[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/Obsolete/LocalDeviceLtspfs" by WolfgangSchweer
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Sat Jun 8 13:25:51 BST 2019
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The page "DebianEdu/HowTo/Obsolete/LocalDeviceLtspfs" has been deleted by WolfgangSchweer:
outdated and obsolete
- ## page was renamed from DebianEdu/HowTo/LocalDeviceLtspfs
- #format wiki
- #language en
- /!\ This page is obsolete. Local devices work out of the box since edu-etch rc3.
- = how to test ltspfs =
- The access to local devices should work ok. What remains is getting KDE to display a icon on the desktop when the user inserts a device in the thin client. Testing is requiered in order to determine the quality of the implementation.
- /!\ It's REQUIRED to use LDM to login on the thin client. it will not work with KDM/GDM
- To test try
- 1. install the latest etch-test cd
- 1. alter sources.list to use ftp.skolelinux and the etch-test repository instead of the default etch.
- 1. update & upgrade
- 1. install ltspfs on the server
- 1. install ltspfsd in the ltsp chroot
- {{{
- chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
- apt-get install ltspfsd
- }}}
- 1. load the module "fuse":
- {{{
- modprobe fuse
- }}}
- 1. Make sure the fuse module gets loaded on every boot:
- {{{
- echo "fuse" >> /etc/modules
- }}}
- 1. add LOCALDEV=True in $CHROOT/etc/lts.conf create the file, or copy the example, the file
- will then look like this:
- {{{
- [default]
- }}}
- 1. add $username in to the fuse group, or set 666 on /dev/fuse automatically with this fuse rule; create a file ''/etc/udev/rules.d/60-fuse.rules'' and add this to it:
- {{{
- KERNEL=="fuse", NAME="%k", MODE="0666",OWNER="root" GROUP="fuse"
- }}}
- 1. boot the client
- 1. loggin with $username i LDM
- 1. connect device
- 1. check out the /media/$username tree
- = Sources of information =
- * Ubuntu ltspfs page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnableLTSP5LocalDevices
- * Vagrantc anouncement http://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2006/12/msg00161.html
- * the ltspfs wikipapge
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