[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/CitrixApps" by WolfgangSchweer
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Sat Jun 8 13:35:48 BST 2019
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The page "DebianEdu/HowTo/CitrixApps" has been deleted by WolfgangSchweer:
outdated and obsolete
- <<TableOfContents(2)>>
- = What =
- This is a "howto" install Citrix ICA Client on a Skolelinux ltspserver.
- This first documentation has three objects, first the install of Citrix ICA client, second some config of the "settings file" .ica file, third some config of the .desktop entry to the users,
- = Important Notice =
- Citrix ICA client x86 - requires OpenMotif 2.2.x
- I have used libmotif3_2.2.3-2_i386.deb
- It is not the easiest package to find, so i have
- made it available from our website.
- http://skolelinux.hurum.kommune.no/ica-motif/libmotif3_2.2.3-2_i386.deb
- Download it when you need it in this howto.
- = Why =
- * To have the opportunity to log on to a Microsoft based Citrix farm.
- * To be able to use a Skolelinux thin client as a "springboard" to another terminal server,
- and use the applications which is installed on the Citrix farm.
- * To use a Microsoft based desktop environment via Citrix, on a Skolelinux thinclient.
- = How =
- 1. prerequisites
- * A working Skolelinux setup, main server and a ltspserver.
- * Network access from the Skolelinux net to the Citrix net/farm
- * Ports 1494 and 2598 must be accessible from the Skolelinux net to the Citrix net,
- those two ports are the "main" ports, but there maybe other ports which must be
- opened if you'r Citrix net is using other functions and so on.
- Log on to the ltspserver you want to be able to connect to a Microsoft based Citrix server platform, make sure that you have a connection to the citrix farm, you can do that by using telnet. If telnet is not installed then type in terminal.
- {{{
- apt-get install telnet
- }}}
- Then check the connection after installing telnet:
- {{{
- ltspserver:~# telnet 1494
- Trying
- Connected to
- Escape character is '^]'.
- }}}
- Above the result is OK. The ipadress to the citrix server is for example,
- port 1494 is used, and you can see the response from IIIICA.
- Now create a folder in /etc called ICAConnections
- {{{
- mkdir /etc/ICAConnections
- cd /etc/ICAConnections
- }}}
- Download libmotif by using wget, and install it.
- {{{
- wget http://skolelinux.hurum.kommune.no/ica-motif/libmotif3_2.2.3-2_i386.deb
- dpkg -i libmotif3_2.2.3-2_i386.deb
- }}}
- /!\ '''Warning''': The software you install has no trust path. Software installed with {{{apt-get}}} is cryptographically signed to ensure a trust path.
- = Object 1 =
- Download the Citrix ICA client from this direct URL by using wget,this is the current version14/11/07, type in terminal:
- {{{
- wget http://download2.citrix.com/FILES/en/products/Linux10/en.linuxx86.tar.gz
- }}}
- Then "wrap" it up.
- {{{
- tar -xvzf en.linuxx86.tar.gz
- }}}
- Install it.
- {{{
- ./setupwfc
- }}}
- /!\ '''Warning''': The software you install has no trust path. Software installed with {{{apt-get}}} is cryptographically signed to ensure a trust path.
- Now you should see something like this:
- {{{
- ltspserver:/etc/ICAConnections# ./setupwfc
- Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.6 setup.
- Copyright 1996-2007 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Citrix, Independent Computing Architecture (ICA), Program Neighborhood,
- MetaFrame, and MetaFrame XP are registered trademarks and
- Citrix Presentation Server, Citrix Access Suite, and SpeedScreen are
- trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
- Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Outlook, Windows, Windows NT, and BackOffice are
- either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
- the United States and other countries.
- All other Trade Names referred to are the Servicemark, Trademark,
- or Registered Trademark of the respective manufacturers.
- Select a setup option:
- 1. Install Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.6
- 2. Remove Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.6
- 3. Quit Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.6 setup
- Enter option number 1-3 [1]: 1
- }}}
- Install by entering option 1 and push enter.
- Then this will appear:
- {{{
- Please enter the directory in which Citrix Presentation Server Client is to be installed.
- [default /usr/lib/ICAClient]
- or type "quit" to abandon the installation:
- }}}
- Enter the default path,"/usr/lib/ICAClient" so it should look like this:
- And push enter.
- {{{
- Please enter the directory in which Citrix Presentation Server Client is to be installed.
- [default /usr/lib/ICAClient]
- or type "quit" to abandon the installation: /usr/lib/ICAClient
- }}}
- Then this will appear, press y and hit enter:
- {{{
- You have chosen to install Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.6 in /usr/lib/ICAClient.
