[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Help/UserExperiences" by WolfgangSchweer

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Fri Jun 7 11:28:07 BST 2019

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The "DebianEdu/Help/UserExperiences" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

remove no longer available userlist section, the data base is gone/was spoiled with spam anyway

      [[attachment:statskonsult_2003_24_eng.pdf|Download (PDF)]]
- == Userlist ==
- Many schools that have started using Skolelinux have been registered on our list of users. We would like to invite each and every school who is using or testing Skolelinux to register on this list and share their experiences with others.
-  * [[http://www.skolelinux.no/slschools/slschools.php?lang=en|List of schools and their experiences.]]
-  * Map of schools: [[http://www.skolelinux.no/testskoler/map/geocode.html|Globe]], [[http://www.skolelinux.no/testskoler/map/skolelinux-norway.png?lang=en|Norway]], [[http://www.skolelinux.no/testskoler/map/skolelinux-europe.png?lang=en|Europe]]
-  * [[http://www.skolelinux.no/slschools/history.php?lang=en|History]]
-  * [[http://www.skolelinux.no/slschools/editschool.php?lang=en|Add your school]]
  == Application Usage ==
  In order to provide some feedback as to what applications are being used in schools. Please add your school to the following page:

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