[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Buster" by WolfgangSchweer
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Mon Dec 4 12:42:28 UTC 2017
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The "DebianEdu/Status/Buster" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
drop workarounds as lvm is now fixed.
A Debian Edu ISO isn't yet available; use the daily Debian Installer mini ISO; please note that installations are supposed to fail randomly.
* wget -q https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/amd64/daily/netboot/mini.iso
* Add 'modules=debian-edu-install-udeb' as additional kernel param.
+ * Even if deselected, the LTSP installation step is reported as 'failed'; investigation needed. To proceed:
- * Better choose manual partitioning because lvm seems to be broken atm and d-i will hang if the default (whole disk, lvm) is used).
- * Use whole dist w/o lvm; when prompted for a partioning scheme choose the one matching the chosen Debian Edu profile(s).
- * These questions are likely to be asked:
- * Software selection (continue),
- * Kerberos (continue),
* LTSP (skip; continue w/ grub item),
+ * Grub (select device, most probably the highlighted one),
- * Debian Edu Profile (enforce menu order) (skip; proceed w/ finish install),
+ * Debian Edu Profile (enforce menu order) (skip; proceed w/ finish install).
- * Grub (select device, most probably the highlighted one)
- * PAM profiles (continue).
== Known problems we want to fix ==
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