- Proceed with installation? [default n]:y
- }}}
- So proceed with the install:
- {{{
- Proceed with installation? [default n]:y
- }}}
- Accept the license agreement:
- {{{
- Use of this component is subject to the Citrix license covering the
- Citrix product(s) with which you will be using this component. This
- component is only licensed for use with such Citrix product(s).
- CTX_code EP_T_A34320
- Select an option:
- 1. I accept
- 2. I do not accept
- Enter option number 1-2 [2]: 1
- Installation proceeding...
- }}}
- Accept the integration below by pressing "y", and hit enter.
- {{{
- Checking available disk space ...
- Disk space available 1164740 K
- Disk space required 4961 K
- Continuing ...
- Creating directory /usr/lib/ICAClient
- Core package...
- Setting file permissions...
- Integrating with browsers...
- Browsers found.
- Integration complete.
- Do you want to integrate the Citrix client with KDE and GNOME? [default y]: y
- }}}
- Finished installing.
- Now create a folder:
- {{{
- mkdir /usr/lib/ICAClient/connections
- }}}
- = Object 2 =
- In current folder (/etc/ICAConnections), create a file named ica-admin.ica, and copy/paste the content listed below, this is the so called "settings" file.
- This file contains the IP-Adress to the Citrix server, color, resolution and so on.
- {{{
- touch ica-admin.ica
- }}}
- And then copy this text/content below to the ica-admin.ica file, use you'r favourite editor.
- Please read my comments in the file!
- {{{
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; ica-admin.ica - settings file for ICA ADMIN connection, Name of your company
- ;******************************************************************************
- [WFClient]
- Version=1
- TcpBrowserAddress4=
- TcpBrowserAddress3=
- TcpBrowserAddress2=
- TcpBrowserAddress=
- #Above is the ip adresses to the citrix servers, if you have several servers.
- [ApplicationServers]
- Hurum=
- #Above is the name of the application of your citrix setup,
- #for example in our case Hurum municipal, it's name is "Hurum"
- #But in your case, it is certaint to be something else, probably/maybe company name.
- #Below we follow Hurum's application, but remember you do probably have another name,
- #so change it, change ewerything in this file which contains the word "Hurum"
- #This is just an example file.
- [Hurum]
- WinStationDriver=ICA 3.0
- TransportDriver=TCP/IP
- DisableCtrlAltDel=On
- SSLEnable=Off
- BrowserProtocol=UDP
- EncryptionLevelSession=Basic
- Compress=Off
- TransportReconnectDefault=True
- SSLProxyHost=*
- UseAlternateAddress=0
- ProxyUseDefault=On
- EnableAudioInput=No
- AudioBandwidthLimit=2
- ClientAudio=On
- MouseSendsControlV=Off
- CDMAllowed=Off
- UseDefaultSettingForColormap=Yes
- ZLMouseMode=2
- ZLKeyboardMode=0
- #DesiredColor=8
- DesiredColor=15
- NoWindowManager=True
- UseFullScreen=Yes
- #DesiredVRES=768
- #DesiredHRES=1024
- InitialProgram=#Hurum
- Address=Hurum
- Launcher=Custom
- }}}
- Save the file.
- And move the ica-admin.ica file to /usr/lib/ICAClient/connections
- {{{
- mv ica-admin.ica /usr/lib/ICAClient/connections
- }}}
- Ok! Now we have installed the ICA Client on the server, and we have made som adjustments
- to the settings file so we actually can connect to the Citrix farm.
- Time to do object 3, which is to create the .desktop file, and copy it to the desktop
- of the user.
- = Object 3 =
- You current directory is probably /etc/ICAConnection, stay there, and now create the ica-icon.desktop file:
- {{{
- touch ica-icon.desktop
- }}}
- Use your editor of choise and copy the text/content below.
- Please read any comments in the file, this is just an example.
- {{{
- [Desktop Entry]
- Comment=Adminnett.
- Comment[nb]=Adminnett
- Exec=/usr/lib/ICAClient/wfica -log -icaroot /usr/lib/ICAClient -file /usr/lib/ICAClient/connections/ica-admin.ica
- GenericName=
- GenericName[nb]=
- Icon=/usr/lib/ICAClient/icons/session.png
- MimeType=
- Path=
- StartupNotify=true
- Terminal=false
- TerminalOptions=
- Type=Application
- X-DCOP-ServiceType=
- X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false
- X-KDE-Username=
- }}}
- Now we have the created the ica-icon.desktop file, which you can
- copy to your desktop. And then try.
- = Confirmation =
- These people have followed these instructions successfully:
- ## please enter your name here!
- || Name || Date || Remark ||
- || || || ||
- = Authors =
- Written by Aksel Celasun
- aksel [at] celasun [dot] com
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