[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/NetworkClients" by WolfgangSchweer
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Mon Feb 20 12:15:05 UTC 2017
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/NetworkClients" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
hopefully noone is still using 15-year-old boxes.
=== Slow login and security ===
- Skolelinux has added several security features on the client network preventing unauthorised superuser access, password sniffing, and other tricks which may be used on a local network. One such security measure is secure login using SSH, which is the default with LDM. This can slow down some client machines which are more than about ten years old, with as little as a 160 MHz processor and 32 MB RAM. Although it's not recommended, you can add the value "True" in the {{{/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf}}} file on the server:
+ Skolelinux has added several security features on the client network preventing unauthorised superuser access, password sniffing, and other tricks which may be used on a local network. One such security measure is secure login using SSH, which is the default with LDM. This can slow down some client machines which are more than about fifteen years old, with as little as a 160 MHz processor and 32 MB RAM. Although it's not recommended, you can add the value "True" in the {{{/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf}}} file on the server:
@@ -284, +284 @@
/!\ '''Warning''': The above protects initial login, but all activities after that use unencrypted networked X. Passwords (except the initial one) will travel in cleartext over the network, as well as anything else.
- Note: Since such ten-year-old thin clients may also have trouble running newer versions of !LibreOffice and Firefox due to pixmap caching issues, you may consider running thin clients with at least 128 MB RAM, or upgrade the hardware, which will also give you the benefit of being able to use them as diskless workstations.
+ Note: Since such fifteen-year-old thin clients may also have trouble running newer versions of !LibreOffice and Firefox due to pixmap caching issues, you may consider running thin clients with at least 128 MB RAM, or upgrade the hardware, which will also give you the benefit of being able to use them as diskless workstations.
== Connecting Windows machines to the network / Windows integration ==
=== Joining a domain ===
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