetter__"===b||"__lookupSetter__"===b||"__proto__"===b)throw ja("isecfld",a);return b}function ka(b,a){if(b){if(b.constructor===b)throw ja("isecfn",a);if(b.window===b)throw ja("isecwindow",a);if(b.children&&(b.nodeName||b.prop&&b.attr&&b.find))throw ja("isecdom",a);if(b===Object)throw [...]
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-g:f;if(null==h)return h;h=l(h[b]);if(!a)return h;if(null==h)return s;h=k(h[a]);if(!c)return h;if(null==h)return s;h=m(h[c]);if(!d)return h;if(null==h)return s;h=r(h[d]);return e?null==h?s:h=n(h[e]):h}}function Cf(b,a){return function(c,d){return b(c,d,ka,a)}}function Df(b,a,c){var d=a.expensiveChecks,e=d?Ef:Ff,f=e[b];if(f)return f;var g=b.split("."),h=g.length;if(a.csp)f=6>h?jd(g[0],g[1],g[2],g[3],g[4],c,d):function(a,b){var e=0,f;do f=jd(g[e++],g[e++],g[e++],g[e++],g[e++],c,d)(a,b),b=s, [...]
-h);return f};else{var l="";d&&(l+="s = eso(s, fe);\nl = eso(l, fe);\n");var k=d;q(g,function(a,b){ra(a,c);var e=(b?"s":'((l&&l.hasOwnProperty("'+a+'"))?l:s)')+"."+a;if(d||Pa(a))e="eso("+e+", fe)",k=!0;l+="if(s == null) return undefined;\ns="+e+";\n"});l+="return s;";a=new Function("s","l","eso","fe",l);a.toString=ca(l);k&&(a=Cf(a,c));f=a}f.sharedGetter=!0;f.assign=function(a,c,d){return kb(a,d,b,c,b)};return e[b]=f}function jc(b){return E(b.valueOf)?b.valueOf():Gf.call(b)}function Te(){v [...]
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-[])),h;if(1===e.length){var l=g,e=e[0];return a.$watch(function(a){var b=e(a);g(b,l)||(h=d(a),l=b&&jc(b));return h},b,c)}for(var k=[],n=0,m=e.length;n<m;n++)k[n]=g;return a.$watch(function(a){for(var b=!1,c=0,f=e.length;c<f;c++){var l=e[c](a);if(b||(b=!g(l,k[c])))k[c]=l&&jc(l)}b&&(h=d(a));return h},b,c)}function l(a,b,c,d){var e,f;return e=a.$watch(function(a){return d(a)},function(a,c,d){f=a;E(b)&&b.apply(this,arguments);y(a)&&d.$$postDigest(function(){y(f)&&e()})},c)}function k(a,b,c,d [...]
-!0;q(a,function(a){y(a)||(b=!1)});return b}var f,g;return f=a.$watch(function(a){return d(a)},function(a,c,d){g=a;E(b)&&b.call(this,a,c,d);e(a)&&d.$$postDigest(function(){e(g)&&f()})},c)}function m(a,b,c,d){var e;return e=a.$watch(function(a){return d(a)},function(a,c,d){E(b)&&b.apply(this,arguments);e()},c)}function r(a,b){if(!b)return a;var c=a.$$watchDelegate,c=c!==k&&c!==l?function(c,d){var e=a(c,d);return b(e,c,d)}:function(c,d){var e=a(c,d),f=b(e,c,d);return y(e)?f:e};a.$$watchDele [...]
-h?c.$$watchDelegate=a.$$watchDelegate:b.$stateful||(c.$$watchDelegate=h,c.inputs=[a]);return c}var n={csp:d.csp,expensiveChecks:!1},u={csp:d.csp,expensiveChecks:!0};return function(d,f,g){var p,q,s;switch(typeof d){case "string":s=d=d.trim();var B=g?a:b;p=B[s];p||(":"===d.charAt(0)&&":"===d.charAt(1)&&(q=!0,d=d.substring(2)),g=g?u:n,p=new kc(g),p=(new lb(p,c,g)).parse(d),p.constant?p.$$watchDelegate=m:q?(p=e(p),p.$$watchDelegate=p.literal?k:l):p.inputs&&(p.$$watchDelegate=h),B[s]=p);retu [...]
-case "function":return r(d,f);default:return r(A,f)}}}]}function Ve(){this.$get=["$rootScope","$exceptionHandler",function(b,a){return kd(function(a){b.$evalAsync(a)},a)}]}function We(){this.$get=["$browser","$exceptionHandler",function(b,a){return kd(function(a){b.defer(a)},a)}]}function kd(b,a){function c(a,b,c){function d(b){return function(c){e||(e=!0,b.call(a,c))}}var e=!1;return[d(b),d(c)]}function d(){this.$$state={status:0}}function e(a,b){return function(c){b.call(a,c)}}function [...]
-c.pending&&(c.processScheduled=!0,b(function(){var b,d,e;e=c.pending;c.processScheduled=!1;c.pending=s;for(var f=0,g=e.length;f<g;++f){d=e[f][0];b=e[f][c.status];try{E(b)?d.resolve(b(c.value)):1===c.status?d.resolve(c.value):d.reject(c.value)}catch(h){d.reject(h),a(h)}}}))}function g(){this.promise=new d;this.resolve=e(this,this.resolve);this.reject=e(this,this.reject);this.notify=e(this,this.notify)}var h=F("$q",TypeError);d.prototype={then:function(a,b,c){var d=new g;this.$$state.pendi [...]
-[];this.$$state.pending.push([d,a,b,c]);0<this.$$state.status&&f(this.$$state);return d.promise},"catch":function(a){return this.then(null,a)},"finally":function(a,b){return this.then(function(b){return k(b,!0,a)},function(b){return k(b,!1,a)},b)}};g.prototype={resolve:function(a){this.promise.$$state.status||(a===this.promise?this.$$reject(h("qcycle",a)):this.$$resolve(a))},$$resolve:function(b){var d,e;e=c(this,this.$$resolve,this.$$reject);try{if(I(b)||E(b))d=b&&b.then;E(d)?(this.prom [...]
--1,d.call(b,e[0],e[1],this.notify)):(this.promise.$$state.value=b,this.promise.$$state.status=1,f(this.promise.$$state))}catch(g){e[1](g),a(g)}},reject:function(a){this.promise.$$state.status||this.$$reject(a)},$$reject:function(a){this.promise.$$state.value=a;this.promise.$$state.status=2;f(this.promise.$$state)},notify:function(c){var d=this.promise.$$state.pending;0>=this.promise.$$state.status&&d&&d.length&&b(function(){for(var b,e,f=0,g=d.length;f<g;f++){e=d[f][0];b=d[f][3];try{e.no [...]
-b(c):c)}catch(h){a(h)}}})}};var l=function(a,b){var c=new g;b?c.resolve(a):c.reject(a);return c.promise},k=function(a,b,c){var d=null;try{E(c)&&(d=c())}catch(e){return l(e,!1)}return d&&E(d.then)?d.then(function(){return l(a,b)},function(a){return l(a,!1)}):l(a,b)},m=function(a,b,c,d){var e=new g;e.resolve(a);return e.promise.then(b,c,d)},r=function u(a){if(!E(a))throw h("norslvr",a);if(!(this instanceof u))return new u(a);var b=new g;a(function(a){b.resolve(a)},function(a){b.reject(a)}) [...]
-r.defer=function(){return new g};r.reject=function(a){var b=new g;b.reject(a);return b.promise};r.when=m;r.all=function(a){var b=new g,c=0,d=w(a)?[]:{};q(a,function(a,e){c++;m(a).then(function(a){d.hasOwnProperty(e)||(d[e]=a,--c||b.resolve(d))},function(a){d.hasOwnProperty(e)||b.reject(a)})});0===c&&b.resolve(d);return b.promise};return r}function ef(){this.$get=["$window","$timeout",function(b,a){function c(){for(var a=0;a<m.length;a++){var b=m[a];b&&(m[a]=null,b())}k=m.length=0}functio [...]
-m.length;k++;m.push(a);0===b&&(l=h(c));return function(){0<=b&&(b=m[b]=null,0===--k&&l&&(l(),l=null,m.length=0))}}var e=b.requestAnimationFrame||b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame,f=b.cancelAnimationFrame||b.webkitCancelAnimationFrame||b.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame,g=!!e,h=g?function(a){var b=e(a);return function(){f(b)}}:function(b){var c=a(b,16.66,!1);return function(){a.cancel(c)}};d.supported=g;var l,k=0,m=[];return d}]}function Ue(){function b(a){function b(){this.$$watchers=this.$ [...]
-this.$$childHead=this.$$childTail=null;this.$$listeners={};this.$$listenerCount={};this.$id=++rb;this.$$ChildScope=null}b.prototype=a;return b}var a=10,c=F("$rootScope"),d=null,e=null;this.digestTtl=function(b){arguments.length&&(a=b);return a};this.$get=["$injector","$exceptionHandler","$parse","$browser",function(f,g,h,l){function k(a){a.currentScope.$$destroyed=!0}function m(){this.$id=++rb;this.$$phase=this.$parent=this.$$watchers=this.$$nextSibling=this.$$prevSibling=this.$$childHea [...]
-null;this.$root=this;this.$$destroyed=!1;this.$$listeners={};this.$$listenerCount={};this.$$isolateBindings=null}function r(a){if(t.$$phase)throw c("inprog",t.$$phase);t.$$phase=a}function n(a,b,c){do a.$$listenerCount[c]-=b,0===a.$$listenerCount[c]&&delete a.$$listenerCount[c];while(a=a.$parent)}function u(){}function v(){for(;J.length;)try{J.shift()()}catch(a){g(a)}e=null}function s(){null===e&&(e=l.defer(function(){t.$apply(v)}))}m.prototype={constructor:m,$new:function(a,c){var d;c=c [...]
-(d=new m,d.$root=this.$root):(this.$$ChildScope||(this.$$ChildScope=b(this)),d=new this.$$ChildScope);d.$parent=c;d.$$prevSibling=c.$$childTail;c.$$childHead?(c.$$childTail.$$nextSibling=d,c.$$childTail=d):c.$$childHead=c.$$childTail=d;(a||c!=this)&&d.$on("$destroy",k);return d},$watch:function(a,b,c){var e=h(a);if(e.$$watchDelegate)return e.$$watchDelegate(this,b,c,e);var f=this.$$watchers,g={fn:b,last:u,get:e,exp:a,eq:!!c};d=null;E(b)||(g.fn=A);f||(f=this.$$watchers=[]);f.unshift(g);re [...]
-g);d=null}},$watchGroup:function(a,b){function c(){h=!1;l?(l=!1,b(e,e,g)):b(e,d,g)}var d=Array(a.length),e=Array(a.length),f=[],g=this,h=!1,l=!0;if(!a.length){var k=!0;g.$evalAsync(function(){k&&b(e,e,g)});return function(){k=!1}}if(1===a.length)return this.$watch(a[0],function(a,c,f){e[0]=a;d[0]=c;b(e,a===c?e:d,f)});q(a,function(a,b){var l=g.$watch(a,function(a,f){e[b]=a;d[b]=f;h||(h=!0,g.$evalAsync(c))});f.push(l)});return function(){for(;f.length;)f.shift()()}},$watchCollection:functi [...]
-a;var b,d,g,h;if(!C(e)){if(I(e))if(Sa(e))for(f!==n&&(f=n,u=f.length=0,k++),a=e.length,u!==a&&(k++,f.length=u=a),b=0;b<a;b++)h=f[b],g=e[b],d=h!==h&&g!==g,d||h===g||(k++,f[b]=g);else{f!==r&&(f=r={},u=0,k++);a=0;for(b in e)e.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(a++,g=e[b],h=f[b],b in f?(d=h!==h&&g!==g,d||h===g||(k++,f[b]=g)):(u++,f[b]=g,k++));if(u>a)for(b in k++,f)e.hasOwnProperty(b)||(u--,delete f[b])}else f!==e&&(f=e,k++);return k}}c.$stateful=!0;var d=this,e,f,g,l=1<b.length,k=0,m=h(a,c),n=[],r={},p=!0,u [...]
-function(){p?(p=!1,b(e,e,d)):b(e,g,d);if(l)if(I(e))if(Sa(e)){g=Array(e.length);for(var a=0;a<e.length;a++)g[a]=e[a]}else for(a in g={},e)wc.call(e,a)&&(g[a]=e[a]);else g=e})},$digest:function(){var b,f,h,k,m,n,q=a,s,S=[],P,J;r("$digest");l.$$checkUrlChange();this===t&&null!==e&&(l.defer.cancel(e),v());d=null;do{n=!1;for(s=this;p.length;){try{J=p.shift(),J.scope.$eval(J.expression,J.locals)}catch(y){g(y)}d=null}a:do{if(k=s.$$watchers)for(m=k.length;m--;)try{if(b=k[m])if((f=b.get(s))!==(h= [...]
-!(b.eq?fa(f,h):"number"===typeof f&&"number"===typeof h&&isNaN(f)&&isNaN(h)))n=!0,d=b,b.last=b.eq?Ba(f,null):f,b.fn(f,h===u?f:h,s),5>q&&(P=4-q,S[P]||(S[P]=[]),S[P].push({msg:E(b.exp)?"fn: "+(b.exp.name||b.exp.toString()):b.exp,newVal:f,oldVal:h}));else if(b===d){n=!1;break a}}catch(F){g(F)}if(!(k=s.$$childHead||s!==this&&s.$$nextSibling))for(;s!==this&&!(k=s.$$nextSibling);)s=s.$parent}while(s=k);if((n||p.length)&&!q--)throw t.$$phase=null,c("infdig",a,S);}while(n||p.length);for(t.$$phas [...]
-$destroy:function(){if(!this.$$destroyed){var a=this.$parent;this.$broadcast("$destroy");this.$$destroyed=!0;if(this!==t){for(var b in this.$$listenerCount)n(this,this.$$listenerCount[b],b);a.$$childHead==this&&(a.$$childHead=this.$$nextSibling);a.$$childTail==this&&(a.$$childTail=this.$$prevSibling);this.$$prevSibling&&(this.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling=this.$$nextSibling);this.$$nextSibling&&(this.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling=this.$$prevSibling);this.$destroy=this.$digest=this.$apply=thi [...]
-this.$applyAsync=A;this.$on=this.$watch=this.$watchGroup=function(){return A};this.$$listeners={};this.$parent=this.$$nextSibling=this.$$prevSibling=this.$$childHead=this.$$childTail=this.$root=this.$$watchers=null}}},$eval:function(a,b){return h(a)(this,b)},$evalAsync:function(a,b){t.$$phase||p.length||l.defer(function(){p.length&&t.$digest()});p.push({scope:this,expression:a,locals:b})},$$postDigest:function(a){H.push(a)},$apply:function(a){try{return r("$apply"),this.$eval(a)}catch(b) [...]
-null;try{t.$digest()}catch(c){throw g(c),c;}}},$applyAsync:function(a){function b(){c.$eval(a)}var c=this;a&&J.push(b);s()},$on:function(a,b){var c=this.$$listeners[a];c||(this.$$listeners[a]=c=[]);c.push(b);var d=this;do d.$$listenerCount[a]||(d.$$listenerCount[a]=0),d.$$listenerCount[a]++;while(d=d.$parent);var e=this;return function(){var d=c.indexOf(b);-1!==d&&(c[d]=null,n(e,1,a))}},$emit:function(a,b){var c=[],d,e=this,f=!1,h={name:a,targetScope:e,stopPropagation:function(){f=!0},pr [...]
-!0},defaultPrevented:!1},l=Ya([h],arguments,1),k,m;do{d=e.$$listeners[a]||c;h.currentScope=e;k=0;for(m=d.length;k<m;k++)if(d[k])try{d[k].apply(null,l)}catch(n){g(n)}else d.splice(k,1),k--,m--;if(f)return h.currentScope=null,h;e=e.$parent}while(e);h.currentScope=null;return h},$broadcast:function(a,b){var c=this,d=this,e={name:a,targetScope:this,preventDefault:function(){e.defaultPrevented=!0},defaultPrevented:!1};if(!this.$$listenerCount[a])return e;for(var f=Ya([e],arguments,1),h,l;c=d; [...]
-c;d=c.$$listeners[a]||[];h=0;for(l=d.length;h<l;h++)if(d[h])try{d[h].apply(null,f)}catch(k){g(k)}else d.splice(h,1),h--,l--;if(!(d=c.$$listenerCount[a]&&c.$$childHead||c!==this&&c.$$nextSibling))for(;c!==this&&!(d=c.$$nextSibling);)c=c.$parent}e.currentScope=null;return e}};var t=new m,p=t.$$asyncQueue=[],H=t.$$postDigestQueue=[],J=t.$$applyAsyncQueue=[];return t}]}function Xd(){var b=/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|file):/,a=/^\s*((https?|ftp|file|blob):|data:image\/)/;this.aHrefSanitizatio [...]
-function(a){return y(a)?(b=a,this):b};this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist=function(b){return y(b)?(a=b,this):a};this.$get=function(){return function(c,d){var e=d?a:b,f;f=ya(c).href;return""===f||f.match(e)?c:"unsafe:"+f}}}function Hf(b){if("self"===b)return b;if(O(b)){if(-1<b.indexOf("***"))throw za("iwcard",b);b=ld(b).replace("\\*\\*",".*").replace("\\*","[^:/.?&;]*");return new RegExp("^"+b+"$")}if(Ua(b))return new RegExp("^"+b.source+"$");throw za("imatcher");}function md(b){var a=[];y(b [...]
-return a}function Ye(){this.SCE_CONTEXTS=la;var b=["self"],a=[];this.resourceUrlWhitelist=function(a){arguments.length&&(b=md(a));return b};this.resourceUrlBlacklist=function(b){arguments.length&&(a=md(b));return a};this.$get=["$injector",function(c){function d(a,b){return"self"===a?ed(b):!!a.exec(b.href)}function e(a){var b=function(a){this.$$unwrapTrustedValue=function(){return a}};a&&(b.prototype=new a);b.prototype.valueOf=function(){return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue()};b.prototype.toS [...]
-return b}var f=function(a){throw za("unsafe");};c.has("$sanitize")&&(f=c.get("$sanitize"));var g=e(),h={};h[la.HTML]=e(g);h[la.CSS]=e(g);h[la.URL]=e(g);h[la.JS]=e(g);h[la.RESOURCE_URL]=e(h[la.URL]);return{trustAs:function(a,b){var c=h.hasOwnProperty(a)?h[a]:null;if(!c)throw za("icontext",a,b);if(null===b||b===s||""===b)return b;if("string"!==typeof b)throw za("itype",a);return new c(b)},getTrusted:function(c,e){if(null===e||e===s||""===e)return e;var g=h.hasOwnProperty(c)?h[c]:null;if(g& [...]
-g)return e.$$unwrapTrustedValue();if(c===la.RESOURCE_URL){var g=ya(e.toString()),r,n,u=!1;r=0;for(n=b.length;r<n;r++)if(d(b[r],g)){u=!0;break}if(u)for(r=0,n=a.length;r<n;r++)if(d(a[r],g)){u=!1;break}if(u)return e;throw za("insecurl",e.toString());}if(c===la.HTML)return f(e);throw za("unsafe");},valueOf:function(a){return a instanceof g?a.$$unwrapTrustedValue():a}}}]}function Xe(){var b=!0;this.enabled=function(a){arguments.length&&(b=!!a);return b};this.$get=["$parse","$sceDelegate",func [...]
-8>Qa)throw za("iequirks");var d=oa(la);d.isEnabled=function(){return b};d.trustAs=c.trustAs;d.getTrusted=c.getTrusted;d.valueOf=c.valueOf;b||(d.trustAs=d.getTrusted=function(a,b){return b},d.valueOf=na);d.parseAs=function(b,c){var e=a(c);return e.literal&&e.constant?e:a(c,function(a){return d.getTrusted(b,a)})};var e=d.parseAs,f=d.getTrusted,g=d.trustAs;q(la,function(a,b){var c=L(b);d[eb("parse_as_"+c)]=function(b){return e(a,b)};d[eb("get_trusted_"+c)]=function(b){return f(a,b)};d[eb("t [...]
-c)]=function(b){return g(a,b)}});return d}]}function Ze(){this.$get=["$window","$document",function(b,a){var c={},d=aa((/android (\d+)/.exec(L((b.navigator||{}).userAgent))||[])[1]),e=/Boxee/i.test((b.navigator||{}).userAgent),f=a[0]||{},g,h=/^(Moz|webkit|ms)(?=[A-Z])/,l=f.body&&f.body.style,k=!1,m=!1;if(l){for(var r in l)if(k=h.exec(r)){g=k[0];g=g.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+g.substr(1);break}g||(g="WebkitOpacity"in l&&"webkit");k=!!("transition"in l||g+"Transition"in l);m=!!("animation"i [...]
-l);!d||k&&m||(k=O(f.body.style.webkitTransition),m=O(f.body.style.webkitAnimation))}return{history:!(!b.history||!b.history.pushState||4>d||e),hasEvent:function(a){if("input"===a&&11>=Qa)return!1;if(C(c[a])){var b=f.createElement("div");c[a]="on"+a in b}return c[a]},csp:cb(),vendorPrefix:g,transitions:k,animations:m,android:d}}]}function af(){this.$get=["$templateCache","$http","$q",function(b,a,c){function d(e,f){d.totalPendingRequests++;var g=a.defaults&&a.defaults.transformResponse;w( [...]
-bc}):g===bc&&(g=null);return a.get(e,{cache:b,transformResponse:g})["finally"](function(){d.totalPendingRequests--}).then(function(a){return a.data},function(a){if(!f)throw da("tpload",e);return c.reject(a)})}d.totalPendingRequests=0;return d}]}function bf(){this.$get=["$rootScope","$browser","$location",function(b,a,c){return{findBindings:function(a,b,c){a=a.getElementsByClassName("ng-binding");var g=[];q(a,function(a){var d=ba.element(a).data("$binding");d&&q(d,function(d){c?(new RegEx [...]
-ld(b)+"(\\s|\\||$)")).test(d)&&g.push(a):-1!=d.indexOf(b)&&g.push(a)})});return g},findModels:function(a,b,c){for(var g=["ng-","data-ng-","ng\\:"],h=0;h<g.length;++h){var l=a.querySelectorAll("["+g[h]+"model"+(c?"=":"*=")+'"'+b+'"]');if(l.length)return l}},getLocation:function(){return c.url()},setLocation:function(a){a!==c.url()&&(c.url(a),b.$digest())},whenStable:function(b){a.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests(b)}}}]}function cf(){this.$get=["$rootScope","$browser","$q","$$q","$exception [...]
-function(b,a,c,d,e){function f(f,l,k){var m=y(k)&&!k,r=(m?d:c).defer(),n=r.promise;l=a.defer(function(){try{r.resolve(f())}catch(a){r.reject(a),e(a)}finally{delete g[n.$$timeoutId]}m||b.$apply()},l);n.$$timeoutId=l;g[l]=r;return n}var g={};f.cancel=function(b){return b&&b.$$timeoutId in g?(g[b.$$timeoutId].reject("canceled"),delete g[b.$$timeoutId],a.defer.cancel(b.$$timeoutId)):!1};return f}]}function ya(b){Qa&&(X.setAttribute("href",b),b=X.href);X.setAttribute("href",b);return{href:X.h [...]
-X.protocol.replace(/:$/,""):"",host:X.host,search:X.search?X.search.replace(/^\?/,""):"",hash:X.hash?X.hash.replace(/^#/,""):"",hostname:X.hostname,port:X.port,pathname:"/"===X.pathname.charAt(0)?X.pathname:"/"+X.pathname}}function ed(b){b=O(b)?ya(b):b;return b.protocol===nd.protocol&&b.host===nd.host}function df(){this.$get=ca(T)}function Ic(b){function a(c,d){if(I(c)){var e={};q(c,function(b,c){e[c]=a(c,b)});return e}return b.factory(c+"Filter",d)}this.register=a;this.$get=["$injector" [...]
-"Filter")}}];a("currency",od);a("date",pd);a("filter",If);a("json",Jf);a("limitTo",Kf);a("lowercase",Lf);a("number",qd);a("orderBy",rd);a("uppercase",Mf)}function If(){return function(b,a,c){if(!w(b))return b;var d;switch(null!==a?typeof a:"null"){case "function":break;case "boolean":case "null":case "number":case "string":d=!0;case "object":a=Nf(a,c,d);break;default:return b}return b.filter(a)}}function Nf(b,a,c){var d=I(b)&&"$"in b;!0===a?a=fa:E(a)||(a=function(a,b){if(C(a))return!1;if [...]
-null===b)return a===b;if(I(a)||I(b))return!1;a=L(""+a);b=L(""+b);return-1!==a.indexOf(b)});return function(e){return d&&!I(e)?Ha(e,b.$,a,!1):Ha(e,b,a,c)}}function Ha(b,a,c,d,e){var f=null!==b?typeof b:"null",g=null!==a?typeof a:"null";if("string"===g&&"!"===a.charAt(0))return!Ha(b,a.substring(1),c,d);if(w(b))return b.some(function(b){return Ha(b,a,c,d)});switch(f){case "object":var h;if(d){for(h in b)if("$"!==h.charAt(0)&&Ha(b[h],a,c,!0))return!0;return e?!1:Ha(b,a,c,!1)}if("object"===g) [...]
-a[h],!E(e)&&!C(e)&&(f="$"===h,!Ha(f?b:b[h],e,c,f,f)))return!1;return!0}return c(b,a);case "function":return!1;default:return c(b,a)}}function od(b){var a=b.NUMBER_FORMATS;return function(b,d,e){C(d)&&(d=a.CURRENCY_SYM);C(e)&&(e=a.PATTERNS[1].maxFrac);return null==b?b:sd(b,a.PATTERNS[1],a.GROUP_SEP,a.DECIMAL_SEP,e).replace(/\u00A4/g,d)}}function qd(b){var a=b.NUMBER_FORMATS;return function(b,d){return null==b?b:sd(b,a.PATTERNS[0],a.GROUP_SEP,a.DECIMAL_SEP,d)}}function sd(b,a,c,d,e){if(!is [...]
-I(b))return"";var f=0>b;b=Math.abs(b);var g=b+"",h="",l=[],k=!1;if(-1!==g.indexOf("e")){var m=g.match(/([\d\.]+)e(-?)(\d+)/);m&&"-"==m[2]&&m[3]>e+1?b=0:(h=g,k=!0)}if(k)0<e&&1>b&&(h=b.toFixed(e),b=parseFloat(h));else{g=(g.split(td)[1]||"").length;C(e)&&(e=Math.min(Math.max(a.minFrac,g),a.maxFrac));b=+(Math.round(+(b.toString()+"e"+e)).toString()+"e"+-e);var g=(""+b).split(td),k=g[0],g=g[1]||"",r=0,n=a.lgSize,u=a.gSize;if(k.length>=n+u)for(r=k.length-n,m=0;m<r;m++)0===(r-m)%u&&0!==m&&(h+=c [...]
-for(m=r;m<k.length;m++)0===(k.length-m)%n&&0!==m&&(h+=c),h+=k.charAt(m);for(;g.length<e;)g+="0";e&&"0"!==e&&(h+=d+g.substr(0,e))}0===b&&(f=!1);l.push(f?a.negPre:a.posPre,h,f?a.negSuf:a.posSuf);return l.join("")}function Jb(b,a,c){var d="";0>b&&(d="-",b=-b);for(b=""+b;b.length<a;)b="0"+b;c&&(b=b.substr(b.length-a));return d+b}function Z(b,a,c,d){c=c||0;return function(e){e=e["get"+b]();if(0<c||e>-c)e+=c;0===e&&-12==c&&(e=12);return Jb(e,a,d)}}function Kb(b,a){return function(c,d){var e=c[ [...]
-f=vb(a?"SHORT"+b:b);return d[f][e]}}function ud(b){var a=(new Date(b,0,1)).getDay();return new Date(b,0,(4>=a?5:12)-a)}function vd(b){return function(a){var c=ud(a.getFullYear());a=+new Date(a.getFullYear(),a.getMonth(),a.getDate()+(4-a.getDay()))-+c;a=1+Math.round(a/6048E5);return Jb(a,b)}}function lc(b,a){return 0>=b.getFullYear()?a.ERAS[0]:a.ERAS[1]}function pd(b){function a(a){var b;if(b=a.match(c)){a=new Date(0);var f=0,g=0,h=b[8]?a.setUTCFullYear:a.setFullYear,l=b[8]?a.setUTCHours: [...]
-b[9]&&(f=aa(b[9]+b[10]),g=aa(b[9]+b[11]));h.call(a,aa(b[1]),aa(b[2])-1,aa(b[3]));f=aa(b[4]||0)-f;g=aa(b[5]||0)-g;h=aa(b[6]||0);b=Math.round(1E3*parseFloat("0."+(b[7]||0)));l.call(a,f,g,h,b)}return a}var c=/^(\d{4})-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?)?$/;return function(c,e,f){var g="",h=[],l,k;e=e||"mediumDate";e=b.DATETIME_FORMATS[e]||e;O(c)&&(c=Of.test(c)?aa(c):a(c));Q(c)&&(c=new Date(c));if(!ea(c))return c;for(;e;)(k=Pf.exec(e))?(h [...]
-e=h.pop()):(h.push(e),e=null);f&&"UTC"===f&&(c=new Date(c.getTime()),c.setMinutes(c.getMinutes()+c.getTimezoneOffset()));q(h,function(a){l=Qf[a];g+=l?l(c,b.DATETIME_FORMATS):a.replace(/(^'|'$)/g,"").replace(/''/g,"'")});return g}}function Jf(){return function(b,a){C(a)&&(a=2);return $a(b,a)}}function Kf(){return function(b,a){Q(b)&&(b=b.toString());return w(b)||O(b)?(a=Infinity===Math.abs(Number(a))?Number(a):aa(a))?0<a?b.slice(0,a):b.slice(a):O(b)?"":[]:b}}function rd(b){return function [...]
-b){return b?function(b,c){return a(c,b)}:a}function f(a){switch(typeof a){case "number":case "boolean":case "string":return!0;default:return!1}}function g(a){return null===a?"null":"function"===typeof a.valueOf&&(a=a.valueOf(),f(a))||"function"===typeof a.toString&&(a=a.toString(),f(a))?a:""}function h(a,b){var c=typeof a,d=typeof b;c===d&&"object"===c&&(a=g(a),b=g(b));return c===d?("string"===c&&(a=a.toLowerCase(),b=b.toLowerCase()),a===b?0:a<b?-1:1):c<d?-1:1}if(!Sa(a))return a;c=w(c)?c [...]
-c.length&&(c=["+"]);c=c.map(function(a){var c=!1,d=a||na;if(O(a)){if("+"==a.charAt(0)||"-"==a.charAt(0))c="-"==a.charAt(0),a=a.substring(1);if(""===a)return e(h,c);d=b(a);if(d.constant){var f=d();return e(function(a,b){return h(a[f],b[f])},c)}}return e(function(a,b){return h(d(a),d(b))},c)});return Za.call(a).sort(e(function(a,b){for(var d=0;d<c.length;d++){var e=c[d](a,b);if(0!==e)return e}return 0},d))}}function Ia(b){E(b)&&(b={link:b});b.restrict=b.restrict||"AC";return ca(b)}function [...]
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-Ra);d.addClass(b,Mb);f.$dirty=!0;f.$pristine=!1;h.$setDirty()};f.$setPristine=function(){d.setClass(b,Ra,Mb+" ng-submitted");f.$dirty=!1;f.$pristine=!0;f.$submitted=!1;q(g,function(a){a.$setPristine()})};f.$setUntouched=function(){q(g,function(a){a.$setUntouched()})};f.$setSubmitted=function(){d.addClass(b,"ng-submitted");f.$submitted=!0;h.$setSubmitted()}}function mc(b){b.$formatters.push(function(a){return b.$isEmpty(a)?a:a.toString()})}function mb(b,a,c,d,e,f){var g=L(a[0].type);if(!e [...]
-!1;a.on("compositionstart",function(a){h=!0});a.on("compositionend",function(){h=!1;l()})}var l=function(b){k&&(f.defer.cancel(k),k=null);if(!h){var e=a.val();b=b&&b.type;"password"===g||c.ngTrim&&"false"===c.ngTrim||(e=U(e));(d.$viewValue!==e||""===e&&d.$$hasNativeValidators)&&d.$setViewValue(e,b)}};if(e.hasEvent("input"))a.on("input",l);else{var k,m=function(a,b,c){k||(k=f.defer(function(){k=null;b&&b.value===c||l(a)}))};a.on("keydown",function(a){var b=a.keyCode;91===b||15<b&&19>b||37 [...]
-b||m(a,this,this.value)});if(e.hasEvent("paste"))a.on("paste cut",m)}a.on("change",l);d.$render=function(){a.val(d.$isEmpty(d.$viewValue)?"":d.$viewValue)}}function Nb(b,a){return function(c,d){var e,f;if(ea(c))return c;if(O(c)){'"'==c.charAt(0)&&'"'==c.charAt(c.length-1)&&(c=c.substring(1,c.length-1));if(Rf.test(c))return new Date(c);b.lastIndex=0;if(e=b.exec(c))return e.shift(),f=d?{yyyy:d.getFullYear(),MM:d.getMonth()+1,dd:d.getDate(),HH:d.getHours(),mm:d.getMinutes(),ss:d.getSeconds( [...]
-1E3}:{yyyy:1970,MM:1,dd:1,HH:0,mm:0,ss:0,sss:0},q(e,function(b,c){c<a.length&&(f[a[c]]=+b)}),new Date(f.yyyy,f.MM-1,f.dd,f.HH,f.mm,f.ss||0,1E3*f.sss||0)}return NaN}}function nb(b,a,c,d){return function(e,f,g,h,l,k,m){function r(a){return a&&!(a.getTime&&a.getTime()!==a.getTime())}function n(a){return y(a)?ea(a)?a:c(a):s}yd(e,f,g,h);mb(e,f,g,h,l,k);var u=h&&h.$options&&h.$options.timezone,v;h.$$parserName=b;h.$parsers.push(function(b){return h.$isEmpty(b)?null:a.test(b)?(b=c(b,v),"UTC"=== [...]
-b.getTimezoneOffset()),b):s});h.$formatters.push(function(a){if(a&&!ea(a))throw Ob("datefmt",a);if(r(a)){if((v=a)&&"UTC"===u){var b=6E4*v.getTimezoneOffset();v=new Date(v.getTime()+b)}return m("date")(a,d,u)}v=null;return""});if(y(g.min)||g.ngMin){var q;h.$validators.min=function(a){return!r(a)||C(q)||c(a)>=q};g.$observe("min",function(a){q=n(a);h.$validate()})}if(y(g.max)||g.ngMax){var t;h.$validators.max=function(a){return!r(a)||C(t)||c(a)<=t};g.$observe("max",function(a){t=n(a);h.$val [...]
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-k)}}m=oa(b)}var m;f.$watch(h[b],k,!0);h.$observe("class",function(a){k(f.$eval(h[b]))});"ngClass"!==b&&f.$watch("$index",function(c,d){var g=c&1;if(g!==(d&1)){var k=e(f.$eval(h[b]));g===a?(g=l(k,1),h.$addClass(g)):(g=l(k,-1),h.$removeClass(g))}})}}}]}function xd(b){function a(a,b){b&&!f[a]?(k.addClass(e,a),f[a]=!0):!b&&f[a]&&(k.removeClass(e,a),f[a]=!1)}function c(b,c){b=b?"-"+yc(b,"-"):"";a(ob+b,!0===c);a(Ad+b,!1===c)}var d=b.ctrl,e=b.$element,f={},g=b.set,h=b.unset,l=b.parentForm,k=b.$ [...]
-!(f[ob]=e.hasClass(ob));d.$setValidity=function(b,e,f){e===s?(d.$pending||(d.$pending={}),g(d.$pending,b,f)):(d.$pending&&h(d.$pending,b,f),Bd(d.$pending)&&(d.$pending=s));Wa(e)?e?(h(d.$error,b,f),g(d.$$success,b,f)):(g(d.$error,b,f),h(d.$$success,b,f)):(h(d.$error,b,f),h(d.$$success,b,f));d.$pending?(a(Cd,!0),d.$valid=d.$invalid=s,c("",null)):(a(Cd,!1),d.$valid=Bd(d.$error),d.$invalid=!d.$valid,c("",d.$valid));e=d.$pending&&d.$pending[b]?s:d.$error[b]?!1:d.$$success[b]?!0:null;c(b,e);l. [...]
