[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/BeforeGettingStarted" by WolfgangSchweer
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Fri Jun 7 11:42:57 BST 2019
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The "DebianEdu/BeforeGettingStarted" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
hubs are gone since ages
'''WARNING:''' be aware that on a Debian Edu network this gateway must be able to serve using "class A" ip's (typically or similar). At home you will normally use "class C" (typically or similar). Normally those routers are more expensive because they are sold under a "business brand". As an alternative, it is possible to use dd-wrt on suitable hardware like (for example)the Linksys WRT54GL router. Take a look (at your own risk) to http://lifehacker.com/178132/hack-attack-turn-your-60-router-into-a-600-router
'''Network Switch'''<<BR>>
- A computer networking device used to connect devices on a network. It will send specific packets to the specific hosts that requested them.<<BR>>
+ A computer networking device used to connect devices on a network. It will send specific packets to the specific hosts that requested them.
- '''WARNING:''' do not confuse with a hub, as it only broadcasts any packet it receives to any host connected to it.
'''Main server (Tjener)'''<<BR>>
The main server or Tjener (which is the Norwegian word for server) contains information about users as well as their files, and it runs most of the services in a Debian Edu network. Most services can easily be moved to a different machine if necessary. '''There must be only one main-server in the network. You can install both a main-server and an LTSP server on the same machine.'''
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