[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/UpgradeFrom1.0" by WolfgangSchweer

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Sat Jun 8 13:17:25 BST 2019

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The page "DebianEdu/HowTo/UpgradeFrom1.0" has been deleted by WolfgangSchweer:


outdated and now useless information

- This (very short) howto is based on the upgrades done by BzzWareAS. The upgrades is mainly from Woody (Venus) installations to a sarge-based installation.  
- ----
- = Disclaimer =
- BzzWareAS is in no way responsible for any damage caused by following this howto, but if you're preparred to pay, you may get support from BzzWareAS or other parties listed [[http://www.skolelinux.org/no/help/professional_help|here]] . If needed, you may send an email to support at bzz.no
- ----
- == This is a preliminary howto ==
- = Preparations =
- First make sure you have a backup of the ldap-db
- {{{
- sudo invoke-rc.d slapd stop
- sudo slapcat -l tjener.ldif
- }}}
- You really should have a working backup, preferable on another machine
- If you are using static configuration for eth0, please set dns-information in /etc/network/interfaces before installing resolvconf (part of the upgrade), by adding these lines:
- {{{
- dns-nameservers
- dns-search intern
- }}}
- When doing upgrades from one distribution, it's not efficient to look at all the changelogs during the upgrades. Therefor, we set listchanges to be quiet
- {{{
- sudo update-ini-file /etc/apt/listchanges.conf apt frontend none
- sudo update-ini-file /etc/apt/listchanges.conf apt confirm 0
- }}}
- = Update the woody installation =
- First thing we do is to have an uptodate woody installation. 
- Make sure that your sources list points to woody (or woody/updates for security) and not to sarge. Then update the package list, and download all the packages first
- {{{
- sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get -dy dist-upgrade </dev/null >& woody-upgrade_download.log &
- }}}
- Then you install the new packages for woody. 
- {{{
- sudo aptitude -y dist-upgrade
- }}}
- Remove some package that has caused some trouble
- {{{
- sudo apt-get remove --purge libtext-iconv-perl libxml-twig-perl
- }}}
- = Do the upgrade =
- Replace woody with sarge in sources.list (please do a check afterwards)
- {{{
- echo -e ":%s/woody/sarge/g\n:wq" | sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
- }}}
- # 
- During the upgrade, you will need a lot of free space. 
- For a combined server, you will need aprox. 1 GB for both /usr and /var/cache/apt/archives
- {{{
- df -h /usr /var/cache/apt/archives
- }}}
- Downloading ~1GB do take a while, so we put that job in the background and go home or take lunch during the download. 
- {{{
- sudo aptitude -dy dist-upgrade </dev/null >& aptitude_dist-upgrade_download.log &
- }}}
- When all the packages are downloaded, it's time to start the actual upgrade. Since sudo unsets most environment variables, we dont run sudo aptitude, but rather sudo su - , then do the upgrade
- {{{
- sudo su -
- export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
- yes "" | \
- aptitude -y dist-upgrade >& aptitude_sarge_dist-upgrade.log &
- exit
- }}}
- After the upgrade is done, you should check that the recomends of debian-edu-* and education-* packages is installed. You can also use aptitude to remove packages that are not a dependency of the debian-edu-*^and education-* packages. '''But be carefull, this could also ruin your system'''
- {{{
- sudo aptitude
- }}}
- = Post upgrade configuration =
- Mailserver is changed from exim3 to exim4, and we need to set up the symlinks that normally would be set up by cfengine during an installation. 
- {{{
- sudo ln -s exim-ldap-server-v4.conf /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
- }}}
- Ldap also needs to be set up again
- {{{
- sudo invoke-rc.d slapd stop
- sudo mv /etc/default/slapd /etc/default/slapd.woody
- sudo mv /etc/default/slapd.dpkg-dist /etc/default/slapd
- grep -v ^# /etc/default/slapd | grep -q ^SLAPD_SERVICES || \
-   echo 'SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:/// ldaps:///"' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/slapd
- sudo mv /etc/ldap/slapd.conf /etc/ldap/slapd-upgrade.conf
- sudo ln -s /etc/ldap/slapd-sarge_debian-edu.conf /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
- grep "^TLS_REQCERT never" /etc/ldap/ldap.conf || \
-   echo "TLS_REQCERT never" | sudo tee -a  /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
- sudo invoke-rc.d slapd start
- }}}
- == LDAP users ==
- Now is a good time to check that your users still exists
- {{{
- getent passwd
- }}}
- If they dont exists, your ldap db is probably corrupt, and you need to fix it from the ldif you saved at the beginning. 
- == Pam configuration ==
- With sarge, we got the possibility to include file in the pam configuration files, and therefor the pam config has changed since woody
- First set up normal pam config
- {{{
- cd /etc/pam.d
- for ALL in *.dpkg-new ; do
-   BASE=$(basename $ALL .dpkg-new)
-   test -h $BASE || continue
-   sudo rm $BASE
-   sudo mv $ALL $BASE
- done
- }}}
- Set up symlinks to include ldap authentication
- First move aside the old configs
- {{{
- for ALL in common-*-ldap-debian-edu ; do
-   BASE=$(basename $ALL -ldap-debian-edu)
-   test -f $BASE || continue
-   sudo mv $BASE $BASE-org
-   sudo ln -s $ALL $BASE
- done
- for ALL in common-*-debian-edu ; do
-   BASE=$(basename $ALL -debian-edu)
-   test -f $BASE || continue
-   sudo mv $BASE $BASE-org
-   sudo ln -s $ALL $BASE
- done
- }}}
- == kdm configuration ==
- set opp kdm to the new directives
- {{{
- sudo /usr/bin/update-ini-file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc 'General' FifoDir ''
- sudo /usr/bin/update-ini-file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc 'X-*-Core' AllowShutdown None
- sudo /usr/bin/update-ini-file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc 'X-:*-Core' AllowShutdown Nonesudo /usr/bin/update-ini-file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc 'X-*-Greeter' UserList False
- }}}
- If this is a thin client server, and you are using old ltsp3/4-clients, you need to set kdm up to allow remote connections
- {{{
- sudo /usr/bin/update-ini-file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc 'Xdmcp' Enable true
- grep -e "^\* *#any host can get a login window" /etc/kde3/kdm/Xaccess || \
-   echo "*    #any host can get a login window" | \
-   sudo tee -a /etc/kde3/kdm/Xaccess
- }}}
- We had to use a hack to set some variables in woody. This is no longer needed, infact, it will break things if the old hack is still there in sarge
- {{{
- test -h /etc/X11/Xsession && test -f /etc/X11/Xsession.dpkg-new && \
-   sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession && \
-   sudo mv /etc/X11/Xsession.dpkg-new /etc/X11/Xsession
- }}}
- Cupsys also might need a symlink to get the correct configuration
- {{{
- sudo ln -sf cupsd-debian-edu.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
- }}}
- == Thin clients ==
- ''' hmm, here this tutorial gets a bit old, using ltsp4.x instead of the new debian-based ltsp '''
- Check that /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf points to the correct boot file
- {{{
- grep "filename" /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf | grep -v "^#" | head
- sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
- }}}
- Check that the tftp server exports the correct file
- {{{{
- grep ^tftp /etc/inetd.conf
- sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart
- }}}
- Fix missing entries for the default terminal (assuming you are using ltsp4.1)
- {{{
- sudo /usr/bin/update-ini-file /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf 'Default' SCREEN_07 startx
- }}}
- '''Now everything should work''

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