-e,d)}}function Bd(b){if(b)for(var a in b)return!1;return!0}var Sf=/^\/(.+)\/([a-z]*)$/,L=function(b){return O(b)?b.toLowerCase():b},wc=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,vb=function(b){return O(b)?b.toUpperCase():b},Qa,z,pa,Za=[].slice,uf=[].splice,Tf=[].push,Aa=Object.prototype.toString,Ja=F("ng"),ba=T.angular||(T.angular={}),db,rb=0;Qa=V.documentMode;A.$inject=[];na.$inject=[];var w=Array.isArray,U=function(b){return O(b)?b.trim():b},ld=function(b){return b.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:# [...]
-"\\$1").replace(/\x08/g,"\\x08")},cb=function(){if(y(cb.isActive_))return cb.isActive_;var b=!(!V.querySelector("[ng-csp]")&&!V.querySelector("[data-ng-csp]"));if(!b)try{new Function("")}catch(a){b=!0}return cb.isActive_=b},tb=["ng-","data-ng-","ng:","x-ng-"],Rd=/[A-Z]/g,zc=!1,Rb,ma=1,ab=3,Vd={full:"1.3.16",major:1,minor:3,dot:16,codeName:"cookie-oatmealification"};R.expando="ng339";var Ab=R.cache={},nf=1;R._data=function(b){return this.cache[b[this.expando]]||{}};var hf=/([\:\-\_]+(.))/ [...]
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-text:a,operator:!0}),this.index+=a.length):this.throwError("Unexpected next character ",this.index,this.index+1)}return this.tokens},is:function(a,c){return-1!==c.indexOf(a)},peek:function(a){a=a||1;return this.index+a<this.text.length?this.text.charAt(this.index+a):!1},isNumber:function(a){return"0"<=a&&"9">=a&&"string"===typeof a},isWhitespace:function(a){return" "===a||"\r"===a||"\t"===a||"\n"===a||"\v"===a||"\u00a0"===a},isIdent:function(a){return"a"<=a&&"z">=a||"A"<=a&&"Z">=a||"_"== [...]
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-"]",this.peek());return c},unaryFn:function(a,c){var d=qb[a];return x(function(a,f){return d(a,f,c)},{constant:c.constant,inputs:[c]})},binaryFn:function(a,c,d,e){var f=qb[c];return x(function(c,e){return f(c,e,a,d)},{constant:a.constant&&d.constant,inputs:!e&&[a,d]})},identifier:function(){for(var a=this.consume().text;this.peek(".")&&this.peekAhead(1).identifier&&!this.peekAhead(2,"(");)a+=this.consume().text+this.consume().text;return Df(a,this.options,this.text)},constant:function(){ [...]
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-{inputs:[a,c]})):a},ternary:function(){var a=this.logicalOR(),c;if(this.expect("?")&&(c=this.assignment(),this.consume(":"))){var d=this.assignment();return x(function(e,f){return a(e,f)?c(e,f):d(e,f)},{constant:a.constant&&c.constant&&d.constant})}return a},logicalOR:function(){for(var a=this.logicalAND(),c;c=this.expect("||");)a=this.binaryFn(a,c.text,this.logicalAND(),!0);return a},logicalAND:function(){for(var a=this.equality(),c;c=this.expect("&&");)a=this.binaryFn(a,c.text,this.equ [...]
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-e);if(k===$f||k===ag||k===bg)throw ja("isecff",e);}l=k.apply?k.apply(l,f):k(f[0],f[1],f[2],f[3],f[4]);f&&(f.length=0);return ka(l,e)}},arrayDeclaration:function(){var a=[];if("]"!==this.peekToken().text){do{if(this.peek("]"))break;a.push(this.expression())}while(this.expect(","))}this.consume("]");return x(function(c,d){for(var e=[],f=0,g=a.length;f<g;f++)e.push(a[f](c,d));return e},{literal:!0,constant:a.every(ic),inputs:a})},object:function(){var a=[],c=[];if("}"!==this.peekToken().tex [...]
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-e);f.$eval(l)}},function(){n===s&&(J(),f.$emit("$includeContentError",e))}),f.$emit("$includeContentRequested",e)):(J(),q.template=null)})}}}}],Fe=["$compile",function(a){return{restrict:"ECA",priority:-400,require:"ngInclude",link:function(c,d,e,f){/SVG/.test(d[0].toString())?(d.empty(),a(Kc(f.template,V).childNodes)(c,function(a){d.append(a)},{futureParentElement:d})):(d.html(f.template),a(d.contents())(c))}}}],pe=Ia({priority:450,compile:function(){return{pre:function(a,c,d){a.$eval(d [...]
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-"$element","$parse","$animate","$timeout","$rootScope","$q","$interpolate",function(a,c,d,e,f,g,h,l,k,m){this.$modelValue=this.$viewValue=Number.NaN;this.$$rawModelValue=s;this.$validators={};this.$asyncValidators={};this.$parsers=[];this.$formatters=[];this.$viewChangeListeners=[];this.$untouched=!0;this.$touched=!1;this.$pristine=!0;this.$dirty=!1;this.$valid=!0;this.$invalid=!1;this.$error={};this.$$success={};this.$pending=s;this.$name=m(d.name||"",!1)(a);var r=f(d.ngModel),n=r.assig [...]
-P=null,t,p=this;this.$$setOptions=function(a){if((p.$options=a)&&a.getterSetter){var c=f(d.ngModel+"()"),g=f(d.ngModel+"($$$p)");u=function(a){var d=r(a);E(d)&&(d=c(a));return d};v=function(a,c){E(r(a))?g(a,{$$$p:p.$modelValue}):n(a,p.$modelValue)}}else if(!r.assign)throw Ob("nonassign",d.ngModel,ta(e));};this.$render=A;this.$isEmpty=function(a){return C(a)||""===a||null===a||a!==a};var H=e.inheritedData("$formController")||Lb,J=0;xd({ctrl:this,$element:e,set:function(a,c){a[c]=!0},unset [...]
-c){delete a[c]},parentForm:H,$animate:g});this.$setPristine=function(){p.$dirty=!1;p.$pristine=!0;g.removeClass(e,Mb);g.addClass(e,Ra)};this.$setDirty=function(){p.$dirty=!0;p.$pristine=!1;g.removeClass(e,Ra);g.addClass(e,Mb);H.$setDirty()};this.$setUntouched=function(){p.$touched=!1;p.$untouched=!0;g.setClass(e,"ng-untouched","ng-touched")};this.$setTouched=function(){p.$touched=!0;p.$untouched=!1;g.setClass(e,"ng-touched","ng-untouched")};this.$rollbackViewValue=function(){h.cancel(P); [...]
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-c){g(c,null)}),!1)}function f(){var d=[],e=!0;q(p.$asyncValidators,function(f,h){var k=f(a,c);if(!k||!E(k.then))throw Ob("$asyncValidators",k);g(h,s);d.push(k.then(function(){g(h,!0)},function(a){e=!1;g(h,!1)}))});d.length?k.all(d).then(function(){h(e)},A):h(!0)}function g(a,c){l===J&&p.$setValidity(a,c)}function h(a){l===J&&d(a)}J++;var l=J;(function(){var a=p.$$parserName||"parse";if(t===s)g(a,null);else return t||(q(p.$validators,function(a,c){g(c,null)}),q(p.$asyncValidators,function [...]
-null)})),g(a,t),t;return!0})()?e()?f():h(!1):h(!1)};this.$commitViewValue=function(){var a=p.$viewValue;h.cancel(P);if(p.$$lastCommittedViewValue!==a||""===a&&p.$$hasNativeValidators)p.$$lastCommittedViewValue=a,p.$pristine&&this.$setDirty(),this.$$parseAndValidate()};this.$$parseAndValidate=function(){var c=p.$$lastCommittedViewValue;if(t=C(c)?s:!0)for(var d=0;d<p.$parsers.length;d++)if(c=p.$parsers[d](c),C(c)){t=!1;break}Q(p.$modelValue)&&isNaN(p.$modelValue)&&(p.$modelValue=u(a));var  [...]
-f=p.$options&&p.$options.allowInvalid;p.$$rawModelValue=c;f&&(p.$modelValue=c,p.$modelValue!==e&&p.$$writeModelToScope());p.$$runValidators(c,p.$$lastCommittedViewValue,function(a){f||(p.$modelValue=a?c:s,p.$modelValue!==e&&p.$$writeModelToScope())})};this.$$writeModelToScope=function(){v(a,p.$modelValue);q(p.$viewChangeListeners,function(a){try{a()}catch(d){c(d)}})};this.$setViewValue=function(a,c){p.$viewValue=a;p.$options&&!p.$options.updateOnDefault||p.$$debounceViewValueCommit(c)};t [...]
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-p.$$runValidators(c,f,A))}return c})}],Ae=["$rootScope",function(a){return{restrict:"A",require:["ngModel","^?form","^?ngModelOptions"],controller:ig,priority:1,compile:function(c){c.addClass(Ra).addClass("ng-untouched").addClass(ob);return{pre:function(a,c,f,g){var h=g[0],l=g[1]||Lb;h.$$setOptions(g[2]&&g[2].$options);l.$addControl(h);f.$observe("name",function(a){h.$name!==a&&l.$$renameControl(h,a)});a.$on("$destroy",function(){l.$removeControl(h)})},post:function(c,e,f,g){var h=g[0];i [...]
-h.$options.updateOn)e.on(h.$options.updateOn,function(a){h.$$debounceViewValueCommit(a&&a.type)});e.on("blur",function(e){h.$touched||(a.$$phase?c.$evalAsync(h.$setTouched):c.$apply(h.$setTouched))})}}}}}],jg=/(\s+|^)default(\s+|$)/,Ee=function(){return{restrict:"A",controller:["$scope","$attrs",function(a,c){var d=this;this.$options=a.$eval(c.ngModelOptions);this.$options.updateOn!==s?(this.$options.updateOnDefault=!1,this.$options.updateOn=U(this.$options.updateOn.replace(jg,function() [...]
-!0;return" "}))):this.$options.updateOnDefault=!0}]}},qe=Ia({terminal:!0,priority:1E3}),re=["$locale","$interpolate",function(a,c){var d=/{}/g,e=/^when(Minus)?(.+)$/;return{restrict:"EA",link:function(f,g,h){function l(a){g.text(a||"")}var k=h.count,m=h.$attr.when&&g.attr(h.$attr.when),r=h.offset||0,n=f.$eval(m)||{},u={},m=c.startSymbol(),s=c.endSymbol(),y=m+k+"-"+r+s,t=ba.noop,p;q(h,function(a,c){var d=e.exec(c);d&&(d=(d[1]?"-":"")+L(d[2]),n[d]=g.attr(h.$attr[c]))});q(n,function(a,e){u[ [...]
-y))});f.$watch(k,function(c){c=parseFloat(c);var d=isNaN(c);d||c in n||(c=a.pluralCat(c-r));c===p||d&&isNaN(p)||(t(),t=f.$watch(u[c],l),p=c)})}}}],se=["$parse","$animate",function(a,c){var d=F("ngRepeat"),e=function(a,c,d,e,k,m,q){a[d]=e;k&&(a[k]=m);a.$index=c;a.$first=0===c;a.$last=c===q-1;a.$middle=!(a.$first||a.$last);a.$odd=!(a.$even=0===(c&1))};return{restrict:"A",multiElement:!0,transclude:"element",priority:1E3,terminal:!0,$$tlb:!0,compile:function(f,g){var h=g.ngRepeat,l=V.create [...]
-h+" "),k=h.match(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+as\s+([\s\S]+?))?(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s*$/);if(!k)throw d("iexp",h);var m=k[1],r=k[2],n=k[3],u=k[4],k=m.match(/^(?:(\s*[\$\w]+)|\(\s*([\$\w]+)\s*,\s*([\$\w]+)\s*\))$/);if(!k)throw d("iidexp",m);var v=k[3]||k[1],y=k[2];if(n&&(!/^[$a-zA-Z_][$a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(n)||/^(null|undefined|this|\$index|\$first|\$middle|\$last|\$even|\$odd|\$parent|\$root|\$id)$/.test(n)))throw d("badident",n);var t,p,H,F,B={$id:Na};u?t=a(u):(H=fun [...]
-F=function(a){return a});return function(a,f,g,k,m){t&&(p=function(c,d,e){y&&(B[y]=c);B[v]=d;B.$index=e;return t(a,B)});var u=ga();a.$watchCollection(r,function(g){var k,r,t=f[0],G,B=ga(),x,C,A,N,E,w,I;n&&(a[n]=g);if(Sa(g))E=g,r=p||H;else{r=p||F;E=[];for(I in g)g.hasOwnProperty(I)&&"$"!=I.charAt(0)&&E.push(I);E.sort()}x=E.length;I=Array(x);for(k=0;k<x;k++)if(C=g===E?k:E[k],A=g[C],N=r(C,A,k),u[N])w=u[N],delete u[N],B[N]=w,I[k]=w;else{if(B[N])throw q(I,function(a){a&&a.scope&&(u[a.id]=a)}) [...]
-h,N,A);I[k]={id:N,scope:s,clone:s};B[N]=!0}for(G in u){w=u[G];N=ub(w.clone);c.leave(N);if(N[0].parentNode)for(k=0,r=N.length;k<r;k++)N[k].$$NG_REMOVED=!0;w.scope.$destroy()}for(k=0;k<x;k++)if(C=g===E?k:E[k],A=g[C],w=I[k],w.scope){G=t;do G=G.nextSibling;while(G&&G.$$NG_REMOVED);w.clone[0]!=G&&c.move(ub(w.clone),null,z(t));t=w.clone[w.clone.length-1];e(w.scope,k,v,A,y,C,x)}else m(function(a,d){w.scope=d;var f=l.cloneNode(!1);a[a.length++]=f;c.enter(a,null,z(t));t=f;w.clone=a;B[w.id]=w;e(w. [...]
-A,y,C,x)});u=B})}}}}],te=["$animate",function(a){return{restrict:"A",multiElement:!0,link:function(c,d,e){c.$watch(e.ngShow,function(c){a[c?"removeClass":"addClass"](d,"ng-hide",{tempClasses:"ng-hide-animate"})})}}}],me=["$animate",function(a){return{restrict:"A",multiElement:!0,link:function(c,d,e){c.$watch(e.ngHide,function(c){a[c?"addClass":"removeClass"](d,"ng-hide",{tempClasses:"ng-hide-animate"})})}}}],ue=Ia(function(a,c,d){a.$watch(d.ngStyle,function(a,d){d&&a!==d&&q(d,function(a, [...]
-"")});a&&c.css(a)},!0)}),ve=["$animate",function(a){return{restrict:"EA",require:"ngSwitch",controller:["$scope",function(){this.cases={}}],link:function(c,d,e,f){var g=[],h=[],l=[],k=[],m=function(a,c){return function(){a.splice(c,1)}};c.$watch(e.ngSwitch||e.on,function(c){var d,e;d=0;for(e=l.length;d<e;++d)a.cancel(l[d]);d=l.length=0;for(e=k.length;d<e;++d){var s=ub(h[d].clone);k[d].$destroy();(l[d]=a.leave(s)).then(m(l,d))}h.length=0;k.length=0;(g=f.cases["!"+c]||f.cases["?"])&&q(g,fu [...]
-e){k.push(e);var f=c.element;d[d.length++]=V.createComment(" end ngSwitchWhen: ");h.push({clone:d});a.enter(d,f.parent(),f)})})})}}}],we=Ia({transclude:"element",priority:1200,require:"^ngSwitch",multiElement:!0,link:function(a,c,d,e,f){e.cases["!"+d.ngSwitchWhen]=e.cases["!"+d.ngSwitchWhen]||[];e.cases["!"+d.ngSwitchWhen].push({transclude:f,element:c})}}),xe=Ia({transclude:"element",priority:1200,require:"^ngSwitch",multiElement:!0,link:function(a,c,d,e,f){e.cases["?"]=e.cases["?"]||[]; [...]
-element:c})}}),ze=Ia({restrict:"EAC",link:function(a,c,d,e,f){if(!f)throw F("ngTransclude")("orphan",ta(c));f(function(a){c.empty();c.append(a)})}}),$d=["$templateCache",function(a){return{restrict:"E",terminal:!0,compile:function(c,d){"text/ng-template"==d.type&&a.put(d.id,c[0].text)}}}],kg=F("ngOptions"),ye=ca({restrict:"A",terminal:!0}),ae=["$compile","$parse",function(a,c){var d=/^\s*([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+as\s+([\s\S]+?))?(?:\s+group\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s+for\s+(?:([\$\w][\$\w]*)|(?:\(\s*( [...]
-e={$setViewValue:A};return{restrict:"E",require:["select","?ngModel"],controller:["$element","$scope","$attrs",function(a,c,d){var l=this,k={},m=e,q;l.databound=d.ngModel;l.init=function(a,c,d){m=a;q=d};l.addOption=function(c,d){Ma(c,'"option value"');k[c]=!0;m.$viewValue==c&&(a.val(c),q.parent()&&q.remove());d&&d[0].hasAttribute("selected")&&(d[0].selected=!0)};l.removeOption=function(a){this.hasOption(a)&&(delete k[a],m.$viewValue===a&&this.renderUnknownOption(a))};l.renderUnknownOptio [...]
-"? "+Na(c)+" ?";q.val(c);a.prepend(q);a.val(c);q.prop("selected",!0)};l.hasOption=function(a){return k.hasOwnProperty(a)};c.$on("$destroy",function(){l.renderUnknownOption=A})}],link:function(e,g,h,l){function k(a,c,d,e){d.$render=function(){var a=d.$viewValue;e.hasOption(a)?(B.parent()&&B.remove(),c.val(a),""===a&&t.prop("selected",!0)):null==a&&t?c.val(""):e.renderUnknownOption(a)};c.on("change",function(){a.$apply(function(){B.parent()&&B.remove();d.$setViewValue(c.val())})})}function [...]
-d.$render=function(){var a=new fb(d.$viewValue);q(c.find("option"),function(c){c.selected=y(a.get(c.value))})};a.$watch(function(){fa(e,d.$viewValue)||(e=oa(d.$viewValue),d.$render())});c.on("change",function(){a.$apply(function(){var a=[];q(c.find("option"),function(c){c.selected&&a.push(c.value)});d.$setViewValue(a)})})}function r(e,f,g){function h(a,c,d){U[A]=d;I&&(U[I]=c);return a(e,U)}function k(a){var c;if(u)if(L&&w(a)){c=new fb([]);for(var d=0;d<a.length;d++)c.put(h(L,null,a[d]),! [...]
-new fb(a);else L&&(a=h(L,null,a));return function(d,e){var f;f=L?L:z?z:D;return u?y(c.remove(h(f,d,e))):a===h(f,d,e)}}function l(){p||(e.$$postDigest(r),p=!0)}function m(a,c,d){a[c]=a[c]||0;a[c]+=d?1:-1}function r(){p=!1;var a={"":[]},c=[""],d,l,s,t,v;s=g.$viewValue;t=O(e)||[];var A=I?Object.keys(t).sort():t,w,z,E,D,S={};v=k(s);var Q=!1,V,X;R={};for(D=0;E=A.length,D<E;D++){w=D;if(I&&(w=A[D],"$"===w.charAt(0)))continue;z=t[w];d=h(M,w,z)||"";(l=a[d])||(l=a[d]=[],c.push(d));d=v(w,z);Q=Q||d; [...]
-z=y(z)?z:"";X=L?L(e,U):I?A[D]:D;L&&(R[X]=w);l.push({id:X,label:z,selected:d})}u||(x||null===s?a[""].unshift({id:"",label:"",selected:!Q}):Q||a[""].unshift({id:"?",label:"",selected:!0}));w=0;for(A=c.length;w<A;w++){d=c[w];l=a[d];T.length<=w?(s={element:F.clone().attr("label",d),label:l.label},t=[s],T.push(t),f.append(s.element)):(t=T[w],s=t[0],s.label!=d&&s.element.attr("label",s.label=d));Q=null;D=0;for(E=l.length;D<E;D++)d=l[D],(v=t[D+1])?(Q=v.element,v.label!==d.label&&(m(S,v.label,!1 [...]
-!0),Q.text(v.label=d.label),Q.prop("label",v.label)),v.id!==d.id&&Q.val(v.id=d.id),Q[0].selected!==d.selected&&(Q.prop("selected",v.selected=d.selected),Qa&&Q.prop("selected",v.selected))):(""===d.id&&x?V=x:(V=C.clone()).val(d.id).prop("selected",d.selected).attr("selected",d.selected).prop("label",d.label).text(d.label),t.push(v={element:V,label:d.label,id:d.id,selected:d.selected}),m(S,d.label,!0),Q?Q.after(V):s.element.append(V),Q=V);for(D++;t.length>D;)d=t.pop(),m(S,d.label,!1),d.ele [...]
-w;){l=T.pop();for(D=1;D<l.length;++D)m(S,l[D].label,!1);l[0].element.remove()}q(S,function(a,c){0<a?n.addOption(c):0>a&&n.removeOption(c)})}var t;if(!(t=v.match(d)))throw kg("iexp",v,ta(f));var B=c(t[2]||t[1]),A=t[4]||t[6],E=/ as /.test(t[0])&&t[1],z=E?c(E):null,I=t[5],M=c(t[3]||""),D=c(t[2]?t[1]:A),O=c(t[7]),L=t[8]?c(t[8]):null,R={},T=[[{element:f,label:""}]],U={};x&&(a(x)(e),x.removeClass("ng-scope"),x.remove());f.empty();f.on("change",function(){e.$apply(function(){var a=O(e)||[],c;if [...]
-function(d){d=L?R[d]:d;c.push("?"===d?s:""===d?null:h(z?z:D,d,a[d]))});else{var d=L?R[f.val()]:f.val();c="?"===d?s:""===d?null:h(z?z:D,d,a[d])}g.$setViewValue(c);r()})});g.$render=r;e.$watchCollection(O,l);e.$watchCollection(function(){var a=O(e),c;if(a&&w(a)){c=Array(a.length);for(var d=0,f=a.length;d<f;d++)c[d]=h(B,d,a[d])}else if(a)for(d in c={},a)a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(c[d]=h(B,d,a[d]));return c},l);u&&e.$watchCollection(function(){return g.$modelValue},l)}if(l[1]){var n=l[0];l=l[1];v [...]
-v=h.ngOptions,x=!1,t,p=!1,C=z(V.createElement("option")),F=z(V.createElement("optgroup")),B=C.clone();h=0;for(var A=g.children(),E=A.length;h<E;h++)if(""===A[h].value){t=x=A.eq(h);break}n.init(l,x,B);u&&(l.$isEmpty=function(a){return!a||0===a.length});v?r(e,g,l):u?m(e,g,l):k(e,g,l,n)}}}}],ce=["$interpolate",function(a){var c={addOption:A,removeOption:A};return{restrict:"E",priority:100,compile:function(d,e){if(C(e.value)){var f=a(d.text(),!0);f||e.$set("value",d.text())}return function(a [...]
-d.parent(),m=k.data("$selectController")||k.parent().data("$selectController");m&&m.databound||(m=c);f?a.$watch(f,function(a,c){e.$set("value",a);c!==a&&m.removeOption(c);m.addOption(a,d)}):m.addOption(e.value,d);d.on("$destroy",function(){m.removeOption(e.value)})}}}}],be=ca({restrict:"E",terminal:!1}),Ec=function(){return{restrict:"A",require:"?ngModel",link:function(a,c,d,e){e&&(d.required=!0,e.$validators.required=function(a,c){return!d.required||!e.$isEmpty(c)},d.$observe("required" [...]
-Dc=function(){return{restrict:"A",require:"?ngModel",link:function(a,c,d,e){if(e){var f,g=d.ngPattern||d.pattern;d.$observe("pattern",function(a){O(a)&&0<a.length&&(a=new RegExp("^"+a+"$"));if(a&&!a.test)throw F("ngPattern")("noregexp",g,a,ta(c));f=a||s;e.$validate()});e.$validators.pattern=function(a){return e.$isEmpty(a)||C(f)||f.test(a)}}}}},Gc=function(){return{restrict:"A",require:"?ngModel",link:function(a,c,d,e){if(e){var f=-1;d.$observe("maxlength",function(a){a=aa(a);f=isNaN(a)? [...]
-e.$validators.maxlength=function(a,c){return 0>f||e.$isEmpty(c)||c.length<=f}}}}},Fc=function(){return{restrict:"A",require:"?ngModel",link:function(a,c,d,e){if(e){var f=0;d.$observe("minlength",function(a){f=aa(a)||0;e.$validate()});e.$validators.minlength=function(a,c){return e.$isEmpty(c)||c.length>=f}}}}};T.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once."):(Sd(),Ud(ba),z(V).ready(function(){Od(V,xc)}))})(window,document);!window.angular.$$csp()&&window.a [...]
-//# sourceMappingURL=angular.min.js.map
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd31b5..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/jquery.js b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/jquery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ac29c4d..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/jquery/jquery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9205 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.3
- * http://jquery.com/
- *
- * Includes Sizzle.js
- * http://sizzlejs.com/
- *
- * Copyright 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license
- * http://jquery.org/license
- *
- * Date: 2014-12-18T15:11Z
- */
-(function( global, factory ) {
-	if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) {
-		// For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`
-		// is present, execute the factory and get jQuery.
-		// For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`
-		// (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.
-		// This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.
-		// e.g. var jQuery = require("jquery")(window);
-		// See ticket #14549 for more info.
-		module.exports = global.document ?
-			factory( global, true ) :
-			function( w ) {
-				if ( !w.document ) {
-					throw new Error( "jQuery requires a window with a document" );
-				}
-				return factory( w );
-			};
-	} else {
-		factory( global );
-	}
-// Pass this if window is not defined yet
-}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function( window, noGlobal ) {
-// Support: Firefox 18+
-// Can't be in strict mode, several libs including ASP.NET trace
-// the stack via arguments.caller.callee and Firefox dies if
-// you try to trace through "use strict" call chains. (#13335)
-var arr = [];
-var slice = arr.slice;
-var concat = arr.concat;
-var push = arr.push;
-var indexOf = arr.indexOf;
-var class2type = {};
-var toString = class2type.toString;
-var hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty;
-var support = {};
-	// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
-	document = window.document,
-	version = "2.1.3",
-	// Define a local copy of jQuery
-	jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
-		// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
-		// Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included)
-		return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
-	},
-	// Support: Android<4.1
-	// Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP
-	rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
-	// Matches dashed string for camelizing
-	rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
-	rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi,
-	// Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
-	fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
-		return letter.toUpperCase();
-	};
-jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
-	// The current version of jQuery being used
-	jquery: version,
-	constructor: jQuery,
-	// Start with an empty selector
-	selector: "",
-	// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
-	length: 0,
-	toArray: function() {
-		return slice.call( this );
-	},
-	// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
-	// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
-	get: function( num ) {
-		return num != null ?
-			// Return just the one element from the set
-			( num < 0 ? this[ num + this.length ] : this[ num ] ) :
-			// Return all the elements in a clean array
-			slice.call( this );
-	},
-	// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
-	// (returning the new matched element set)
-	pushStack: function( elems ) {
-		// Build a new jQuery matched element set
-		var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems );
-		// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
-		ret.prevObject = this;
-		ret.context = this.context;
-		// Return the newly-formed element set
-		return ret;
-	},
-	// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
-	// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
-	// only used internally.)
-	each: function( callback, args ) {
-		return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
-	},
-	map: function( callback ) {
-		return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
-			return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
-		}));
-	},
-	slice: function() {
-		return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ) );
-	},
-	first: function() {
-		return this.eq( 0 );
-	},
-	last: function() {
-		return this.eq( -1 );
-	},
-	eq: function( i ) {
-		var len = this.length,
-			j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 );
-		return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[j] ] : [] );
-	},
-	end: function() {
-		return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
-	},
-	// For internal use only.
-	// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
-	push: push,
-	sort: arr.sort,
-	splice: arr.splice
-jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
-	var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
-		target = arguments[0] || {},
-		i = 1,
-		length = arguments.length,
-		deep = false;
-	// Handle a deep copy situation
-	if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
-		deep = target;
-		// Skip the boolean and the target
-		target = arguments[ i ] || {};
-		i++;
-	}
-	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
-	if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
-		target = {};
-	}
-	// Extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
-	if ( i === length ) {
-		target = this;
-		i--;
-	}
-	for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
-		if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
-			// Extend the base object
-			for ( name in options ) {
-				src = target[ name ];
-				copy = options[ name ];
-				// Prevent never-ending loop
-				if ( target === copy ) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
-				if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
-					if ( copyIsArray ) {
-						copyIsArray = false;
-						clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
-					} else {
-						clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
-					}
-					// Never move original objects, clone them
-					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
-				// Don't bring in undefined values
-				} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
-					target[ name ] = copy;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Return the modified object
-	return target;
-	// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
-	expando: "jQuery" + ( version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
-	// Assume jQuery is ready without the ready module
-	isReady: true,
-	error: function( msg ) {
-		throw new Error( msg );
-	},
-	noop: function() {},
-	isFunction: function( obj ) {
-		return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
-	},
-	isArray: Array.isArray,
-	isWindow: function( obj ) {
-		return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
-	},
-	isNumeric: function( obj ) {
-		// parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives (null|true|false|"")
-		// ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
-		// subtraction forces infinities to NaN
-		// adding 1 corrects loss of precision from parseFloat (#15100)
-		return !jQuery.isArray( obj ) && (obj - parseFloat( obj ) + 1) >= 0;
-	},
-	isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
-		// Not plain objects:
-		// - Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]"
-		// - DOM nodes
-		// - window
-		if ( jQuery.type( obj ) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		if ( obj.constructor &&
-				!hasOwn.call( obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf" ) ) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		// If the function hasn't returned already, we're confident that
-		// |obj| is a plain object, created by {} or constructed with new Object
-		return true;
-	},
-	isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
-		var name;
-		for ( name in obj ) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	},
-	type: function( obj ) {
-		if ( obj == null ) {
-			return obj + "";
-		}
-		// Support: Android<4.0, iOS<6 (functionish RegExp)
-		return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
-			class2type[ toString.call(obj) ] || "object" :
-			typeof obj;
-	},
-	// Evaluates a script in a global context
-	globalEval: function( code ) {
-		var script,
-			indirect = eval;
-		code = jQuery.trim( code );
-		if ( code ) {
-			// If the code includes a valid, prologue position
-			// strict mode pragma, execute code by injecting a
-			// script tag into the document.
-			if ( code.indexOf("use strict") === 1 ) {
-				script = document.createElement("script");
-				script.text = code;
-				document.head.appendChild( script ).parentNode.removeChild( script );
-			} else {
-			// Otherwise, avoid the DOM node creation, insertion
-			// and removal by using an indirect global eval
-				indirect( code );
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	// Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
-	// Support: IE9-11+
-	// Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
-	camelCase: function( string ) {
-		return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
-	},
-	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
-		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
-	},
-	// args is for internal usage only
-	each: function( obj, callback, args ) {
-		var value,
-			i = 0,
-			length = obj.length,
-			isArray = isArraylike( obj );
-		if ( args ) {
-			if ( isArray ) {
-				for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-					value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args );
-					if ( value === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( i in obj ) {
-					value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args );
-					if ( value === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
-		} else {
-			if ( isArray ) {
-				for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-					value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] );
-					if ( value === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( i in obj ) {
-					value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] );
-					if ( value === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return obj;
-	},
-	// Support: Android<4.1
-	trim: function( text ) {
-		return text == null ?
-			"" :
-			( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" );
-	},
-	// results is for internal usage only
-	makeArray: function( arr, results ) {
-		var ret = results || [];
-		if ( arr != null ) {
-			if ( isArraylike( Object(arr) ) ) {
-				jQuery.merge( ret,
-					typeof arr === "string" ?
-					[ arr ] : arr
-				);
-			} else {
-				push.call( ret, arr );
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	},
-	inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) {
-		return arr == null ? -1 : indexOf.call( arr, elem, i );
-	},
-	merge: function( first, second ) {
-		var len = +second.length,
-			j = 0,
-			i = first.length;
-		for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
-			first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
-		}
-		first.length = i;
-		return first;
-	},
-	grep: function( elems, callback, invert ) {
-		var callbackInverse,
-			matches = [],
-			i = 0,
-			length = elems.length,
-			callbackExpect = !invert;
-		// Go through the array, only saving the items
-		// that pass the validator function
-		for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-			callbackInverse = !callback( elems[ i ], i );
-			if ( callbackInverse !== callbackExpect ) {
-				matches.push( elems[ i ] );
-			}
-		}
-		return matches;
-	},
-	// arg is for internal usage only
-	map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
-		var value,
-			i = 0,
-			length = elems.length,
-			isArray = isArraylike( elems ),
-			ret = [];
-		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their new values
-		if ( isArray ) {
-			for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-				value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
-				if ( value != null ) {
-					ret.push( value );
-				}
-			}
-		// Go through every key on the object,
-		} else {
-			for ( i in elems ) {
-				value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
-				if ( value != null ) {
-					ret.push( value );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Flatten any nested arrays
-		return concat.apply( [], ret );
-	},
-	// A global GUID counter for objects
-	guid: 1,
-	// Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
-	// arguments.
-	proxy: function( fn, context ) {
-		var tmp, args, proxy;
-		if ( typeof context === "string" ) {
-			tmp = fn[ context ];
-			context = fn;
-			fn = tmp;
-		}
-		// Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
-		// this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
-		if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
-			return undefined;
-		}
-		// Simulated bind
-		args = slice.call( arguments, 2 );
-		proxy = function() {
-			return fn.apply( context || this, args.concat( slice.call( arguments ) ) );
-		};
-		// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
-		proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++;
-		return proxy;
-	},
-	now: Date.now,
-	// jQuery.support is not used in Core but other projects attach their
-	// properties to it so it needs to exist.
-	support: support
-// Populate the class2type map
-jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name) {
-	class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
-function isArraylike( obj ) {
-	var length = obj.length,
-		type = jQuery.type( obj );
-	if ( type === "function" || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	return type === "array" || length === 0 ||
-		typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj;
-var Sizzle =
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.2.0-pre
- * http://sizzlejs.com/
- *
- * Copyright 2008, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license
- * http://jquery.org/license
- *
- * Date: 2014-12-16
- */
-(function( window ) {
-var i,
-	support,
-	Expr,
-	getText,
-	isXML,
-	tokenize,
-	compile,
-	select,
-	outermostContext,
-	sortInput,
-	hasDuplicate,
-	// Local document vars
-	setDocument,
-	document,
-	docElem,
-	documentIsHTML,
-	rbuggyQSA,
-	rbuggyMatches,
-	matches,
-	contains,
-	// Instance-specific data
-	expando = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date(),
-	preferredDoc = window.document,
-	dirruns = 0,
-	done = 0,
-	classCache = createCache(),
-	tokenCache = createCache(),
-	compilerCache = createCache(),
-	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
-		if ( a === b ) {
-			hasDuplicate = true;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	},
-	// General-purpose constants
-	MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31,
-	// Instance methods
-	hasOwn = ({}).hasOwnProperty,
-	arr = [],
-	pop = arr.pop,
-	push_native = arr.push,
-	push = arr.push,
-	slice = arr.slice,
-	// Use a stripped-down indexOf as it's faster than native
-	// http://jsperf.com/thor-indexof-vs-for/5
-	indexOf = function( list, elem ) {
-		var i = 0,
-			len = list.length;
-		for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-			if ( list[i] === elem ) {
-				return i;
-			}
-		}
-		return -1;
-	},
-	booleans = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",
-	// Regular expressions
-	// Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace
-	whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
-	// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters
-	characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
-	// Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
-	// An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors
-	// Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
-	identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ),
-	// Attribute selectors: http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors
-	attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:" + whitespace +
-		// Operator (capture 2)
-		"*([*^$|!~]?=)" + whitespace +
-		// "Attribute values must be CSS identifiers [capture 5] or strings [capture 3 or capture 4]"
-		"*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + identifier + "))|)" + whitespace +
-		"*\\]",
-	pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\((" +
-		// To reduce the number of selectors needing tokenize in the preFilter, prefer arguments:
-		// 1. quoted (capture 3; capture 4 or capture 5)
-		"('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|" +
-		// 2. simple (capture 6)
-		"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes + ")*)|" +
-		// 3. anything else (capture 2)
-		".*" +
-		")\\)|)",
-	// Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
-	rwhitespace = new RegExp( whitespace + "+", "g" ),
-	rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
-	rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
-	rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([>+~]|" + whitespace + ")" + whitespace + "*" ),
-	rattributeQuotes = new RegExp( "=" + whitespace + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + whitespace + "*\\]", "g" ),
-	rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
-	ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ),
-	matchExpr = {
-		"ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
-		"CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
-		"TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
-		"ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
-		"PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
-		"CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
-			"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
-			"*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
-		"bool": new RegExp( "^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i" ),
-		// For use in libraries implementing .is()
-		// We use this for POS matching in `select`
-		"needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
-			whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" )
-	},
-	rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
-	rheader = /^h\d$/i,
-	rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
-	// Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
-	rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
-	rsibling = /[+~]/,
-	rescape = /'|\\/g,
-	// CSS escapes http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters
-	runescape = new RegExp( "\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + whitespace + "?|(" + whitespace + ")|.)", "ig" ),
-	funescape = function( _, escaped, escapedWhitespace ) {
-		var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
-		// NaN means non-codepoint
-		// Support: Firefox<24
-		// Workaround erroneous numeric interpretation of +"0x"
-		return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ?
