[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu" by WolfgangSchweer

Debian Wiki wiki at debian.org
Wed Feb 27 09:41:01 GMT 2019

Dear Wiki user,

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The "DebianEdu" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

drop empty items

     * write good documentation for education related software
     * join one of our [[/Teams]]
     * help with this Wiki
-    * (...)
  === Debian Edu Wiki ===
   * We try to put all useful information (or at least links to it) into these pages.
@@ -142, +141 @@

     * sponsor non-Debian Developers who are packaging education-related software
     * integrate existing external packages into Debian;  see /ToIntegrate
     * help with DebianInstaller to produce an even friendlier installer for people with limited computer skills
-    * (...)
  === Donating Money to the Debian Edu / Skolelinux Project ===
   If you want to make a donation to the project, please contact the [[http://www.linuxiskolen.no/slxdebianlabs/donations.html|SLX Debian Labs foundation]]

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