[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Maintenance" by WolfgangSchweer

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Sat Feb 18 18:59:06 UTC 2017

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Maintenance" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

replace outdated (and non-working) link to munin home page w/ recent one. fix typos, improve wording; thanks victory.

  Another way to stay informed about security updates is to subscribe to the [[http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/|Debian security-announce mailinglist]], which has the benefit of also telling you what the security update is about. The downside (compared to {{{cron-apt}}}) is that it also includes information about updates for packages which aren't installed.
  == Backup Management ==
- For backup management point your browser to https://www/slbackup-php. Please note that you need to access this site via SSL, since you have to enter the root password there. If you try to access this site without using SSL it will fail. Note: the site will only work if you temporarily allow ssh root login on the backup server (tjener by default).
+ For backup management point your browser to https://www/slbackup-php. Please note that you need to access this site via SSL, since you have to enter the root password there. If you try to access this site without using SSL it will fail. Note: the site will only work if you temporarily allow ssh root login on the backup server (main server 'tjener' by default).
  By default tjener will back up {{{/skole/tjener/home0}}}, {{{/etc/}}}, {{{/root/.svk}}} and LDAP to /skole/backup which is under the LVM. If you only want to have spare copies of things (in case you delete them) this setup should be fine for you.
@@ -67, +67 @@

  The Munin trend reporting system is available from [[https://www/munin/]].  It provides system status measurement graphs on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis, and provides the system administrator with help when looking for bottlenecks and the source of system problems.
- The list of machines being monitored using Munin is generated automatically, based on the list of hosts reporting to sitesummary.  All hosts with the package munin-node installed are registered for Munin monitoring.  It will normally take one day from a machine being installed until Munin monitoring starts, because of the order the cron jobs are executed.  To speed up the process, run {{{sitesummary-update-munin}}} as root on the sitesummary server (normally the main-server).  This will update the {{{/etc/munin/munin.conf}}} file.
+ The list of machines being monitored using Munin is generated automatically, based on the list of hosts reporting to sitesummary.  All hosts with the package munin-node installed are registered for Munin monitoring.  It will normally take one day from a machine being installed until Munin monitoring starts, because of the order the cron jobs are executed.  To speed up the process, run {{{sitesummary-update-munin}}} as root on the sitesummary server (normally the main
+ server).  This will update the {{{/etc/munin/munin.conf}}} file.
- The set of measurements being collected is automatically generated on each machine using the {{{munin-node-configure}}} program, which probes the plugins available from {{{/usr/share/munin/plugins/}}} and symlinks the relevant ones to {{{/etc/munin/plugins/}}}.
+ The set of measurements being collected is automatically generated on each machine using the {{{munin-node-configure}}} program which probes the plugins available from {{{/usr/share/munin/plugins/}}} and symlinks the relevant ones to {{{/etc/munin/plugins/}}}.
- Information about Munin is available from http://munin.projects.linpro.no/ .
+ Information about Munin is available from http://munin-monitoring.org/.
  === Icinga ===

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