-			escaped :
-			high < 0 ?
-				// BMP codepoint
-				String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) :
-				// Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
-				String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 );
-	},
-	// Used for iframes
-	// See setDocument()
-	// Removing the function wrapper causes a "Permission Denied"
-	// error in IE
-	unloadHandler = function() {
-		setDocument();
-	};
-// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
-try {
-	push.apply(
-		(arr = slice.call( preferredDoc.childNodes )),
-		preferredDoc.childNodes
-	);
-	// Support: Android<4.0
-	// Detect silently failing push.apply
-	arr[ preferredDoc.childNodes.length ].nodeType;
-} catch ( e ) {
-	push = { apply: arr.length ?
-		// Leverage slice if possible
-		function( target, els ) {
-			push_native.apply( target, slice.call(els) );
-		} :
-		// Support: IE<9
-		// Otherwise append directly
-		function( target, els ) {
-			var j = target.length,
-				i = 0;
-			// Can't trust NodeList.length
-			while ( (target[j++] = els[i++]) ) {}
-			target.length = j - 1;
-		}
-	};
-function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
-	var match, elem, m, nodeType,
-		// QSA vars
-		i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;
-	if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) {
-		setDocument( context );
-	}
-	context = context || document;
-	results = results || [];
-	nodeType = context.nodeType;
-	if ( typeof selector !== "string" || !selector ||
-		nodeType !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 && nodeType !== 11 ) {
-		return results;
-	}
-	if ( !seed && documentIsHTML ) {
-		// Try to shortcut find operations when possible (e.g., not under DocumentFragment)
-		if ( nodeType !== 11 && (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
-			// Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
-			if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
-				if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
-					elem = context.getElementById( m );
-					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
-					// nodes that are no longer in the document (jQuery #6963)
-					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
-						// Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
-						// by name instead of ID
-						if ( elem.id === m ) {
-							results.push( elem );
-							return results;
-						}
-					} else {
-						return results;
-					}
-				} else {
-					// Context is not a document
-					if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) &&
-						contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) {
-						results.push( elem );
-						return results;
-					}
-				}
-			// Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
-			} else if ( match[2] ) {
-				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByTagName( selector ) );
-				return results;
-			// Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
-			} else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName ) {
-				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByClassName( m ) );
-				return results;
-			}
-		}
-		// QSA path
-		if ( support.qsa && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test( selector )) ) {
-			nid = old = expando;
-			newContext = context;
-			newSelector = nodeType !== 1 && selector;
-			// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
-			// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
-			// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
-			// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
-			if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
-				groups = tokenize( selector );
-				if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) {
-					nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" );
-				} else {
-					context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
-				}
-				nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] ";
-				i = groups.length;
-				while ( i-- ) {
-					groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] );
-				}
-				newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context;
-				newSelector = groups.join(",");
-			}
-			if ( newSelector ) {
-				try {
-					push.apply( results,
-						newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector )
-					);
-					return results;
-				} catch(qsaError) {
-				} finally {
-					if ( !old ) {
-						context.removeAttribute("id");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// All others
-	return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed );
- * Create key-value caches of limited size
- * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
- *	property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
- *	deleting the oldest entry
- */
-function createCache() {
-	var keys = [];
-	function cache( key, value ) {
-		// Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
-		if ( keys.push( key + " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
-			// Only keep the most recent entries
-			delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
-		}
-		return (cache[ key + " " ] = value);
-	}
-	return cache;
- * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
- * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
- */
-function markFunction( fn ) {
-	fn[ expando ] = true;
-	return fn;
- * Support testing using an element
- * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result
- */
-function assert( fn ) {
-	var div = document.createElement("div");
-	try {
-		return !!fn( div );
-	} catch (e) {
-		return false;
-	} finally {
-		// Remove from its parent by default
-		if ( div.parentNode ) {
-			div.parentNode.removeChild( div );
-		}
-		// release memory in IE
-		div = null;
-	}
- * Adds the same handler for all of the specified attrs
- * @param {String} attrs Pipe-separated list of attributes
- * @param {Function} handler The method that will be applied
- */
-function addHandle( attrs, handler ) {
-	var arr = attrs.split("|"),
-		i = attrs.length;
-	while ( i-- ) {
-		Expr.attrHandle[ arr[i] ] = handler;
-	}
- * Checks document order of two siblings
- * @param {Element} a
- * @param {Element} b
- * @returns {Number} Returns less than 0 if a precedes b, greater than 0 if a follows b
- */
-function siblingCheck( a, b ) {
-	var cur = b && a,
-		diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 &&
-			( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) -
-			( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE );
-	// Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
-	if ( diff ) {
-		return diff;
-	}
-	// Check if b follows a
-	if ( cur ) {
-		while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) {
-			if ( cur === b ) {
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return a ? 1 : -1;
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
- * @param {String} type
- */
-function createInputPseudo( type ) {
-	return function( elem ) {
-		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-		return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
-	};
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
- * @param {String} type
- */
-function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
-	return function( elem ) {
-		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-		return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
-	};
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
- * @param {Function} fn
- */
-function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
-	return markFunction(function( argument ) {
-		argument = +argument;
-		return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
-			var j,
-				matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
-				i = matchIndexes.length;
-			// Match elements found at the specified indexes
-			while ( i-- ) {
-				if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
-					seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	});
- * Checks a node for validity as a Sizzle context
- * @param {Element|Object=} context
- * @returns {Element|Object|Boolean} The input node if acceptable, otherwise a falsy value
- */
-function testContext( context ) {
-	return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" && context;
-// Expose support vars for convenience
-support = Sizzle.support = {};
- * Detects XML nodes
- * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
- * @returns {Boolean} True iff elem is a non-HTML XML node
- */
-isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
-	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
-	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
-	var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
-	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
- * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
- * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
- * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
- */
-setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) {
-	var hasCompare, parent,
-		doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
-	// If no document and documentElement is available, return
-	if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) {
-		return document;
-	}
-	// Set our document
-	document = doc;
-	docElem = doc.documentElement;
-	parent = doc.defaultView;
-	// Support: IE>8
-	// If iframe document is assigned to "document" variable and if iframe has been reloaded,
-	// IE will throw "permission denied" error when accessing "document" variable, see jQuery #13936
-	// IE6-8 do not support the defaultView property so parent will be undefined
-	if ( parent && parent !== parent.top ) {
-		// IE11 does not have attachEvent, so all must suffer
-		if ( parent.addEventListener ) {
-			parent.addEventListener( "unload", unloadHandler, false );
-		} else if ( parent.attachEvent ) {
-			parent.attachEvent( "onunload", unloadHandler );
-		}
-	}
-	/* Support tests
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	documentIsHTML = !isXML( doc );
-	/* Attributes
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	// Support: IE<8
-	// Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties
-	// (excepting IE8 booleans)
-	support.attributes = assert(function( div ) {
-		div.className = "i";
-		return !div.getAttribute("className");
-	});
-	/* getElement(s)By*
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	// Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
-	support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function( div ) {
-		div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") );
-		return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
-	});
-	// Support: IE<9
-	support.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test( doc.getElementsByClassName );
-	// Support: IE<10
-	// Check if getElementById returns elements by name
-	// The broken getElementById methods don't pick up programatically-set names,
-	// so use a roundabout getElementsByName test
-	support.getById = assert(function( div ) {
-		docElem.appendChild( div ).id = expando;
-		return !doc.getElementsByName || !doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length;
-	});
-	// ID find and filter
-	if ( support.getById ) {
-		Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
-			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) {
-				var m = context.getElementById( id );
-				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
-				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
-				return m && m.parentNode ? [ m ] : [];
-			}
-		};
-		Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
-			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
-			return function( elem ) {
-				return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
-			};
-		};
-	} else {
-		// Support: IE6/7
-		// getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut
-		delete Expr.find["ID"];
-		Expr.filter["ID"] =  function( id ) {
-			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
-			return function( elem ) {
-				var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
-				return node && node.value === attrId;
-			};
-		};
-	}
-	// Tag
-	Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
-		function( tag, context ) {
-			if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
-				return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
-			// DocumentFragment nodes don't have gEBTN
-			} else if ( support.qsa ) {
-				return context.querySelectorAll( tag );
-			}
-		} :
-		function( tag, context ) {
-			var elem,
-				tmp = [],
-				i = 0,
-				// By happy coincidence, a (broken) gEBTN appears on DocumentFragment nodes too
-				results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
-			// Filter out possible comments
-			if ( tag === "*" ) {
-				while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
-					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-						tmp.push( elem );
-					}
-				}
-				return tmp;
-			}
-			return results;
-		};
-	// Class
-	Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function( className, context ) {
-		if ( documentIsHTML ) {
-			return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
-		}
-	};
-	/* QSA/matchesSelector
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	// QSA and matchesSelector support
-	// matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
-	rbuggyMatches = [];
-	// qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21)
-	// We allow this because of a bug in IE8/9 that throws an error
-	// whenever `document.activeElement` is accessed on an iframe
-	// So, we allow :focus to pass through QSA all the time to avoid the IE error
-	// See http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13378
-	rbuggyQSA = [];
-	if ( (support.qsa = rnative.test( doc.querySelectorAll )) ) {
-		// Build QSA regex
-		// Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
-		assert(function( div ) {
-			// Select is set to empty string on purpose
-			// This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
-			// setting a boolean content attribute,
-			// since its presence should be enough
-			// http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359
-			docElem.appendChild( div ).innerHTML = "<a id='" + expando + "'></a>" +
-				"<select id='" + expando + "-\f]' msallowcapture=''>" +
-				"<option selected=''></option></select>";
-			// Support: IE8, Opera 11-12.16
-			// Nothing should be selected when empty strings follow ^= or $= or *=
-			// The test attribute must be unknown in Opera but "safe" for WinRT
-			// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh465388.aspx#attribute_section
-			if ( div.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:''|\"\")" );
-			}
-			// Support: IE8
-			// Boolean attributes and "value" are not treated correctly
-			if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")" );
-			}
-			// Support: Chrome<29, Android<4.2+, Safari<7.0+, iOS<7.0+, PhantomJS<1.9.7+
-			if ( !div.querySelectorAll( "[id~=" + expando + "-]" ).length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push("~=");
-			}
-			// Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
-			// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
-			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
-			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push(":checked");
-			}
-			// Support: Safari 8+, iOS 8+
-			// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136851
-			// In-page `selector#id sibing-combinator selector` fails
-			if ( !div.querySelectorAll( "a#" + expando + "+*" ).length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push(".#.+[+~]");
-			}
-		});
-		assert(function( div ) {
-			// Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
-			// The type and name attributes are restricted during .innerHTML assignment
-			var input = doc.createElement("input");
-			input.setAttribute( "type", "hidden" );
-			div.appendChild( input ).setAttribute( "name", "D" );
-			// Support: IE8
-			// Enforce case-sensitivity of name attribute
-			if ( div.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push( "name" + whitespace + "*[*^$|!~]?=" );
-			}
-			// FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
-			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
-			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) {
-				rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
-			}
-			// Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos
-			div.querySelectorAll("*,:x");
-			rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:");
-		});
-	}
-	if ( (support.matchesSelector = rnative.test( (matches = docElem.matches ||
-		docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
-		docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
-		docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
-		docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) {
-		assert(function( div ) {
-			// Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
-			// on a disconnected node (IE 9)
-			support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( div, "div" );
-			// This should fail with an exception
-			// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
-			matches.call( div, "[s!='']:x" );
-			rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos );
-		});
-	}
-	rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
-	rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
-	/* Contains
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	hasCompare = rnative.test( docElem.compareDocumentPosition );
-	// Element contains another
-	// Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendent
-	// As in, an element does not contain itself
-	contains = hasCompare || rnative.test( docElem.contains ) ?
-		function( a, b ) {
-			var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
-				bup = b && b.parentNode;
-			return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
-				adown.contains ?
-					adown.contains( bup ) :
-					a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16
-			));
-		} :
-		function( a, b ) {
-			if ( b ) {
-				while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
-					if ( b === a ) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		};
-	/* Sorting
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	// Document order sorting
-	sortOrder = hasCompare ?
-	function( a, b ) {
-		// Flag for duplicate removal
-		if ( a === b ) {
-			hasDuplicate = true;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		// Sort on method existence if only one input has compareDocumentPosition
-		var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition;
-		if ( compare ) {
-			return compare;
-		}
-		// Calculate position if both inputs belong to the same document
-		compare = ( a.ownerDocument || a ) === ( b.ownerDocument || b ) ?
-			a.compareDocumentPosition( b ) :
-			// Otherwise we know they are disconnected
-			1;
-		// Disconnected nodes
-		if ( compare & 1 ||
-			(!support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition( a ) === compare) ) {
-			// Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
-			if ( a === doc || a.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a) ) {
-				return -1;
-			}
-			if ( b === doc || b.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b) ) {
-				return 1;
-			}
-			// Maintain original order
-			return sortInput ?
-				( indexOf( sortInput, a ) - indexOf( sortInput, b ) ) :
-				0;
-		}
-		return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
-	} :
-	function( a, b ) {
-		// Exit early if the nodes are identical
-		if ( a === b ) {
-			hasDuplicate = true;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		var cur,
-			i = 0,
-			aup = a.parentNode,
-			bup = b.parentNode,
-			ap = [ a ],
-			bp = [ b ];
-		// Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
-		if ( !aup || !bup ) {
-			return a === doc ? -1 :
-				b === doc ? 1 :
-				aup ? -1 :
-				bup ? 1 :
-				sortInput ?
-				( indexOf( sortInput, a ) - indexOf( sortInput, b ) ) :
-				0;
-		// If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
-		} else if ( aup === bup ) {
-			return siblingCheck( a, b );
-		}
-		// Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
-		cur = a;
-		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
-			ap.unshift( cur );
-		}
-		cur = b;
-		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
-			bp.unshift( cur );
-		}
-		// Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
-		while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) {
-			i++;
-		}
-		return i ?
-			// Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
-			siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) :
-			// Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
-			ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
-			bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :
-			0;
-	};
-	return doc;
-Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
-	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
-Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
-	// Set document vars if needed
-	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
-		setDocument( elem );
-	}
-	// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
-	expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" );
-	if ( support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML &&
-		( !rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test( expr ) ) &&
-		( !rbuggyQSA     || !rbuggyQSA.test( expr ) ) ) {
-		try {
-			var ret = matches.call( elem, expr );
-			// IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
-			if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
-					// As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
-					// fragment in IE 9
-					elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
-				return ret;
-			}
-		} catch (e) {}
-	}
-	return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [ elem ] ).length > 0;
-Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
-	// Set document vars if needed
-	if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
-		setDocument( context );
-	}
-	return contains( context, elem );
-Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
-	// Set document vars if needed
-	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
-		setDocument( elem );
-	}
-	var fn = Expr.attrHandle[ name.toLowerCase() ],
-		// Don't get fooled by Object.prototype properties (jQuery #13807)
-		val = fn && hasOwn.call( Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase() ) ?
-			fn( elem, name, !documentIsHTML ) :
-			undefined;
-	return val !== undefined ?
-		val :
-		support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ?
-			elem.getAttribute( name ) :
-			(val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ?
-				val.value :
-				null;
-Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
-	throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
- * Document sorting and removing duplicates
- * @param {ArrayLike} results
- */
-Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
-	var elem,
-		duplicates = [],
-		j = 0,
-		i = 0;
-	// Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
-	hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
-	sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice( 0 );
-	results.sort( sortOrder );
-	if ( hasDuplicate ) {
-		while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
-			if ( elem === results[ i ] ) {
-				j = duplicates.push( i );
-			}
-		}
-		while ( j-- ) {
-			results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 );
-		}
-	}
-	// Clear input after sorting to release objects
-	// See https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/225
-	sortInput = null;
-	return results;
- * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
- * @param {Array|Element} elem
- */
-getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
-	var node,
-		ret = "",
-		i = 0,
-		nodeType = elem.nodeType;
-	if ( !nodeType ) {
-		// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
-		while ( (node = elem[i++]) ) {
-			// Do not traverse comment nodes
-			ret += getText( node );
-		}
-	} else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
-		// Use textContent for elements
-		// innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (jQuery #11153)
-		if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
-			return elem.textContent;
-		} else {
-			// Traverse its children
-			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
-				ret += getText( elem );
-			}
-		}
-	} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
-		return elem.nodeValue;
-	}
-	// Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
-	return ret;
-Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
-	// Can be adjusted by the user
-	cacheLength: 50,
-	createPseudo: markFunction,
-	match: matchExpr,
-	attrHandle: {},
-	find: {},
-	relative: {
-		">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
-		" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
-		"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
-		"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
-	},
-	preFilter: {
-		"ATTR": function( match ) {
-			match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape );
-			// Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
-			match[3] = ( match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape );
-			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
-				match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
-			}
-			return match.slice( 0, 4 );
-		},
-		"CHILD": function( match ) {
-			/* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
-				1 type (only|nth|...)
-				2 what (child|of-type)
-				3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
-				4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
-				5 sign of xn-component
-				6 x of xn-component
-				7 sign of y-component
-				8 y of y-component
-			*/
-			match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
-			if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) {
-				// nth-* requires argument
-				if ( !match[3] ) {
-					Sizzle.error( match[0] );
-				}
-				// numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
-				// remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
-				match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) );
-				match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" );
-			// other types prohibit arguments
-			} else if ( match[3] ) {
-				Sizzle.error( match[0] );
-			}
-			return match;
-		},
-		"PSEUDO": function( match ) {
-			var excess,
-				unquoted = !match[6] && match[2];
-			if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
-				return null;
-			}
-			// Accept quoted arguments as-is
-			if ( match[3] ) {
-				match[2] = match[4] || match[5] || "";
-			// Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
-			} else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) &&
-				// Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
-				(excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
-				// advance to the next closing parenthesis
-				(excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
-				// excess is a negative index
-				match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
-				match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
-			}
-			// Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
-			return match.slice( 0, 3 );
-		}
-	},
-	filter: {
-		"TAG": function( nodeNameSelector ) {
-			var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
-			return nodeNameSelector === "*" ?
-				function() { return true; } :
-				function( elem ) {
-					return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
-				};
-		},
-		"CLASS": function( className ) {
-			var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ];
-			return pattern ||
-				(pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
-				classCache( className, function( elem ) {
-					return pattern.test( typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== "undefined" && elem.getAttribute("class") || "" );
-				});
-		},
-		"ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
-			return function( elem ) {
-				var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
-				if ( result == null ) {
-					return operator === "!=";
-				}
-				if ( !operator ) {
-					return true;
-				}
-				result += "";
-				return operator === "=" ? result === check :
-					operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
-					operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
-					operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
-					operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check :
-					operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result.replace( rwhitespace, " " ) + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
-					operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
-					false;
-			};
-		},
-		"CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) {
-			var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth",
-				forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last",
-				ofType = what === "of-type";
-			return first === 1 && last === 0 ?
-				// Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
-				function( elem ) {
-					return !!elem.parentNode;
-				} :
-				function( elem, context, xml ) {
-					var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start,
-						dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
-						parent = elem.parentNode,
-						name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
-						useCache = !xml && !ofType;
-					if ( parent ) {
-						// :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
-						if ( simple ) {
-							while ( dir ) {
-								node = elem;
-								while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) {
-									if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) {
-										return false;
-									}
-								}
-								// Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
-								start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
-							}
-							return true;
-						}
-						start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ];
-						// non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
-						if ( forward && useCache ) {
-							// Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
-							outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {});
-							cache = outerCache[ type ] || [];
-							nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
-							diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
-							node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ];
-							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
-								// Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
-								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
-								// When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
-								if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) {
-									outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ];
-									break;
-								}
-							}
-						// Use previously-cached element index if available
-						} else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) {
-							diff = cache[1];
-						// xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
-						} else {
-							// Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
-							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
-								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
-								if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) {
-									// Cache the index of each encountered element
-									if ( useCache ) {
-										(node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ];
-									}
-									if ( node === elem ) {
-										break;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						// Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
-						diff -= last;
-						return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
-					}
-				};
-		},
-		"PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
-			// pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
-			// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes
-			// Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
-			// Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
-			var args,
-				fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
-					Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
-			// The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
-			// arguments are needed to create the filter function
-			// just as Sizzle does
-			if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
-				return fn( argument );
-			}
-			// But maintain support for old signatures
-			if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
-				args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
-				return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
-					markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
-						var idx,
-							matched = fn( seed, argument ),
-							i = matched.length;
-						while ( i-- ) {
-							idx = indexOf( seed, matched[i] );
-							seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
-						}
-					}) :
-					function( elem ) {
-						return fn( elem, 0, args );
-					};
-			}
-			return fn;
-		}
-	},
-	pseudos: {
-		// Potentially complex pseudos
-		"not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
-			// Trim the selector passed to compile
-			// to avoid treating leading and trailing
-			// spaces as combinators
-			var input = [],
-				results = [],
-				matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
-			return matcher[ expando ] ?
-				markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
-					var elem,
-						unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
-						i = seed.length;
-					// Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
-					while ( i-- ) {
-						if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
-							seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
-						}
-					}
-				}) :
-				function( elem, context, xml ) {
-					input[0] = elem;
-					matcher( input, null, xml, results );
-					// Don't keep the element (issue #299)
-					input[0] = null;
-					return !results.pop();
-				};
-		}),
-		"has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
-			return function( elem ) {
-				return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
-			};
-		}),
-		"contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
-			text = text.replace( runescape, funescape );
-			return function( elem ) {
-				return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
-			};
-		}),
-		// "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
-		// is based solely on the element's language value
-		// being equal to the identifier C,
-		// or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
-		// The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
-		// The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
-		// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo
-		"lang": markFunction( function( lang ) {
-			// lang value must be a valid identifier
-			if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) {
-				Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang );
-			}
-			lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
-			return function( elem ) {
-				var elemLang;
-				do {
-					if ( (elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
-						elem.lang :
-						elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) ) {
-						elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
-						return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0;
-					}
-				} while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 );
-				return false;
-			};
-		}),
-		// Miscellaneous
-		"target": function( elem ) {
-			var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
-			return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id;
-		},
-		"root": function( elem ) {
-			return elem === docElem;
-		},
-		"focus": function( elem ) {
-			return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
-		},
-		// Boolean properties
-		"enabled": function( elem ) {
-			return elem.disabled === false;
-		},
-		"disabled": function( elem ) {
-			return elem.disabled === true;
-		},
-		"checked": function( elem ) {
-			// In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
-			// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
-			var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-			return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
-		},
-		"selected": function( elem ) {
-			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
-			// options in Safari work properly
-			if ( elem.parentNode ) {
-				elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
-			}
-			return elem.selected === true;
-		},
-		// Contents
-		"empty": function( elem ) {
-			// http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo
-			// :empty is negated by element (1) or content nodes (text: 3; cdata: 4; entity ref: 5),
-			//   but not by others (comment: 8; processing instruction: 7; etc.)
-			// nodeType < 6 works because attributes (2) do not appear as children
-			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
-				if ( elem.nodeType < 6 ) {
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		},
-		"parent": function( elem ) {
-			return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
-		},
-		// Element/input types
-		"header": function( elem ) {
-			return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
-		},
-		"input": function( elem ) {
-			return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
-		},
-		"button": function( elem ) {
-			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-			return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
-		},
-		"text": function( elem ) {
-			var attr;
-			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
-				elem.type === "text" &&
-				// Support: IE<8
-				// New HTML5 attribute values (e.g., "search") appear with elem.type === "text"
-				( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === "text" );
-		},
-		// Position-in-collection
-		"first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
-			return [ 0 ];
-		}),
-		"last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
-			return [ length - 1 ];
-		}),
-		"eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
-			return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
-		}),
-		"even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
-			var i = 0;
-			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
-				matchIndexes.push( i );
-			}
-			return matchIndexes;
-		}),
-		"odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
-			var i = 1;
-			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
-				matchIndexes.push( i );
-			}
-			return matchIndexes;
-		}),
-		"lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
-			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
-			for ( ; --i >= 0; ) {
-				matchIndexes.push( i );
-			}
-			return matchIndexes;
-		}),
-		"gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
-			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
-			for ( ; ++i < length; ) {
-				matchIndexes.push( i );
-			}
-			return matchIndexes;
-		})
-	}
-Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
-// Add button/input type pseudos
-for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) {
-	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i );
-for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) {
-	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i );
-// Easy API for creating new setFilters
-function setFilters() {}
-setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
-Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
-tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function( selector, parseOnly ) {
-	var matched, match, tokens, type,
-		soFar, groups, preFilters,
-		cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
-	if ( cached ) {
-		return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
-	}
-	soFar = selector;
-	groups = [];
-	preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
-	while ( soFar ) {
-		// Comma and first run
-		if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
-			if ( match ) {
-				// Don't consume trailing commas as valid
-				soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar;
-			}
-			groups.push( (tokens = []) );
-		}
-		matched = false;
-		// Combinators
-		if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
-			matched = match.shift();
-			tokens.push({
-				value: matched,
-				// Cast descendant combinators to space
-				type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " )
-			});
-			soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
-		}
-		// Filters
-		for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
-			if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
-				(match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) {
-				matched = match.shift();
-				tokens.push({
-					value: matched,
-					type: type,
-					matches: match
-				});
-				soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( !matched ) {
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	// Return the length of the invalid excess
-	// if we're just parsing
-	// Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
-	return parseOnly ?
-		soFar.length :
-		soFar ?
-			Sizzle.error( selector ) :
-			// Cache the tokens
-			tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
-function toSelector( tokens ) {
-	var i = 0,
-		len = tokens.length,
-		selector = "";
-	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-		selector += tokens[i].value;
-	}
-	return selector;
-function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
-	var dir = combinator.dir,
-		checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode",
-		doneName = done++;
-	return combinator.first ?
-		// Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
-		function( elem, context, xml ) {
-			while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
-					return matcher( elem, context, xml );
-				}
-			}
-		} :
-		// Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
-		function( elem, context, xml ) {
-			var oldCache, outerCache,
-				newCache = [ dirruns, doneName ];
-			// We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
-			if ( xml ) {
-				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
-					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
-						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
-							return true;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
-					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
-						outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {});
-						if ( (oldCache = outerCache[ dir ]) &&
-							oldCache[ 0 ] === dirruns && oldCache[ 1 ] === doneName ) {
-							// Assign to newCache so results back-propagate to previous elements
-							return (newCache[ 2 ] = oldCache[ 2 ]);
-						} else {
-							// Reuse newcache so results back-propagate to previous elements
-							outerCache[ dir ] = newCache;
-							// A match means we're done; a fail means we have to keep checking
-							if ( (newCache[ 2 ] = matcher( elem, context, xml )) ) {
-								return true;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		};
-function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
-	return matchers.length > 1 ?
-		function( elem, context, xml ) {
-			var i = matchers.length;
-			while ( i-- ) {
-				if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		} :
-		matchers[0];
-function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) {
-	var i = 0,
-		len = contexts.length;
-	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-		Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results );
-	}
-	return results;
-function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
-	var elem,
-		newUnmatched = [],
-		i = 0,
-		len = unmatched.length,
-		mapped = map != null;
-	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-		if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
-			if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
-				newUnmatched.push( elem );
-				if ( mapped ) {
-					map.push( i );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return newUnmatched;
-function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
-	if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
-		postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
-	}
-	if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
-		postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
-	}
-	return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
-		var temp, i, elem,
-			preMap = [],
-			postMap = [],
-			preexisting = results.length,
-			// Get initial elements from seed or context
-			elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ),
-			// Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
-			matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
-				condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
-				elems,
-			matcherOut = matcher ?
-				// If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
-				postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
-					// ...intermediate processing is necessary
-					[] :
-					// ...otherwise use results directly
-					results :
-				matcherIn;
-		// Find primary matches
-		if ( matcher ) {
-			matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml );
-		}
-		// Apply postFilter
-		if ( postFilter ) {
-			temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap );
-			postFilter( temp, [], context, xml );
-			// Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
-			i = temp.length;
-			while ( i-- ) {
-				if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) {
-					matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ( seed ) {
-			if ( postFinder || preFilter ) {
-				if ( postFinder ) {
-					// Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
-					temp = [];
-					i = matcherOut.length;
-					while ( i-- ) {
-						if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) {
-							// Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
-							temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) );
-						}
-					}
-					postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml );
-				}
-				// Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
-				i = matcherOut.length;
-				while ( i-- ) {
-					if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
-						(temp = postFinder ? indexOf( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) {
-						seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		// Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
-		} else {
-			matcherOut = condense(
-				matcherOut === results ?
-					matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) :
-					matcherOut
-			);
-			if ( postFinder ) {
-				postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml );
-			} else {
-				push.apply( results, matcherOut );
-			}
-		}
-	});
-function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
-	var checkContext, matcher, j,
-		len = tokens.length,
-		leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ],
-		implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
-		i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,
-		// The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
-		matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
-			return elem === checkContext;
-		}, implicitRelative, true ),
-		matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
-			return indexOf( checkContext, elem ) > -1;
-		}, implicitRelative, true ),
-		matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) {
-			var ret = ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || (
-				(checkContext = context).nodeType ?
-					matchContext( elem, context, xml ) :
-					matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) );
-			// Avoid hanging onto element (issue #299)
-			checkContext = null;
-			return ret;
-		} ];
-	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-		if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) {
-			matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ];
-		} else {
-			matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches );
-			// Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
-			if ( matcher[ expando ] ) {
-				// Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
-				j = ++i;
-				for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
-					if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				return setMatcher(
-					i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ),
-					i > 1 && toSelector(
-						// If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*`
-						tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ).concat({ value: tokens[ i - 2 ].type === " " ? "*" : "" })
-					).replace( rtrim, "$1" ),
-					matcher,
-					i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ),
-					j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ),
-					j < len && toSelector( tokens )
-				);
-			}
-			matchers.push( matcher );
-		}
-	}
-	return elementMatcher( matchers );
-function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) {
-	var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
-		byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
-		superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, outermost ) {
-			var elem, j, matcher,
-				matchedCount = 0,
-				i = "0",
-				unmatched = seed && [],
-				setMatched = [],
-				contextBackup = outermostContext,
-				// We must always have either seed elements or outermost context
-				elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", outermost ),
-				// Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
-				dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1),
-				len = elems.length;
-			if ( outermost ) {
-				outermostContext = context !== document && context;
-			}
-			// Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
-			// Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below
-			// Support: IE<9, Safari
-			// Tolerate NodeList properties (IE: "length"; Safari: <number>) matching elements by id
-			for ( ; i !== len && (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-				if ( byElement && elem ) {
-					j = 0;
-					while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) {
-						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
-							results.push( elem );
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					if ( outermost ) {
-						dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
-					}
-				}
-				// Track unmatched elements for set filters
-				if ( bySet ) {
-					// They will have gone through all possible matchers
-					if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) {
-						matchedCount--;
-					}
-					// Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
-					if ( seed ) {
-						unmatched.push( elem );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Apply set filters to unmatched elements
-			matchedCount += i;
-			if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) {
-				j = 0;
-				while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) {
-					matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml );
-				}
-				if ( seed ) {
-					// Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
-					if ( matchedCount > 0 ) {
-						while ( i-- ) {
-							if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) {
-								setMatched[i] = pop.call( results );
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
-					setMatched = condense( setMatched );
-				}
-				// Add matches to results
-				push.apply( results, setMatched );
-				// Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
-				if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
-					( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) {
-					Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
-				}
-			}
-			// Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
-			if ( outermost ) {
-				dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
-				outermostContext = contextBackup;
-			}
-			return unmatched;
-		};
-	return bySet ?
-		markFunction( superMatcher ) :
-		superMatcher;
-compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, match /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
-	var i,
-		setMatchers = [],
-		elementMatchers = [],
-		cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ];
-	if ( !cached ) {
-		// Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
-		if ( !match ) {
-			match = tokenize( selector );
-		}
-		i = match.length;
-		while ( i-- ) {
-			cached = matcherFromTokens( match[i] );
-			if ( cached[ expando ] ) {
-				setMatchers.push( cached );
-			} else {
-				elementMatchers.push( cached );
-			}
-		}
-		// Cache the compiled function
-		cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) );
-		// Save selector and tokenization
-		cached.selector = selector;
-	}
-	return cached;
- * A low-level selection function that works with Sizzle's compiled
- *  selector functions
- * @param {String|Function} selector A selector or a pre-compiled
- *  selector function built with Sizzle.compile
- * @param {Element} context
- * @param {Array} [results]
- * @param {Array} [seed] A set of elements to match against
- */
-select = Sizzle.select = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
-	var i, tokens, token, type, find,
-		compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector,
-		match = !seed && tokenize( (selector = compiled.selector || selector) );
-	results = results || [];
-	// Try to minimize operations if there is no seed and only one group
-	if ( match.length === 1 ) {
-		// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
-		tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 );
-		if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
-				support.getById && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML &&
-				Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) {
-			context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0];
-			if ( !context ) {
-				return results;
-			// Precompiled matchers will still verify ancestry, so step up a level
-			} else if ( compiled ) {
-				context = context.parentNode;
-			}
-			selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length );
-		}
-		// Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
-		i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length;
-		while ( i-- ) {
-			token = tokens[i];
-			// Abort if we hit a combinator
-			if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) {
-				break;
-			}
-			if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) {
-				// Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
-				if ( (seed = find(
-					token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ),
-					rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context
-				)) ) {
-					// If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
-					tokens.splice( i, 1 );
-					selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens );
-					if ( !selector ) {
-						push.apply( results, seed );
-						return results;
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Compile and execute a filtering function if one is not provided
-	// Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
-	( compiled || compile( selector, match ) )(
-		seed,
-		context,
-		!documentIsHTML,
-		results,
-		rsibling.test( selector ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context
-	);
-	return results;
-// One-time assignments
-// Sort stability
-support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort( sortOrder ).join("") === expando;
-// Support: Chrome 14-35+
-// Always assume duplicates if they aren't passed to the comparison function
-support.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate;
-// Initialize against the default document
-// Support: Webkit<537.32 - Safari 6.0.3/Chrome 25 (fixed in Chrome 27)
-// Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
-support.sortDetached = assert(function( div1 ) {
-	// Should return 1, but returns 4 (following)
-	return div1.compareDocumentPosition( document.createElement("div") ) & 1;
-// Support: IE<8
-// Prevent attribute/property "interpolation"
-// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429%28VS.85%29.aspx
-if ( !assert(function( div ) {
-	div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
-	return div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#" ;
-}) ) {
-	addHandle( "type|href|height|width", function( elem, name, isXML ) {
-		if ( !isXML ) {
-			return elem.getAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2 );
-		}
-	});
-// Support: IE<9
-// Use defaultValue in place of getAttribute("value")
-if ( !support.attributes || !assert(function( div ) {
-	div.innerHTML = "<input/>";
-	div.firstChild.setAttribute( "value", "" );
-	return div.firstChild.getAttribute( "value" ) === "";
-}) ) {
-	addHandle( "value", function( elem, name, isXML ) {
-		if ( !isXML && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" ) {
-			return elem.defaultValue;
-		}
-	});
-// Support: IE<9
-// Use getAttributeNode to fetch booleans when getAttribute lies
-if ( !assert(function( div ) {
-	return div.getAttribute("disabled") == null;
-}) ) {
-	addHandle( booleans, function( elem, name, isXML ) {
-		var val;
-		if ( !isXML ) {
-			return elem[ name ] === true ? name.toLowerCase() :
-					(val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) && val.specified ?
