[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Trivial Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/NetworkClients" by victory

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Mon Feb 20 16:56:46 UTC 2017

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/NetworkClients" page has been changed by victory:

minor fix

  It is possible to set up the clients to connect to one of several LTSP servers for load-balancing. This is done by providing `/opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/get_hosts` as a script printing one or more servers for LDM to connect to. In addition to this, each LTSP chroot needs to include the SSH host key for each of the servers.
  First of all, you must choose one LTSP server to be the load-balancing server. All the clients will PXE-boot from this server and load the Skolelinux image. After the image is loaded, LDM chooses which server to connect to by using the "get_hosts" script. You will decide later how this is done.
- .
  The load-balancing server must be announced to the clients as the "next-server" via DHCP. As DHCP configuration is in LDAP, modifications have to be done there. Use {{{ldapvi --ldap-conf -ZD '(cn=admin)'}}} to edit the appropriate entry in LDAP. (Enter the main server's root password at the prompt; if VISUAL isn't set, the default editor will be nano.)
  Search for a line reading {{{dhcpStatements: next-server tjener}}}
  Next-server should be the IP address or hostname of the server you chose to be the load-balancing server. If you use hostname you must have a working DNS. Remember to restart the DHCP service. 

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