[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/HowTo/TeachAndLearn" by WolfgangSchweer

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Thu Apr 5 21:12:36 BST 2018

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/HowTo/TeachAndLearn" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

drop italc, removed from buster; s/i386/amd64/g.

  /!\ '''Warning''': make sure you know the status of the laws about monitoring and restricting computer users' activities in your jurisdiction.
- Some schools use control tools like [[DebPkg:stable/epoptes|Epoptes]] or [[DebPkg:stable/italc-master|iTALC]] to supervise their students. See also: [[http://www.epoptes.org|Epoptes Homepage]] and [[http://italc.sourceforge.net/home.php|iTALC Homepage]].
+ Some schools use control tools like [[DebPkg:stable/epoptes|Epoptes]] to supervise their students. See also: [[http://www.epoptes.org|Epoptes Homepage]].
  To get full Epoptes support, these steps are required.
@@ -22, +22 @@

  # Run on a combi server (and on each additional ltsp server):
  apt update
  apt install epoptes
- ltsp-chroot -m --arch i386 apt update
+ ltsp-chroot -m --arch amd64 apt update
- ltsp-chroot -m --arch i386 apt install epoptes-client
+ ltsp-chroot -m --arch amd64 apt install epoptes-client
- ltsp-chroot -m --arch i386 apt install ssvnc
+ ltsp-chroot -m --arch amd64 apt install ssvnc
- ltsp-chroot -m --arch i386 sed -i 's/test -f/#test -f/' /etc/init.d/epoptes-client 
+ ltsp-chroot -m --arch amd64 sed -i 's/test -f/#test -f/' /etc/init.d/epoptes-client 
- ltsp-chroot -m --arch i386 sed -i 's/grep -qs/#grep -qs/' /etc/init.d/epoptes-client 
+ ltsp-chroot -m --arch amd64 sed -i 's/grep -qs/#grep -qs/' /etc/init.d/epoptes-client 
  # If diskspace matters, use 'ltsp-update-image -n' instead.

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