-					val.value :
-				null;
-		}
-	});
-return Sizzle;
-})( window );
-jQuery.find = Sizzle;
-jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
-jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos;
-jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
-jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
-jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
-jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
-var rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext;
-var rsingleTag = (/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/);
-var risSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;
-// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
-function winnow( elements, qualifier, not ) {
-	if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
-		return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem, i ) {
-			/* jshint -W018 */
-			return !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem ) !== not;
-		});
-	}
-	if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
-		return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) {
-			return ( elem === qualifier ) !== not;
-		});
-	}
-	if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
-		if ( risSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
-			return jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements, not );
-		}
-		qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements );
-	}
-	return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) {
-		return ( indexOf.call( qualifier, elem ) >= 0 ) !== not;
-	});
-jQuery.filter = function( expr, elems, not ) {
-	var elem = elems[ 0 ];
-	if ( not ) {
-		expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
-	}
-	return elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1 ?
-		jQuery.find.matchesSelector( elem, expr ) ? [ elem ] : [] :
-		jQuery.find.matches( expr, jQuery.grep( elems, function( elem ) {
-			return elem.nodeType === 1;
-		}));
-	find: function( selector ) {
-		var i,
-			len = this.length,
-			ret = [],
-			self = this;
-		if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
-			return this.pushStack( jQuery( selector ).filter(function() {
-				for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
-					if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}) );
-		}
-		for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
-			jQuery.find( selector, self[ i ], ret );
-		}
-		// Needed because $( selector, context ) becomes $( context ).find( selector )
-		ret = this.pushStack( len > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret );
-		ret.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + " " + selector : selector;
-		return ret;
-	},
-	filter: function( selector ) {
-		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector || [], false) );
-	},
-	not: function( selector ) {
-		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector || [], true) );
-	},
-	is: function( selector ) {
-		return !!winnow(
-			this,
-			// If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set
-			// so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
-			typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test( selector ) ?
-				jQuery( selector ) :
-				selector || [],
-			false
-		).length;
-	}
-// Initialize a jQuery object
-// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
-var rootjQuery,
-	// A simple way to check for HTML strings
-	// Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
-	// Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <)
-	rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,
-	init = jQuery.fn.init = function( selector, context ) {
-		var match, elem;
-		// HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
-		if ( !selector ) {
-			return this;
-		}
-		// Handle HTML strings
-		if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
-			if ( selector[0] === "<" && selector[ selector.length - 1 ] === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
-				// Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
-				match = [ null, selector, null ];
-			} else {
-				match = rquickExpr.exec( selector );
-			}
-			// Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id
-			if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
-				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
-				if ( match[1] ) {
-					context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
-					// Option to run scripts is true for back-compat
-					// Intentionally let the error be thrown if parseHTML is not present
-					jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML(
-						match[1],
-						context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document,
-						true
-					) );
-					// HANDLE: $(html, props)
-					if ( rsingleTag.test( match[1] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
-						for ( match in context ) {
-							// Properties of context are called as methods if possible
-							if ( jQuery.isFunction( this[ match ] ) ) {
-								this[ match ]( context[ match ] );
-							// ...and otherwise set as attributes
-							} else {
-								this.attr( match, context[ match ] );
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					return this;
-				// HANDLE: $(#id)
-				} else {
-					elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
-					// Support: Blackberry 4.6
-					// gEBID returns nodes no longer in the document (#6963)
-					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
-						// Inject the element directly into the jQuery object
-						this.length = 1;
-						this[0] = elem;
-					}
-					this.context = document;
-					this.selector = selector;
-					return this;
-				}
-			// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
-			} else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
-				return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector );
-			// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
-			// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
-			} else {
-				return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
-			}
-		// HANDLE: $(DOMElement)
-		} else if ( selector.nodeType ) {
-			this.context = this[0] = selector;
-			this.length = 1;
-			return this;
-		// HANDLE: $(function)
-		// Shortcut for document ready
-		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
-			return typeof rootjQuery.ready !== "undefined" ?
-				rootjQuery.ready( selector ) :
-				// Execute immediately if ready is not present
-				selector( jQuery );
-		}
-		if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) {
-			this.selector = selector.selector;
-			this.context = selector.context;
-		}
-		return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
-	};
-// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
-init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
-// Initialize central reference
-rootjQuery = jQuery( document );
-var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
-	// Methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
-	guaranteedUnique = {
-		children: true,
-		contents: true,
-		next: true,
-		prev: true
-	};
-	dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
-		var matched = [],
-			truncate = until !== undefined;
-		while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) && elem.nodeType !== 9 ) {
-			if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				if ( truncate && jQuery( elem ).is( until ) ) {
-					break;
-				}
-				matched.push( elem );
-			}
-		}
-		return matched;
-	},
-	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
-		var matched = [];
-		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
-			if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
-				matched.push( n );
-			}
-		}
-		return matched;
-	}
-	has: function( target ) {
-		var targets = jQuery( target, this ),
-			l = targets.length;
-		return this.filter(function() {
-			var i = 0;
-			for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-				if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	closest: function( selectors, context ) {
-		var cur,
-			i = 0,
-			l = this.length,
-			matched = [],
-			pos = rneedsContext.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ?
-				jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) :
-				0;
-		for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-			for ( cur = this[i]; cur && cur !== context; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
-				// Always skip document fragments
-				if ( cur.nodeType < 11 && (pos ?
-					pos.index(cur) > -1 :
-					// Don't pass non-elements to Sizzle
-					cur.nodeType === 1 &&
-						jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors)) ) {
-					matched.push( cur );
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this.pushStack( matched.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( matched ) : matched );
-	},
-	// Determine the position of an element within the set
-	index: function( elem ) {
-		// No argument, return index in parent
-		if ( !elem ) {
-			return ( this[ 0 ] && this[ 0 ].parentNode ) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;
-		}
-		// Index in selector
-		if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
-			return indexOf.call( jQuery( elem ), this[ 0 ] );
-		}
-		// Locate the position of the desired element
-		return indexOf.call( this,
-			// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
-			elem.jquery ? elem[ 0 ] : elem
-		);
-	},
-	add: function( selector, context ) {
-		return this.pushStack(
-			jQuery.unique(
-				jQuery.merge( this.get(), jQuery( selector, context ) )
-			)
-		);
-	},
-	addBack: function( selector ) {
-		return this.add( selector == null ?
-			this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector)
-		);
-	}
-function sibling( cur, dir ) {
-	while ( (cur = cur[dir]) && cur.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
-	return cur;
-	parent: function( elem ) {
-		var parent = elem.parentNode;
-		return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
-	},
-	parents: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
-	},
-	parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
-	},
-	next: function( elem ) {
-		return sibling( elem, "nextSibling" );
-	},
-	prev: function( elem ) {
-		return sibling( elem, "previousSibling" );
-	},
-	nextAll: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
-	},
-	prevAll: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
-	},
-	nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
-	},
-	prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
-	},
-	siblings: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem );
-	},
-	children: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
-	},
-	contents: function( elem ) {
-		return elem.contentDocument || jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes );
-	}
-}, function( name, fn ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
-		var matched = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
-		if ( name.slice( -5 ) !== "Until" ) {
-			selector = until;
-		}
-		if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
-			matched = jQuery.filter( selector, matched );
-		}
-		if ( this.length > 1 ) {
-			// Remove duplicates
-			if ( !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ) {
-				jQuery.unique( matched );
-			}
-			// Reverse order for parents* and prev-derivatives
-			if ( rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
-				matched.reverse();
-			}
-		}
-		return this.pushStack( matched );
-	};
-var rnotwhite = (/\S+/g);
-// String to Object options format cache
-var optionsCache = {};
-// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
-function createOptions( options ) {
-	var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {};
-	jQuery.each( options.match( rnotwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) {
-		object[ flag ] = true;
-	});
-	return object;
- * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
- *
- *	options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
- *			the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
- *
- * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
- * "fired" multiple times.
- *
- * Possible options:
- *
- *	once:			will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
- *
- *	memory:			will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
- *					after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
- *					values (like a Deferred)
- *
- *	unique:			will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
- *
- *	stopOnFalse:	interrupt callings when a callback returns false
- *
- */
-jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {
-	// Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
-	// (we check in cache first)
-	options = typeof options === "string" ?
-		( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) :
-		jQuery.extend( {}, options );
-	var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
-		memory,
-		// Flag to know if list was already fired
-		fired,
-		// Flag to know if list is currently firing
-		firing,
-		// First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
-		firingStart,
-		// End of the loop when firing
-		firingLength,
-		// Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
-		firingIndex,
-		// Actual callback list
-		list = [],
-		// Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
-		stack = !options.once && [],
-		// Fire callbacks
-		fire = function( data ) {
-			memory = options.memory && data;
-			fired = true;
-			firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
-			firingStart = 0;
-			firingLength = list.length;
-			firing = true;
-			for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
-				if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) {
-					memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			firing = false;
-			if ( list ) {
-				if ( stack ) {
-					if ( stack.length ) {
-						fire( stack.shift() );
-					}
-				} else if ( memory ) {
-					list = [];
-				} else {
-					self.disable();
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		// Actual Callbacks object
-		self = {
-			// Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
-			add: function() {
-				if ( list ) {
-					// First, we save the current length
-					var start = list.length;
-					(function add( args ) {
-						jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
-							var type = jQuery.type( arg );
-							if ( type === "function" ) {
-								if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) {
-									list.push( arg );
-								}
-							} else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) {
-								// Inspect recursively
-								add( arg );
-							}
-						});
-					})( arguments );
-					// Do we need to add the callbacks to the
-					// current firing batch?
-					if ( firing ) {
-						firingLength = list.length;
-					// With memory, if we're not firing then
-					// we should call right away
-					} else if ( memory ) {
-						firingStart = start;
-						fire( memory );
-					}
-				}
-				return this;
-			},
-			// Remove a callback from the list
-			remove: function() {
-				if ( list ) {
-					jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) {
-						var index;
-						while ( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) {
-							list.splice( index, 1 );
-							// Handle firing indexes
-							if ( firing ) {
-								if ( index <= firingLength ) {
-									firingLength--;
-								}
-								if ( index <= firingIndex ) {
-									firingIndex--;
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					});
-				}
-				return this;
-			},
-			// Check if a given callback is in the list.
-			// If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached.
-			has: function( fn ) {
-				return fn ? jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1 : !!( list && list.length );
-			},
-			// Remove all callbacks from the list
-			empty: function() {
-				list = [];
-				firingLength = 0;
-				return this;
-			},
-			// Have the list do nothing anymore
-			disable: function() {
-				list = stack = memory = undefined;
-				return this;
-			},
-			// Is it disabled?
-			disabled: function() {
-				return !list;
-			},
-			// Lock the list in its current state
-			lock: function() {
-				stack = undefined;
-				if ( !memory ) {
-					self.disable();
-				}
-				return this;
-			},
-			// Is it locked?
-			locked: function() {
-				return !stack;
-			},
-			// Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
-			fireWith: function( context, args ) {
-				if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) {
-					args = args || [];
-					args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ];
-					if ( firing ) {
-						stack.push( args );
-					} else {
-						fire( args );
-					}
-				}
-				return this;
-			},
-			// Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
-			fire: function() {
-				self.fireWith( this, arguments );
-				return this;
-			},
-			// To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
-			fired: function() {
-				return !!fired;
-			}
-		};
-	return self;
-	Deferred: function( func ) {
-		var tuples = [
-				// action, add listener, listener list, final state
-				[ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ],
-				[ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ],
-				[ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ]
-			],
-			state = "pending",
-			promise = {
-				state: function() {
-					return state;
-				},
-				always: function() {
-					deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments );
-					return this;
-				},
-				then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) {
-					var fns = arguments;
-					return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
-						jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
-							var fn = jQuery.isFunction( fns[ i ] ) && fns[ i ];
-							// deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer
-							deferred[ tuple[1] ](function() {
-								var returned = fn && fn.apply( this, arguments );
-								if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
-									returned.promise()
-										.done( newDefer.resolve )
-										.fail( newDefer.reject )
-										.progress( newDefer.notify );
-								} else {
-									newDefer[ tuple[ 0 ] + "With" ]( this === promise ? newDefer.promise() : this, fn ? [ returned ] : arguments );
-								}
-							});
-						});
-						fns = null;
-					}).promise();
-				},
-				// Get a promise for this deferred
-				// If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
-				promise: function( obj ) {
-					return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise;
-				}
-			},
-			deferred = {};
-		// Keep pipe for back-compat
-		promise.pipe = promise.then;
-		// Add list-specific methods
-		jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
-			var list = tuple[ 2 ],
-				stateString = tuple[ 3 ];
-			// promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add
-			promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add;
-			// Handle state
-			if ( stateString ) {
-				list.add(function() {
-					// state = [ resolved | rejected ]
-					state = stateString;
-				// [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock
-				}, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock );
-			}
-			// deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ]
-			deferred[ tuple[0] ] = function() {
-				deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ]( this === deferred ? promise : this, arguments );
-				return this;
-			};
-			deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith;
-		});
-		// Make the deferred a promise
-		promise.promise( deferred );
-		// Call given func if any
-		if ( func ) {
-			func.call( deferred, deferred );
-		}
-		// All done!
-		return deferred;
-	},
-	// Deferred helper
-	when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) {
-		var i = 0,
-			resolveValues = slice.call( arguments ),
-			length = resolveValues.length,
-			// the count of uncompleted subordinates
-			remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0,
-			// the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that.
-			deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(),
-			// Update function for both resolve and progress values
-			updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) {
-				return function( value ) {
-					contexts[ i ] = this;
-					values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call( arguments ) : value;
-					if ( values === progressValues ) {
-						deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values );
-					} else if ( !( --remaining ) ) {
-						deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values );
-					}
-				};
-			},
-			progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts;
-		// Add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved
-		if ( length > 1 ) {
-			progressValues = new Array( length );
-			progressContexts = new Array( length );
-			resolveContexts = new Array( length );
-			for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-				if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) {
-					resolveValues[ i ].promise()
-						.done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) )
-						.fail( deferred.reject )
-						.progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) );
-				} else {
-					--remaining;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// If we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master
-		if ( !remaining ) {
-			deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues );
-		}
-		return deferred.promise();
-	}
-// The deferred used on DOM ready
-var readyList;
-jQuery.fn.ready = function( fn ) {
-	// Add the callback
-	jQuery.ready.promise().done( fn );
-	return this;
-	// Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
-	isReady: false,
-	// A counter to track how many items to wait for before
-	// the ready event fires. See #6781
-	readyWait: 1,
-	// Hold (or release) the ready event
-	holdReady: function( hold ) {
-		if ( hold ) {
-			jQuery.readyWait++;
-		} else {
-			jQuery.ready( true );
-		}
-	},
-	// Handle when the DOM is ready
-	ready: function( wait ) {
-		// Abort if there are pending holds or we're already ready
-		if ( wait === true ? --jQuery.readyWait : jQuery.isReady ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Remember that the DOM is ready
-		jQuery.isReady = true;
-		// If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
-		if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// If there are functions bound, to execute
-		readyList.resolveWith( document, [ jQuery ] );
-		// Trigger any bound ready events
-		if ( jQuery.fn.triggerHandler ) {
-			jQuery( document ).triggerHandler( "ready" );
-			jQuery( document ).off( "ready" );
-		}
-	}
- * The ready event handler and self cleanup method
- */
-function completed() {
-	document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false );
-	window.removeEventListener( "load", completed, false );
-	jQuery.ready();
-jQuery.ready.promise = function( obj ) {
-	if ( !readyList ) {
-		readyList = jQuery.Deferred();
-		// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the browser event has already occurred.
-		// We once tried to use readyState "interactive" here, but it caused issues like the one
-		// discovered by ChrisS here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12282#comment:15
-		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
-			// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
-			setTimeout( jQuery.ready );
-		} else {
-			// Use the handy event callback
-			document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false );
-			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
-			window.addEventListener( "load", completed, false );
-		}
-	}
-	return readyList.promise( obj );
-// Kick off the DOM ready check even if the user does not
-// Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection
-// The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
-var access = jQuery.access = function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw ) {
-	var i = 0,
-		len = elems.length,
-		bulk = key == null;
-	// Sets many values
-	if ( jQuery.type( key ) === "object" ) {
-		chainable = true;
-		for ( i in key ) {
-			jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw );
-		}
-	// Sets one value
-	} else if ( value !== undefined ) {
-		chainable = true;
-		if ( !jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-			raw = true;
-		}
-		if ( bulk ) {
-			// Bulk operations run against the entire set
-			if ( raw ) {
-				fn.call( elems, value );
-				fn = null;
-			// ...except when executing function values
-			} else {
-				bulk = fn;
-				fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
-					return bulk.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
-				};
-			}
-		}
-		if ( fn ) {
-			for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-				fn( elems[i], key, raw ? value : value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return chainable ?
-		elems :
-		// Gets
-		bulk ?
-			fn.call( elems ) :
-			len ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet;
- * Determines whether an object can have data
- */
-jQuery.acceptData = function( owner ) {
-	// Accepts only:
-	//  - Node
-	//    - Node.ELEMENT_NODE
-	//    - Node.DOCUMENT_NODE
-	//  - Object
-	//    - Any
-	/* jshint -W018 */
-	return owner.nodeType === 1 || owner.nodeType === 9 || !( +owner.nodeType );
-function Data() {
-	// Support: Android<4,
-	// Old WebKit does not have Object.preventExtensions/freeze method,
-	// return new empty object instead with no [[set]] accessor
-	Object.defineProperty( this.cache = {}, 0, {
-		get: function() {
-			return {};
-		}
-	});
-	this.expando = jQuery.expando + Data.uid++;
-Data.uid = 1;
-Data.accepts = jQuery.acceptData;
-Data.prototype = {
-	key: function( owner ) {
-		// We can accept data for non-element nodes in modern browsers,
-		// but we should not, see #8335.
-		// Always return the key for a frozen object.
-		if ( !Data.accepts( owner ) ) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-		var descriptor = {},
-			// Check if the owner object already has a cache key
-			unlock = owner[ this.expando ];
-		// If not, create one
-		if ( !unlock ) {
-			unlock = Data.uid++;
-			// Secure it in a non-enumerable, non-writable property
-			try {
-				descriptor[ this.expando ] = { value: unlock };
-				Object.defineProperties( owner, descriptor );
-			// Support: Android<4
-			// Fallback to a less secure definition
-			} catch ( e ) {
-				descriptor[ this.expando ] = unlock;
-				jQuery.extend( owner, descriptor );
-			}
-		}
-		// Ensure the cache object
-		if ( !this.cache[ unlock ] ) {
-			this.cache[ unlock ] = {};
-		}
-		return unlock;
-	},
-	set: function( owner, data, value ) {
-		var prop,
-			// There may be an unlock assigned to this node,
-			// if there is no entry for this "owner", create one inline
-			// and set the unlock as though an owner entry had always existed
-			unlock = this.key( owner ),
-			cache = this.cache[ unlock ];
-		// Handle: [ owner, key, value ] args
-		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
-			cache[ data ] = value;
-		// Handle: [ owner, { properties } ] args
-		} else {
-			// Fresh assignments by object are shallow copied
-			if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( cache ) ) {
-				jQuery.extend( this.cache[ unlock ], data );
-			// Otherwise, copy the properties one-by-one to the cache object
-			} else {
-				for ( prop in data ) {
-					cache[ prop ] = data[ prop ];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return cache;
-	},
-	get: function( owner, key ) {
-		// Either a valid cache is found, or will be created.
-		// New caches will be created and the unlock returned,
-		// allowing direct access to the newly created
-		// empty data object. A valid owner object must be provided.
-		var cache = this.cache[ this.key( owner ) ];
-		return key === undefined ?
-			cache : cache[ key ];
-	},
-	access: function( owner, key, value ) {
-		var stored;
-		// In cases where either:
-		//
-		//   1. No key was specified
-		//   2. A string key was specified, but no value provided
-		//
-		// Take the "read" path and allow the get method to determine
-		// which value to return, respectively either:
-		//
-		//   1. The entire cache object
-		//   2. The data stored at the key
-		//
-		if ( key === undefined ||
-				((key && typeof key === "string") && value === undefined) ) {
-			stored = this.get( owner, key );
-			return stored !== undefined ?
-				stored : this.get( owner, jQuery.camelCase(key) );
-		}
-		// [*]When the key is not a string, or both a key and value
-		// are specified, set or extend (existing objects) with either:
-		//
-		//   1. An object of properties
-		//   2. A key and value
-		//
-		this.set( owner, key, value );
-		// Since the "set" path can have two possible entry points
-		// return the expected data based on which path was taken[*]
-		return value !== undefined ? value : key;
-	},
-	remove: function( owner, key ) {
-		var i, name, camel,
-			unlock = this.key( owner ),
-			cache = this.cache[ unlock ];
-		if ( key === undefined ) {
-			this.cache[ unlock ] = {};
-		} else {
-			// Support array or space separated string of keys
-			if ( jQuery.isArray( key ) ) {
-				// If "name" is an array of keys...
-				// When data is initially created, via ("key", "val") signature,
-				// keys will be converted to camelCase.
-				// Since there is no way to tell _how_ a key was added, remove
-				// both plain key and camelCase key. #12786
-				// This will only penalize the array argument path.
-				name = key.concat( key.map( jQuery.camelCase ) );
-			} else {
-				camel = jQuery.camelCase( key );
-				// Try the string as a key before any manipulation
-				if ( key in cache ) {
-					name = [ key, camel ];
-				} else {
-					// If a key with the spaces exists, use it.
-					// Otherwise, create an array by matching non-whitespace
-					name = camel;
-					name = name in cache ?
-						[ name ] : ( name.match( rnotwhite ) || [] );
-				}
-			}
-			i = name.length;
-			while ( i-- ) {
-				delete cache[ name[ i ] ];
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	hasData: function( owner ) {
-		return !jQuery.isEmptyObject(
-			this.cache[ owner[ this.expando ] ] || {}
-		);
-	},
-	discard: function( owner ) {
-		if ( owner[ this.expando ] ) {
-			delete this.cache[ owner[ this.expando ] ];
-		}
-	}
-var data_priv = new Data();
-var data_user = new Data();
-//	Implementation Summary
-//	1. Enforce API surface and semantic compatibility with 1.9.x branch
-//	2. Improve the module's maintainability by reducing the storage
-//		paths to a single mechanism.
-//	3. Use the same single mechanism to support "private" and "user" data.
-//	4. _Never_ expose "private" data to user code (TODO: Drop _data, _removeData)
-//	5. Avoid exposing implementation details on user objects (eg. expando properties)
-//	6. Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014
-var rbrace = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
-	rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
-function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
-	var name;
-	// If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
-	// data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
-	if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-		name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
-		data = elem.getAttribute( name );
-		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
-			try {
-				data = data === "true" ? true :
-					data === "false" ? false :
-					data === "null" ? null :
-					// Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string
-					+data + "" === data ? +data :
-					rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
-					data;
-			} catch( e ) {}
-			// Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
-			data_user.set( elem, key, data );
-		} else {
-			data = undefined;
-		}
-	}
-	return data;
-	hasData: function( elem ) {
-		return data_user.hasData( elem ) || data_priv.hasData( elem );
-	},
-	data: function( elem, name, data ) {
-		return data_user.access( elem, name, data );
-	},
-	removeData: function( elem, name ) {
-		data_user.remove( elem, name );
-	},
-	// TODO: Now that all calls to _data and _removeData have been replaced
-	// with direct calls to data_priv methods, these can be deprecated.
-	_data: function( elem, name, data ) {
-		return data_priv.access( elem, name, data );
-	},
-	_removeData: function( elem, name ) {
-		data_priv.remove( elem, name );
-	}
-	data: function( key, value ) {
-		var i, name, data,
-			elem = this[ 0 ],
-			attrs = elem && elem.attributes;
-		// Gets all values
-		if ( key === undefined ) {
-			if ( this.length ) {
-				data = data_user.get( elem );
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !data_priv.get( elem, "hasDataAttrs" ) ) {
-					i = attrs.length;
-					while ( i-- ) {
-						// Support: IE11+
-						// The attrs elements can be null (#14894)
-						if ( attrs[ i ] ) {
-							name = attrs[ i ].name;
-							if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
-								name = jQuery.camelCase( name.slice(5) );
-								dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					data_priv.set( elem, "hasDataAttrs", true );
-				}
-			}
-			return data;
-		}
-		// Sets multiple values
-		if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
-			return this.each(function() {
-				data_user.set( this, key );
-			});
-		}
-		return access( this, function( value ) {
-			var data,
-				camelKey = jQuery.camelCase( key );
-			// The calling jQuery object (element matches) is not empty
-			// (and therefore has an element appears at this[ 0 ]) and the
-			// `value` parameter was not undefined. An empty jQuery object
-			// will result in `undefined` for elem = this[ 0 ] which will
-			// throw an exception if an attempt to read a data cache is made.
-			if ( elem && value === undefined ) {
-				// Attempt to get data from the cache
-				// with the key as-is
-				data = data_user.get( elem, key );
-				if ( data !== undefined ) {
-					return data;
-				}
-				// Attempt to get data from the cache
-				// with the key camelized
-				data = data_user.get( elem, camelKey );
-				if ( data !== undefined ) {
-					return data;
-				}
-				// Attempt to "discover" the data in
-				// HTML5 custom data-* attrs
-				data = dataAttr( elem, camelKey, undefined );
-				if ( data !== undefined ) {
-					return data;
-				}
-				// We tried really hard, but the data doesn't exist.
-				return;
-			}
-			// Set the data...
-			this.each(function() {
-				// First, attempt to store a copy or reference of any
-				// data that might've been store with a camelCased key.
-				var data = data_user.get( this, camelKey );
-				// For HTML5 data-* attribute interop, we have to
-				// store property names with dashes in a camelCase form.
-				// This might not apply to all properties...*
-				data_user.set( this, camelKey, value );
-				// *... In the case of properties that might _actually_
-				// have dashes, we need to also store a copy of that
-				// unchanged property.
-				if ( key.indexOf("-") !== -1 && data !== undefined ) {
-					data_user.set( this, key, value );
-				}
-			});
-		}, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true );
-	},
-	removeData: function( key ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			data_user.remove( this, key );
-		});
-	}
-	queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
-		var queue;
-		if ( elem ) {
-			type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
-			queue = data_priv.get( elem, type );
-			// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
-			if ( data ) {
-				if ( !queue || jQuery.isArray( data ) ) {
-					queue = data_priv.access( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
-				} else {
-					queue.push( data );
-				}
-			}
-			return queue || [];
-		}
-	},
-	dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
-		type = type || "fx";
-		var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
-			startLength = queue.length,
-			fn = queue.shift(),
-			hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ),
-			next = function() {
-				jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
-			};
-		// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
-		if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
-			fn = queue.shift();
-			startLength--;
-		}
-		if ( fn ) {
-			// Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
-			// automatically dequeued
-			if ( type === "fx" ) {
-				queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
-			}
-			// Clear up the last queue stop function
-			delete hooks.stop;
-			fn.call( elem, next, hooks );
-		}
-		if ( !startLength && hooks ) {
-			hooks.empty.fire();
-		}
-	},
-	// Not public - generate a queueHooks object, or return the current one
-	_queueHooks: function( elem, type ) {
-		var key = type + "queueHooks";
-		return data_priv.get( elem, key ) || data_priv.access( elem, key, {
-			empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
-				data_priv.remove( elem, [ type + "queue", key ] );
-			})
-		});
-	}
-	queue: function( type, data ) {
-		var setter = 2;
-		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
-			data = type;
-			type = "fx";
-			setter--;
-		}
-		if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
-			return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
-		}
-		return data === undefined ?
-			this :
-			this.each(function() {
-				var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
-				// Ensure a hooks for this queue
-				jQuery._queueHooks( this, type );
-				if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
-					jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
-				}
-			});
-	},
-	dequeue: function( type ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
-		});
-	},
-	clearQueue: function( type ) {
-		return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
-	},
-	// Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
-	// are emptied (fx is the type by default)
-	promise: function( type, obj ) {
-		var tmp,
-			count = 1,
-			defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
-			elements = this,
-			i = this.length,
-			resolve = function() {
-				if ( !( --count ) ) {
-					defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
-				}
-			};
-		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
-			obj = type;
-			type = undefined;
-		}
-		type = type || "fx";
-		while ( i-- ) {
-			tmp = data_priv.get( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" );
-			if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) {
-				count++;
-				tmp.empty.add( resolve );
-			}
-		}
-		resolve();
-		return defer.promise( obj );
-	}
-var pnum = (/[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/).source;
-var cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ];
-var isHidden = function( elem, el ) {
-		// isHidden might be called from jQuery#filter function;
-		// in that case, element will be second argument
-		elem = el || elem;
-		return jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none" || !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem );
-	};
-var rcheckableType = (/^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i);
-(function() {
-	var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
-		div = fragment.appendChild( document.createElement( "div" ) ),
-		input = document.createElement( "input" );
-	// Support: Safari<=5.1
-	// Check state lost if the name is set (#11217)
-	// Support: Windows Web Apps (WWA)
-	// `name` and `type` must use .setAttribute for WWA (#14901)
-	input.setAttribute( "type", "radio" );
-	input.setAttribute( "checked", "checked" );
-	input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
-	div.appendChild( input );
-	// Support: Safari<=5.1, Android<4.2
-	// Older WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
-	support.checkClone = div.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
-	// Support: IE<=11+
-	// Make sure textarea (and checkbox) defaultValue is properly cloned
-	div.innerHTML = "<textarea>x</textarea>";
-	support.noCloneChecked = !!div.cloneNode( true ).lastChild.defaultValue;
-var strundefined = typeof undefined;
-support.focusinBubbles = "onfocusin" in window;
-	rkeyEvent = /^key/,
-	rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu)|click/,
-	rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
-	rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;
-function returnTrue() {
-	return true;
-function returnFalse() {
-	return false;
-function safeActiveElement() {
-	try {
-		return document.activeElement;
-	} catch ( err ) { }
- * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
- * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
- */
-jQuery.event = {
-	global: {},
-	add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
-		var handleObjIn, eventHandle, tmp,
-			events, t, handleObj,
-			special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
-			elemData = data_priv.get( elem );
-		// Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects)
-		if ( !elemData ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
-		if ( handler.handler ) {
-			handleObjIn = handler;
-			handler = handleObjIn.handler;
-			selector = handleObjIn.selector;
-		}
-		// Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
-		if ( !handler.guid ) {
-			handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
-		}
-		// Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
-		if ( !(events = elemData.events) ) {
-			events = elemData.events = {};
-		}
-		if ( !(eventHandle = elemData.handle) ) {
-			eventHandle = elemData.handle = function( e ) {
-				// Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
-				// when an event is called after a page has unloaded
-				return typeof jQuery !== strundefined && jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type ?
-					jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( elem, arguments ) : undefined;
-			};
-		}
-		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
-		types = ( types || "" ).match( rnotwhite ) || [ "" ];
-		t = types.length;
-		while ( t-- ) {
-			tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
-			type = origType = tmp[1];
-			namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
-			// There *must* be a type, no attaching namespace-only handlers
-			if ( !type ) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			// If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
-			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
-			// If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
-			type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
-			// Update special based on newly reset type
-			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
-			// handleObj is passed to all event handlers
-			handleObj = jQuery.extend({
-				type: type,
-				origType: origType,
-				data: data,
-				handler: handler,
-				guid: handler.guid,
-				selector: selector,
-				needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ),
-				namespace: namespaces.join(".")
-			}, handleObjIn );
-			// Init the event handler queue if we're the first
-			if ( !(handlers = events[ type ]) ) {
-				handlers = events[ type ] = [];
-				handlers.delegateCount = 0;
-				// Only use addEventListener if the special events handler returns false
-				if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
-					if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
-						elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if ( special.add ) {
-				special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
-				if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
-					handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
-				}
-			}
-			// Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
-			if ( selector ) {
-				handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
-			} else {
-				handlers.push( handleObj );
-			}
-			// Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
-			jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
-		}
-	},
-	// Detach an event or set of events from an element
-	remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
-		var j, origCount, tmp,
-			events, t, handleObj,
-			special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
-			elemData = data_priv.hasData( elem ) && data_priv.get( elem );
-		if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
-		types = ( types || "" ).match( rnotwhite ) || [ "" ];
-		t = types.length;
-		while ( t-- ) {
-			tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
-			type = origType = tmp[1];
-			namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
-			// Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
-			if ( !type ) {
-				for ( type in events ) {
-					jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
-			type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
-			handlers = events[ type ] || [];
-			tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" );
-			// Remove matching events
-			origCount = j = handlers.length;
-			while ( j-- ) {
-				handleObj = handlers[ j ];
-				if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
-					( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
-					( !tmp || tmp.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
-					( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
-					handlers.splice( j, 1 );
-					if ( handleObj.selector ) {
-						handlers.delegateCount--;
-					}
-					if ( special.remove ) {
-						special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
-			// (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
-			if ( origCount && !handlers.length ) {
-				if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) {
-					jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
-				}
-				delete events[ type ];
-			}
-		}
-		// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
-		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
-			delete elemData.handle;
-			data_priv.remove( elem, "events" );
-		}
-	},
-	trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
-		var i, cur, tmp, bubbleType, ontype, handle, special,
-			eventPath = [ elem || document ],
-			type = hasOwn.call( event, "type" ) ? event.type : event,
-			namespaces = hasOwn.call( event, "namespace" ) ? event.namespace.split(".") : [];
-		cur = tmp = elem = elem || document;
-		// Don't do events on text and comment nodes
-		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
-		if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( type.indexOf(".") >= 0 ) {
-			// Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
-			namespaces = type.split(".");
-			type = namespaces.shift();
-			namespaces.sort();
-		}
-		ontype = type.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type;
-		// Caller can pass in a jQuery.Event object, Object, or just an event type string
-		event = event[ jQuery.expando ] ?
-			event :
-			new jQuery.Event( type, typeof event === "object" && event );
-		// Trigger bitmask: & 1 for native handlers; & 2 for jQuery (always true)
-		event.isTrigger = onlyHandlers ? 2 : 3;
-		event.namespace = namespaces.join(".");
-		event.namespace_re = event.namespace ?
-			new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" ) :
-			null;
-		// Clean up the event in case it is being reused
-		event.result = undefined;
-		if ( !event.target ) {
-			event.target = elem;
-		}
-		// Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
-		data = data == null ?
-			[ event ] :
-			jQuery.makeArray( data, [ event ] );
-		// Allow special events to draw outside the lines
-		special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
-		if ( !onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
-		// Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
-		if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
-			bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
-			if ( !rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ) {
-				cur = cur.parentNode;
-			}
-			for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
-				eventPath.push( cur );
-				tmp = cur;
-			}
-			// Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
-			if ( tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document) ) {
-				eventPath.push( tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window );
-			}
-		}
-		// Fire handlers on the event path
-		i = 0;
-		while ( (cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
-			event.type = i > 1 ?
