[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-doc][master] scripts/get_copyright: sort alphabetically (and drop duplicates/different...

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jan 24 11:43:19 GMT 2019

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian Edu / debian-edu-doc

6f33febe by Holger Levsen at 2019-01-24T11:43:08Z
scripts/get_copyright: sort alphabetically (and drop duplicates/different names for the same language)

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- documentation/scripts/get_copyright


@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ debian-edu-doc (2.10.13) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Holger Levsen ]
   * Update all manuals from the wiki.
   * d/control: use canonical URL for Vcs-Git, thanks lintian.
-  * scripts/get_copyright: add Brazilian Portuguese.
+  * scripts/get_copyright:
+    - add Brazilian Portuguese.
+    - sort languages alphabetically.
   [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
   * scripts/get_manual:

@@ -21,22 +21,20 @@ my $file = 'copyright.manual';
 $file = 'copyright.xml' if $type eq 'dbk';
 my $name = 'CopyRight';
 my %langs = (
+	'Brazilian Portuguese'=> 'pt_BR',
+	'Bokmål'	=> 'nb',
+	'Simplified Chinese' => 'zh',
+	'Czech'		=> 'cs',
 	'Danish'	=> 'da',
-	'German'	=> 'de',
-	'Spanish'	=> 'es',
+	'Dutch'		=> 'nl',
 	'French'	=> 'fr',
+	'German'	=> 'de',
 	'Italian'	=> 'it',
 	'Japanese'	=> 'ja',
-	'Brazilian Portuguese'=> 'pt_BR',
-	'Bokmål'	=> 'nb',
 	'Norwegian Bokmål' => 'nb',
-	'Dutch'		=> 'nl',
-	'Swedish'	=> 'sv',
 	'Polish'	=> 'pl',
-	'Chinese'	=> 'zh',
-	'Czech'		=> 'cs',
-	'Simplified Chinese' => 'zh',
-	'Chinese (Simplified Chinese)' => 'zh',
+	'Spanish'	=> 'es',
+	'Swedish'	=> 'sv',
 	'Ukrainian'	=> 'uk',

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-doc/commit/6f33febe3d70794672a779fea0f5d5710b123c7f

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-doc/commit/6f33febe3d70794672a779fea0f5d5710b123c7f
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