[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Manuals/Audacity/Translations" by HolgerLevsen

Debian Wiki wiki at debian.org
Wed May 30 13:07:00 BST 2018

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Manuals/Audacity/Translations" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

add a FIXME, this needs to be rewritten, alioth is gone tomorrow

  As in many free software projects, translations of this document are kept in PO files. More information about the process can be found in {{{/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/README.audacity-manual-translations}}}. The Git repository (see below) contains this file too. Take a look there and at the [[DebianEdu/Contribute/Translation/Conventions|language specific conventions]] if you want to help translating this document.  
- To commit your translations you need to be a member of the Alioth project {{{debian-edu}}}. If your Alioth username differs from your local one, create or edit {{{~/.ssh/config}}}. There should be an entry like:
+ FIXME: To commit your translations you need to be a member of the Alioth project {{{debian-edu}}}. If your Alioth username differs from your local one, create or edit {{{~/.ssh/config}}}. There should be an entry like:
  Host git.debian.org
  User <your-alioth-username>

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