-				bubbleType :
-				special.bindType || type;
-			// jQuery handler
-			handle = ( data_priv.get( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && data_priv.get( cur, "handle" );
-			if ( handle ) {
-				handle.apply( cur, data );
-			}
-			// Native handler
-			handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
-			if ( handle && handle.apply && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) ) {
-				event.result = handle.apply( cur, data );
-				if ( event.result === false ) {
-					event.preventDefault();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		event.type = type;
-		// If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
-		if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
-			if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( eventPath.pop(), data ) === false) &&
-				jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
-				// Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
-				// Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
-				if ( ontype && jQuery.isFunction( elem[ type ] ) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
-					// Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
-					tmp = elem[ ontype ];
-					if ( tmp ) {
-						elem[ ontype ] = null;
-					}
-					// Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
-					jQuery.event.triggered = type;
-					elem[ type ]();
-					jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
-					if ( tmp ) {
-						elem[ ontype ] = tmp;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return event.result;
-	},
-	dispatch: function( event ) {
-		// Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
-		event = jQuery.event.fix( event );
-		var i, j, ret, matched, handleObj,
-			handlerQueue = [],
-			args = slice.call( arguments ),
-			handlers = ( data_priv.get( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || [],
-			special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {};
-		// Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
-		args[0] = event;
-		event.delegateTarget = this;
-		// Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
-		if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Determine handlers
-		handlerQueue = jQuery.event.handlers.call( this, event, handlers );
-		// Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
-		i = 0;
-		while ( (matched = handlerQueue[ i++ ]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
-			event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
-			j = 0;
-			while ( (handleObj = matched.handlers[ j++ ]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
-				// Triggered event must either 1) have no namespace, or 2) have namespace(s)
-				// a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
-				if ( !event.namespace_re || event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
-					event.handleObj = handleObj;
-					event.data = handleObj.data;
-					ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
-							.apply( matched.elem, args );
-					if ( ret !== undefined ) {
-						if ( (event.result = ret) === false ) {
-							event.preventDefault();
-							event.stopPropagation();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
-		if ( special.postDispatch ) {
-			special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
-		}
-		return event.result;
-	},
-	handlers: function( event, handlers ) {
-		var i, matches, sel, handleObj,
-			handlerQueue = [],
-			delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
-			cur = event.target;
-		// Find delegate handlers
-		// Black-hole SVG <use> instance trees (#13180)
-		// Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
-		if ( delegateCount && cur.nodeType && (!event.button || event.type !== "click") ) {
-			for ( ; cur !== this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
-				// Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764)
-				if ( cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click" ) {
-					matches = [];
-					for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
-						handleObj = handlers[ i ];
-						// Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203)
-						sel = handleObj.selector + " ";
-						if ( matches[ sel ] === undefined ) {
-							matches[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ?
-								jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) >= 0 :
-								jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length;
-						}
-						if ( matches[ sel ] ) {
-							matches.push( handleObj );
-						}
-					}
-					if ( matches.length ) {
-						handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, handlers: matches });
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
-		if ( delegateCount < handlers.length ) {
-			handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, handlers: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) });
-		}
-		return handlerQueue;
-	},
-	// Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
-	props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),
-	fixHooks: {},
-	keyHooks: {
-		props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
-		filter: function( event, original ) {
-			// Add which for key events
-			if ( event.which == null ) {
-				event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;
-			}
-			return event;
-		}
-	},
-	mouseHooks: {
-		props: "button buttons clientX clientY offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
-		filter: function( event, original ) {
-			var eventDoc, doc, body,
-				button = original.button;
-			// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
-			if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) {
-				eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
-				doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
-				body = eventDoc.body;
-				event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
-				event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );
-			}
-			// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
-			// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
-			if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) {
-				event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
-			}
-			return event;
-		}
-	},
-	fix: function( event ) {
-		if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
-			return event;
-		}
-		// Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
-		var i, prop, copy,
-			type = event.type,
-			originalEvent = event,
-			fixHook = this.fixHooks[ type ];
-		if ( !fixHook ) {
-			this.fixHooks[ type ] = fixHook =
-				rmouseEvent.test( type ) ? this.mouseHooks :
-				rkeyEvent.test( type ) ? this.keyHooks :
-				{};
-		}
-		copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props;
-		event = new jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
-		i = copy.length;
-		while ( i-- ) {
-			prop = copy[ i ];
-			event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
-		}
-		// Support: Cordova 2.5 (WebKit) (#13255)
-		// All events should have a target; Cordova deviceready doesn't
-		if ( !event.target ) {
-			event.target = document;
-		}
-		// Support: Safari 6.0+, Chrome<28
-		// Target should not be a text node (#504, #13143)
-		if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
-			event.target = event.target.parentNode;
-		}
-		return fixHook.filter ? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event;
-	},
-	special: {
-		load: {
-			// Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
-			noBubble: true
-		},
-		focus: {
-			// Fire native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct
-			trigger: function() {
-				if ( this !== safeActiveElement() && this.focus ) {
-					this.focus();
-					return false;
-				}
-			},
-			delegateType: "focusin"
-		},
-		blur: {
-			trigger: function() {
-				if ( this === safeActiveElement() && this.blur ) {
-					this.blur();
-					return false;
-				}
-			},
-			delegateType: "focusout"
-		},
-		click: {
-			// For checkbox, fire native event so checked state will be right
-			trigger: function() {
-				if ( this.type === "checkbox" && this.click && jQuery.nodeName( this, "input" ) ) {
-					this.click();
-					return false;
-				}
-			},
-			// For cross-browser consistency, don't fire native .click() on links
-			_default: function( event ) {
-				return jQuery.nodeName( event.target, "a" );
-			}
-		},
-		beforeunload: {
-			postDispatch: function( event ) {
-				// Support: Firefox 20+
-				// Firefox doesn't alert if the returnValue field is not set.
-				if ( event.result !== undefined && event.originalEvent ) {
-					event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) {
-		// Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
-		// Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
-		// simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
-		var e = jQuery.extend(
-			new jQuery.Event(),
-			event,
-			{
-				type: type,
-				isSimulated: true,
-				originalEvent: {}
-			}
-		);
-		if ( bubble ) {
-			jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem );
-		} else {
-			jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e );
-		}
-		if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
-			event.preventDefault();
-		}
-	}
-jQuery.removeEvent = function( elem, type, handle ) {
-	if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
-		elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
-	}
-jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
-	// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
-	if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) {
-		return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
-	}
-	// Event object
-	if ( src && src.type ) {
-		this.originalEvent = src;
-		this.type = src.type;
-		// Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
-		// by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
-		this.isDefaultPrevented = src.defaultPrevented ||
-				src.defaultPrevented === undefined &&
-				// Support: Android<4.0
-				src.returnValue === false ?
-			returnTrue :
-			returnFalse;
-	// Event type
-	} else {
-		this.type = src;
-	}
-	// Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
-	if ( props ) {
-		jQuery.extend( this, props );
-	}
-	// Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
-	this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now();
-	// Mark it as fixed
-	this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
-// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
-// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
-jQuery.Event.prototype = {
-	isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
-	isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
-	isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse,
-	preventDefault: function() {
-		var e = this.originalEvent;
-		this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
-		if ( e && e.preventDefault ) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-		}
-	},
-	stopPropagation: function() {
-		var e = this.originalEvent;
-		this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
-		if ( e && e.stopPropagation ) {
-			e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-	},
-	stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
-		var e = this.originalEvent;
-		this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
-		if ( e && e.stopImmediatePropagation ) {
-			e.stopImmediatePropagation();
-		}
-		this.stopPropagation();
-	}
-// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
-// Support: Chrome 15+
-	mouseenter: "mouseover",
-	mouseleave: "mouseout",
-	pointerenter: "pointerover",
-	pointerleave: "pointerout"
-}, function( orig, fix ) {
-	jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
-		delegateType: fix,
-		bindType: fix,
-		handle: function( event ) {
-			var ret,
-				target = this,
-				related = event.relatedTarget,
-				handleObj = event.handleObj;
-			// For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
-			// NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
-			if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) {
-				event.type = handleObj.origType;
-				ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
-				event.type = fix;
-			}
-			return ret;
-		}
-	};
-// Support: Firefox, Chrome, Safari
-// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
-if ( !support.focusinBubbles ) {
-	jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
-		// Attach a single capturing handler on the document while someone wants focusin/focusout
-		var handler = function( event ) {
-				jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true );
-			};
-		jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
-			setup: function() {
-				var doc = this.ownerDocument || this,
-					attaches = data_priv.access( doc, fix );
-				if ( !attaches ) {
-					doc.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
-				}
-				data_priv.access( doc, fix, ( attaches || 0 ) + 1 );
-			},
-			teardown: function() {
-				var doc = this.ownerDocument || this,
-					attaches = data_priv.access( doc, fix ) - 1;
-				if ( !attaches ) {
-					doc.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
-					data_priv.remove( doc, fix );
-				} else {
-					data_priv.access( doc, fix, attaches );
-				}
-			}
-		};
-	});
-	on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) {
-		var origFn, type;
-		// Types can be a map of types/handlers
-		if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
-			// ( types-Object, selector, data )
-			if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
-				// ( types-Object, data )
-				data = data || selector;
-				selector = undefined;
-			}
-			for ( type in types ) {
-				this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one );
-			}
-			return this;
-		}
-		if ( data == null && fn == null ) {
-			// ( types, fn )
-			fn = selector;
-			data = selector = undefined;
-		} else if ( fn == null ) {
-			if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
-				// ( types, selector, fn )
-				fn = data;
-				data = undefined;
-			} else {
-				// ( types, data, fn )
-				fn = data;
-				data = selector;
-				selector = undefined;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( fn === false ) {
-			fn = returnFalse;
-		} else if ( !fn ) {
-			return this;
-		}
-		if ( one === 1 ) {
-			origFn = fn;
-			fn = function( event ) {
-				// Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
-				jQuery().off( event );
-				return origFn.apply( this, arguments );
-			};
-			// Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
-			fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ );
-		}
-		return this.each( function() {
-			jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector );
-		});
-	},
-	one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
-		return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 );
-	},
-	off: function( types, selector, fn ) {
-		var handleObj, type;
-		if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
-			// ( event )  dispatched jQuery.Event
-			handleObj = types.handleObj;
-			jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
-				handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
-				handleObj.selector,
-				handleObj.handler
-			);
-			return this;
-		}
-		if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
-			// ( types-object [, selector] )
-			for ( type in types ) {
-				this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
-			}
-			return this;
-		}
-		if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
-			// ( types [, fn] )
-			fn = selector;
-			selector = undefined;
-		}
-		if ( fn === false ) {
-			fn = returnFalse;
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
-		});
-	},
-	trigger: function( type, data ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
-		});
-	},
-	triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
-		var elem = this[0];
-		if ( elem ) {
-			return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, elem, true );
-		}
-	}
-	rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
-	rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
-	rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
-	rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style|link)/i,
-	// checked="checked" or checked
-	rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
-	rscriptType = /^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i,
-	rscriptTypeMasked = /^true\/(.*)/,
-	rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g,
-	// We have to close these tags to support XHTML (#13200)
-	wrapMap = {
-		// Support: IE9
-		option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ],
-		thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ],
-		col: [ 2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ],
-		tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ],
-		td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ],
-		_default: [ 0, "", "" ]
-	};
-// Support: IE9
-wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
-wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
-wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
-// Support: 1.x compatibility
-// Manipulating tables requires a tbody
-function manipulationTarget( elem, content ) {
-	return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "table" ) &&
-		jQuery.nodeName( content.nodeType !== 11 ? content : content.firstChild, "tr" ) ?
-		elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
-			elem.appendChild( elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody") ) :
-		elem;
-// Replace/restore the type attribute of script elements for safe DOM manipulation
-function disableScript( elem ) {
-	elem.type = (elem.getAttribute("type") !== null) + "/" + elem.type;
-	return elem;
-function restoreScript( elem ) {
-	var match = rscriptTypeMasked.exec( elem.type );
-	if ( match ) {
-		elem.type = match[ 1 ];
-	} else {
-		elem.removeAttribute("type");
-	}
-	return elem;
-// Mark scripts as having already been evaluated
-function setGlobalEval( elems, refElements ) {
-	var i = 0,
-		l = elems.length;
-	for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-		data_priv.set(
-			elems[ i ], "globalEval", !refElements || data_priv.get( refElements[ i ], "globalEval" )
-		);
-	}
-function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) {
-	var i, l, type, pdataOld, pdataCur, udataOld, udataCur, events;
-	if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	// 1. Copy private data: events, handlers, etc.
-	if ( data_priv.hasData( src ) ) {
-		pdataOld = data_priv.access( src );
-		pdataCur = data_priv.set( dest, pdataOld );
-		events = pdataOld.events;
-		if ( events ) {
-			delete pdataCur.handle;
-			pdataCur.events = {};
-			for ( type in events ) {
-				for ( i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					jQuery.event.add( dest, type, events[ type ][ i ] );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// 2. Copy user data
-	if ( data_user.hasData( src ) ) {
-		udataOld = data_user.access( src );
-		udataCur = jQuery.extend( {}, udataOld );
-		data_user.set( dest, udataCur );
-	}
-function getAll( context, tag ) {
-	var ret = context.getElementsByTagName ? context.getElementsByTagName( tag || "*" ) :
-			context.querySelectorAll ? context.querySelectorAll( tag || "*" ) :
-			[];
-	return tag === undefined || tag && jQuery.nodeName( context, tag ) ?
-		jQuery.merge( [ context ], ret ) :
-		ret;
-// Fix IE bugs, see support tests
-function fixInput( src, dest ) {
-	var nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-	// Fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox or radio button.
-	if ( nodeName === "input" && rcheckableType.test( src.type ) ) {
-		dest.checked = src.checked;
-	// Fails to return the selected option to the default selected state when cloning options
-	} else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) {
-		dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue;
-	}
-	clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) {
-		var i, l, srcElements, destElements,
-			clone = elem.cloneNode( true ),
-			inPage = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem );
-		// Fix IE cloning issues
-		if ( !support.noCloneChecked && ( elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11 ) &&
-				!jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ) ) {
-			// We eschew Sizzle here for performance reasons: http://jsperf.com/getall-vs-sizzle/2
-			destElements = getAll( clone );
-			srcElements = getAll( elem );
-			for ( i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				fixInput( srcElements[ i ], destElements[ i ] );
-			}
-		}
-		// Copy the events from the original to the clone
-		if ( dataAndEvents ) {
-			if ( deepDataAndEvents ) {
-				srcElements = srcElements || getAll( elem );
-				destElements = destElements || getAll( clone );
-				for ( i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					cloneCopyEvent( srcElements[ i ], destElements[ i ] );
-				}
-			} else {
-				cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone );
-			}
-		}
-		// Preserve script evaluation history
-		destElements = getAll( clone, "script" );
-		if ( destElements.length > 0 ) {
-			setGlobalEval( destElements, !inPage && getAll( elem, "script" ) );
-		}
-		// Return the cloned set
-		return clone;
-	},
-	buildFragment: function( elems, context, scripts, selection ) {
-		var elem, tmp, tag, wrap, contains, j,
-			fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(),
-			nodes = [],
-			i = 0,
-			l = elems.length;
-		for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-			elem = elems[ i ];
-			if ( elem || elem === 0 ) {
-				// Add nodes directly
-				if ( jQuery.type( elem ) === "object" ) {
-					// Support: QtWebKit, PhantomJS
-					// push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit
-					jQuery.merge( nodes, elem.nodeType ? [ elem ] : elem );
-				// Convert non-html into a text node
-				} else if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) {
-					nodes.push( context.createTextNode( elem ) );
-				// Convert html into DOM nodes
-				} else {
-					tmp = tmp || fragment.appendChild( context.createElement("div") );
-					// Deserialize a standard representation
-					tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || [ "", "" ] )[ 1 ].toLowerCase();
-					wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default;
-					tmp.innerHTML = wrap[ 1 ] + elem.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>" ) + wrap[ 2 ];
-					// Descend through wrappers to the right content
-					j = wrap[ 0 ];
-					while ( j-- ) {
-						tmp = tmp.lastChild;
-					}
-					// Support: QtWebKit, PhantomJS
-					// push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit
-					jQuery.merge( nodes, tmp.childNodes );
-					// Remember the top-level container
-					tmp = fragment.firstChild;
-					// Ensure the created nodes are orphaned (#12392)
-					tmp.textContent = "";
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Remove wrapper from fragment
-		fragment.textContent = "";
-		i = 0;
-		while ( (elem = nodes[ i++ ]) ) {
-			// #4087 - If origin and destination elements are the same, and this is
-			// that element, do not do anything
-			if ( selection && jQuery.inArray( elem, selection ) !== -1 ) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			contains = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem );
-			// Append to fragment
-			tmp = getAll( fragment.appendChild( elem ), "script" );
-			// Preserve script evaluation history
-			if ( contains ) {
-				setGlobalEval( tmp );
-			}
-			// Capture executables
-			if ( scripts ) {
-				j = 0;
-				while ( (elem = tmp[ j++ ]) ) {
-					if ( rscriptType.test( elem.type || "" ) ) {
-						scripts.push( elem );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return fragment;
-	},
-	cleanData: function( elems ) {
-		var data, elem, type, key,
-			special = jQuery.event.special,
-			i = 0;
-		for ( ; (elem = elems[ i ]) !== undefined; i++ ) {
-			if ( jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
-				key = elem[ data_priv.expando ];
-				if ( key && (data = data_priv.cache[ key ]) ) {
-					if ( data.events ) {
-						for ( type in data.events ) {
-							if ( special[ type ] ) {
-								jQuery.event.remove( elem, type );
-							// This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead
-							} else {
-								jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					if ( data_priv.cache[ key ] ) {
-						// Discard any remaining `private` data
-						delete data_priv.cache[ key ];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Discard any remaining `user` data
-			delete data_user.cache[ elem[ data_user.expando ] ];
-		}
-	}
-	text: function( value ) {
-		return access( this, function( value ) {
-			return value === undefined ?
-				jQuery.text( this ) :
-				this.empty().each(function() {
-					if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) {
-						this.textContent = value;
-					}
-				});
-		}, null, value, arguments.length );
-	},
-	append: function() {
-		return this.domManip( arguments, function( elem ) {
-			if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) {
-				var target = manipulationTarget( this, elem );
-				target.appendChild( elem );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	prepend: function() {
-		return this.domManip( arguments, function( elem ) {
-			if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) {
-				var target = manipulationTarget( this, elem );
-				target.insertBefore( elem, target.firstChild );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	before: function() {
-		return this.domManip( arguments, function( elem ) {
-			if ( this.parentNode ) {
-				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	after: function() {
-		return this.domManip( arguments, function( elem ) {
-			if ( this.parentNode ) {
-				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	remove: function( selector, keepData /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
-		var elem,
-			elems = selector ? jQuery.filter( selector, this ) : this,
-			i = 0;
-		for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem ) );
-			}
-			if ( elem.parentNode ) {
-				if ( keepData && jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) ) {
-					setGlobalEval( getAll( elem, "script" ) );
-				}
-				elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	empty: function() {
-		var elem,
-			i = 0;
-		for ( ; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				// Prevent memory leaks
-				jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) );
-				// Remove any remaining nodes
-				elem.textContent = "";
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) {
-		dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents;
-		deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents;
-		return this.map(function() {
-			return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents );
-		});
-	},
-	html: function( value ) {
-		return access( this, function( value ) {
-			var elem = this[ 0 ] || {},
-				i = 0,
-				l = this.length;
-			if ( value === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				return elem.innerHTML;
-			}
-			// See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML
-			if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test( value ) &&
-				!wrapMap[ ( rtagName.exec( value ) || [ "", "" ] )[ 1 ].toLowerCase() ] ) {
-				value = value.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>" );
-				try {
-					for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-						elem = this[ i ] || {};
-						// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
-						if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-							jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) );
-							elem.innerHTML = value;
-						}
-					}
-					elem = 0;
-				// If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method
-				} catch( e ) {}
-			}
-			if ( elem ) {
-				this.empty().append( value );
-			}
-		}, null, value, arguments.length );
-	},
-	replaceWith: function() {
-		var arg = arguments[ 0 ];
-		// Make the changes, replacing each context element with the new content
-		this.domManip( arguments, function( elem ) {
-			arg = this.parentNode;
-			jQuery.cleanData( getAll( this ) );
-			if ( arg ) {
-				arg.replaceChild( elem, this );
-			}
-		});
-		// Force removal if there was no new content (e.g., from empty arguments)
-		return arg && (arg.length || arg.nodeType) ? this : this.remove();
-	},
-	detach: function( selector ) {
-		return this.remove( selector, true );
-	},
-	domManip: function( args, callback ) {
-		// Flatten any nested arrays
-		args = concat.apply( [], args );
-		var fragment, first, scripts, hasScripts, node, doc,
-			i = 0,
-			l = this.length,
-			set = this,
-			iNoClone = l - 1,
-			value = args[ 0 ],
-			isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
-		// We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit
-		if ( isFunction ||
-				( l > 1 && typeof value === "string" &&
-					!support.checkClone && rchecked.test( value ) ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( index ) {
-				var self = set.eq( index );
-				if ( isFunction ) {
-					args[ 0 ] = value.call( this, index, self.html() );
-				}
-				self.domManip( args, callback );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( l ) {
-			fragment = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this[ 0 ].ownerDocument, false, this );
-			first = fragment.firstChild;
-			if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
-				fragment = first;
-			}
-			if ( first ) {
-				scripts = jQuery.map( getAll( fragment, "script" ), disableScript );
-				hasScripts = scripts.length;
-				// Use the original fragment for the last item instead of the first because it can end up
-				// being emptied incorrectly in certain situations (#8070).
-				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-					node = fragment;
-					if ( i !== iNoClone ) {
-						node = jQuery.clone( node, true, true );
-						// Keep references to cloned scripts for later restoration
-						if ( hasScripts ) {
-							// Support: QtWebKit
-							// jQuery.merge because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws
-							jQuery.merge( scripts, getAll( node, "script" ) );
-						}
-					}
-					callback.call( this[ i ], node, i );
-				}
-				if ( hasScripts ) {
-					doc = scripts[ scripts.length - 1 ].ownerDocument;
-					// Reenable scripts
-					jQuery.map( scripts, restoreScript );
-					// Evaluate executable scripts on first document insertion
-					for ( i = 0; i < hasScripts; i++ ) {
-						node = scripts[ i ];
-						if ( rscriptType.test( node.type || "" ) &&
-							!data_priv.access( node, "globalEval" ) && jQuery.contains( doc, node ) ) {
-							if ( node.src ) {
-								// Optional AJAX dependency, but won't run scripts if not present
-								if ( jQuery._evalUrl ) {
-									jQuery._evalUrl( node.src );
-								}
-							} else {
-								jQuery.globalEval( node.textContent.replace( rcleanScript, "" ) );
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	}
-	appendTo: "append",
-	prependTo: "prepend",
-	insertBefore: "before",
-	insertAfter: "after",
-	replaceAll: "replaceWith"
-}, function( name, original ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) {
-		var elems,
-			ret = [],
-			insert = jQuery( selector ),
-			last = insert.length - 1,
-			i = 0;
-		for ( ; i <= last; i++ ) {
-			elems = i === last ? this : this.clone( true );
-			jQuery( insert[ i ] )[ original ]( elems );
-			// Support: QtWebKit
-			// .get() because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws
-			push.apply( ret, elems.get() );
-		}
-		return this.pushStack( ret );
-	};
-var iframe,
-	elemdisplay = {};
- * Retrieve the actual display of a element
- * @param {String} name nodeName of the element
- * @param {Object} doc Document object
- */
-// Called only from within defaultDisplay
-function actualDisplay( name, doc ) {
-	var style,
-		elem = jQuery( doc.createElement( name ) ).appendTo( doc.body ),
-		// getDefaultComputedStyle might be reliably used only on attached element
-		display = window.getDefaultComputedStyle && ( style = window.getDefaultComputedStyle( elem[ 0 ] ) ) ?
-			// Use of this method is a temporary fix (more like optimization) until something better comes along,
-			// since it was removed from specification and supported only in FF
-			style.display : jQuery.css( elem[ 0 ], "display" );
-	// We don't have any data stored on the element,
-	// so use "detach" method as fast way to get rid of the element
-	elem.detach();
-	return display;
- * Try to determine the default display value of an element
- * @param {String} nodeName
- */
-function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) {
-	var doc = document,
-		display = elemdisplay[ nodeName ];
-	if ( !display ) {
-		display = actualDisplay( nodeName, doc );
-		// If the simple way fails, read from inside an iframe
-		if ( display === "none" || !display ) {
-			// Use the already-created iframe if possible
-			iframe = (iframe || jQuery( "<iframe frameborder='0' width='0' height='0'/>" )).appendTo( doc.documentElement );
-			// Always write a new HTML skeleton so Webkit and Firefox don't choke on reuse
-			doc = iframe[ 0 ].contentDocument;
-			// Support: IE
-			doc.write();
-			doc.close();
-			display = actualDisplay( nodeName, doc );
-			iframe.detach();
-		}
-		// Store the correct default display
-		elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display;
-	}
-	return display;
-var rmargin = (/^margin/);
-var rnumnonpx = new RegExp( "^(" + pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i" );
-var getStyles = function( elem ) {
-		// Support: IE<=11+, Firefox<=30+ (#15098, #14150)
-		// IE throws on elements created in popups
-		// FF meanwhile throws on frame elements through "defaultView.getComputedStyle"
-		if ( elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.opener ) {
-			return elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null );
-		}
-		return window.getComputedStyle( elem, null );
-	};
-function curCSS( elem, name, computed ) {
-	var width, minWidth, maxWidth, ret,
-		style = elem.style;
-	computed = computed || getStyles( elem );
-	// Support: IE9
-	// getPropertyValue is only needed for .css('filter') (#12537)
-	if ( computed ) {
-		ret = computed.getPropertyValue( name ) || computed[ name ];
-	}
-	if ( computed ) {
-		if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) ) {
-			ret = jQuery.style( elem, name );
-		}
-		// Support: iOS < 6
-		// A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards"
-		// iOS < 6 (at least) returns percentage for a larger set of values, but width seems to be reliably pixels
-		// this is against the CSSOM draft spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#resolved-values
-		if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) && rmargin.test( name ) ) {
-			// Remember the original values
-			width = style.width;
-			minWidth = style.minWidth;
-			maxWidth = style.maxWidth;
-			// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
-			style.minWidth = style.maxWidth = style.width = ret;
-			ret = computed.width;
-			// Revert the changed values
-			style.width = width;
-			style.minWidth = minWidth;
-			style.maxWidth = maxWidth;
-		}
-	}
-	return ret !== undefined ?
-		// Support: IE
-		// IE returns zIndex value as an integer.
-		ret + "" :
-		ret;
-function addGetHookIf( conditionFn, hookFn ) {
-	// Define the hook, we'll check on the first run if it's really needed.
-	return {
-		get: function() {
-			if ( conditionFn() ) {
-				// Hook not needed (or it's not possible to use it due
-				// to missing dependency), remove it.
-				delete this.get;
-				return;
-			}
-			// Hook needed; redefine it so that the support test is not executed again.
-			return (this.get = hookFn).apply( this, arguments );
-		}
-	};
-(function() {
-	var pixelPositionVal, boxSizingReliableVal,
-		docElem = document.documentElement,
-		container = document.createElement( "div" ),
-		div = document.createElement( "div" );
-	if ( !div.style ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	// Support: IE9-11+
-	// Style of cloned element affects source element cloned (#8908)
-	div.style.backgroundClip = "content-box";
-	div.cloneNode( true ).style.backgroundClip = "";
-	support.clearCloneStyle = div.style.backgroundClip === "content-box";
-	container.style.cssText = "border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px;margin-top:1px;" +
-		"position:absolute";
-	container.appendChild( div );
-	// Executing both pixelPosition & boxSizingReliable tests require only one layout
-	// so they're executed at the same time to save the second computation.
-	function computePixelPositionAndBoxSizingReliable() {
-		div.style.cssText =
-			// Support: Firefox<29, Android 2.3
-			// Vendor-prefix box-sizing
-			"-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;" +
-			"box-sizing:border-box;display:block;margin-top:1%;top:1%;" +
-			"border:1px;padding:1px;width:4px;position:absolute";
-		div.innerHTML = "";
-		docElem.appendChild( container );
-		var divStyle = window.getComputedStyle( div, null );
-		pixelPositionVal = divStyle.top !== "1%";
-		boxSizingReliableVal = divStyle.width === "4px";
-		docElem.removeChild( container );
-	}
-	// Support: node.js jsdom
-	// Don't assume that getComputedStyle is a property of the global object
-	if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
-		jQuery.extend( support, {
-			pixelPosition: function() {
-				// This test is executed only once but we still do memoizing
-				// since we can use the boxSizingReliable pre-computing.
-				// No need to check if the test was already performed, though.
-				computePixelPositionAndBoxSizingReliable();
-				return pixelPositionVal;
-			},
-			boxSizingReliable: function() {
-				if ( boxSizingReliableVal == null ) {
-					computePixelPositionAndBoxSizingReliable();
-				}
-				return boxSizingReliableVal;
-			},
-			reliableMarginRight: function() {
-				// Support: Android 2.3
-				// Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
-				// gets computed margin-right based on width of container. (#3333)
-				// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
-				// This support function is only executed once so no memoizing is needed.
-				var ret,
-					marginDiv = div.appendChild( document.createElement( "div" ) );
-				// Reset CSS: box-sizing; display; margin; border; padding
-				marginDiv.style.cssText = div.style.cssText =
-					// Support: Firefox<29, Android 2.3
-					// Vendor-prefix box-sizing
-					"-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;" +
-					"box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:0";
-				marginDiv.style.marginRight = marginDiv.style.width = "0";
-				div.style.width = "1px";
-				docElem.appendChild( container );
-				ret = !parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ).marginRight );
-				docElem.removeChild( container );
-				div.removeChild( marginDiv );
-				return ret;
-			}
-		});
-	}
-// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations.
-jQuery.swap = function( elem, options, callback, args ) {
-	var ret, name,
-		old = {};
-	// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
-	for ( name in options ) {
-		old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
-		elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
-	}
-	ret = callback.apply( elem, args || [] );
-	// Revert the old values
-	for ( name in options ) {
-		elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
-	}
-	return ret;
-	// Swappable if display is none or starts with table except "table", "table-cell", or "table-caption"
-	// See here for display values: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/display
-	rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/,
-	rnumsplit = new RegExp( "^(" + pnum + ")(.*)$", "i" ),
-	rrelNum = new RegExp( "^([+-])=(" + pnum + ")", "i" ),
-	cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
-	cssNormalTransform = {
-		letterSpacing: "0",
-		fontWeight: "400"
-	},
-	cssPrefixes = [ "Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms" ];
-// Return a css property mapped to a potentially vendor prefixed property
-function vendorPropName( style, name ) {
-	// Shortcut for names that are not vendor prefixed
-	if ( name in style ) {
-		return name;
-	}
-	// Check for vendor prefixed names
-	var capName = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1),
-		origName = name,
-		i = cssPrefixes.length;
-	while ( i-- ) {
-		name = cssPrefixes[ i ] + capName;
-		if ( name in style ) {
-			return name;
-		}
-	}
-	return origName;
-function setPositiveNumber( elem, value, subtract ) {
-	var matches = rnumsplit.exec( value );
-	return matches ?
-		// Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks
-		Math.max( 0, matches[ 1 ] - ( subtract || 0 ) ) + ( matches[ 2 ] || "px" ) :
-		value;
-function augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles ) {
-	var i = extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ?
-		// If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation
-		4 :
-		// Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties
-		name === "width" ? 1 : 0,
-		val = 0;
-	for ( ; i < 4; i += 2 ) {
-		// Both box models exclude margin, so add it if we want it
-		if ( extra === "margin" ) {
-			val += jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles );
-		}
-		if ( isBorderBox ) {
-			// border-box includes padding, so remove it if we want content
-			if ( extra === "content" ) {
-				val -= jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles );
-			}
-			// At this point, extra isn't border nor margin, so remove border
-			if ( extra !== "margin" ) {
-				val -= jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles );
-			}
-		} else {
-			// At this point, extra isn't content, so add padding
-			val += jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles );
-			// At this point, extra isn't content nor padding, so add border
-			if ( extra !== "padding" ) {
-				val += jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return val;
-function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) {
-	// Start with offset property, which is equivalent to the border-box value
-	var valueIsBorderBox = true,
-		val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight,
-		styles = getStyles( elem ),
-		isBorderBox = jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box";
-	// Some non-html elements return undefined for offsetWidth, so check for null/undefined
-	// svg - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649285
-	// MathML - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=491668
-	if ( val <= 0 || val == null ) {
-		// Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary
-		val = curCSS( elem, name, styles );
-		if ( val < 0 || val == null ) {
-			val = elem.style[ name ];
-		}
-		// Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return.
-		if ( rnumnonpx.test(val) ) {
-			return val;
-		}
-		// Check for style in case a browser which returns unreliable values
-		// for getComputedStyle silently falls back to the reliable elem.style
-		valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox &&
-			( support.boxSizingReliable() || val === elem.style[ name ] );
-		// Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra
-		val = parseFloat( val ) || 0;
-	}
-	// Use the active box-sizing model to add/subtract irrelevant styles
-	return ( val +
-		augmentWidthOrHeight(
-			elem,
-			name,
-			extra || ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ),
-			valueIsBorderBox,
-			styles
-		)
-	) + "px";
-function showHide( elements, show ) {
-	var display, elem, hidden,
-		values = [],
-		index = 0,
-		length = elements.length;
-	for ( ; index < length; index++ ) {
-		elem = elements[ index ];
-		if ( !elem.style ) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		values[ index ] = data_priv.get( elem, "olddisplay" );
-		display = elem.style.display;
-		if ( show ) {
-			// Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
-			// being hidden by cascaded rules or not
-			if ( !values[ index ] && display === "none" ) {
-				elem.style.display = "";
-			}
-			// Set elements which have been overridden with display: none
-			// in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is
-			// for such an element
-			if ( elem.style.display === "" && isHidden( elem ) ) {
-				values[ index ] = data_priv.access( elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName) );
-			}
-		} else {
-			hidden = isHidden( elem );
-			if ( display !== "none" || !hidden ) {
-				data_priv.set( elem, "olddisplay", hidden ? display : jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop
-	// to avoid the constant reflow
-	for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) {
-		elem = elements[ index ];
-		if ( !elem.style ) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ( !show || elem.style.display === "none" || elem.style.display === "" ) {
-			elem.style.display = show ? values[ index ] || "" : "none";
-		}
-	}
-	return elements;
-	// Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
-	// behavior of getting and setting a style property
-	cssHooks: {
-		opacity: {
-			get: function( elem, computed ) {
-				if ( computed ) {
-					// We should always get a number back from opacity
-					var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity" );
-					return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	// Don't automatically add "px" to these possibly-unitless properties
-	cssNumber: {
-		"columnCount": true,
-		"fillOpacity": true,
-		"flexGrow": true,
-		"flexShrink": true,
-		"fontWeight": true,
-		"lineHeight": true,
-		"opacity": true,
-		"order": true,
-		"orphans": true,
-		"widows": true,
-		"zIndex": true,
-		"zoom": true
-	},
-	// Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
-	// setting or getting the value
-	cssProps: {
-		"float": "cssFloat"
-	},
-	// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
-	style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
-		// Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
-		if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
-		var ret, type, hooks,
-			origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
-			style = elem.style;
-		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( style, origName ) );
-		// Gets hook for the prefixed version, then unprefixed version
-		hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
-		// Check if we're setting a value
-		if ( value !== undefined ) {
-			type = typeof value;
-			// Convert "+=" or "-=" to relative numbers (#7345)
-			if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) {
-				value = ( ret[1] + 1 ) * ret[2] + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) );
-				// Fixes bug #9237
-				type = "number";
-			}
-			// Make sure that null and NaN values aren't set (#7116)
-			if ( value == null || value !== value ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			// If a number, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
-			if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) {
-				value += "px";
-			}
-			// Support: IE9-11+
-			// background-* props affect original clone's values
-			if ( !support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf( "background" ) === 0 ) {
-				style[ name ] = "inherit";
-			}
-			// If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
-			if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value, extra )) !== undefined ) {
-				style[ name ] = value;
-			}
-		} else {
-			// If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
-			if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) {
-				return ret;
-			}
-			// Otherwise just get the value from the style object
-			return style[ name ];
-		}
-	},
-	css: function( elem, name, extra, styles ) {
-		var val, num, hooks,
-			origName = jQuery.camelCase( name );
-		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
-		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( elem.style, origName ) );
-		// Try prefixed name followed by the unprefixed name
-		hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
-		// If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
-		if ( hooks && "get" in hooks ) {
-			val = hooks.get( elem, true, extra );
-		}
-		// Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
-		if ( val === undefined ) {
-			val = curCSS( elem, name, styles );
-		}
-		// Convert "normal" to computed value
-		if ( val === "normal" && name in cssNormalTransform ) {
-			val = cssNormalTransform[ name ];
-		}
-		// Make numeric if forced or a qualifier was provided and val looks numeric
-		if ( extra === "" || extra ) {
-			num = parseFloat( val );
-			return extra === true || jQuery.isNumeric( num ) ? num || 0 : val;
-		}
-		return val;
-	}
-jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) {
-	jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
-		get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
-			if ( computed ) {
-				// Certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them
-				// but it must have a current display style that would benefit
-				return rdisplayswap.test( jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ) && elem.offsetWidth === 0 ?
