[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-config][master] Add LDAP server certificate to the initial LTSP NBD image. (Closes: #932828)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jul 23 19:08:11 BST 2019
WolfgangSchweer pushed to branch master at Debian Edu / debian-edu-config
8de8e54c by Wolfgang Schweer at 2019-07-23T18:04:35Z
Add LDAP server certificate to the initial LTSP NBD image. (Closes: #932828)
etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf: Don't create the image by default.
cf3/edu.cf: Define new class 'ltspimages'.
cf3/cf.finalize: Add code to include the LDAP server certificate for all
possible use cases, to generate the image and to adjust various rights.
Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- cf3/cf.finalize
- cf3/edu.cf
- debian/changelog
- etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ bundle agent finalize
# Moved from other bundles to this last one in the sequence to get the right
# execution order.
+ "default_arch" string => ifelse("x86_64", "amd64",
+ "i686", "i386",
+ $(sys.arch));
# Add the language chooser to the lightdm-greeter panel.
@@ -52,6 +57,16 @@ files:
link_from => ln_s("/usr/share/debian-edu/menu/menus/xfce-applications.menu"),
move_obstructions => "true";
+ # Make sure the LDAP server certificate is available in the LTSP chroot of a
+ # new combined server before the SqushFS image is generated (see bundle end).
+ debian.server.ltspserver.!ltspimages.installation::
+ "/opt/ltsp/$(default_arch)/etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-server.crt"
+ copy_from => local_cp("/etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-server.crt");
+ "/opt/ltsp/$(default_arch)/etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-bundle.crt"
+ copy_from => local_cp("/etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu-bundle.crt");
@@ -97,6 +112,36 @@ commands:
"/usr/sbin/pam-auth-update --package"
contain => in_shell;
+ # Make sure the LDAP server certificate is available in the chroot of a separate
+ # LTSP server before the SqushFS image is generated. Also needed just in case
+ # an LTSP chroot is re-generated.
+ debian.ltspclient.installation::
+ "/etc/init.d/fetch-ldap-cert start"
+ contain => in_shell;
+ # Adjust certificate rights to make them accessible.
+ debian.ltspclient.installation::
+ "/bin/chmod 0644 /etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu*.crt"
+ contain => in_shell;
+ "/bin/chmod 0644 /opt/ltsp/*/etc/ssl/certs/debian-edu*.crt"
+ contain => in_shell;
+ # Note that 'ltsp-update-image --config-nbd' is needed to generate the image and
+ # to configure NBD; adjust rights to make the image available for the NBD server.
+ debian.ltspserver.!ltspimages.installation::
+ "/usr/sbin/ltsp-update-image --config-nbd"
+ contain => in_shell;
+ "/bin/chmod 0755 /opt/ltsp/images/"
+ contain => in_shell;
+ "/bin/chmod 0644 /opt/ltsp/images/*.img"
+ contain => in_shell;
bundle edit_line profile
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ bundle common edu
"standalone" expression => not( fileexists("/usr/bin/ntpq") );
"minimal" expression => returnszero("/bin/grep 'Minimal' /etc/debian-edu/config","noshell");
"ltspclient" expression => fileexists("/usr/bin/getltscfg");
+ "ltspimages" expression => isdir("/opt/ltsp/images");
"installation" expression => fileexists("/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL");
"testinstall" expression => returnszero("/bin/grep 'TESTINSTALL=\"true\"' /etc/debian-edu/config","noshell");
# Set if the internet is reachable for downloading files.
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ debian-edu-config (2.10.66) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
- While the reported arch is i686, LTSP uses i386. Set arch accordingly.
* Adjust share/debian-edu-config/tools/kerberos-kdc-init. (Closes: #931366)
- Remove outdated (and now wrong) logging section.
+ * Add LDAP server certificate to the initial LTSP NBD image. (Closes: #932828)
+ - etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf: Don't create the image by default.
+ - cf3/edu.cf: Define new class 'ltspimages'.
+ - cf3/cf.finalize: Add code to include the LDAP server certificate for all
+ possible use cases, to generate the image and to adjust various rights.
[ Mike Gabriel ]
* debian/debian-edu-config.fetch-ldap-cert: Make the script (and with it
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Uncomment the next two entries, if NFS instead of NBD should be used for a
# manually created LTSP chroot.
# This setting is needed to be able to install a chroot using the BD ISO image.
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/commit/8de8e54c803a88270846fea706f20ea5768a4371
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/commit/8de8e54c803a88270846fea706f20ea5768a4371
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