[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/HowTo/NetworkClients" by WolfgangSchweer

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Thu Apr 5 16:15:56 BST 2018

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/HowTo/NetworkClients" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

stronger hint to choose the right arch

  == Introduction to thin clients and diskless workstations ==
- (!) Default for new Debian Edu Buster installations: LTSP clients are using the same architecture as the LTSP server, i.e. 64-bit-PC (aka amd64) or 32-bit-PC (aka i386). Please keep in mind to use the right arch for all commands referred to below. 
+ (!) Default for new Debian Edu Buster installations: LTSP clients are using the same architecture as the LTSP server, i.e. 64-bit-PC (aka amd64) or 32-bit-PC (aka i386).
+ /!\ Please keep in mind to use the right arch for all commands referred to below. 
  One generic term for both thin clients and diskless workstations is ''LTSP client''. [[http://ltsp.org|LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project]].

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