[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/Samba" by PetterReinholdtsen

Debian Wiki wiki at debian.org
Thu May 25 22:59:09 UTC 2017

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/HowTo/Samba" page has been changed by PetterReinholdtsen:

Add missing period.

   1. a pop up box will request to enter credentials of an account with rights to join the domain. Type username SKOLELINUX\Administrator and the root password, click "OK"
   1. a confirmation pop up box will welcome you to the SKOLELINUX domain. Clicking on "OK", will result in having another message informing that a reboot for the machine is required to apply the changes. Click on "OK"
- After the reboot, when you login the first time, click on the "Options >>" button and select the domain SKOLELINUX instead of the local domain ("this computer")
+ After the reboot, when you login the first time, click on the "Options >>" button and select the domain SKOLELINUX instead of the local domain ("this computer").
  If joining the domain has been successful you should then be able to view the host details within GOsa² (under the menu section "Systems"). 

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