[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 04/06: Remove etc/samba/smbaddclient.pl from git (unused and not shipped since ages).

Wolfgang Schweer schweer-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 22 12:40:09 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

schweer-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository debian-edu-config.

commit d97bc7ce28c1a37c7e41970631ee088e0fc54023
Author: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>
Date:   Tue Mar 20 16:47:39 2018 +0100

    Remove etc/samba/smbaddclient.pl from git (unused and not shipped since ages).
 etc/samba/smbaddclient.pl | 134 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 134 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etc/samba/smbaddclient.pl b/etc/samba/smbaddclient.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index af051a6..0000000
--- a/etc/samba/smbaddclient.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# A script adding machines to LDAP for use by samba
-# Authors: Odd Rune Dahle <oddrune at pvv.org> 
-#          Svein Magne Bang <sveinmb at stud.ntnu.no>
-# Date:   2003-04-15
-use warnings;
-use vars qw(%text %config);
-sub text{}
-sub read_file{}
-require '/usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/ldap-users.pl';
-my $uid    = shift || die "usage: smbaddclient.pl <machine-name>\n"; 
-read_adduser_config();    # puts adduser config into %config
-my $DEBUG = 1;
-my $smbconf="/etc/samba/smb.conf";
-my $secretstdb="/var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb";
-my $tdbdumpbin="/usr/bin/tdbdump";
-################# end of user configuration ##################
-# First we need to read the ldap configuration from smb.conf
-open(FILE,$smbconf) || die "Can't open $smbconf: $!";   # open smb.conf
-$ldapdata[0] = "passdb backend";
-$ldapdata[1] = "ldap suffix";
-$ldapdata[2] = "ldap admin dn";
-$ldapdata[3] = "ldap rootpw";
-while ($line = <FILE>) {     # parse file and extract ldap config
-  if ($line =~ /ldap/i) {
-   for($n=0;$n<3;$n++){
-    if ($line =~ /$ldapdata[$n]/i) {
-      $line =~ s/$ldapdata[$n]//i;
-      $line =~ s/=//;
-      $line =~ s/^\s+//;
-      $line =~ s/\"//g;
-      $ldapdata[$n]=$line;
-    }
-   }
-  }
-my $n;
-for($n=0;$n<3;$n++){      # get rid of newlines
-  chomp($ldapdata[$n]);
-$ldapdata[0] =~ s/ldapsam:ldap:\/\///i;  # remove service type from server
-$ldapdata[1] =~ s/ou=people,//i;  # remove ou=people from basedn
-close(FILE);   # close smb.conf
-# Now it's time to dump det secrets.tdb and retrive the ldap admin pw
-$tdbret=`$tdbdumpbin $secretstdb`;  # execute tdbdump
-$foundkey = "no";  # boolean used for loop
-foreach $line (split ("\n", $tdbret)){  # parse tdbdump output
-  if ($foundkey eq "yes"){   # if key is found, then extract rootwd
-    $line =~ s/data[)(0-9]* = //i;
-    $line =~ s/\"//g;
-    $ldapdata[3] = $line;
-    last;
-  } else {                   # still not found, keep searching
-    if ($line =~ s/key[)(0-9]* = //i) {
-      $line =~ s/\"//g;
-      if($line eq "SECRETS/LDAP_BIND_PW/" . $ldapdata[2]){ # see if this is the right key 
-        $foundkey="yes";
-      }
-    }
-  }
-$ldapdata[3] =~ s/\\00$//i;  # remove trailing 0x00 from password
-# done reading configuration
-$server = $ldapdata[0];
-$basedn = $ldapdata[1];
-$rootdn = $ldapdata[2];
-$rootpw = $ldapdata[3];
-# detecting 
-my $machine_gid = getgrnam("machines");
-die "There is no machine-group. Please run upgrade-ldap-backend as root.\n" 
-    unless $machine_gid; 
-# Some Debug info
-# print "server: " . $server . "\n" ;
-# print "basedn: " . $basedn . "\n" ;
-# print "rootdn: " . $rootdn . "\n" ;
-# print "rootpw: " . $rootpw . "\n" ;
-# print "machineGroup: " . $machine_gid . "\n" ;
-ldap_connect(# Connect to the ldap server.
-	     $server, 
-	     $rootdn, 
-	     $basedn, 
-	     $config{'FIRST_UID'} || 10000,
-	     $config{'LAST_UID'} || 29999,
-	     );
-my $nextid = ldap_get_newid ($rootpw);
-my $cn  = "$uid MachineAccount";
-my $gidNumber = $machine_gid;
-my $uidNumber = $nextid;
-ldap_add_machine($cn, "$uid", $uidNumber, $gidNumber, $rootpw);
-system ('/usr/sbin/nscd -i passwd') if (-e '/usr/sbin/nscd') ;
-print ldap_dbg_output();

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/debian-edu-config.git

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