[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Devel/Squeeze" by WolfgangSchweer
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Sun Feb 24 12:55:09 GMT 2019
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The page "DebianEdu/Devel/Squeeze" has been deleted by WolfgangSchweer:
outdated and obsolete
- #language en
- ||<tablestyle="width: 100%;" style="border: 0px hidden">~-[[DebianWiki/EditorGuide#translation|Translation(s)]]: none-~||<style="text-align: right;border: 0px hidden"> (!) [[/Discussion|Discussion]]||
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- = Planing for DebianEdu Squeeze =
- This page is aimed to be a place to discuss, plan and prepare for development of the Squeeze release.
- <<TableOfContents(3)>>
- == Freeze of Squeeze ==
- The FREEZE target continues to be March, but the high number of yet unfixed RC bugs could make this impossible. The long lenny (base) freeze was a problem, so we want the rc bug number to go down before the freeze happens.
- === Release Goals ===
- Each release goal should be associated with one or two single developer(s) who would be able to give a status overview when requested. Please add your expected goals and/or your name next to a goal you could associate with. At some point goals not associated with developers will be dropped.
- * Complete merge with LinEx.
- * Release with Debian.
- * See [[DebianEdu/Status/Squeeze]]
- * See the list "Issues imported from Lenny" below
- * Gather consensus which ideas from [[DebianEdu/Wishlist]] should become the projects goals for Squeeze, and which remain personal goals or wishes. Add the project goals here.
- === milestones ===
- * Create svn branch?
- * Create dvd/cd images?
- * Deadline for new features.
- * Freeze.
- === time-line ===
- === coordination ===
- == See also ==
- * [[DebianEdu/roadmap]]
- * [[DebianEdu/Status/Etch]]
- * [[DebianEdu/Status/Lenny]]
- * [[DebianEdu/Status/Squeeze]]
- * [[DebianEdu/LinEx2DebianEdu-Roadmap]]
- * Tagged BTS bugs in [[http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?usertag=debian-edu@lists.debian.org&dist=unstable|unstable]] and [[http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?usertag=debian-edu@lists.debian.org&dist=testing|testing]].
- == Issues imported from Lenny ==
- * Samba schema in d-e-c is out dated, new attributes required by samba ([[DebianEdu/Status/Lenny/SambaLDAP|SambaLDAP]])
- * OCS Inventory server is not installed properly, and the client do not automatically know how to connect to the server [[http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1332|#1332]].
- * [[DebianEdu/BrowserMultimedia|Browser plugin for multimedia]] is unable to handle some popular video sites. (pere: FIXED?) (needs list which!)
- * Popular flash sites do not work out of the box. (needs list which!)
- * We should switch to consolekit instead of obsolete libpam-foreground. Should be fixed, need verification (pere 2009-03-28).
- * before the release, we need to update the release version numbers in svn://trunk/src/build/CD-administrator/CONF-lenny* and in svn://trunk/src/debian-edu-install/version [[http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1329|#1329]]
- ----
- ## So far categories are not in use in Debian Edu wiki pages.
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