[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/Features" by WolfgangSchweer

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Wed Feb 6 17:55:32 GMT 2019

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Buster/Features" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

configuration file /etc/debian-edu/pxeinstall.conf  has been added

   * New netgroup available to exclude systems belonging to the ''shut-down-at-night-hosts'' netgroup from being woken up.
   * Improved TLS/SSL support inside the internal network. A RootCA certificate is used to sign server certificates and user home directories are configured to accept it at account creation time; besides Firefox ESR, also Chromium and Konqueror can now use HTTPS without the need to allow insecure connections.
   * Kerberized ''ssh''. A password isn't needed anymore for connections inside the internal network; root needs to run {{{kinit}}} first to enable it.
+  * Added configuration file {{{/etc/debian-edu/pxeinstall.conf}}} with examples to make site specific changes easier.
   * With ''!X2Go server'' now available in Debian, the related packages are now installed on all systems with Profile ''LTSP-Server''.
   * Support for running Java applets in the Firefox ESR browser has been dropped upstream.
   * Support for nonfree flash has been dropped from the Firefox ESR browser. We have also decided to drop the free but unmaintained gnash implementation.

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