-					jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
-						return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
-					}) :
-					getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
-			}
-		},
-		set: function( elem, value, extra ) {
-			var styles = extra && getStyles( elem );
-			return setPositiveNumber( elem, value, extra ?
-				augmentWidthOrHeight(
-					elem,
-					name,
-					extra,
-					jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box",
-					styles
-				) : 0
-			);
-		}
-	};
-// Support: Android 2.3
-jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = addGetHookIf( support.reliableMarginRight,
-	function( elem, computed ) {
-		if ( computed ) {
-			return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" },
-				curCSS, [ elem, "marginRight" ] );
-		}
-	}
-// These hooks are used by animate to expand properties
-	margin: "",
-	padding: "",
-	border: "Width"
-}, function( prefix, suffix ) {
-	jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = {
-		expand: function( value ) {
-			var i = 0,
-				expanded = {},
-				// Assumes a single number if not a string
-				parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ];
-			for ( ; i < 4; i++ ) {
-				expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] =
-					parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ];
-			}
-			return expanded;
-		}
-	};
-	if ( !rmargin.test( prefix ) ) {
-		jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ].set = setPositiveNumber;
-	}
-	css: function( name, value ) {
-		return access( this, function( elem, name, value ) {
-			var styles, len,
-				map = {},
-				i = 0;
-			if ( jQuery.isArray( name ) ) {
-				styles = getStyles( elem );
-				len = name.length;
-				for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-					map[ name[ i ] ] = jQuery.css( elem, name[ i ], false, styles );
-				}
-				return map;
-			}
-			return value !== undefined ?
-				jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) :
-				jQuery.css( elem, name );
-		}, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
-	},
-	show: function() {
-		return showHide( this, true );
-	},
-	hide: function() {
-		return showHide( this );
-	},
-	toggle: function( state ) {
-		if ( typeof state === "boolean" ) {
-			return state ? this.show() : this.hide();
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			if ( isHidden( this ) ) {
-				jQuery( this ).show();
-			} else {
-				jQuery( this ).hide();
-			}
-		});
-	}
-function Tween( elem, options, prop, end, easing ) {
-	return new Tween.prototype.init( elem, options, prop, end, easing );
-jQuery.Tween = Tween;
-Tween.prototype = {
-	constructor: Tween,
-	init: function( elem, options, prop, end, easing, unit ) {
-		this.elem = elem;
-		this.prop = prop;
-		this.easing = easing || "swing";
-		this.options = options;
-		this.start = this.now = this.cur();
-		this.end = end;
-		this.unit = unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] ? "" : "px" );
-	},
-	cur: function() {
-		var hooks = Tween.propHooks[ this.prop ];
-		return hooks && hooks.get ?
-			hooks.get( this ) :
-			Tween.propHooks._default.get( this );
-	},
-	run: function( percent ) {
-		var eased,
-			hooks = Tween.propHooks[ this.prop ];
-		if ( this.options.duration ) {
-			this.pos = eased = jQuery.easing[ this.easing ](
-				percent, this.options.duration * percent, 0, 1, this.options.duration
-			);
-		} else {
-			this.pos = eased = percent;
-		}
-		this.now = ( this.end - this.start ) * eased + this.start;
-		if ( this.options.step ) {
-			this.options.step.call( this.elem, this.now, this );
-		}
-		if ( hooks && hooks.set ) {
-			hooks.set( this );
-		} else {
-			Tween.propHooks._default.set( this );
-		}
-		return this;
-	}
-Tween.prototype.init.prototype = Tween.prototype;
-Tween.propHooks = {
-	_default: {
-		get: function( tween ) {
-			var result;
-			if ( tween.elem[ tween.prop ] != null &&
-				(!tween.elem.style || tween.elem.style[ tween.prop ] == null) ) {
-				return tween.elem[ tween.prop ];
-			}
-			// Passing an empty string as a 3rd parameter to .css will automatically
-			// attempt a parseFloat and fallback to a string if the parse fails.
-			// Simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float;
-			// complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as-is.
-			result = jQuery.css( tween.elem, tween.prop, "" );
-			// Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0.
-			return !result || result === "auto" ? 0 : result;
-		},
-		set: function( tween ) {
-			// Use step hook for back compat.
-			// Use cssHook if its there.
-			// Use .style if available and use plain properties where available.
-			if ( jQuery.fx.step[ tween.prop ] ) {
-				jQuery.fx.step[ tween.prop ]( tween );
-			} else if ( tween.elem.style && ( tween.elem.style[ jQuery.cssProps[ tween.prop ] ] != null || jQuery.cssHooks[ tween.prop ] ) ) {
-				jQuery.style( tween.elem, tween.prop, tween.now + tween.unit );
-			} else {
-				tween.elem[ tween.prop ] = tween.now;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Support: IE9
-// Panic based approach to setting things on disconnected nodes
-Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft = {
-	set: function( tween ) {
-		if ( tween.elem.nodeType && tween.elem.parentNode ) {
-			tween.elem[ tween.prop ] = tween.now;
-		}
-	}
-jQuery.easing = {
-	linear: function( p ) {
-		return p;
-	},
-	swing: function( p ) {
-		return 0.5 - Math.cos( p * Math.PI ) / 2;
-	}
-jQuery.fx = Tween.prototype.init;
-// Back Compat <1.8 extension point
-jQuery.fx.step = {};
-	fxNow, timerId,
-	rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
-	rfxnum = new RegExp( "^(?:([+-])=|)(" + pnum + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i" ),
-	rrun = /queueHooks$/,
-	animationPrefilters = [ defaultPrefilter ],
-	tweeners = {
-		"*": [ function( prop, value ) {
-			var tween = this.createTween( prop, value ),
-				target = tween.cur(),
-				parts = rfxnum.exec( value ),
-				unit = parts && parts[ 3 ] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] ? "" : "px" ),
-				// Starting value computation is required for potential unit mismatches
-				start = ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] || unit !== "px" && +target ) &&
-					rfxnum.exec( jQuery.css( tween.elem, prop ) ),
-				scale = 1,
-				maxIterations = 20;
-			if ( start && start[ 3 ] !== unit ) {
-				// Trust units reported by jQuery.css
-				unit = unit || start[ 3 ];
-				// Make sure we update the tween properties later on
-				parts = parts || [];
-				// Iteratively approximate from a nonzero starting point
-				start = +target || 1;
-				do {
-					// If previous iteration zeroed out, double until we get *something*.
-					// Use string for doubling so we don't accidentally see scale as unchanged below
-					scale = scale || ".5";
-					// Adjust and apply
-					start = start / scale;
-					jQuery.style( tween.elem, prop, start + unit );
-				// Update scale, tolerating zero or NaN from tween.cur(),
-				// break the loop if scale is unchanged or perfect, or if we've just had enough
-				} while ( scale !== (scale = tween.cur() / target) && scale !== 1 && --maxIterations );
-			}
-			// Update tween properties
-			if ( parts ) {
-				start = tween.start = +start || +target || 0;
-				tween.unit = unit;
-				// If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
-				tween.end = parts[ 1 ] ?
-					start + ( parts[ 1 ] + 1 ) * parts[ 2 ] :
-					+parts[ 2 ];
-			}
-			return tween;
-		} ]
-	};
-// Animations created synchronously will run synchronously
-function createFxNow() {
-	setTimeout(function() {
-		fxNow = undefined;
-	});
-	return ( fxNow = jQuery.now() );
-// Generate parameters to create a standard animation
-function genFx( type, includeWidth ) {
-	var which,
-		i = 0,
-		attrs = { height: type };
-	// If we include width, step value is 1 to do all cssExpand values,
-	// otherwise step value is 2 to skip over Left and Right
-	includeWidth = includeWidth ? 1 : 0;
-	for ( ; i < 4 ; i += 2 - includeWidth ) {
-		which = cssExpand[ i ];
-		attrs[ "margin" + which ] = attrs[ "padding" + which ] = type;
-	}
-	if ( includeWidth ) {
-		attrs.opacity = attrs.width = type;
-	}
-	return attrs;
-function createTween( value, prop, animation ) {
-	var tween,
-		collection = ( tweeners[ prop ] || [] ).concat( tweeners[ "*" ] ),
-		index = 0,
-		length = collection.length;
-	for ( ; index < length; index++ ) {
-		if ( (tween = collection[ index ].call( animation, prop, value )) ) {
-			// We're done with this property
-			return tween;
-		}
-	}
-function defaultPrefilter( elem, props, opts ) {
-	/* jshint validthis: true */
-	var prop, value, toggle, tween, hooks, oldfire, display, checkDisplay,
-		anim = this,
-		orig = {},
-		style = elem.style,
-		hidden = elem.nodeType && isHidden( elem ),
-		dataShow = data_priv.get( elem, "fxshow" );
-	// Handle queue: false promises
-	if ( !opts.queue ) {
-		hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, "fx" );
-		if ( hooks.unqueued == null ) {
-			hooks.unqueued = 0;
-			oldfire = hooks.empty.fire;
-			hooks.empty.fire = function() {
-				if ( !hooks.unqueued ) {
-					oldfire();
-				}
-			};
-		}
-		hooks.unqueued++;
-		anim.always(function() {
-			// Ensure the complete handler is called before this completes
-			anim.always(function() {
-				hooks.unqueued--;
-				if ( !jQuery.queue( elem, "fx" ).length ) {
-					hooks.empty.fire();
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	// Height/width overflow pass
-	if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && ( "height" in props || "width" in props ) ) {
-		// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
-		// Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE9-10 do not
-		// change the overflow attribute when overflowX and
-		// overflowY are set to the same value
-		opts.overflow = [ style.overflow, style.overflowX, style.overflowY ];
-		// Set display property to inline-block for height/width
-		// animations on inline elements that are having width/height animated
-		display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" );
-		// Test default display if display is currently "none"
-		checkDisplay = display === "none" ?
-			data_priv.get( elem, "olddisplay" ) || defaultDisplay( elem.nodeName ) : display;
-		if ( checkDisplay === "inline" && jQuery.css( elem, "float" ) === "none" ) {
-			style.display = "inline-block";
-		}
-	}
-	if ( opts.overflow ) {
-		style.overflow = "hidden";
-		anim.always(function() {
-			style.overflow = opts.overflow[ 0 ];
-			style.overflowX = opts.overflow[ 1 ];
-			style.overflowY = opts.overflow[ 2 ];
-		});
-	}
-	// show/hide pass
-	for ( prop in props ) {
-		value = props[ prop ];
-		if ( rfxtypes.exec( value ) ) {
-			delete props[ prop ];
-			toggle = toggle || value === "toggle";
-			if ( value === ( hidden ? "hide" : "show" ) ) {
-				// If there is dataShow left over from a stopped hide or show and we are going to proceed with show, we should pretend to be hidden
-				if ( value === "show" && dataShow && dataShow[ prop ] !== undefined ) {
-					hidden = true;
-				} else {
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			orig[ prop ] = dataShow && dataShow[ prop ] || jQuery.style( elem, prop );
-		// Any non-fx value stops us from restoring the original display value
-		} else {
-			display = undefined;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !jQuery.isEmptyObject( orig ) ) {
-		if ( dataShow ) {
-			if ( "hidden" in dataShow ) {
-				hidden = dataShow.hidden;
-			}
-		} else {
-			dataShow = data_priv.access( elem, "fxshow", {} );
-		}
-		// Store state if its toggle - enables .stop().toggle() to "reverse"
-		if ( toggle ) {
-			dataShow.hidden = !hidden;
-		}
-		if ( hidden ) {
-			jQuery( elem ).show();
-		} else {
-			anim.done(function() {
-				jQuery( elem ).hide();
-			});
-		}
-		anim.done(function() {
-			var prop;
-			data_priv.remove( elem, "fxshow" );
-			for ( prop in orig ) {
-				jQuery.style( elem, prop, orig[ prop ] );
-			}
-		});
-		for ( prop in orig ) {
-			tween = createTween( hidden ? dataShow[ prop ] : 0, prop, anim );
-			if ( !( prop in dataShow ) ) {
-				dataShow[ prop ] = tween.start;
-				if ( hidden ) {
-					tween.end = tween.start;
-					tween.start = prop === "width" || prop === "height" ? 1 : 0;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	// If this is a noop like .hide().hide(), restore an overwritten display value
-	} else if ( (display === "none" ? defaultDisplay( elem.nodeName ) : display) === "inline" ) {
-		style.display = display;
-	}
-function propFilter( props, specialEasing ) {
-	var index, name, easing, value, hooks;
-	// camelCase, specialEasing and expand cssHook pass
-	for ( index in props ) {
-		name = jQuery.camelCase( index );
-		easing = specialEasing[ name ];
-		value = props[ index ];
-		if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
-			easing = value[ 1 ];
-			value = props[ index ] = value[ 0 ];
-		}
-		if ( index !== name ) {
-			props[ name ] = value;
-			delete props[ index ];
-		}
-		hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ];
-		if ( hooks && "expand" in hooks ) {
-			value = hooks.expand( value );
-			delete props[ name ];
-			// Not quite $.extend, this won't overwrite existing keys.
-			// Reusing 'index' because we have the correct "name"
-			for ( index in value ) {
-				if ( !( index in props ) ) {
-					props[ index ] = value[ index ];
-					specialEasing[ index ] = easing;
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			specialEasing[ name ] = easing;
-		}
-	}
-function Animation( elem, properties, options ) {
-	var result,
-		stopped,
-		index = 0,
-		length = animationPrefilters.length,
-		deferred = jQuery.Deferred().always( function() {
-			// Don't match elem in the :animated selector
-			delete tick.elem;
-		}),
-		tick = function() {
-			if ( stopped ) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			var currentTime = fxNow || createFxNow(),
-				remaining = Math.max( 0, animation.startTime + animation.duration - currentTime ),
-				// Support: Android 2.3
-				// Archaic crash bug won't allow us to use `1 - ( 0.5 || 0 )` (#12497)
-				temp = remaining / animation.duration || 0,
-				percent = 1 - temp,
-				index = 0,
-				length = animation.tweens.length;
-			for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) {
-				animation.tweens[ index ].run( percent );
-			}
-			deferred.notifyWith( elem, [ animation, percent, remaining ]);
-			if ( percent < 1 && length ) {
-				return remaining;
-			} else {
-				deferred.resolveWith( elem, [ animation ] );
-				return false;
-			}
-		},
-		animation = deferred.promise({
-			elem: elem,
-			props: jQuery.extend( {}, properties ),
-			opts: jQuery.extend( true, { specialEasing: {} }, options ),
-			originalProperties: properties,
-			originalOptions: options,
-			startTime: fxNow || createFxNow(),
-			duration: options.duration,
-			tweens: [],
-			createTween: function( prop, end ) {
-				var tween = jQuery.Tween( elem, animation.opts, prop, end,
-						animation.opts.specialEasing[ prop ] || animation.opts.easing );
-				animation.tweens.push( tween );
-				return tween;
-			},
-			stop: function( gotoEnd ) {
-				var index = 0,
-					// If we are going to the end, we want to run all the tweens
-					// otherwise we skip this part
-					length = gotoEnd ? animation.tweens.length : 0;
-				if ( stopped ) {
-					return this;
-				}
-				stopped = true;
-				for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) {
-					animation.tweens[ index ].run( 1 );
-				}
-				// Resolve when we played the last frame; otherwise, reject
-				if ( gotoEnd ) {
-					deferred.resolveWith( elem, [ animation, gotoEnd ] );
-				} else {
-					deferred.rejectWith( elem, [ animation, gotoEnd ] );
-				}
-				return this;
-			}
-		}),
-		props = animation.props;
-	propFilter( props, animation.opts.specialEasing );
-	for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) {
-		result = animationPrefilters[ index ].call( animation, elem, props, animation.opts );
-		if ( result ) {
-			return result;
-		}
-	}
-	jQuery.map( props, createTween, animation );
-	if ( jQuery.isFunction( animation.opts.start ) ) {
-		animation.opts.start.call( elem, animation );
-	}
-	jQuery.fx.timer(
-		jQuery.extend( tick, {
-			elem: elem,
-			anim: animation,
-			queue: animation.opts.queue
-		})
-	);
-	// attach callbacks from options
-	return animation.progress( animation.opts.progress )
-		.done( animation.opts.done, animation.opts.complete )
-		.fail( animation.opts.fail )
-		.always( animation.opts.always );
-jQuery.Animation = jQuery.extend( Animation, {
-	tweener: function( props, callback ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( props ) ) {
-			callback = props;
-			props = [ "*" ];
-		} else {
-			props = props.split(" ");
-		}
-		var prop,
-			index = 0,
-			length = props.length;
-		for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) {
-			prop = props[ index ];
-			tweeners[ prop ] = tweeners[ prop ] || [];
-			tweeners[ prop ].unshift( callback );
-		}
-	},
-	prefilter: function( callback, prepend ) {
-		if ( prepend ) {
-			animationPrefilters.unshift( callback );
-		} else {
-			animationPrefilters.push( callback );
-		}
-	}
-jQuery.speed = function( speed, easing, fn ) {
-	var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend( {}, speed ) : {
-		complete: fn || !fn && easing ||
-			jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
-		duration: speed,
-		easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction( easing ) && easing
-	};
-	opt.duration = jQuery.fx.off ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration :
-		opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default;
-	// Normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx"
-	if ( opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true ) {
-		opt.queue = "fx";
-	}
-	// Queueing
-	opt.old = opt.complete;
-	opt.complete = function() {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) {
-			opt.old.call( this );
-		}
-		if ( opt.queue ) {
-			jQuery.dequeue( this, opt.queue );
-		}
-	};
-	return opt;
-	fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) {
-		// Show any hidden elements after setting opacity to 0
-		return this.filter( isHidden ).css( "opacity", 0 ).show()
-			// Animate to the value specified
-			.end().animate({ opacity: to }, speed, easing, callback );
-	},
-	animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
-		var empty = jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ),
-			optall = jQuery.speed( speed, easing, callback ),
-			doAnimation = function() {
-				// Operate on a copy of prop so per-property easing won't be lost
-				var anim = Animation( this, jQuery.extend( {}, prop ), optall );
-				// Empty animations, or finishing resolves immediately
-				if ( empty || data_priv.get( this, "finish" ) ) {
-					anim.stop( true );
-				}
-			};
-			doAnimation.finish = doAnimation;
-		return empty || optall.queue === false ?
-			this.each( doAnimation ) :
-			this.queue( optall.queue, doAnimation );
-	},
-	stop: function( type, clearQueue, gotoEnd ) {
-		var stopQueue = function( hooks ) {
-			var stop = hooks.stop;
-			delete hooks.stop;
-			stop( gotoEnd );
-		};
-		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
-			gotoEnd = clearQueue;
-			clearQueue = type;
-			type = undefined;
-		}
-		if ( clearQueue && type !== false ) {
-			this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			var dequeue = true,
-				index = type != null && type + "queueHooks",
-				timers = jQuery.timers,
-				data = data_priv.get( this );
-			if ( index ) {
-				if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop ) {
-					stopQueue( data[ index ] );
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( index in data ) {
-					if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop && rrun.test( index ) ) {
-						stopQueue( data[ index ] );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) {
-				if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && (type == null || timers[ index ].queue === type) ) {
-					timers[ index ].anim.stop( gotoEnd );
-					dequeue = false;
-					timers.splice( index, 1 );
-				}
-			}
-			// Start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced.
-			// Timers currently will call their complete callbacks, which
-			// will dequeue but only if they were gotoEnd.
-			if ( dequeue || !gotoEnd ) {
-				jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	finish: function( type ) {
-		if ( type !== false ) {
-			type = type || "fx";
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			var index,
-				data = data_priv.get( this ),
-				queue = data[ type + "queue" ],
-				hooks = data[ type + "queueHooks" ],
-				timers = jQuery.timers,
-				length = queue ? queue.length : 0;
-			// Enable finishing flag on private data
-			data.finish = true;
-			// Empty the queue first
-			jQuery.queue( this, type, [] );
-			if ( hooks && hooks.stop ) {
-				hooks.stop.call( this, true );
-			}
-			// Look for any active animations, and finish them
-			for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) {
-				if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && timers[ index ].queue === type ) {
-					timers[ index ].anim.stop( true );
-					timers.splice( index, 1 );
-				}
-			}
-			// Look for any animations in the old queue and finish them
-			for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) {
-				if ( queue[ index ] && queue[ index ].finish ) {
-					queue[ index ].finish.call( this );
-				}
-			}
-			// Turn off finishing flag
-			delete data.finish;
-		});
-	}
-jQuery.each([ "toggle", "show", "hide" ], function( i, name ) {
-	var cssFn = jQuery.fn[ name ];
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) {
-		return speed == null || typeof speed === "boolean" ?
-			cssFn.apply( this, arguments ) :
-			this.animate( genFx( name, true ), speed, easing, callback );
-	};
-// Generate shortcuts for custom animations
-	slideDown: genFx("show"),
-	slideUp: genFx("hide"),
-	slideToggle: genFx("toggle"),
-	fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
-	fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
-	fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
-}, function( name, props ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) {
-		return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback );
-	};
-jQuery.timers = [];
-jQuery.fx.tick = function() {
-	var timer,
-		i = 0,
-		timers = jQuery.timers;
-	fxNow = jQuery.now();
-	for ( ; i < timers.length; i++ ) {
-		timer = timers[ i ];
-		// Checks the timer has not already been removed
-		if ( !timer() && timers[ i ] === timer ) {
-			timers.splice( i--, 1 );
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !timers.length ) {
-		jQuery.fx.stop();
-	}
-	fxNow = undefined;
-jQuery.fx.timer = function( timer ) {
-	jQuery.timers.push( timer );
-	if ( timer() ) {
-		jQuery.fx.start();
-	} else {
-		jQuery.timers.pop();
-	}
-jQuery.fx.interval = 13;
-jQuery.fx.start = function() {
-	if ( !timerId ) {
-		timerId = setInterval( jQuery.fx.tick, jQuery.fx.interval );
-	}
-jQuery.fx.stop = function() {
-	clearInterval( timerId );
-	timerId = null;
-jQuery.fx.speeds = {
-	slow: 600,
-	fast: 200,
-	// Default speed
-	_default: 400
-// Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
-// http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
-jQuery.fn.delay = function( time, type ) {
-	time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
-	type = type || "fx";
-	return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
-		var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
-		hooks.stop = function() {
-			clearTimeout( timeout );
-		};
-	});
-(function() {
-	var input = document.createElement( "input" ),
-		select = document.createElement( "select" ),
-		opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement( "option" ) );
-	input.type = "checkbox";
-	// Support: iOS<=5.1, Android<=4.2+
-	// Default value for a checkbox should be "on"
-	support.checkOn = input.value !== "";
-	// Support: IE<=11+
-	// Must access selectedIndex to make default options select
-	support.optSelected = opt.selected;
-	// Support: Android<=2.3
-	// Options inside disabled selects are incorrectly marked as disabled
-	select.disabled = true;
-	support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
-	// Support: IE<=11+
-	// An input loses its value after becoming a radio
-	input = document.createElement( "input" );
-	input.value = "t";
-	input.type = "radio";
-	support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
-var nodeHook, boolHook,
-	attrHandle = jQuery.expr.attrHandle;
-	attr: function( name, value ) {
-		return access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
-	},
-	removeAttr: function( name ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
-		});
-	}
-	attr: function( elem, name, value ) {
-		var hooks, ret,
-			nType = elem.nodeType;
-		// don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
-		if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
-		if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === strundefined ) {
-			return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
-		}
-		// All attributes are lowercase
-		// Grab necessary hook if one is defined
-		if ( nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ) ) {
-			name = name.toLowerCase();
-			hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] ||
-				( jQuery.expr.match.bool.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
-		}
-		if ( value !== undefined ) {
-			if ( value === null ) {
-				jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
-			} else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
-				return ret;
-			} else {
-				elem.setAttribute( name, value + "" );
-				return value;
-			}
-		} else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
-			return ret;
-		} else {
-			ret = jQuery.find.attr( elem, name );
-			// Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
-			return ret == null ?
-				undefined :
-				ret;
-		}
-	},
-	removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
-		var name, propName,
-			i = 0,
-			attrNames = value && value.match( rnotwhite );
-		if ( attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-			while ( (name = attrNames[i++]) ) {
-				propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
-				// Boolean attributes get special treatment (#10870)
-				if ( jQuery.expr.match.bool.test( name ) ) {
-					// Set corresponding property to false
-					elem[ propName ] = false;
-				}
-				elem.removeAttribute( name );
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	attrHooks: {
-		type: {
-			set: function( elem, value ) {
-				if ( !support.radioValue && value === "radio" &&
-					jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) ) {
-					var val = elem.value;
-					elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
-					if ( val ) {
-						elem.value = val;
-					}
-					return value;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Hooks for boolean attributes
-boolHook = {
-	set: function( elem, value, name ) {
-		if ( value === false ) {
-			// Remove boolean attributes when set to false
-			jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
-		} else {
-			elem.setAttribute( name, name );
-		}
-		return name;
-	}
-jQuery.each( jQuery.expr.match.bool.source.match( /\w+/g ), function( i, name ) {
-	var getter = attrHandle[ name ] || jQuery.find.attr;
-	attrHandle[ name ] = function( elem, name, isXML ) {
-		var ret, handle;
-		if ( !isXML ) {
-			// Avoid an infinite loop by temporarily removing this function from the getter
-			handle = attrHandle[ name ];
-			attrHandle[ name ] = ret;
-			ret = getter( elem, name, isXML ) != null ?
-				name.toLowerCase() :
-				null;
-			attrHandle[ name ] = handle;
-		}
-		return ret;
-	};
-var rfocusable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i;
-	prop: function( name, value ) {
-		return access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
-	},
-	removeProp: function( name ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			delete this[ jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name ];
-		});
-	}
-	propFix: {
-		"for": "htmlFor",
-		"class": "className"
-	},
-	prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
-		var ret, hooks, notxml,
-			nType = elem.nodeType;
-		// Don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
-		if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
-		if ( notxml ) {
-			// Fix name and attach hooks
-			name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
-			hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
-		}
-		if ( value !== undefined ) {
-			return hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ?
-				ret :
-				( elem[ name ] = value );
-		} else {
-			return hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ?
-				ret :
-				elem[ name ];
-		}
-	},
-	propHooks: {
-		tabIndex: {
-			get: function( elem ) {
-				return elem.hasAttribute( "tabindex" ) || rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || elem.href ?
-					elem.tabIndex :
-					-1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-if ( !support.optSelected ) {
-	jQuery.propHooks.selected = {
-		get: function( elem ) {
-			var parent = elem.parentNode;
-			if ( parent && parent.parentNode ) {
-				parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
-			}
-			return null;
-		}
-	};
-	"tabIndex",
-	"readOnly",
-	"maxLength",
-	"cellSpacing",
-	"cellPadding",
-	"rowSpan",
-	"colSpan",
-	"useMap",
-	"frameBorder",
-	"contentEditable"
-], function() {
-	jQuery.propFix[ this.toLowerCase() ] = this;
-var rclass = /[\t\r\n\f]/g;
-	addClass: function( value ) {
-		var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, finalValue,
-			proceed = typeof value === "string" && value,
-			i = 0,
-			len = this.length;
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( j ) {
-				jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( proceed ) {
-			// The disjunction here is for better compressibility (see removeClass)
-			classes = ( value || "" ).match( rnotwhite ) || [];
-			for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-				elem = this[ i ];
-				cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ?
-					( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) :
-					" "
-				);
-				if ( cur ) {
-					j = 0;
-					while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) {
-						if ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) < 0 ) {
-							cur += clazz + " ";
-						}
-					}
-					// only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering.
-					finalValue = jQuery.trim( cur );
-					if ( elem.className !== finalValue ) {
-						elem.className = finalValue;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	removeClass: function( value ) {
-		var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, finalValue,
-			proceed = arguments.length === 0 || typeof value === "string" && value,
-			i = 0,
-			len = this.length;
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( j ) {
-				jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( proceed ) {
-			classes = ( value || "" ).match( rnotwhite ) || [];
-			for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-				elem = this[ i ];
-				// This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass)
-				cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ?
-					( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) :
-					""
-				);
-				if ( cur ) {
-					j = 0;
-					while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) {
-						// Remove *all* instances
-						while ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) >= 0 ) {
-							cur = cur.replace( " " + clazz + " ", " " );
-						}
-					}
-					// Only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering.
-					finalValue = value ? jQuery.trim( cur ) : "";
-					if ( elem.className !== finalValue ) {
-						elem.className = finalValue;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
-		var type = typeof value;
-		if ( typeof stateVal === "boolean" && type === "string" ) {
-			return stateVal ? this.addClass( value ) : this.removeClass( value );
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( i ) {
-				jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
-			});
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			if ( type === "string" ) {
-				// Toggle individual class names
-				var className,
-					i = 0,
-					self = jQuery( this ),
-					classNames = value.match( rnotwhite ) || [];
-				while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
-					// Check each className given, space separated list
-					if ( self.hasClass( className ) ) {
-						self.removeClass( className );
-					} else {
-						self.addClass( className );
-					}
-				}
-			// Toggle whole class name
-			} else if ( type === strundefined || type === "boolean" ) {
-				if ( this.className ) {
-					// store className if set
-					data_priv.set( this, "__className__", this.className );
-				}
-				// If the element has a class name or if we're passed `false`,
-				// then remove the whole classname (if there was one, the above saved it).
-				// Otherwise bring back whatever was previously saved (if anything),
-				// falling back to the empty string if nothing was stored.
-				this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : data_priv.get( this, "__className__" ) || "";
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	hasClass: function( selector ) {
-		var className = " " + selector + " ",
-			i = 0,
-			l = this.length;
-		for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-			if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) >= 0 ) {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-var rreturn = /\r/g;
-	val: function( value ) {
-		var hooks, ret, isFunction,
-			elem = this[0];
-		if ( !arguments.length ) {
-			if ( elem ) {
-				hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
-				if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
-					return ret;
-				}
-				ret = elem.value;
-				return typeof ret === "string" ?
-					// Handle most common string cases
-					ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
-					// Handle cases where value is null/undef or number
-					ret == null ? "" : ret;
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
-		return this.each(function( i ) {
-			var val;
-			if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( isFunction ) {
-				val = value.call( this, i, jQuery( this ).val() );
-			} else {
-				val = value;
-			}
-			// Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
-			if ( val == null ) {
-				val = "";
-			} else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
-				val += "";
-			} else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
-				val = jQuery.map( val, function( value ) {
-					return value == null ? "" : value + "";
-				});
-			}
-			hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
-			// If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
-			if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
-				this.value = val;
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	valHooks: {
-		option: {
-			get: function( elem ) {
-				var val = jQuery.find.attr( elem, "value" );
-				return val != null ?
-					val :
-					// Support: IE10-11+
-					// option.text throws exceptions (#14686, #14858)
-					jQuery.trim( jQuery.text( elem ) );
-			}
-		},
-		select: {
-			get: function( elem ) {
-				var value, option,
-					options = elem.options,
-					index = elem.selectedIndex,
-					one = elem.type === "select-one" || index < 0,
-					values = one ? null : [],
-					max = one ? index + 1 : options.length,
-					i = index < 0 ?
-						max :
-						one ? index : 0;
-				// Loop through all the selected options
-				for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
-					option = options[ i ];
-					// IE6-9 doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551)
-					if ( ( option.selected || i === index ) &&
-							// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
-							( support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute( "disabled" ) === null ) &&
-							( !option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" ) ) ) {
-						// Get the specific value for the option
-						value = jQuery( option ).val();
-						// We don't need an array for one selects
-						if ( one ) {
-							return value;
-						}
-						// Multi-Selects return an array
-						values.push( value );
-					}
-				}
-				return values;
-			},
-			set: function( elem, value ) {
-				var optionSet, option,
-					options = elem.options,
-					values = jQuery.makeArray( value ),
-					i = options.length;
-				while ( i-- ) {
-					option = options[ i ];
-					if ( (option.selected = jQuery.inArray( option.value, values ) >= 0) ) {
-						optionSet = true;
-					}
-				}
-				// Force browsers to behave consistently when non-matching value is set
-				if ( !optionSet ) {
-					elem.selectedIndex = -1;
-				}
-				return values;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
-jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
-	jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
-		set: function( elem, value ) {
-			if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
-				return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	if ( !support.checkOn ) {
-		jQuery.valHooks[ this ].get = function( elem ) {
-			return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
-		};
-	}
-// Return jQuery for attributes-only inclusion
-jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
-	"mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
-	"change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
-	// Handle event binding
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
-		return arguments.length > 0 ?
