[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Stretch" by KnutYrvin

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Sun Nov 27 14:30:36 UTC 2016

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Stretch" page has been changed by KnutYrvin:

Checking standard apps which should be fixed. 

  == Known problems we want to fix ==
+  * Seems KDE 5.8.2 are default desktop, which is the most MS Windows like desktop making easy transition to GNU/Linux desktop. KDE 5 has cleaned up a lot of library issues, using much less memory. It's LibreOffice and specially browsers like Firefox and Chrome which uses a lot of memory.  
   * we want to be able to install Debian Edu with d-i from cdimage.debian.org. Currently the status of this is somewhat lost again…
   * Fix KDE favorites configuration.
   * Check Icinga/Icinga2/Nagios3 (atm icinga2 is gone from testing, nagios3 is back).
   * Check/update documentation.
+  * Add Dolphin file manager (Midnight Commander is terminal based, not mouse driven)
+  * Maybe adding Konsole terminal and remove Mate-terminal, UXterm and maybe Xterm)
  == Fixed in git, needs upload to unstable ==

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