[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-config][master] Adjust debian/debian-edu-config.fetch-ldap-cert. (Closes: #934380)

WolfgangSchweer gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Aug 10 13:27:21 BST 2019

WolfgangSchweer pushed to branch master at Debian Edu / debian-edu-config

c47eabe5 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2019-08-10T12:23:59Z
Adjust debian/debian-edu-config.fetch-ldap-cert. (Closes: #934380)

Use independent conditions to make sure that the LDAP server certificate
is only downloaded once for both host and LTSP chroot.

Add code to validate the LDAP server certificate in case the Debian Edu
RootCA certificate is available for download.

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/debian-edu-config.fetch-ldap-cert


@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+debian-edu-config (2.10.67) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Adjust debian/debian-edu-config.fetch-ldap-cert. (Closes: #934380)
+    - Use independent conditions to make sure that the LDAP server certificate
+      is only downloaded once for both host and LTSP chroot.
+    - Add code to validate the LDAP server certificate in case the Debian Edu
+      RootCA certificate is available for download.
+ -- Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>  Sat, 10 Aug 2019 14:14:26 +0200
 debian-edu-config (2.10.66) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Wolfgang Schweer ]

@@ -23,14 +23,15 @@ set -e
 do_start() {
     # Locate LDAP server
+    LDAPPORT=636 # ldaps
-    if [ -f /etc/nslcd.conf ] &&
-       grep -q /etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-server.crt /etc/nslcd.conf ; then
+    if [ ! -f $CERTFILE ] &&  [ -f /etc/nslcd.conf ] &&
+        grep -q /etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-server.crt /etc/nslcd.conf ; then
 	if [ -z "$LDAPSERVER" ] ; then
 	    msg="Failed to locate LDAP server"
 	    log_action_begin_msg "$msg"
@@ -39,18 +40,43 @@ do_start() {
 	    return 1
 	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_action_begin_msg "Fetching LDAP SSL certificate."
-	if curl -f -k https://www.intern/debian-edu-bundle.crt > $BUNDLECRT ; then
-	    gnutls-cli --x509cafile $BUNDLECRT --save-cert=$CERTFILE.new ldap.intern < /dev/null
+	if echo | openssl s_client -connect "$LDAPSERVER:$LDAPPORT" 2>/dev/null | grep RootCA ; then
+	    if curl -sfk --head -o /dev/null https://www.intern ; then
+		if curl -k https://www.intern/Debian-Edu_rootCA.crt > $ROOTCACRT && \
+		    grep -q CERTIFICATE $ROOTCACRT ; then
+			gnutls-cli --x509cafile $ROOTCACRT --save-cert=$CERTFILE.new $LDAPSERVER < /dev/null
+			logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Fetched rootCA certificate from www.intern."
+		    else
+			rm -f $ROOTCACRT
+			if curl -k https://www.intern/debian-edu-bundle.crt > $BUNDLECRT && \
+			    grep -q CERTIFICATE $BUNDLECRT ; then
+				gnutls-cli --x509cafile $BUNDLECRT --save-cert=$CERTFILE.new $LDAPSERVER < /dev/null
+				logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Fetched bundle certificate from www.intern."
+		else
+		    rm -f $BUNDLECRT
+		    logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Failed to fetch certificates from www.intern."
+		fi
+	    fi
+	    else
+		log_action_end_msg 1
+		logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Failed to connect to www.intern, maybe the web server down."
+	        ERROR=true
+	    fi
 	    /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/ldap-server-getcert $LDAPSERVER > $CERTFILE.new
 	    chmod 644 $CERTFILE.new
+	    logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Fetched pre Buster LDAP server certificate."
 	if test -s $CERTFILE.new ; then
 	    mv $CERTFILE.new $CERTFILE
 	    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_action_end_msg 0
-	    logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Fetched and verified LDAP SSL certificate from $LDAPSERVER."
+	    if [ -f $BUNDLECRT ] ; then
+	        logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Fetched and verified LDAP SSL certificate from $LDAPSERVER."
+	    else
+	        logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Fetched LDAP SSL certificate from $LDAPSERVER."
+	    fi
-	    rm $CERTFILE.new
+	    rm -f $CERTFILE.new
 	    log_action_end_msg 1
 	    logger -t fetch-ldap-cert "Failed to fetch LDAP SSL certificate from $LDAPSERVER."
@@ -64,10 +90,24 @@ do_start() {
 		log_action_begin_msg "Copying LDAP SSL certificate to ltsp-chroot $ltsp_chroot "
 		if test -s $CERTFILE; then
 		    cp $CERTFILE $ltsp_chroot$CERTFILE
+		[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_action_end_msg 0
+		else
+		    log_action_end_msg 1
+		    ERROR=true
+		fi
+		log_action_begin_msg "Copying Debian Edu rootCA certificate to ltsp-chroot $ltsp_chroot "
+		if test -s $ROOTCACRT; then
+		    cp $ROOTCACRT $ltsp_chroot$ROOTCACRT
 		    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_action_end_msg 0
+		    log_action_begin_msg "Copying TLS certificate bundle to ltsp-chroot $ltsp_chroot "
+		    if test -s $BUNDLECRT; then
+			cp $BUNDLECRT $ltsp_chroot$BUNDLECRT
+			[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_action_end_msg 0
+		    else
 		    log_action_end_msg 1
+		    fi
@@ -79,13 +119,7 @@ do_start() {
 case "$1" in
-	# do absolutely nothing, if this host is already "attached" to
-	# a Debian Edu network
-	if [ -e /etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-server.crt ]; then
-	    :
-	else
-	    do_start
-	fi
+	do_start

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/commit/c47eabe5e4075f13f45a20e59ed27aedeefa5dc0

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/commit/c47eabe5e4075f13f45a20e59ed27aedeefa5dc0
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