[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-config][master] 032-edu-pkgs: merge those ten apt-get purge calls into one.

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Jan 27 16:58:13 GMT 2019

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian Edu / debian-edu-config

13b6dab8 by Holger Levsen at 2019-01-27T16:57:58Z
032-edu-pkgs: merge those ten apt-get purge calls into one.

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/032-edu-pkgs


@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
 debian-edu-config (2.10.56) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
   * share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/032-edu-pkgs:
     - Don't let apt-get fail in case a package isn't installed.
   * Improve share/debian-edu-config/tools/update-cert-dbs:
     - Extend the script's scope; there might be more home dirs than just home0.
     - Let the script provide more useful logging information.
+  [ Holger Levsen ]
+  * share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/032-edu-pkgs:
+    - Merge those ten apt-get purge calls into one.
  -- Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>  Sun, 27 Jan 2019 16:38:28 +0100
 debian-edu-config (2.10.55) unstable; urgency=medium

@@ -172,35 +172,37 @@ after_install_diskless_workstation() {
 finalization_diskless_workstation() {
+    local PURGE=""
     # Get rid of lvm2, as it causes the shutdown to hang.
-    in_target apt-get -y purge lvm2 || true
+    PURGE="lvm2"
     # Get rid of munin-node which we do not want on diskless workstations
-    in_target apt-get -y purge munin-node || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE munin-node"
     # LTSP take care of updating resolv.conf, no need to have
     # resolvconf try to do the same.
-    in_target apt-get -y purge resolvconf || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE resolvconf"
     # No dynamic network configuration on diskless clients.
-    in_target apt-get -y purge network-manager wpasupplicant || true
-    in_target apt-get -y purge network-manager-openvpn \
-        network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE network-manager wpasupplicant network-manager-openvpn network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc"
     # No VPN nor serial network either
-    in_target apt-get -y purge ppp || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE ppp"
     # No modem either
-    in_target apt-get -y purge modemmanager || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE modemmanager"
     # cups isn't needed for LTSP clients to be able to print.
-    in_target apt-get -y purge cups || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE cups"
     # Missing unique ID on the clients, so no use keeping it around
-    in_target apt-get -y purge popularity-contest || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE popularity-contest"
     # Probably not very useful without a disk
-    in_target apt-get -y purge hdparm hddtemp || true
+    PURGE="$PURGE hdparm hddtemp"
+    # purge them alltogether
+    in_target apt-get -y --purge "$PURGE" || true
     # Remove dependencies pulled in by removed packages
     in_target apt-get -y --purge autoremove

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/commit/13b6dab8673f59a76d4c06e806bf554e1f2e7593

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/commit/13b6dab8673f59a76d4c06e806bf554e1f2e7593
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