-			this.on( name, null, data, fn ) :
-			this.trigger( name );
-	};
-	hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
-		return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
-	},
-	bind: function( types, data, fn ) {
-		return this.on( types, null, data, fn );
-	},
-	unbind: function( types, fn ) {
-		return this.off( types, null, fn );
-	},
-	delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
-		return this.on( types, selector, data, fn );
-	},
-	undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
-		// ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] )
-		return arguments.length === 1 ? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector || "**", fn );
-	}
-var nonce = jQuery.now();
-var rquery = (/\?/);
-// Support: Android 2.3
-// Workaround failure to string-cast null input
-jQuery.parseJSON = function( data ) {
-	return JSON.parse( data + "" );
-// Cross-browser xml parsing
-jQuery.parseXML = function( data ) {
-	var xml, tmp;
-	if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	// Support: IE9
-	try {
-		tmp = new DOMParser();
-		xml = tmp.parseFromString( data, "text/xml" );
-	} catch ( e ) {
-		xml = undefined;
-	}
-	if ( !xml || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
-		jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data );
-	}
-	return xml;
-	rhash = /#.*$/,
-	rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
-	rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/mg,
-	// #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection
-	rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
-	rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
-	rprotocol = /^\/\//,
-	rurl = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*@|)([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/,
-	/* Prefilters
-	 * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example)
-	 * 2) These are called:
-	 *    - BEFORE asking for a transport
-	 *    - AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true)
-	 * 3) key is the dataType
-	 * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
-	 * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed
-	 */
-	prefilters = {},
-	/* Transports bindings
-	 * 1) key is the dataType
-	 * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
-	 * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed
-	 */
-	transports = {},
-	// Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression
-	allTypes = "*/".concat( "*" ),
-	// Document location
-	ajaxLocation = window.location.href,
-	// Segment location into parts
-	ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ) || [];
-// Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport
-function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) {
-	// dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*"
-	return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) {
-		if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) {
-			func = dataTypeExpression;
-			dataTypeExpression = "*";
-		}
-		var dataType,
-			i = 0,
-			dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match( rnotwhite ) || [];
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) {
-			// For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression
-			while ( (dataType = dataTypes[i++]) ) {
-				// Prepend if requested
-				if ( dataType[0] === "+" ) {
-					dataType = dataType.slice( 1 ) || "*";
-					(structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || []).unshift( func );
-				// Otherwise append
-				} else {
-					(structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || []).push( func );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	};
-// Base inspection function for prefilters and transports
-function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
-	var inspected = {},
-		seekingTransport = ( structure === transports );
-	function inspect( dataType ) {
-		var selected;
-		inspected[ dataType ] = true;
-		jQuery.each( structure[ dataType ] || [], function( _, prefilterOrFactory ) {
-			var dataTypeOrTransport = prefilterOrFactory( options, originalOptions, jqXHR );
-			if ( typeof dataTypeOrTransport === "string" && !seekingTransport && !inspected[ dataTypeOrTransport ] ) {
-				options.dataTypes.unshift( dataTypeOrTransport );
-				inspect( dataTypeOrTransport );
-				return false;
-			} else if ( seekingTransport ) {
-				return !( selected = dataTypeOrTransport );
-			}
-		});
-		return selected;
-	}
-	return inspect( options.dataTypes[ 0 ] ) || !inspected[ "*" ] && inspect( "*" );
-// A special extend for ajax options
-// that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended)
-// Fixes #9887
-function ajaxExtend( target, src ) {
-	var key, deep,
-		flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
-	for ( key in src ) {
-		if ( src[ key ] !== undefined ) {
-			( flatOptions[ key ] ? target : ( deep || (deep = {}) ) )[ key ] = src[ key ];
-		}
-	}
-	if ( deep ) {
-		jQuery.extend( true, target, deep );
-	}
-	return target;
-/* Handles responses to an ajax request:
- * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType)
- * - returns the corresponding response
- */
-function ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) {
-	var ct, type, finalDataType, firstDataType,
-		contents = s.contents,
-		dataTypes = s.dataTypes;
-	// Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process
-	while ( dataTypes[ 0 ] === "*" ) {
-		dataTypes.shift();
-		if ( ct === undefined ) {
-			ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
-		}
-	}
-	// Check if we're dealing with a known content-type
-	if ( ct ) {
-		for ( type in contents ) {
-			if ( contents[ type ] && contents[ type ].test( ct ) ) {
-				dataTypes.unshift( type );
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType
-	if ( dataTypes[ 0 ] in responses ) {
-		finalDataType = dataTypes[ 0 ];
-	} else {
-		// Try convertible dataTypes
-		for ( type in responses ) {
-			if ( !dataTypes[ 0 ] || s.converters[ type + " " + dataTypes[0] ] ) {
-				finalDataType = type;
-				break;
-			}
-			if ( !firstDataType ) {
-				firstDataType = type;
-			}
-		}
-		// Or just use first one
-		finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType;
-	}
-	// If we found a dataType
-	// We add the dataType to the list if needed
-	// and return the corresponding response
-	if ( finalDataType ) {
-		if ( finalDataType !== dataTypes[ 0 ] ) {
-			dataTypes.unshift( finalDataType );
-		}
-		return responses[ finalDataType ];
-	}
-/* Chain conversions given the request and the original response
- * Also sets the responseXXX fields on the jqXHR instance
- */
-function ajaxConvert( s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess ) {
-	var conv2, current, conv, tmp, prev,
-		converters = {},
-		// Work with a copy of dataTypes in case we need to modify it for conversion
-		dataTypes = s.dataTypes.slice();
-	// Create converters map with lowercased keys
-	if ( dataTypes[ 1 ] ) {
-		for ( conv in s.converters ) {
-			converters[ conv.toLowerCase() ] = s.converters[ conv ];
-		}
-	}
-	current = dataTypes.shift();
-	// Convert to each sequential dataType
-	while ( current ) {
-		if ( s.responseFields[ current ] ) {
-			jqXHR[ s.responseFields[ current ] ] = response;
-		}
-		// Apply the dataFilter if provided
-		if ( !prev && isSuccess && s.dataFilter ) {
-			response = s.dataFilter( response, s.dataType );
-		}
-		prev = current;
-		current = dataTypes.shift();
-		if ( current ) {
-		// There's only work to do if current dataType is non-auto
-			if ( current === "*" ) {
-				current = prev;
-			// Convert response if prev dataType is non-auto and differs from current
-			} else if ( prev !== "*" && prev !== current ) {
-				// Seek a direct converter
-				conv = converters[ prev + " " + current ] || converters[ "* " + current ];
-				// If none found, seek a pair
-				if ( !conv ) {
-					for ( conv2 in converters ) {
-						// If conv2 outputs current
-						tmp = conv2.split( " " );
-						if ( tmp[ 1 ] === current ) {
-							// If prev can be converted to accepted input
-							conv = converters[ prev + " " + tmp[ 0 ] ] ||
-								converters[ "* " + tmp[ 0 ] ];
-							if ( conv ) {
-								// Condense equivalence converters
-								if ( conv === true ) {
-									conv = converters[ conv2 ];
-								// Otherwise, insert the intermediate dataType
-								} else if ( converters[ conv2 ] !== true ) {
-									current = tmp[ 0 ];
-									dataTypes.unshift( tmp[ 1 ] );
-								}
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// Apply converter (if not an equivalence)
-				if ( conv !== true ) {
-					// Unless errors are allowed to bubble, catch and return them
-					if ( conv && s[ "throws" ] ) {
-						response = conv( response );
-					} else {
-						try {
-							response = conv( response );
-						} catch ( e ) {
-							return { state: "parsererror", error: conv ? e : "No conversion from " + prev + " to " + current };
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return { state: "success", data: response };
-	// Counter for holding the number of active queries
-	active: 0,
-	// Last-Modified header cache for next request
-	lastModified: {},
-	etag: {},
-	ajaxSettings: {
-		url: ajaxLocation,
-		type: "GET",
-		isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ),
-		global: true,
-		processData: true,
-		async: true,
-		contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
-		/*
-		timeout: 0,
-		data: null,
-		dataType: null,
-		username: null,
-		password: null,
-		cache: null,
-		throws: false,
-		traditional: false,
-		headers: {},
-		*/
-		accepts: {
-			"*": allTypes,
-			text: "text/plain",
-			html: "text/html",
-			xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
-			json: "application/json, text/javascript"
-		},
-		contents: {
-			xml: /xml/,
-			html: /html/,
-			json: /json/
-		},
-		responseFields: {
-			xml: "responseXML",
-			text: "responseText",
-			json: "responseJSON"
-		},
-		// Data converters
-		// Keys separate source (or catchall "*") and destination types with a single space
-		converters: {
-			// Convert anything to text
-			"* text": String,
-			// Text to html (true = no transformation)
-			"text html": true,
-			// Evaluate text as a json expression
-			"text json": jQuery.parseJSON,
-			// Parse text as xml
-			"text xml": jQuery.parseXML
-		},
-		// For options that shouldn't be deep extended:
-		// you can add your own custom options here if
-		// and when you create one that shouldn't be
-		// deep extended (see ajaxExtend)
-		flatOptions: {
-			url: true,
-			context: true
-		}
-	},
-	// Creates a full fledged settings object into target
-	// with both ajaxSettings and settings fields.
-	// If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings.
-	ajaxSetup: function( target, settings ) {
-		return settings ?
-			// Building a settings object
-			ajaxExtend( ajaxExtend( target, jQuery.ajaxSettings ), settings ) :
-			// Extending ajaxSettings
-			ajaxExtend( jQuery.ajaxSettings, target );
-	},
-	ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ),
-	ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ),
-	// Main method
-	ajax: function( url, options ) {
-		// If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature
-		if ( typeof url === "object" ) {
-			options = url;
-			url = undefined;
-		}
-		// Force options to be an object
-		options = options || {};
-		var transport,
-			// URL without anti-cache param
-			cacheURL,
-			// Response headers
-			responseHeadersString,
-			responseHeaders,
-			// timeout handle
-			timeoutTimer,
-			// Cross-domain detection vars
-			parts,
-			// To know if global events are to be dispatched
-			fireGlobals,
-			// Loop variable
-			i,
-			// Create the final options object
-			s = jQuery.ajaxSetup( {}, options ),
-			// Callbacks context
-			callbackContext = s.context || s,
-			// Context for global events is callbackContext if it is a DOM node or jQuery collection
-			globalEventContext = s.context && ( callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext.jquery ) ?
-				jQuery( callbackContext ) :
-				jQuery.event,
-			// Deferreds
-			deferred = jQuery.Deferred(),
-			completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"),
-			// Status-dependent callbacks
-			statusCode = s.statusCode || {},
-			// Headers (they are sent all at once)
-			requestHeaders = {},
-			requestHeadersNames = {},
-			// The jqXHR state
-			state = 0,
-			// Default abort message
-			strAbort = "canceled",
-			// Fake xhr
-			jqXHR = {
-				readyState: 0,
-				// Builds headers hashtable if needed
-				getResponseHeader: function( key ) {
-					var match;
-					if ( state === 2 ) {
-						if ( !responseHeaders ) {
-							responseHeaders = {};
-							while ( (match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString )) ) {
-								responseHeaders[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ];
-							}
-						}
-						match = responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ];
-					}
-					return match == null ? null : match;
-				},
-				// Raw string
-				getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
-					return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null;
-				},
-				// Caches the header
-				setRequestHeader: function( name, value ) {
-					var lname = name.toLowerCase();
-					if ( !state ) {
-						name = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] || name;
-						requestHeaders[ name ] = value;
-					}
-					return this;
-				},
-				// Overrides response content-type header
-				overrideMimeType: function( type ) {
-					if ( !state ) {
-						s.mimeType = type;
-					}
-					return this;
-				},
-				// Status-dependent callbacks
-				statusCode: function( map ) {
-					var code;
-					if ( map ) {
-						if ( state < 2 ) {
-							for ( code in map ) {
-								// Lazy-add the new callback in a way that preserves old ones
-								statusCode[ code ] = [ statusCode[ code ], map[ code ] ];
-							}
-						} else {
-							// Execute the appropriate callbacks
-							jqXHR.always( map[ jqXHR.status ] );
-						}
-					}
-					return this;
-				},
-				// Cancel the request
-				abort: function( statusText ) {
-					var finalText = statusText || strAbort;
-					if ( transport ) {
-						transport.abort( finalText );
-					}
-					done( 0, finalText );
-					return this;
-				}
-			};
-		// Attach deferreds
-		deferred.promise( jqXHR ).complete = completeDeferred.add;
-		jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done;
-		jqXHR.error = jqXHR.fail;
-		// Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion)
-		// Add protocol if not provided (prefilters might expect it)
-		// Handle falsy url in the settings object (#10093: consistency with old signature)
-		// We also use the url parameter if available
-		s.url = ( ( url || s.url || ajaxLocation ) + "" ).replace( rhash, "" )
-			.replace( rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] + "//" );
-		// Alias method option to type as per ticket #12004
-		s.type = options.method || options.type || s.method || s.type;
-		// Extract dataTypes list
-		s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().match( rnotwhite ) || [ "" ];
-		// A cross-domain request is in order when we have a protocol:host:port mismatch
-		if ( s.crossDomain == null ) {
-			parts = rurl.exec( s.url.toLowerCase() );
-			s.crossDomain = !!( parts &&
-				( parts[ 1 ] !== ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] !== ajaxLocParts[ 2 ] ||
-					( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? "80" : "443" ) ) !==
-						( ajaxLocParts[ 3 ] || ( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? "80" : "443" ) ) )
-			);
-		}
-		// Convert data if not already a string
-		if ( s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string" ) {
-			s.data = jQuery.param( s.data, s.traditional );
-		}
-		// Apply prefilters
-		inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters, s, options, jqXHR );
-		// If request was aborted inside a prefilter, stop there
-		if ( state === 2 ) {
-			return jqXHR;
-		}
-		// We can fire global events as of now if asked to
-		// Don't fire events if jQuery.event is undefined in an AMD-usage scenario (#15118)
-		fireGlobals = jQuery.event && s.global;
-		// Watch for a new set of requests
-		if ( fireGlobals && jQuery.active++ === 0 ) {
-			jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
-		}
-		// Uppercase the type
-		s.type = s.type.toUpperCase();
-		// Determine if request has content
-		s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test( s.type );
-		// Save the URL in case we're toying with the If-Modified-Since
-		// and/or If-None-Match header later on
-		cacheURL = s.url;
-		// More options handling for requests with no content
-		if ( !s.hasContent ) {
-			// If data is available, append data to url
-			if ( s.data ) {
-				cacheURL = ( s.url += ( rquery.test( cacheURL ) ? "&" : "?" ) + s.data );
-				// #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry
-				delete s.data;
-			}
-			// Add anti-cache in url if needed
-			if ( s.cache === false ) {
-				s.url = rts.test( cacheURL ) ?
-					// If there is already a '_' parameter, set its value
-					cacheURL.replace( rts, "$1_=" + nonce++ ) :
-					// Otherwise add one to the end
-					cacheURL + ( rquery.test( cacheURL ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + nonce++;
-			}
-		}
-		// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
-		if ( s.ifModified ) {
-			if ( jQuery.lastModified[ cacheURL ] ) {
-				jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[ cacheURL ] );
-			}
-			if ( jQuery.etag[ cacheURL ] ) {
-				jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[ cacheURL ] );
-			}
-		}
-		// Set the correct header, if data is being sent
-		if ( s.data && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType ) {
-			jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", s.contentType );
-		}
-		// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
-		jqXHR.setRequestHeader(
-			"Accept",
-			s.dataTypes[ 0 ] && s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] ?
-				s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] + ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "" ) :
-				s.accepts[ "*" ]
-		);
-		// Check for headers option
-		for ( i in s.headers ) {
-			jqXHR.setRequestHeader( i, s.headers[ i ] );
-		}
-		// Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
-		if ( s.beforeSend && ( s.beforeSend.call( callbackContext, jqXHR, s ) === false || state === 2 ) ) {
-			// Abort if not done already and return
-			return jqXHR.abort();
-		}
-		// Aborting is no longer a cancellation
-		strAbort = "abort";
-		// Install callbacks on deferreds
-		for ( i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 } ) {
-			jqXHR[ i ]( s[ i ] );
-		}
-		// Get transport
-		transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( transports, s, options, jqXHR );
-		// If no transport, we auto-abort
-		if ( !transport ) {
-			done( -1, "No Transport" );
-		} else {
-			jqXHR.readyState = 1;
-			// Send global event
-			if ( fireGlobals ) {
-				globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxSend", [ jqXHR, s ] );
-			}
-			// Timeout
-			if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) {
-				timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function() {
-					jqXHR.abort("timeout");
-				}, s.timeout );
-			}
-			try {
-				state = 1;
-				transport.send( requestHeaders, done );
-			} catch ( e ) {
-				// Propagate exception as error if not done
-				if ( state < 2 ) {
-					done( -1, e );
-				// Simply rethrow otherwise
-				} else {
-					throw e;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Callback for when everything is done
-		function done( status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers ) {
-			var isSuccess, success, error, response, modified,
-				statusText = nativeStatusText;
-			// Called once
-			if ( state === 2 ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			// State is "done" now
-			state = 2;
-			// Clear timeout if it exists
-			if ( timeoutTimer ) {
-				clearTimeout( timeoutTimer );
-			}
-			// Dereference transport for early garbage collection
-			// (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used)
-			transport = undefined;
-			// Cache response headers
-			responseHeadersString = headers || "";
-			// Set readyState
-			jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0;
-			// Determine if successful
-			isSuccess = status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304;
-			// Get response data
-			if ( responses ) {
-				response = ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses );
-			}
-			// Convert no matter what (that way responseXXX fields are always set)
-			response = ajaxConvert( s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess );
-			// If successful, handle type chaining
-			if ( isSuccess ) {
-				// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
-				if ( s.ifModified ) {
-					modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
-					if ( modified ) {
-						jQuery.lastModified[ cacheURL ] = modified;
-					}
-					modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("etag");
-					if ( modified ) {
-						jQuery.etag[ cacheURL ] = modified;
-					}
-				}
-				// if no content
-				if ( status === 204 || s.type === "HEAD" ) {
-					statusText = "nocontent";
-				// if not modified
-				} else if ( status === 304 ) {
-					statusText = "notmodified";
-				// If we have data, let's convert it
-				} else {
-					statusText = response.state;
-					success = response.data;
-					error = response.error;
-					isSuccess = !error;
-				}
-			} else {
-				// Extract error from statusText and normalize for non-aborts
-				error = statusText;
-				if ( status || !statusText ) {
-					statusText = "error";
-					if ( status < 0 ) {
-						status = 0;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Set data for the fake xhr object
-			jqXHR.status = status;
-			jqXHR.statusText = ( nativeStatusText || statusText ) + "";
-			// Success/Error
-			if ( isSuccess ) {
-				deferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ success, statusText, jqXHR ] );
-			} else {
-				deferred.rejectWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText, error ] );
-			}
-			// Status-dependent callbacks
-			jqXHR.statusCode( statusCode );
-			statusCode = undefined;
-			if ( fireGlobals ) {
-				globalEventContext.trigger( isSuccess ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError",
-					[ jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error ] );
-			}
-			// Complete
-			completeDeferred.fireWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText ] );
-			if ( fireGlobals ) {
-				globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [ jqXHR, s ] );
-				// Handle the global AJAX counter
-				if ( !( --jQuery.active ) ) {
-					jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStop");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return jqXHR;
-	},
-	getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
-		return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" );
-	},
-	getScript: function( url, callback ) {
-		return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" );
-	}
-jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) {
-	jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) {
-		// Shift arguments if data argument was omitted
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
-			type = type || callback;
-			callback = data;
-			data = undefined;
-		}
-		return jQuery.ajax({
-			url: url,
-			type: method,
-			dataType: type,
-			data: data,
-			success: callback
-		});
-	};
-jQuery._evalUrl = function( url ) {
-	return jQuery.ajax({
-		url: url,
-		type: "GET",
-		dataType: "script",
-		async: false,
-		global: false,
-		"throws": true
-	});
-	wrapAll: function( html ) {
-		var wrap;
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( i ) {
-				jQuery( this ).wrapAll( html.call(this, i) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( this[ 0 ] ) {
-			// The elements to wrap the target around
-			wrap = jQuery( html, this[ 0 ].ownerDocument ).eq( 0 ).clone( true );
-			if ( this[ 0 ].parentNode ) {
-				wrap.insertBefore( this[ 0 ] );
-			}
-			wrap.map(function() {
-				var elem = this;
-				while ( elem.firstElementChild ) {
-					elem = elem.firstElementChild;
-				}
-				return elem;
-			}).append( this );
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	wrapInner: function( html ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( i ) {
-				jQuery( this ).wrapInner( html.call(this, i) );
-			});
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			var self = jQuery( this ),
-				contents = self.contents();
-			if ( contents.length ) {
-				contents.wrapAll( html );
-			} else {
-				self.append( html );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	wrap: function( html ) {
-		var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( html );
-		return this.each(function( i ) {
-			jQuery( this ).wrapAll( isFunction ? html.call(this, i) : html );
-		});
-	},
-	unwrap: function() {
-		return this.parent().each(function() {
-			if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) {
-				jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes );
-			}
-		}).end();
-	}
-jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
-	// Support: Opera <= 12.12
-	// Opera reports offsetWidths and offsetHeights less than zero on some elements
-	return elem.offsetWidth <= 0 && elem.offsetHeight <= 0;
-jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
-	return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
-var r20 = /%20/g,
-	rbracket = /\[\]$/,
-	rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
-	rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
-	rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
-function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) {
-	var name;
-	if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) ) {
-		// Serialize array item.
-		jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
-			if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) {
-				// Treat each array item as a scalar.
-				add( prefix, v );
-			} else {
-				// Item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its numeric index.
-				buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add );
-			}
-		});
-	} else if ( !traditional && jQuery.type( obj ) === "object" ) {
-		// Serialize object item.
-		for ( name in obj ) {
-			buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add );
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Serialize scalar item.
-		add( prefix, obj );
-	}
-// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
-// key/values into a query string
-jQuery.param = function( a, traditional ) {
-	var prefix,
-		s = [],
-		add = function( key, value ) {
-			// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
-			value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : ( value == null ? "" : value );
-			s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value );
-		};
-	// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
-	if ( traditional === undefined ) {
-		traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings && jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
-	}
-	// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
-	if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) {
-		// Serialize the form elements
-		jQuery.each( a, function() {
-			add( this.name, this.value );
-		});
-	} else {
-		// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
-		// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
-		for ( prefix in a ) {
-			buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], traditional, add );
-		}
-	}
-	// Return the resulting serialization
-	return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" );
-	serialize: function() {
-		return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() );
-	},
-	serializeArray: function() {
-		return this.map(function() {
-			// Can add propHook for "elements" to filter or add form elements
-			var elements = jQuery.prop( this, "elements" );
-			return elements ? jQuery.makeArray( elements ) : this;
-		})
-		.filter(function() {
-			var type = this.type;
-			// Use .is( ":disabled" ) so that fieldset[disabled] works
-			return this.name && !jQuery( this ).is( ":disabled" ) &&
-				rsubmittable.test( this.nodeName ) && !rsubmitterTypes.test( type ) &&
-				( this.checked || !rcheckableType.test( type ) );
-		})
-		.map(function( i, elem ) {
-			var val = jQuery( this ).val();
-			return val == null ?
-				null :
-				jQuery.isArray( val ) ?
-					jQuery.map( val, function( val ) {
-						return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
-					}) :
-					{ name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
-		}).get();
-	}
-jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
-	try {
-		return new XMLHttpRequest();
-	} catch( e ) {}
-var xhrId = 0,
-	xhrCallbacks = {},
-	xhrSuccessStatus = {
-		// file protocol always yields status code 0, assume 200
-		0: 200,
-		// Support: IE9
-		// #1450: sometimes IE returns 1223 when it should be 204
-		1223: 204
-	},
-	xhrSupported = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr();
-// Support: IE9
-// Open requests must be manually aborted on unload (#5280)
-// See https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2856746 for more info
-if ( window.attachEvent ) {
-	window.attachEvent( "onunload", function() {
-		for ( var key in xhrCallbacks ) {
-			xhrCallbacks[ key ]();
-		}
-	});
-support.cors = !!xhrSupported && ( "withCredentials" in xhrSupported );
-support.ajax = xhrSupported = !!xhrSupported;
-jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( options ) {
-	var callback;
-	// Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest
-	if ( support.cors || xhrSupported && !options.crossDomain ) {
-		return {
-			send: function( headers, complete ) {
-				var i,
-					xhr = options.xhr(),
-					id = ++xhrId;
-				xhr.open( options.type, options.url, options.async, options.username, options.password );
-				// Apply custom fields if provided
-				if ( options.xhrFields ) {
-					for ( i in options.xhrFields ) {
-						xhr[ i ] = options.xhrFields[ i ];
-					}
-				}
-				// Override mime type if needed
-				if ( options.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) {
-					xhr.overrideMimeType( options.mimeType );
-				}
-				// X-Requested-With header
-				// For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are
-				// akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure.
-				// (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup)
-				// For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided.
-				if ( !options.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"] ) {
-					headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest";
-				}
-				// Set headers
-				for ( i in headers ) {
-					xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] );
-				}
-				// Callback
-				callback = function( type ) {
-					return function() {
-						if ( callback ) {
-							delete xhrCallbacks[ id ];
-							callback = xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = null;
-							if ( type === "abort" ) {
-								xhr.abort();
-							} else if ( type === "error" ) {
-								complete(
-									// file: protocol always yields status 0; see #8605, #14207
-									xhr.status,
-									xhr.statusText
-								);
-							} else {
-								complete(
-									xhrSuccessStatus[ xhr.status ] || xhr.status,
-									xhr.statusText,
-									// Support: IE9
-									// Accessing binary-data responseText throws an exception
-									// (#11426)
-									typeof xhr.responseText === "string" ? {
-										text: xhr.responseText
-									} : undefined,
-									xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()
-								);
-							}
-						}
-					};
-				};
-				// Listen to events
-				xhr.onload = callback();
-				xhr.onerror = callback("error");
-				// Create the abort callback
-				callback = xhrCallbacks[ id ] = callback("abort");
-				try {
-					// Do send the request (this may raise an exception)
-					xhr.send( options.hasContent && options.data || null );
-				} catch ( e ) {
-					// #14683: Only rethrow if this hasn't been notified as an error yet
-					if ( callback ) {
-						throw e;
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			abort: function() {
-				if ( callback ) {
-					callback();
-				}
-			}
-		};
-	}
-// Install script dataType
-	accepts: {
-		script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
-	},
-	contents: {
-		script: /(?:java|ecma)script/
-	},
-	converters: {
-		"text script": function( text ) {
-			jQuery.globalEval( text );
-			return text;
-		}
-	}
-// Handle cache's special case and crossDomain
-jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "script", function( s ) {
-	if ( s.cache === undefined ) {
-		s.cache = false;
-	}
-	if ( s.crossDomain ) {
-		s.type = "GET";
-	}
-// Bind script tag hack transport
-jQuery.ajaxTransport( "script", function( s ) {
-	// This transport only deals with cross domain requests
-	if ( s.crossDomain ) {
-		var script, callback;
-		return {
-			send: function( _, complete ) {
-				script = jQuery("<script>").prop({
-					async: true,
-					charset: s.scriptCharset,
-					src: s.url
-				}).on(
-					"load error",
-					callback = function( evt ) {
-						script.remove();
-						callback = null;
-						if ( evt ) {
-							complete( evt.type === "error" ? 404 : 200, evt.type );
-						}
-					}
-				);
-				document.head.appendChild( script[ 0 ] );
-			},
-			abort: function() {
-				if ( callback ) {
-					callback();
-				}
-			}
-		};
-	}
-var oldCallbacks = [],
-	rjsonp = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/;
-// Default jsonp settings
-	jsonp: "callback",
-	jsonpCallback: function() {
-		var callback = oldCallbacks.pop() || ( jQuery.expando + "_" + ( nonce++ ) );
-		this[ callback ] = true;
-		return callback;
-	}
-// Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests
-jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "json jsonp", function( s, originalSettings, jqXHR ) {
-	var callbackName, overwritten, responseContainer,
-		jsonProp = s.jsonp !== false && ( rjsonp.test( s.url ) ?
-			"url" :
-			typeof s.data === "string" && !( s.contentType || "" ).indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && rjsonp.test( s.data ) && "data"
-		);
-	// Handle iff the expected data type is "jsonp" or we have a parameter to set
-	if ( jsonProp || s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" ) {
-		// Get callback name, remembering preexisting value associated with it
-		callbackName = s.jsonpCallback = jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ?
-			s.jsonpCallback() :
-			s.jsonpCallback;
-		// Insert callback into url or form data
-		if ( jsonProp ) {
-			s[ jsonProp ] = s[ jsonProp ].replace( rjsonp, "$1" + callbackName );
-		} else if ( s.jsonp !== false ) {
-			s.url += ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + s.jsonp + "=" + callbackName;
-		}
-		// Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution
-		s.converters["script json"] = function() {
-			if ( !responseContainer ) {
-				jQuery.error( callbackName + " was not called" );
-			}
-			return responseContainer[ 0 ];
-		};
-		// force json dataType
-		s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json";
-		// Install callback
-		overwritten = window[ callbackName ];
-		window[ callbackName ] = function() {
-			responseContainer = arguments;
-		};
-		// Clean-up function (fires after converters)
-		jqXHR.always(function() {
-			// Restore preexisting value
-			window[ callbackName ] = overwritten;
-			// Save back as free
-			if ( s[ callbackName ] ) {
-				// make sure that re-using the options doesn't screw things around
-				s.jsonpCallback = originalSettings.jsonpCallback;
-				// save the callback name for future use
-				oldCallbacks.push( callbackName );
-			}
-			// Call if it was a function and we have a response
-			if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction( overwritten ) ) {
-				overwritten( responseContainer[ 0 ] );
-			}
-			responseContainer = overwritten = undefined;
-		});
-		// Delegate to script
-		return "script";
-	}
-// data: string of html
-// context (optional): If specified, the fragment will be created in this context, defaults to document
-// keepScripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string
-jQuery.parseHTML = function( data, context, keepScripts ) {
-	if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	if ( typeof context === "boolean" ) {
-		keepScripts = context;
-		context = false;
-	}
-	context = context || document;
-	var parsed = rsingleTag.exec( data ),
-		scripts = !keepScripts && [];
-	// Single tag
-	if ( parsed ) {
-		return [ context.createElement( parsed[1] ) ];
-	}
-	parsed = jQuery.buildFragment( [ data ], context, scripts );
-	if ( scripts && scripts.length ) {
-		jQuery( scripts ).remove();
-	}
-	return jQuery.merge( [], parsed.childNodes );
-// Keep a copy of the old load method
-var _load = jQuery.fn.load;
- * Load a url into a page
- */
-jQuery.fn.load = function( url, params, callback ) {
-	if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
-		return _load.apply( this, arguments );
-	}
-	var selector, type, response,
-		self = this,
-		off = url.indexOf(" ");
-	if ( off >= 0 ) {
-		selector = jQuery.trim( url.slice( off ) );
-		url = url.slice( 0, off );
-	}
-	// If it's a function
-	if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
-		// We assume that it's the callback
-		callback = params;
-		params = undefined;
-	// Otherwise, build a param string
-	} else if ( params && typeof params === "object" ) {
-		type = "POST";
-	}
-	// If we have elements to modify, make the request
-	if ( self.length > 0 ) {
-		jQuery.ajax({
-			url: url,
-			// if "type" variable is undefined, then "GET" method will be used
-			type: type,
-			dataType: "html",
-			data: params
-		}).done(function( responseText ) {
-			// Save response for use in complete callback
-			response = arguments;
-			self.html( selector ?
-				// If a selector was specified, locate the right elements in a dummy div
-				// Exclude scripts to avoid IE 'Permission Denied' errors
-				jQuery("<div>").append( jQuery.parseHTML( responseText ) ).find( selector ) :
-				// Otherwise use the full result
-				responseText );
-		}).complete( callback && function( jqXHR, status ) {
-			self.each( callback, response || [ jqXHR.responseText, status, jqXHR ] );
-		});
-	}
-	return this;
-// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
-jQuery.each( [ "ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend" ], function( i, type ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( fn ) {
-		return this.on( type, fn );
-	};
-jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) {
-	return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) {
-		return elem === fn.elem;
-	}).length;
-var docElem = window.document.documentElement;
- * Gets a window from an element
- */
-function getWindow( elem ) {
-	return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.defaultView;
-jQuery.offset = {
-	setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) {
-		var curPosition, curLeft, curCSSTop, curTop, curOffset, curCSSLeft, calculatePosition,
-			position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" ),
-			curElem = jQuery( elem ),
-			props = {};
-		// Set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
-		if ( position === "static" ) {
-			elem.style.position = "relative";
-		}
-		curOffset = curElem.offset();
-		curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" );
-		curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" );
-		calculatePosition = ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) &&
-			( curCSSTop + curCSSLeft ).indexOf("auto") > -1;
-		// Need to be able to calculate position if either
-		// top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed
-		if ( calculatePosition ) {
-			curPosition = curElem.position();
-			curTop = curPosition.top;
-			curLeft = curPosition.left;
-		} else {
-			curTop = parseFloat( curCSSTop ) || 0;
-			curLeft = parseFloat( curCSSLeft ) || 0;
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) {
-			options = options.call( elem, i, curOffset );
-		}
-		if ( options.top != null ) {
-			props.top = ( options.top - curOffset.top ) + curTop;
-		}
-		if ( options.left != null ) {
-			props.left = ( options.left - curOffset.left ) + curLeft;
-		}
-		if ( "using" in options ) {
-			options.using.call( elem, props );
-		} else {
-			curElem.css( props );
-		}
-	}
-	offset: function( options ) {
-		if ( arguments.length ) {
-			return options === undefined ?
-				this :
-				this.each(function( i ) {
-					jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
-				});
-		}
-		var docElem, win,
-			elem = this[ 0 ],
-			box = { top: 0, left: 0 },
-			doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument;
-		if ( !doc ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		docElem = doc.documentElement;
-		// Make sure it's not a disconnected DOM node
-		if ( !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) {
-			return box;
-		}
-		// Support: BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone)
-		// If we don't have gBCR, just use 0,0 rather than error
-		if ( typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== strundefined ) {
-			box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
-		}
-		win = getWindow( doc );
-		return {
-			top: box.top + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
-			left: box.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft
-		};
-	},
-	position: function() {
-		if ( !this[ 0 ] ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		var offsetParent, offset,
-			elem = this[ 0 ],
-			parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 };
-		// Fixed elements are offset from window (parentOffset = {top:0, left: 0}, because it is its only offset parent
-		if ( jQuery.css( elem, "position" ) === "fixed" ) {
-			// Assume getBoundingClientRect is there when computed position is fixed
-			offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
-		} else {
-			// Get *real* offsetParent
-			offsetParent = this.offsetParent();
-			// Get correct offsets
-			offset = this.offset();
-			if ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent[ 0 ], "html" ) ) {
-				parentOffset = offsetParent.offset();
-			}
-			// Add offsetParent borders
-			parentOffset.top += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderTopWidth", true );
-			parentOffset.left += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderLeftWidth", true );
-		}
-		// Subtract parent offsets and element margins
-		return {
-			top: offset.top - parentOffset.top - jQuery.css( elem, "marginTop", true ),
-			left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - jQuery.css( elem, "marginLeft", true )
-		};
-	},
-	offsetParent: function() {
-		return this.map(function() {
-			var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || docElem;
-			while ( offsetParent && ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent, "html" ) && jQuery.css( offsetParent, "position" ) === "static" ) ) {
-				offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
-			}
-			return offsetParent || docElem;
-		});
-	}
-// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
-jQuery.each( { scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function( method, prop ) {
-	var top = "pageYOffset" === prop;
-	jQuery.fn[ method ] = function( val ) {
-		return access( this, function( elem, method, val ) {
-			var win = getWindow( elem );
-			if ( val === undefined ) {
-				return win ? win[ prop ] : elem[ method ];
-			}
-			if ( win ) {
-				win.scrollTo(
-					!top ? val : window.pageXOffset,
-					top ? val : window.pageYOffset
-				);
-			} else {
-				elem[ method ] = val;
-			}
-		}, method, val, arguments.length, null );
-	};
-// Support: Safari<7+, Chrome<37+
-// Add the top/left cssHooks using jQuery.fn.position
-// Webkit bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29084
-// Blink bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=229280
-// getComputedStyle returns percent when specified for top/left/bottom/right;
-// rather than make the css module depend on the offset module, just check for it here
-jQuery.each( [ "top", "left" ], function( i, prop ) {
-	jQuery.cssHooks[ prop ] = addGetHookIf( support.pixelPosition,
-		function( elem, computed ) {
-			if ( computed ) {
-				computed = curCSS( elem, prop );
-				// If curCSS returns percentage, fallback to offset
-				return rnumnonpx.test( computed ) ?
-					jQuery( elem ).position()[ prop ] + "px" :
-					computed;
-			}
-		}
-	);
-// Create innerHeight, innerWidth, height, width, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
-jQuery.each( { Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function( name, type ) {
-	jQuery.each( { padding: "inner" + name, content: type, "": "outer" + name }, function( defaultExtra, funcName ) {
-		// Margin is only for outerHeight, outerWidth
-		jQuery.fn[ funcName ] = function( margin, value ) {
-			var chainable = arguments.length && ( defaultExtra || typeof margin !== "boolean" ),
-				extra = defaultExtra || ( margin === true || value === true ? "margin" : "border" );
-			return access( this, function( elem, type, value ) {
-				var doc;
-				if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
-					// As of 5/8/2012 this will yield incorrect results for Mobile Safari, but there
-					// isn't a whole lot we can do. See pull request at this URL for discussion:
-					// https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/764
-					return elem.document.documentElement[ "client" + name ];
-				}
-				// Get document width or height
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) {
-					doc = elem.documentElement;
-					// Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height] or client[Width/Height],
-					// whichever is greatest
-					return Math.max(
-						elem.body[ "scroll" + name ], doc[ "scroll" + name ],
-						elem.body[ "offset" + name ], doc[ "offset" + name ],
-						doc[ "client" + name ]
-					);
-				}
-				return value === undefined ?
-					// Get width or height on the element, requesting but not forcing parseFloat
-					jQuery.css( elem, type, extra ) :
-					// Set width or height on the element
-					jQuery.style( elem, type, value, extra );
-			}, type, chainable ? margin : undefined, chainable, null );
-		};
-	});
-// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
-jQuery.fn.size = function() {
-	return this.length;
-jQuery.fn.andSelf = jQuery.fn.addBack;
-// Register as a named AMD module, since jQuery can be concatenated with other
-// files that may use define, but not via a proper concatenation script that
-// understands anonymous AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust
-// way to register. Lowercase jquery is used because AMD module names are
-// derived from file names, and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase
-// file name. Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants
-// to call noConflict to hide this version of jQuery, it will work.
