[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Features" by HolgerLevsen

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Mon Feb 20 13:07:26 UTC 2017

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Features" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

gcompris and rosegarden have seen updates too

       * yes, Iceweasel has been re-renamed to Firefox! :-)
     * Icedove has been re-renamed to Thunderbird.
     * !LibreOffice 5.1.3
-    * Educational toolbox GCompris 15.02
+    * Educational toolbox GCompris 15.10
-    * Music creator Rosegarden 15.12
+    * Music creator Rosegarden 16.02
     * GOsa 2.7.4
     * LTSP 5.5.9
     * Debian Stretch includes more than 50000 packages available for installation.

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