[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/AppendixC" by HolgerLevsen

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Thu Jan 25 12:01:47 UTC 2018

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/AppendixC" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

copied+derived from https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch

New page:
= Appendix C - Features in older releases =


== New features for Debian Edu 8+edu0 Codename Jessie released 2016-07-02 ==

 * read the release announcement on www.debian.org: [[https://www.debian.org/News/2016/20160702.en.html|Debian Edu / Skolelinux Jessie — a complete Linux solution for your school]].

=== Installation changes ===

 * New version of debian-installer from Debian Jessie, see [[http://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/installmanual|installation manual]] for more details.

=== Software updates ===

 * Everything which is new in Debian 8 Jessie, eg:
   * Linux kernel 3.16.x
   * Desktop environments KDE Plasma Workspace 4.11.13, GNOME 3.14, Xfce 4.10, LXDE 0.5.6
     * new optional desktop environment: MATE 1.8
     * KDE Plasma Workspace is installed by default; to choose one of the others see this manual.
   * the browsers Iceweasel 31 ESR and Chromium 41
   * !LibreOffice 4.3.3
   * Educational toolbox GCompris 14.12
   * Music creator Rosegarden 14.02
   * GOsa 2.7.4
   * LTSP 5.5.4
   * new boot framework: systemd. More information is available in the Debian [[https://wiki.debian.org/systemd|systemd wiki page]]  and in the[[http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/|systemd manual]].
   * Debian Jessie includes about 42000 packages available for installation.
  * More information about Debian 8 Jessie is provided in the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/releasenotes|release notes]] and the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/installmanual|installation manual]].

=== Documentation and translation updates ===
 * Translation updates for the templates used in the installer. These templates are now available in 29 languages.
 * Two manual translations have been completed: Dutch and Norwegian Bokmål.
 * The Debian Edu Jessie Manual is fully translated to German, French, Italian, Danish, Dutch and Norwegian Bokmål. A partly translated version exists for Spanish.

=== Other changes compared to the previous release ===

 * ''squid'': Shutdown and reboot of the main server takes longer than before due to a new default setting {{{shutdown_lifetime 30 seconds}}}. As an example the delay could be set to 10 seconds by appending the line {{{shutdown_lifetime 10 seconds}}} to {{{/etc/squid3/squid.conf}}}.

 * ''ssh'': The root user is no longer allowed to login via SSH with password. The old default {{{PermitRootLogin yes}}} has been replaced with {{{PermitRootLogin without-password}}}, so ssh-keys will still work.

 * ''slbackup-php'': To be able to use the slbackup-php site (which uses root logins via ssh), {{{PermitRootLogin yes}}} has to be set temporarily in {{{/etc/ssh/sshd_config}}}.

 * ''sugar'': As the Sugar desktop was removed from Debian Jessie, it is also not available in Debian Edu jessie.

== New features in Debian Edu 7.1+edu0 Codename Wheezy released 2013-09-28 ==

=== User visible changes ===

 * Updated artwork and new Debian Edu / Skolelinux logo, visible during installation, in the login screen and as desktop wallpaper.

=== Installation changes ===

 * New version of debian-installer from Debian Wheezy, see [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual|installation manual]] for more details.
 * The DVD image was dropped, instead we added a USB flash drive / Blu-ray disc image, which behaves like the DVD image, but is too big to fit on a DVD.

=== Software updates ===

 * Everything which is new in Debian Wheezy 7.1, eg:
   * Linux kernel 3.2.x
   * Desktop environments KDE "Plasma" 4.8.4, GNOME 3.4, Xfce 4.8.6, and LXDE 0.5.5 (KDE "Plasma" is installed by default; to choose GNOME, Xfce or LXDE: see manual.)
   * Web browser Iceweasel 17 ESR
   * !LibreOffice 3.5.4
   * LTSP 5.4.2
   * GOsa 2.7.4
   * CUPS print system 1.5.3
   * Educational toolbox GCompris 12.01
   * Music creator Rosegarden 12.04
   * Image editor Gimp 2.8.2
   * Virtual universe Celestia 1.6.1
   * Virtual stargazer Stellarium 0.11.3
   * Scratch visual programming environment
   * New version of debian-installer from Debian Wheezy, see [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual|installation manual]] for more details.
   * Debian Wheezy includes about 37000 packages available for installation.
  * More information about Debian Wheezy 7.1 is provided in the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/releasenotes|release notes]] and the [[http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual|installation manual]].

=== Documentation and translation updates ===
 * Translation updates for the templates used in the installer. These templates are now available in 29 languages.
 * The Debian Edu Wheezy Manual is fully translated to German, French, Italian and Danish. Partly translated versions exist for Norwegian Bokmål and Spanish.

=== LDAP related changes ===

 * Slight changes to some objects and acls to have more types to choose from when adding systems in GOsa. Now systems can be of type server, workstation, printer, terminal or netdevice.

=== Other changes ===

 * New Xfce desktop task.
 * LTSP diskless workstations run without any configuration.
 * On the dedicated client network of LTSP servers (default, machines run by default as diskless workstations if they are powerful enough.  
 * GOsa gui: Now some options that seemed to be available, but are non functional, are greyed out (or are not clickable). Some tabs are completely hidden to the end user, others even to the GOsa admin.

=== Known issues ===

 * Using KDE "Plasma" on standalone and roaming workstations, at least Konqueror, Chromium and Step sometimes fail to work out-of-the box when the machines are used outside the backbone network, proxy use is required to use the other network but no wpad.dat information is found. Workaround: Use Iceweasel or configure the proxy manually.

== Historic information about older releases ==

The following Debian Edu releases were made further in the past:

 * Debian Edu 6.0.7+r1 Codename "Squeeze", released 2013-03-03.
 * Debian Edu 6.0.4+r0 Codename "Squeeze", released 2012-03-11.
 * Debian Edu 5.0.6+edu1 Codename "Lenny", released 2010-10-05.
 * Debian Edu 5.0.4+edu0 Codename "Lenny", released 2010-02-08.
 * Debian Edu "3.0r1 Terra", released 2007-12-05.
 * Debian Edu "3.0r0 Terra" released 2007-07-22. Based on Debian 4.0 Etch released 2007-04-08.
 * Debian Edu 2.0, released 2006-03-14. Based on Debian 3.1 Sarge released 2005-06-06.
 * Debian Edu "1.0 Venus" release 2004-06-20. Based on Debian 3.0 Woody released 2002-07-19.

A complete and detailed overview about older releases is contained in [[ https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Jessie/AppendixC|Appendix C of the Jessie manual]]; or see the related release manuals on the [[https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation|release manuals page]].

=== More information on even older releases ===

More information on even older releases can be found at


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