-// Note that for maximum portability, libraries that are not jQuery should
-// declare themselves as anonymous modules, and avoid setting a global if an
-// AMD loader is present. jQuery is a special case. For more information, see
-// https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/wiki/Updating-existing-libraries#wiki-anon
-if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
-	define( "jquery", [], function() {
-		return jQuery;
-	});
-	// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
-	_jQuery = window.jQuery,
-	// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
-	_$ = window.$;
-jQuery.noConflict = function( deep ) {
-	if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
-		window.$ = _$;
-	}
-	if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) {
-		window.jQuery = _jQuery;
-	}
-	return jQuery;
-// Expose jQuery and $ identifiers, even in AMD
-// (#7102#comment:10, https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/557)
-// and CommonJS for browser emulators (#13566)
-if ( typeof noGlobal === strundefined ) {
-	window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
-return jQuery;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/LICENSE.txt b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49869bb..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation <http://dojofoundation.org/>
-Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2, copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas,
-DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors <http://underscorejs.org/>
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/lodash.js b/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/lodash.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dfbe35..0000000
--- a/guacamole/src/main/webapp/lib/lodash/lodash.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * @license
- * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) lodash.com/license | Underscore.js 1.5.2 underscorejs.org/LICENSE
- * Build: `lodash modern -o ./dist/lodash.js`
- */
-;(function(){function n(n,t,e){e=(e||0)-1;for(var r=n?n.length:0;++e<r;)if(n[e]===t)return e;return-1}function t(t,e){var r=typeof e;if(t=t.l,"boolean"==r||null==e)return t[e]?0:-1;"number"!=r&&"string"!=r&&(r="object");var u="number"==r?e:m+e;return t=(t=t[r])&&t[u],"object"==r?t&&-1<n(t,e)?0:-1:t?0:-1}function e(n){var t=this.l,e=typeof n;if("boolean"==e||null==n)t[n]=true;else{"number"!=e&&"string"!=e&&(e="object");var r="number"==e?n:m+n,t=t[e]||(t[e]={});"object"==e?(t[r]||(t[r]=[]) [...]
-}}function r(n){return n.charCodeAt(0)}function u(n,t){for(var e=n.m,r=t.m,u=-1,o=e.length;++u<o;){var i=e[u],a=r[u];if(i!==a){if(i>a||typeof i=="undefined")return 1;if(i<a||typeof a=="undefined")return-1}}return n.n-t.n}function o(n){var t=-1,r=n.length,u=n[0],o=n[r/2|0],i=n[r-1];if(u&&typeof u=="object"&&o&&typeof o=="object"&&i&&typeof i=="object")return false;for(u=f(),u["false"]=u["null"]=u["true"]=u.undefined=false,o=f(),o.k=n,o.l=u,o.push=e;++t<r;)o.push(n[t]);return o}function i( [...]
-}function a(){return h.pop()||[]}function f(){return g.pop()||{k:null,l:null,m:null,"false":false,n:0,"null":false,number:null,object:null,push:null,string:null,"true":false,undefined:false,o:null}}function l(n){n.length=0,h.length<_&&h.push(n)}function c(n){var t=n.l;t&&c(t),n.k=n.l=n.m=n.object=n.number=n.string=n.o=null,g.length<_&&g.push(n)}function p(n,t,e){t||(t=0),typeof e=="undefined"&&(e=n?n.length:0);var r=-1;e=e-t||0;for(var u=Array(0>e?0:e);++r<e;)u[r]=n[t+r];return u}functio [...]
-t=t&&typeof e=="undefined"?t:tt(t,e,3);for(var r=-1,u=V[typeof n]&&Fe(n),o=u?u.length:0;++r<o&&(e=u[r],false!==t(n[e],e,n)););return n}function g(n,t,e){var r;if(!n||!V[typeof n])return n;t=t&&typeof e=="undefined"?t:tt(t,e,3);for(r in n)if(false===t(n[r],r,n))break;return n}function _(n,t,e){var r,u=n,o=u;if(!u)return o;for(var i=arguments,a=0,f=typeof e=="number"?2:i.length;++a<f;)if((u=i[a])&&V[typeof u])for(var l=-1,c=V[typeof u]&&Fe(u),p=c?c.length:0;++l<p;)r=c[l],"undefined"==typeo [...]
-return o}function U(n,t,e){var r,u=n,o=u;if(!u)return o;var i=arguments,a=0,f=typeof e=="number"?2:i.length;if(3<f&&"function"==typeof i[f-2])var l=tt(i[--f-1],i[f--],2);else 2<f&&"function"==typeof i[f-1]&&(l=i[--f]);for(;++a<f;)if((u=i[a])&&V[typeof u])for(var c=-1,p=V[typeof u]&&Fe(u),s=p?p.length:0;++c<s;)r=p[c],o[r]=l?l(o[r],u[r]):u[r];return o}function H(n){var t,e=[];if(!n||!V[typeof n])return e;for(t in n)me.call(n,t)&&e.push(t);return e}function J(n){return n&&typeof n=="object" [...]
-}function Q(n,t){this.__chain__=!!t,this.__wrapped__=n}function X(n){function t(){if(r){var n=p(r);be.apply(n,arguments)}if(this instanceof t){var o=nt(e.prototype),n=e.apply(o,n||arguments);return wt(n)?n:o}return e.apply(u,n||arguments)}var e=n[0],r=n[2],u=n[4];return $e(t,n),t}function Z(n,t,e,r,u){if(e){var o=e(n);if(typeof o!="undefined")return o}if(!wt(n))return n;var i=ce.call(n);if(!K[i])return n;var f=Ae[i];switch(i){case T:case F:return new f(+n);case W:case P:return new f(n);c [...]
-}if(i=Te(n),t){var c=!r;r||(r=a()),u||(u=a());for(var s=r.length;s--;)if(r[s]==n)return u[s];o=i?f(n.length):{}}else o=i?p(n):U({},n);return i&&(me.call(n,"index")&&(o.index=n.index),me.call(n,"input")&&(o.input=n.input)),t?(r.push(n),u.push(o),(i?St:h)(n,function(n,i){o[i]=Z(n,t,e,r,u)}),c&&(l(r),l(u)),o):o}function nt(n){return wt(n)?ke(n):{}}function tt(n,t,e){if(typeof n!="function")return Ut;if(typeof t=="undefined"||!("prototype"in n))return n;var r=n.__bindData__;if(typeof r=="und [...]
-De.funcNames||(r=!O.test(u)),r||(r=E.test(u),$e(n,r))}if(false===r||true!==r&&1&r[1])return n;switch(e){case 1:return function(e){return n.call(t,e)};case 2:return function(e,r){return n.call(t,e,r)};case 3:return function(e,r,u){return n.call(t,e,r,u)};case 4:return function(e,r,u,o){return n.call(t,e,r,u,o)}}return Mt(n,t)}function et(n){function t(){var n=f?i:this;if(u){var h=p(u);be.apply(h,arguments)}return(o||c)&&(h||(h=p(arguments)),o&&be.apply(h,o),c&&h.length<a)?(r|=16,et([e,s?r [...]
-}var e=n[0],r=n[1],u=n[2],o=n[3],i=n[4],a=n[5],f=1&r,l=2&r,c=4&r,s=8&r,v=e;return $e(t,n),t}function rt(e,r){var u=-1,i=st(),a=e?e.length:0,f=a>=b&&i===n,l=[];if(f){var p=o(r);p?(i=t,r=p):f=false}for(;++u<a;)p=e[u],0>i(r,p)&&l.push(p);return f&&c(r),l}function ut(n,t,e,r){r=(r||0)-1;for(var u=n?n.length:0,o=[];++r<u;){var i=n[r];if(i&&typeof i=="object"&&typeof i.length=="number"&&(Te(i)||yt(i))){t||(i=ut(i,t,e));var a=-1,f=i.length,l=o.length;for(o.length+=f;++a<f;)o[l++]=i[a]}else e||o [...]
-}function ot(n,t,e,r,u,o){if(e){var i=e(n,t);if(typeof i!="undefined")return!!i}if(n===t)return 0!==n||1/n==1/t;if(n===n&&!(n&&V[typeof n]||t&&V[typeof t]))return false;if(null==n||null==t)return n===t;var f=ce.call(n),c=ce.call(t);if(f==D&&(f=q),c==D&&(c=q),f!=c)return false;switch(f){case T:case F:return+n==+t;case W:return n!=+n?t!=+t:0==n?1/n==1/t:n==+t;case z:case P:return n==oe(t)}if(c=f==$,!c){var p=me.call(n,"__wrapped__"),s=me.call(t,"__wrapped__");if(p||s)return ot(p?n.__wrappe [...]
-if(f!=q)return false;if(f=n.constructor,p=t.constructor,f!=p&&!(dt(f)&&f instanceof f&&dt(p)&&p instanceof p)&&"constructor"in n&&"constructor"in t)return false}for(f=!u,u||(u=a()),o||(o=a()),p=u.length;p--;)if(u[p]==n)return o[p]==t;var v=0,i=true;if(u.push(n),o.push(t),c){if(p=n.length,v=t.length,(i=v==p)||r)for(;v--;)if(c=p,s=t[v],r)for(;c--&&!(i=ot(n[c],s,e,r,u,o)););else if(!(i=ot(n[v],s,e,r,u,o)))break}else g(t,function(t,a,f){return me.call(f,a)?(v++,i=me.call(n,a)&&ot(n[a],t,e,r, [...]
-});return u.pop(),o.pop(),f&&(l(u),l(o)),i}function it(n,t,e,r,u){(Te(t)?St:h)(t,function(t,o){var i,a,f=t,l=n[o];if(t&&((a=Te(t))||Pe(t))){for(f=r.length;f--;)if(i=r[f]==t){l=u[f];break}if(!i){var c;e&&(f=e(l,t),c=typeof f!="undefined")&&(l=f),c||(l=a?Te(l)?l:[]:Pe(l)?l:{}),r.push(t),u.push(l),c||it(l,t,e,r,u)}}else e&&(f=e(l,t),typeof f=="undefined"&&(f=t)),typeof f!="undefined"&&(l=f);n[o]=l})}function at(n,t){return n+he(Re()*(t-n+1))}function ft(e,r,u){var i=-1,f=st(),p=e?e.length:0 [...]
-for(v&&(h=o(h),f=t);++i<p;){var g=e[i],y=u?u(g,i,e):g;(r?!i||h[h.length-1]!==y:0>f(h,y))&&((u||v)&&h.push(y),s.push(g))}return v?(l(h.k),c(h)):u&&l(h),s}function lt(n){return function(t,e,r){var u={};e=J.createCallback(e,r,3),r=-1;var o=t?t.length:0;if(typeof o=="number")for(;++r<o;){var i=t[r];n(u,i,e(i,r,t),t)}else h(t,function(t,r,o){n(u,t,e(t,r,o),o)});return u}}function ct(n,t,e,r,u,o){var i=1&t,a=4&t,f=16&t,l=32&t;if(!(2&t||dt(n)))throw new ie;f&&!e.length&&(t&=-17,f=e=false),l&&!r [...]
-var c=n&&n.__bindData__;return c&&true!==c?(c=p(c),c[2]&&(c[2]=p(c[2])),c[3]&&(c[3]=p(c[3])),!i||1&c[1]||(c[4]=u),!i&&1&c[1]&&(t|=8),!a||4&c[1]||(c[5]=o),f&&be.apply(c[2]||(c[2]=[]),e),l&&we.apply(c[3]||(c[3]=[]),r),c[1]|=t,ct.apply(null,c)):(1==t||17===t?X:et)([n,t,e,r,u,o])}function pt(n){return Be[n]}function st(){var t=(t=J.indexOf)===Wt?n:t;return t}function vt(n){return typeof n=="function"&&pe.test(n)}function ht(n){var t,e;return n&&ce.call(n)==q&&(t=n.constructor,!dt(t)||t insta [...]
-}),typeof e=="undefined"||me.call(n,e)):false}function gt(n){return We[n]}function yt(n){return n&&typeof n=="object"&&typeof n.length=="number"&&ce.call(n)==D||false}function mt(n,t,e){var r=Fe(n),u=r.length;for(t=tt(t,e,3);u--&&(e=r[u],false!==t(n[e],e,n)););return n}function bt(n){var t=[];return g(n,function(n,e){dt(n)&&t.push(e)}),t.sort()}function _t(n){for(var t=-1,e=Fe(n),r=e.length,u={};++t<r;){var o=e[t];u[n[o]]=o}return u}function dt(n){return typeof n=="function"}function wt( [...]
-}function jt(n){return typeof n=="number"||n&&typeof n=="object"&&ce.call(n)==W||false}function kt(n){return typeof n=="string"||n&&typeof n=="object"&&ce.call(n)==P||false}function xt(n){for(var t=-1,e=Fe(n),r=e.length,u=Xt(r);++t<r;)u[t]=n[e[t]];return u}function Ct(n,t,e){var r=-1,u=st(),o=n?n.length:0,i=false;return e=(0>e?Ie(0,o+e):e)||0,Te(n)?i=-1<u(n,t,e):typeof o=="number"?i=-1<(kt(n)?n.indexOf(t,e):u(n,t,e)):h(n,function(n){return++r<e?void 0:!(i=n===t)}),i}function Ot(n,t,e){va [...]
-var u=n?n.length:0;if(typeof u=="number")for(;++e<u&&(r=!!t(n[e],e,n)););else h(n,function(n,e,u){return r=!!t(n,e,u)});return r}function Nt(n,t,e){var r=[];t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),e=-1;var u=n?n.length:0;if(typeof u=="number")for(;++e<u;){var o=n[e];t(o,e,n)&&r.push(o)}else h(n,function(n,e,u){t(n,e,u)&&r.push(n)});return r}function It(n,t,e){t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),e=-1;var r=n?n.length:0;if(typeof r!="number"){var u;return h(n,function(n,e,r){return t(n,e,r)?(u=n,false):void 0}),u [...]
-if(t(o,e,n))return o}}function St(n,t,e){var r=-1,u=n?n.length:0;if(t=t&&typeof e=="undefined"?t:tt(t,e,3),typeof u=="number")for(;++r<u&&false!==t(n[r],r,n););else h(n,t);return n}function Et(n,t,e){var r=n?n.length:0;if(t=t&&typeof e=="undefined"?t:tt(t,e,3),typeof r=="number")for(;r--&&false!==t(n[r],r,n););else{var u=Fe(n),r=u.length;h(n,function(n,e,o){return e=u?u[--r]:--r,t(o[e],e,o)})}return n}function Rt(n,t,e){var r=-1,u=n?n.length:0;if(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),typeof u=="numb [...]
-else o=[],h(n,function(n,e,u){o[++r]=t(n,e,u)});return o}function At(n,t,e){var u=-1/0,o=u;if(typeof t!="function"&&e&&e[t]===n&&(t=null),null==t&&Te(n)){e=-1;for(var i=n.length;++e<i;){var a=n[e];a>o&&(o=a)}}else t=null==t&&kt(n)?r:J.createCallback(t,e,3),St(n,function(n,e,r){e=t(n,e,r),e>u&&(u=e,o=n)});return o}function Dt(n,t,e,r){if(!n)return e;var u=3>arguments.length;t=J.createCallback(t,r,4);var o=-1,i=n.length;if(typeof i=="number")for(u&&(e=n[++o]);++o<i;)e=t(e,n[o],o,n);else h( [...]
-});return e}function $t(n,t,e,r){var u=3>arguments.length;return t=J.createCallback(t,r,4),Et(n,function(n,r,o){e=u?(u=false,n):t(e,n,r,o)}),e}function Tt(n){var t=-1,e=n?n.length:0,r=Xt(typeof e=="number"?e:0);return St(n,function(n){var e=at(0,++t);r[t]=r[e],r[e]=n}),r}function Ft(n,t,e){var r;t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),e=-1;var u=n?n.length:0;if(typeof u=="number")for(;++e<u&&!(r=t(n[e],e,n)););else h(n,function(n,e,u){return!(r=t(n,e,u))});return!!r}function Bt(n,t,e){var r=0,u=n?n.le [...]
-for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);++o<u&&t(n[o],o,n);)r++}else if(r=t,null==r||e)return n?n[0]:v;return p(n,0,Se(Ie(0,r),u))}function Wt(t,e,r){if(typeof r=="number"){var u=t?t.length:0;r=0>r?Ie(0,u+r):r||0}else if(r)return r=zt(t,e),t[r]===e?r:-1;return n(t,e,r)}function qt(n,t,e){if(typeof t!="number"&&null!=t){var r=0,u=-1,o=n?n.length:0;for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);++u<o&&t(n[u],u,n);)r++}else r=null==t||e?1:Ie(0,t);return p(n,r)}function zt(n,t,e,r){var u=0,o=n?n.length:u;for(e=e?J.cre [...]
-return u}function Pt(n,t,e,r){return typeof t!="boolean"&&null!=t&&(r=e,e=typeof t!="function"&&r&&r[t]===n?null:t,t=false),null!=e&&(e=J.createCallback(e,r,3)),ft(n,t,e)}function Kt(){for(var n=1<arguments.length?arguments:arguments[0],t=-1,e=n?At(Ve(n,"length")):0,r=Xt(0>e?0:e);++t<e;)r[t]=Ve(n,t);return r}function Lt(n,t){var e=-1,r=n?n.length:0,u={};for(t||!r||Te(n[0])||(t=[]);++e<r;){var o=n[e];t?u[o]=t[e]:o&&(u[o[0]]=o[1])}return u}function Mt(n,t){return 2<arguments.length?ct(n,17 [...]
-}function Vt(n,t,e){function r(){c&&ve(c),i=c=p=v,(g||h!==t)&&(s=Ue(),a=n.apply(l,o),c||i||(o=l=null))}function u(){var e=t-(Ue()-f);0<e?c=_e(u,e):(i&&ve(i),e=p,i=c=p=v,e&&(s=Ue(),a=n.apply(l,o),c||i||(o=l=null)))}var o,i,a,f,l,c,p,s=0,h=false,g=true;if(!dt(n))throw new ie;if(t=Ie(0,t)||0,true===e)var y=true,g=false;else wt(e)&&(y=e.leading,h="maxWait"in e&&(Ie(t,e.maxWait)||0),g="trailing"in e?e.trailing:g);return function(){if(o=arguments,f=Ue(),l=this,p=g&&(c||!y),false===h)var e=y&&! [...]
-m?(i&&(i=ve(i)),s=f,a=n.apply(l,o)):i||(i=_e(r,v))}return m&&c?c=ve(c):c||t===h||(c=_e(u,t)),e&&(m=true,a=n.apply(l,o)),!m||c||i||(o=l=null),a}}function Ut(n){return n}function Gt(n,t,e){var r=true,u=t&&bt(t);t&&(e||u.length)||(null==e&&(e=t),o=Q,t=n,n=J,u=bt(t)),false===e?r=false:wt(e)&&"chain"in e&&(r=e.chain);var o=n,i=dt(o);St(u,function(e){var u=n[e]=t[e];i&&(o.prototype[e]=function(){var t=this.__chain__,e=this.__wrapped__,i=[e];if(be.apply(i,arguments),i=u.apply(n,i),r||t){if(e=== [...]
-i=new o(i),i.__chain__=t}return i})})}function Ht(){}function Jt(n){return function(t){return t[n]}}function Qt(){return this.__wrapped__}e=e?Y.defaults(G.Object(),e,Y.pick(G,A)):G;var Xt=e.Array,Yt=e.Boolean,Zt=e.Date,ne=e.Function,te=e.Math,ee=e.Number,re=e.Object,ue=e.RegExp,oe=e.String,ie=e.TypeError,ae=[],fe=re.prototype,le=e._,ce=fe.toString,pe=ue("^"+oe(ce).replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g,"\\$&").replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g,".*?")+"$"),se=te.ceil,ve=e.clearTimeout,he=te.floor,ge [...]
-}catch(r){}return e}(),ke=vt(ke=re.create)&&ke,xe=vt(xe=Xt.isArray)&&xe,Ce=e.isFinite,Oe=e.isNaN,Ne=vt(Ne=re.keys)&&Ne,Ie=te.max,Se=te.min,Ee=e.parseInt,Re=te.random,Ae={};Ae[$]=Xt,Ae[T]=Yt,Ae[F]=Zt,Ae[B]=ne,Ae[q]=re,Ae[W]=ee,Ae[z]=ue,Ae[P]=oe,Q.prototype=J.prototype;var De=J.support={};De.funcDecomp=!vt(e.a)&&E.test(s),De.funcNames=typeof ne.name=="string",J.templateSettings={escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:N,variable:"",imports:{_:J}},ke||(nt=function() [...]
-var r=new n;n.prototype=null}return r||e.Object()}}());var $e=je?function(n,t){M.value=t,je(n,"__bindData__",M)}:Ht,Te=xe||function(n){return n&&typeof n=="object"&&typeof n.length=="number"&&ce.call(n)==$||false},Fe=Ne?function(n){return wt(n)?Ne(n):[]}:H,Be={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'"},We=_t(Be),qe=ue("("+Fe(We).join("|")+")","g"),ze=ue("["+Fe(Be).join("")+"]","g"),Pe=ye?function(n){if(!n||ce.call(n)!=q)return false;var t=n.valueOf,e=vt(t)&&(e=ye(t))&&ye [...]
-}:ht,Ke=lt(function(n,t,e){me.call(n,e)?n[e]++:n[e]=1}),Le=lt(function(n,t,e){(me.call(n,e)?n[e]:n[e]=[]).push(t)}),Me=lt(function(n,t,e){n[e]=t}),Ve=Rt,Ue=vt(Ue=Zt.now)&&Ue||function(){return(new Zt).getTime()},Ge=8==Ee(d+"08")?Ee:function(n,t){return Ee(kt(n)?n.replace(I,""):n,t||0)};return J.after=function(n,t){if(!dt(t))throw new ie;return function(){return 1>--n?t.apply(this,arguments):void 0}},J.assign=U,J.at=function(n){for(var t=arguments,e=-1,r=ut(t,true,false,1),t=t[2]&&t[2][t[ [...]
-return u},J.bind=Mt,J.bindAll=function(n){for(var t=1<arguments.length?ut(arguments,true,false,1):bt(n),e=-1,r=t.length;++e<r;){var u=t[e];n[u]=ct(n[u],1,null,null,n)}return n},J.bindKey=function(n,t){return 2<arguments.length?ct(t,19,p(arguments,2),null,n):ct(t,3,null,null,n)},J.chain=function(n){return n=new Q(n),n.__chain__=true,n},J.compact=function(n){for(var t=-1,e=n?n.length:0,r=[];++t<e;){var u=n[t];u&&r.push(u)}return r},J.compose=function(){for(var n=arguments,t=n.length;t--;)i [...]
-return function(){for(var t=arguments,e=n.length;e--;)t=[n[e].apply(this,t)];return t[0]}},J.constant=function(n){return function(){return n}},J.countBy=Ke,J.create=function(n,t){var e=nt(n);return t?U(e,t):e},J.createCallback=function(n,t,e){var r=typeof n;if(null==n||"function"==r)return tt(n,t,e);if("object"!=r)return Jt(n);var u=Fe(n),o=u[0],i=n[o];return 1!=u.length||i!==i||wt(i)?function(t){for(var e=u.length,r=false;e--&&(r=ot(t[u[e]],n[u[e]],null,true)););return r}:function(n){re [...]
-}},J.curry=function(n,t){return t=typeof t=="number"?t:+t||n.length,ct(n,4,null,null,null,t)},J.debounce=Vt,J.defaults=_,J.defer=function(n){if(!dt(n))throw new ie;var t=p(arguments,1);return _e(function(){n.apply(v,t)},1)},J.delay=function(n,t){if(!dt(n))throw new ie;var e=p(arguments,2);return _e(function(){n.apply(v,e)},t)},J.difference=function(n){return rt(n,ut(arguments,true,true,1))},J.filter=Nt,J.flatten=function(n,t,e,r){return typeof t!="boolean"&&null!=t&&(r=e,e=typeof t!="fun [...]
-},J.forEach=St,J.forEachRight=Et,J.forIn=g,J.forInRight=function(n,t,e){var r=[];g(n,function(n,t){r.push(t,n)});var u=r.length;for(t=tt(t,e,3);u--&&false!==t(r[u--],r[u],n););return n},J.forOwn=h,J.forOwnRight=mt,J.functions=bt,J.groupBy=Le,J.indexBy=Me,J.initial=function(n,t,e){var r=0,u=n?n.length:0;if(typeof t!="number"&&null!=t){var o=u;for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);o--&&t(n[o],o,n);)r++}else r=null==t||e?1:t||r;return p(n,0,Se(Ie(0,u-r),u))},J.intersection=function(){for(var e=[],r [...]
-(Te(v)||yt(v))&&(e.push(v),i.push(p&&v.length>=b&&o(r?e[r]:s)))}var p=e[0],h=-1,g=p?p.length:0,y=[];n:for(;++h<g;){var m=i[0],v=p[h];if(0>(m?t(m,v):f(s,v))){for(r=u,(m||s).push(v);--r;)if(m=i[r],0>(m?t(m,v):f(e[r],v)))continue n;y.push(v)}}for(;u--;)(m=i[u])&&c(m);return l(i),l(s),y},J.invert=_t,J.invoke=function(n,t){var e=p(arguments,2),r=-1,u=typeof t=="function",o=n?n.length:0,i=Xt(typeof o=="number"?o:0);return St(n,function(n){i[++r]=(u?t:n[t]).apply(n,e)}),i},J.keys=Fe,J.map=Rt,J. [...]
-return t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),h(n,function(n,e,u){r[e]=t(n,e,u)}),r},J.max=At,J.memoize=function(n,t){function e(){var r=e.cache,u=t?t.apply(this,arguments):m+arguments[0];return me.call(r,u)?r[u]:r[u]=n.apply(this,arguments)}if(!dt(n))throw new ie;return e.cache={},e},J.merge=function(n){var t=arguments,e=2;if(!wt(n))return n;if("number"!=typeof t[2]&&(e=t.length),3<e&&"function"==typeof t[e-2])var r=tt(t[--e-1],t[e--],2);else 2<e&&"function"==typeof t[e-1]&&(r=t[--e]);for(var t=p(ar [...]
-return l(o),l(i),n},J.min=function(n,t,e){var u=1/0,o=u;if(typeof t!="function"&&e&&e[t]===n&&(t=null),null==t&&Te(n)){e=-1;for(var i=n.length;++e<i;){var a=n[e];a<o&&(o=a)}}else t=null==t&&kt(n)?r:J.createCallback(t,e,3),St(n,function(n,e,r){e=t(n,e,r),e<u&&(u=e,o=n)});return o},J.omit=function(n,t,e){var r={};if(typeof t!="function"){var u=[];g(n,function(n,t){u.push(t)});for(var u=rt(u,ut(arguments,true,false,1)),o=-1,i=u.length;++o<i;){var a=u[o];r[a]=n[a]}}else t=J.createCallback(t, [...]
-});return r},J.once=function(n){var t,e;if(!dt(n))throw new ie;return function(){return t?e:(t=true,e=n.apply(this,arguments),n=null,e)}},J.pairs=function(n){for(var t=-1,e=Fe(n),r=e.length,u=Xt(r);++t<r;){var o=e[t];u[t]=[o,n[o]]}return u},J.partial=function(n){return ct(n,16,p(arguments,1))},J.partialRight=function(n){return ct(n,32,null,p(arguments,1))},J.pick=function(n,t,e){var r={};if(typeof t!="function")for(var u=-1,o=ut(arguments,true,false,1),i=wt(n)?o.length:0;++u<i;){var a=o[ [...]
-}else t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),g(n,function(n,e,u){t(n,e,u)&&(r[e]=n)});return r},J.pluck=Ve,J.property=Jt,J.pull=function(n){for(var t=arguments,e=0,r=t.length,u=n?n.length:0;++e<r;)for(var o=-1,i=t[e];++o<u;)n[o]===i&&(de.call(n,o--,1),u--);return n},J.range=function(n,t,e){n=+n||0,e=typeof e=="number"?e:+e||1,null==t&&(t=n,n=0);var r=-1;t=Ie(0,se((t-n)/(e||1)));for(var u=Xt(t);++r<t;)u[r]=n,n+=e;return u},J.reject=function(n,t,e){return t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),Nt(n,function(n,e,r){ [...]
-})},J.remove=function(n,t,e){var r=-1,u=n?n.length:0,o=[];for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);++r<u;)e=n[r],t(e,r,n)&&(o.push(e),de.call(n,r--,1),u--);return o},J.rest=qt,J.shuffle=Tt,J.sortBy=function(n,t,e){var r=-1,o=Te(t),i=n?n.length:0,p=Xt(typeof i=="number"?i:0);for(o||(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3)),St(n,function(n,e,u){var i=p[++r]=f();o?i.m=Rt(t,function(t){return n[t]}):(i.m=a())[0]=t(n,e,u),i.n=r,i.o=n}),i=p.length,p.sort(u);i--;)n=p[i],p[i]=n.o,o||l(n.m),c(n);return p},J.tap=function( [...]
-},J.throttle=function(n,t,e){var r=true,u=true;if(!dt(n))throw new ie;return false===e?r=false:wt(e)&&(r="leading"in e?e.leading:r,u="trailing"in e?e.trailing:u),L.leading=r,L.maxWait=t,L.trailing=u,Vt(n,t,L)},J.times=function(n,t,e){n=-1<(n=+n)?n:0;var r=-1,u=Xt(n);for(t=tt(t,e,1);++r<n;)u[r]=t(r);return u},J.toArray=function(n){return n&&typeof n.length=="number"?p(n):xt(n)},J.transform=function(n,t,e,r){var u=Te(n);if(null==e)if(u)e=[];else{var o=n&&n.constructor;e=nt(o&&o.prototype)} [...]
-})),e},J.union=function(){return ft(ut(arguments,true,true))},J.uniq=Pt,J.values=xt,J.where=Nt,J.without=function(n){return rt(n,p(arguments,1))},J.wrap=function(n,t){return ct(t,16,[n])},J.xor=function(){for(var n=-1,t=arguments.length;++n<t;){var e=arguments[n];if(Te(e)||yt(e))var r=r?ft(rt(r,e).concat(rt(e,r))):e}return r||[]},J.zip=Kt,J.zipObject=Lt,J.collect=Rt,J.drop=qt,J.each=St,J.eachRight=Et,J.extend=U,J.methods=bt,J.object=Lt,J.select=Nt,J.tail=qt,J.unique=Pt,J.unzip=Kt,Gt(J),J [...]
-},J.cloneDeep=function(n,t,e){return Z(n,true,typeof t=="function"&&tt(t,e,1))},J.contains=Ct,J.escape=function(n){return null==n?"":oe(n).replace(ze,pt)},J.every=Ot,J.find=It,J.findIndex=function(n,t,e){var r=-1,u=n?n.length:0;for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);++r<u;)if(t(n[r],r,n))return r;return-1},J.findKey=function(n,t,e){var r;return t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),h(n,function(n,e,u){return t(n,e,u)?(r=e,false):void 0}),r},J.findLast=function(n,t,e){var r;return t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),Et [...]
-}),r},J.findLastIndex=function(n,t,e){var r=n?n.length:0;for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);r--;)if(t(n[r],r,n))return r;return-1},J.findLastKey=function(n,t,e){var r;return t=J.createCallback(t,e,3),mt(n,function(n,e,u){return t(n,e,u)?(r=e,false):void 0}),r},J.has=function(n,t){return n?me.call(n,t):false},J.identity=Ut,J.indexOf=Wt,J.isArguments=yt,J.isArray=Te,J.isBoolean=function(n){return true===n||false===n||n&&typeof n=="object"&&ce.call(n)==T||false},J.isDate=function(n){return n&&ty [...]
-},J.isElement=function(n){return n&&1===n.nodeType||false},J.isEmpty=function(n){var t=true;if(!n)return t;var e=ce.call(n),r=n.length;return e==$||e==P||e==D||e==q&&typeof r=="number"&&dt(n.splice)?!r:(h(n,function(){return t=false}),t)},J.isEqual=function(n,t,e,r){return ot(n,t,typeof e=="function"&&tt(e,r,2))},J.isFinite=function(n){return Ce(n)&&!Oe(parseFloat(n))},J.isFunction=dt,J.isNaN=function(n){return jt(n)&&n!=+n},J.isNull=function(n){return null===n},J.isNumber=jt,J.isObject= [...]
-},J.isString=kt,J.isUndefined=function(n){return typeof n=="undefined"},J.lastIndexOf=function(n,t,e){var r=n?n.length:0;for(typeof e=="number"&&(r=(0>e?Ie(0,r+e):Se(e,r-1))+1);r--;)if(n[r]===t)return r;return-1},J.mixin=Gt,J.noConflict=function(){return e._=le,this},J.noop=Ht,J.now=Ue,J.parseInt=Ge,J.random=function(n,t,e){var r=null==n,u=null==t;return null==e&&(typeof n=="boolean"&&u?(e=n,n=1):u||typeof t!="boolean"||(e=t,u=true)),r&&u&&(t=1),n=+n||0,u?(t=n,n=0):t=+t||0,e||n%1||t%1?(e [...]
-},J.reduce=Dt,J.reduceRight=$t,J.result=function(n,t){if(n){var e=n[t];return dt(e)?n[t]():e}},J.runInContext=s,J.size=function(n){var t=n?n.length:0;return typeof t=="number"?t:Fe(n).length},J.some=Ft,J.sortedIndex=zt,J.template=function(n,t,e){var r=J.templateSettings;n=oe(n||""),e=_({},e,r);var u,o=_({},e.imports,r.imports),r=Fe(o),o=xt(o),a=0,f=e.interpolate||S,l="__p+='",f=ue((e.escape||S).source+"|"+f.source+"|"+(f===N?x:S).source+"|"+(e.evaluate||S).source+"|$","g");n.replace(f,fu [...]
-}),l+="';",f=e=e.variable,f||(e="obj",l="with("+e+"){"+l+"}"),l=(u?l.replace(w,""):l).replace(j,"$1").replace(k,"$1;"),l="function("+e+"){"+(f?"":e+"||("+e+"={});")+"var __t,__p='',__e=_.escape"+(u?",__j=Array.prototype.join;function print(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'')}":";")+l+"return __p}";try{var c=ne(r,"return "+l).apply(v,o)}catch(p){throw p.source=l,p}return t?c(t):(c.source=l,c)},J.unescape=function(n){return null==n?"":oe(n).replace(qe,gt)},J.uniqueId=function(n){var t=++y;return [...]
-},J.all=Ot,J.any=Ft,J.detect=It,J.findWhere=It,J.foldl=Dt,J.foldr=$t,J.include=Ct,J.inject=Dt,Gt(function(){var n={};return h(J,function(t,e){J.prototype[e]||(n[e]=t)}),n}(),false),J.first=Bt,J.last=function(n,t,e){var r=0,u=n?n.length:0;if(typeof t!="number"&&null!=t){var o=u;for(t=J.createCallback(t,e,3);o--&&t(n[o],o,n);)r++}else if(r=t,null==r||e)return n?n[u-1]:v;return p(n,Ie(0,u-r))},J.sample=function(n,t,e){return n&&typeof n.length!="number"&&(n=xt(n)),null==t||e?n?n[at(0,n.leng [...]
-},J.take=Bt,J.head=Bt,h(J,function(n,t){var e="sample"!==t;J.prototype[t]||(J.prototype[t]=function(t,r){var u=this.__chain__,o=n(this.__wrapped__,t,r);return u||null!=t&&(!r||e&&typeof t=="function")?new Q(o,u):o})}),J.VERSION="2.4.1",J.prototype.chain=function(){return this.__chain__=true,this},J.prototype.toString=function(){return oe(this.__wrapped__)},J.prototype.value=Qt,J.prototype.valueOf=Qt,St(["join","pop","shift"],function(n){var t=ae[n];J.prototype[n]=function(){var n=this.__ [...]
-return n?new Q(e,n):e}}),St(["push","reverse","sort","unshift"],function(n){var t=ae[n];J.prototype[n]=function(){return t.apply(this.__wrapped__,arguments),this}}),St(["concat","slice","splice"],function(n){var t=ae[n];J.prototype[n]=function(){return new Q(t.apply(this.__wrapped__,arguments),this.__chain__)}}),J}var v,h=[],g=[],y=0,m=+new Date+"",b=75,_=40,d=" \t\x0B\f\xa0\ufeff\n\r\u2028\u2029\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3 [...]
-K[B]=false,K[D]=K[$]=K[T]=K[F]=K[W]=K[q]=K[z]=K[P]=true;var L={leading:false,maxWait:0,trailing:false},M={configurable:false,enumerable:false,value:null,writable:false},V={"boolean":false,"function":true,object:true,number:false,string:false,undefined:false},U={"\\":"\\","'":"'","\n":"n","\r":"r","\t":"t","\u2028":"u2028","\u2029":"u2029"},G=V[typeof window]&&window||this,H=V[typeof exports]&&exports&&!exports.nodeType&&exports,J=V[typeof module]&&module&&!module.nodeType&&module,Q=J&&J. [...]
-var Y=s();typeof define=="function"&&typeof define.amd=="object"&&define.amd?(G._=Y, define(function(){return Y})):H&&J?Q?(J.exports=Y)._=Y:H._=Y:G._=Y}).call(this);

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